317 resultados para aplicações tardias
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A energia dos ventos é uma abundante fonte de energia renovável, limpa e disponível em quase todos os lugares. A geração da eletricidade através de fontes alternativas de energia como a eólica e a solar ganha grande importância diante da situação mundial em relação à preservação do meio ambiente e da necessidade de depender menos dos combustíveis fósseis como fontes de energia. No Brasil, algumas medidas precisas de vento, realizadas recentemente em diversos pontos do território nacional, indicam a existência de um imenso potencial eólico ainda não explorado. Para tanto se faz necessário estudos e revisões bibliográficas dos métodos de descrição e dimensionamento do regime eólico bem como as suas aplicações. Para isso foi feito uma análise do recurso eólico disponível na Região de Botucatu, utilizando os principais métodos de análise estatística e de determinação da energia produzida por um aerogerador.
A radiação solar constitui-se numa inesgotável fonte energética, havendo um enorme potencial de utilização por meio de sistemas de captação e conversão em outra forma de energia. Para a conversão direta da energia solar em elétrica, são utilizadas células fotovoltaicas constituídas, que associadas constituem um módulo fotovoltaico, sendo que também quando agrupados, formam painéis fotovoltaicos. Estes painéis associados a outros equipamentos que transformam ou armazenam energia elétrica para que ela possa ser utilizada é chamado de sistema fotovoltaico. Neste trabalho, foram determinadas analiticamente formas de obtenção de curvas de corrente e potência fotovoltaicas, e também o ponto de potência máxima. Tais métodos foram aplicados no sistema fotovoltaico localizado na FCA/UNESP, sendo utilizado um sistema constituído por três módulos fotovoltaicos. Para o desenvolvimento das equações que regem a potência dos sistemas fotovoltaicos, procurou-se estudar o circuito elétrico de células fotovoltaicas, sendo necessária também a aplicação de métodos numéricos iterativos para a determinação de alguns parâmetros elétricos. De acordo com os teoremas apresentados, foi possível determinar as expressões analíticas da resistência série e do ponto de potência máxima de uma célula fotovoltaica, possibilitando a geração dos gráficos de tais funções com os dados obtidos experimentalmente. Comparando-se os valores obtidos pelas funções com os valores padrões do sistema fotovoltaico instalado, o valor calculado apresentou um erro de 1,03% em relação ao dado pelo fabricante, representando uma excelente aproximação. Desta forma, pode-se concluir que os métodos e teoremas dos sistemas fotovoltaicos apresentados podem servir de auxílio a futuros dimensionamentos para aplicações destes sistemas.
The Asian rust currently is the main disease of soybean culture, having as characteristics the difficult control, by start at the bottom of plants where penetration of the droplets is harder. The fine droplets has been used with the intention of improve the penetration and increase efficiency of agrochemicals, but that are losses by drift easily. New products have been developed to increase deposition of the drops at targets. The aim of this work was evaluate the TA- 35 capacity to improving the deposition of fungicides spray solution with or without mineral oil by aerial and ground applications. Was used a factorial 3x2, three spray solutions composed by Priori Xtra (concentrated suspension of azoxystrobin 200 g L-1 + cyproconazole 80 g L-1 ) mixed with adjuvants, Nimbus (emulsifiable concentrate containing aliphatic hydrocarbons 428 g L-1 ) and TA-35 (soluble concentrate containing sodium lauryl ether sulfate, surfactants, sequestering agents and emulsifiers), in aerial and ground applications. In ground applications was used 50 L ha-1 , TXA 8002 VS spray nozzles and on aerials was used 15 L ha-1 , Turboaero atomizer, both applying fine droplets. Was utilized the Brilliant Blue (FD & C n. 1) tracer to determine the deposits. There were used glass slides as targets to collect spray droplets. After to extract the tracer of the targets using distilled water, the samples were analyzed by spectrophotometry, thereby was possible quantify the tracer deposited on each glass slide. A study to evaluate possible losses of the tracer by degradation or retention also was done. The comparative analysis of treatments was done by statistical method "Confidence Interval for Differences Between the Averages" with 95% of confidence degree (IC95%). There was degradation or retention of the tracer between the processes of application of the droplets and the processing of the samples. The deposition averages with the presence of TA-35 were greatest for both sprayers however, there were not significant differences among the treatments. The viability of TA-35 use may consider other parameters or complementary studies.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Física - IFT
Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE
This study aims to evaluate the corrosion resistance of Ti-30Ta alloy when subjected to different strain rates. Samples of the alloy Ti-30Ta were obtained from the melting of pure elements in the arc furnace in inert atmosphere (argon gas). Then, the samples were subjected to a thermal treatment and to cold worked to obtain bars. After forging, the samples were machined in accordance with ASTME9-09 standard for carried out compression tests. To microstructural characterization, samples were sectioned longitudinal and transversally and embedded in resin. After, the wet sanding and polishing were performed, followed by a chemical attack, in order to study the microstructure under an optical microscope. Microhardness was measured on the samples that were subjected to microstructural characterization by using microhardness tester. Phases were evaluated by x-rays diffraction. Corrosion tests were carried out to evaluate the influence of deformation on the corrosion resistance. Results show that microstructure was not influenced by deformation
A large number of metal alloys are used in Dentistry for the manufacture of fixed and removable dentures. In the oral cavity, these structures are exposed to a chemically aggressive medium, like saliva and mechanical efforts, like mastication. In addition, acidic solutions containing fluoride ions are also frequently used in dental treatments to prevent dental plates and decays development. In this context, it was considered important to investigate the influence that a fourth element could exert when added to the ternary alloy Ni-Cr-Mo, largely used in Brazil. Therefore, electrochemical tests were done to evaluate the resistance to corrosion of quaternary alloy 65Ni-25Cr-5Mo-5Ta and 65Ni-25Cr-5Mo-5W in NaF solution 0,08mol / L, pH = 4.7. For greater understanding the microstructure and morphology of alloys were studied, through metallographic analysis, using optics microscopy and electron microscopy scanning. For the electrochemical tests were applied techniques traditionally used in corrosion researches, such as: potential measures in open circuit (OCP) and cyclic polarization (CP). It was found that both quaternary alloys showed very similar results. Comparing these quaternary alloys with the ternary 65Ni-25Cr-10Mo, it was found that the quaternary alloys exhibit greater resistance to corrosion, in other words, less passivation current density than the ternary alloy, showing that it is advantageous to add a fourth element in the alloy
With advances in health care, has been na increase of demand for material that could replace the functions of the human body parts, thus evolved biomedic prosthesis which today are responsible for the constant improvement of the quality of life. The Titanium alloys are widely used as implants due to its properties, like high mechanical resistance, biocompatibility and corrosion resistance, and the addition alloying elements like Zirconium, may improve some of those properties. Such properties are related to the microstructure and consequently to the type of processing performed. The purpose of this dissertation was to characterize the experimental alloy Ti15Zr after route of processsing and heat treatment in order to extend the knowledge about this alloy. The latter has been abtained by fusion of pure metals in a arc melting furnace with an inert argon atmosphere. The material has been homogenized in a tube furnace at 950ºC for 24h and cold worked by swaging, after that, bars with 10 mm of diameter were obtained by the process of rotary forging. The samples were solubilized at 900º C for 2 hours and quenched in water. After that, 4 samples were submitted to the aging, at 400º C, 450º C, 500º C and 550º C. The microstructure and phase analysis was done by optical microscopy and X-rays diffraction (XRD), the mechanical characterization was carried out by microhardness test and finally, evaluation of corrosion resistance of the alloy by electrochemical tests. The XRD and the optical microscopy made it possible to analyze that the heat treatment influenced the phase shifting from α to α', and probably affected the alloy hardness, at the first aged sample at 500º Chas been a sudden increase in the value of hardness, probably by appearance of omega phase, unwanted phase to the medical application duo to great fragility, and finally ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)