353 resultados para morbidade psiquiátrica.
O câncer tem sido alvo de incessantes pesquisas sobre sua etiologia, desenvolvimento, progresso e tratamentos. Sua importância no campo científico se dá pela sua alta taxa de mortalidade e morbidade. O fato de que seja uma doença genética, que pode ter interferência ambiental e dietética, está cada vez mais elucidado, porém ainda existem muitos mecanismos a serem desvendados. As neoplasias ósseas, benignas ou malignas, e processos inflamatórios ósseos acometem desde crianças até adultos e idosos, podendo causar danos físicos, incapacidade motora e até a morte. Portanto, presumir o potencial de transformação maligna das lesões benignas, agressividade tumoral, capacidade de invasão tecidual, probabilidade de recidiva, propensão ao desenvolvimento de metástases e resposta ao tratamento, é um valioso expediente na escolha da proposta terapêutica. Estudos genéticos e citogenéticos têm ajudado a aumentar o entendimento sobre a carcinogênese, progressão tumoral, prognósticos e diagnósticos. Portanto, este estudo teve como objetivo detectar mutações e marcadores cromossômicos consistentes e recorrentes na transformação de tumores benignos em malignos no sistema musculoesquelético, através de análises com citogenética clássica, e relacionar estes achados com o prognóstico e diagnóstico dos pacientes. Dentre os casos coletados e analisados citogeneticamente, foram selecionados três casos de lesões ósseas benignas e três lesões ósseas malignas tidas como a progressão tumoral dos respectivos casos benignos, para discussão e relato de caso. Os achados citogenéticos relataram consistentes alterações numéricas e estruturais clonais em regiões cromossômicas com genes importantes envolvidos na progressão tumoral. Pode-se citar a perda da região contendo o gene TP53, supressor tumoral, tanto em lesões benignas como em maligna, como um dos achados mais relevantes neste estudo. Dessa forma, os resultados ...
Burns are frequent accidents, and they are among the major causes of morbidity and mortality in our society. In Brazil, statistical data on such lesions are relatively scarce, and they are concentrated in a few treatment centers. Data on such accidents allow for specific care to be timely and properly taken in order to provide patients with a better prognosis, in addition to enabling the development of prevention programs as well as fire-prevention safety laws. To characterize the epidemiological profile of users at the Burn Treatment Unit of Bauru State Hospital. Collection of epidemiological data through the e-pront system and from charts of burned inpatients from April 2005 to April 2010. During the studied period, 906 hospitalizations of burned patients occurred, with an annual average of 181.2 individuals. Their mean age was 28.4 years, with a predominance of males. The mean hospitalization period was of 27.6 days, with a median of 16 days and a maximum of 216 days; 14.7% developed to death, with the highest mortality rate in the first two weeks of hospitalization. Second-degree burns were the most frequent; 36.8% of the patients burned less than 10% of their body surface, and there was a gradual frequency reduction when a larger burned surface was taken into account; the greater the affected areas, the higher the number of deaths; 91% resulted from thermal agents, 6% from electric and 2% from chemical agents; scalding was the major cause among all agents, followed by alcohol associated with fire and direct flame. The major area affected areas were the upper limbs. The study shows the need for educational and preventive measures, particularly for the young adult population, by means of educational programs and prevention campaigns
Aortic regurgitation (AR) leads to a left ventricle dilation and hypertrophy in response to a chronic volume overload. It is still very frequent in developing countries, for instance Brazil, and often as secondary to rheumatic fever. Usually, chronic AR is generally well tolerated for many years, when with the heart dilated the patient searches for treatment. Bidirectional association with depression and cardiovascular disease has been described. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) are widely prescribed to treat several affective disorders, especially for cardiovascular patients since they decrease arrhythmia probability. These SSRI improves cardiac function in rats submitted to stress protocols. Preliminary study from our laboratory showed that following 4 weeks of treatment with one SSRI (paroxetine) in subchronic AR rats there was a decreased in daily sodium intake and an improvement in systolic function. An increase in the central oxytocinergic transmission may be involved in this peripheral improvement to the heart. The investigations about the mechanisms underlying this improvement are necessary. Therefore the aims of this project is investigate the effects of 4 weeks of treatment of paroxetine, a SSRI, in rats with a subchronic AR over the central central gene expression of oxytocin and vasopressin using a reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
Doenças como dengue, malária, febre amarela e outras que são transmitidas por culicídeos determinam altas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade principalmente nos países tropicais. Uma alternativa para evitar picadas é o uso de repelentes. O mais utilizado é o repelente de DEET (N, N-dietil-3-m-toluamida), mas há relatos que descrevem casos de toxicidade com o uso de forma incorreta ou uso a longo prazo. Devido a essas desvantagens muitas pessoas preferem usar produtos naturais como repelentes. Estudos têm demonstrado que diferentes óleos essenciais têm atividade repelente, mas a investigação deve ser conduzida de forma a obter formulações que são eficazes na fixação de compostos aromáticos na pele, e aumentar a duração da repelência. Sistemas nanoestruturados para a liberação do princípio ativo, tais como sistemas líquido-cristalinos (SLC), têm vantagens na liberação controlada, uma vez que aumentam a estabilidade e a eficácia. Foram preparados sistemas constituídos por água, óleo de rícino hidrogenado PEG-40 (Eumulgin® HRE 40) como tensoativo e óleo essencial de melaleuca como fase oleosa. Esses sistemas foram analisados por de microscopia de luz polarizada, determinação do comportamento reológico e avaliação de bioadesão. A atividade repelente in vivo das formulações frente ao mosquito Aedes aegypti foi determinada empregando ensaio com humanos, para tanto utilizou-se uma caixa que evitava que os voluntários sofressem picadas. Foi verificada a ação repelente nos tempos 0, 30, 60 e 90 minutos ou até o momento em que não houvesse repelência. Realizou-se um estudo comparativo com um repelente comercial a base de DEET. Os resultados obtidos mostraram a presença de regiões de mesofases líquido-cristalinas do tipo cúbica (F18, F19 e F20) e microemulsão (F17) fixando-se a concentração do tensoativo em 30% e variando... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
A identificação de fatores de risco para colonização vaginal materna por Streptococcus agalactiae tem sido objeto de estudo na literatura mundial pois essa colonização frequentemente é assintomática e pode causar bacteremia nos recémnascidos, com significante morbidade e mortalidade, especialmente em prematuros. O objetivo do estudo foi associar a colonização por S. agalactiae com o padrão da microbiota vaginal das gestantes e avaliar a eficácia de swabs combinados na detecção de S. agalactiae. Foram incluídas no estudo 405 gestantes em idade gestacional entre 35 e 37 semanas, atendidas no Pré-Natal do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, UNESP. Utilizando-se swabs estéreis foram obtidas amostras da região anorretal, do intróito vaginal e do terço distal da parede vaginal. O material coletado foi cultivado em caldo Todd Hewit suplementado com colistina (10g/mL) e ácido nalidíxico (15g/mL), por 18 a 24 horas à 37oC, em seguida, realizada subcultura em ágar-sangue a 5% sob as mesmas condições. As colônias sugestivas de S. agalactiae foram submetidas a coloração de Gram e ao teste da catalase e ao CAMP test. O padrão de microbiota vaginal foi avaliado empregandose a técnica de coloração de Gram. Os dados sócio-demográficos e obstétricos foram obtidos por formulário próprio. Considerando como variável resposta a colonização materna ou não por S. agalactiae, foi ajustado um modelo de regressão logística adotando o método stepwise, considerando as variáveis explanatórias quantitativas e qualitativas. Para positividade de cultura em swabs combinados e isolados foi empregado o teste de Tukey. colonização materna por S. agalactiae foi de 25,4%. Em relação à microbiota vaginal, as alterações mais freqüentes foram vaginose citolítica (11,3%) seguido de vaginose bacteriana (10,9%), candidíase (8,2%) e Flora II ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
One of the main causes of incapacity in athletes, be they human or equines, is the occurrence of intra-articular lesions. The equines are each time more required in his athletic performance, resulting in intense stress to the structures that composes the locomotor device. The leading cause of human and equine athlete’s functional incapacity is the intra-articular disorders. One of the greatest advances in sports medicine was the development of arthroscopy as a minimal invasive intra-articular surgery. The defining characteristic of diagnostic or surgical arthroscopy is featured by minimal tissue damage and broad inspection of internal structures inside the joint associated with low morbidity and complications. The advantages of surgical arthroscopy over traditional surgery are well known: limited hospitalization, early return to competition, lower risks of post-operative joint rigidity, magnification of inspected structures, joint lavage associated or not with removal of potentially dangerous substances. Arthroscopy cannot replace conventional methods and must not do so; however, the intrinsic limitations of conventional diagnostic techniques, such as radiology and synovial fluid analysis, must be kept in mind, particularly in evaluating damage to cartilage and the synovial membrane. Arthroscopy has now become the accepted method of performing all joint surgery, however it is mainly used for radical surgery, such as osteochondral fragment removal, surgical curettage and arthroplasty
Accidents represent a major public health problem as they are frequent, preventable, and account for high morbidity and mortality rates. Children are the most vulnerable to accidents due to their inherent characteristics, and as a result of their physical, sensorial, psychomotor and cognitive limitations, which will only develop with time. Watchfulness and careful attention are of paramount importance, especially as children develop locomotor skills that are accompanied by curiosity about their surroundings. Child accidents, particularly those that could have been avoided, are the accidents most commonly seen in emergency and urgency departments. Urgency and emergency departments are the greatest allies in the attention to pediatric accidents as they offer adequate, immediate and specific high complexity care to patients at risk, viewing their vital stabilization. Investigating the causes and consequences of this insult is essential to establish a diagnosis and to contribute for the adoption of measures of prevention, control, and assistance. To identify the epidemiologic characteristics of the accidents involving children that received care at the pediatric emergency department of Botucatu Medical School Hospital and required hospitalization. This quantitative, retrospective, descriptiveanalytic epidemiologic study included all children aged 0-14 years who had had an accident and were seen at the Pediatric Emergency Department of Botucatu Medical School Hospital of São Paulo State University/UNESP between January 1/2008 and December 31/2009. A total of 227 medical charts were reviewed and 178 (78.4%) patients were included in this study. Of these, 116 (65.1%) were males and 62 (34.8%) were females. Children aged 5 - 9 years (38.9%) were the most affected, followed by those aged 10 - 14 years (37.5%). Fractures occurred in 138 (77.5%) of the cases, followed by foreign bodies... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Aortic regurgitation (AR) is still common in developing countries as secondary of rheumatic fever, and its incidence have increased in senile degenerative form. The AR develops severe myocardial hypertrophy. A common comorbidity associated with cardiovascular disease is depression. Among the most prescribed antidepressants in the world are the serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Central serotonergic pathways are involved with the inhibition of sodium intake and can be modify the excretion of this íon. Therefore, we investigated whether treatment with an antidepressants SSRI, the paroxetine, for four weeks can modfy the behavior of water and NaCl 0,3M intake, excretion of sodium and morphofunctional parameters of rats with AR induce. Wistar rats (280 - 300g) underwent surgery for AR (n=15) or control surgery (n=14). The AR was induced by retrograde puncture of valve leaflets. The animals were divided into 4 groups: AR + paroxetine (n=8), AR + control (n=7), control + paroxetine (n=7), control + control (n=7). From the 4th to the 8th week after inductuin of AR was administered paroxetine (10mg/kg pc) daily and subcutaneously. In the 4th and 8th week after induction of AR echocardiograms were performed to collect data morphofunctional. During the 4 weeks of treatment were analyzed intake of water and saline daily and once a week urine samples were collected for analysis by flame photometer of excretion of sodium and potassium. In the 10th week the animals were submitted to a challenge protocol hidromineral by combining furosemide (10 mg / kg bw) associated with the low dose of Captopril (5 mg / kg bw). During the challenged urine samples were collected for analysis by flame photometer of excretion of sodium and potassium at the time zero and after 2 hours of treatment. As a result we found that treatment with paroxetine in rats with AR determined an improvement in fractional shortening (shortening fraction: 52.7 ± 2.2% vs. RA ...
Dengue é uma arbovirose que afeta cerca de 100 milhões de pessoas anualmente, em mais de 100 países situados nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Foi considerada a doença viral que mais cresceu no ultimo ano, repercutindo em impactos sociais e econômicos nas regiões endêmicas devido às altas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade desencadeadas pela infecção. O principal vetor da dengue é o mosquito Aedes aegypti, presente em toda a faixa tropical e subtropical. Por apresentar hematofagia antropofílica, rápido desenvolvimento e características comportamentais especificas, é um excelente transmissor do vírus dengue. Medidas de controle da disseminação da dengue são restritas à eliminação do mosquito vetor, e um tratamento específico ainda não foi desenvolvido, bem como a criação de uma vacina que previna simultaneamente a infecção pelos quatro sorotipos do arbovírus. Uma característica que determina a disseminação de doenças é a alta competência vetorial de seus mosquitos transmissores, que tem sido associada à composição da microbiota intestinal do inseto. As bactérias presente no intestino do mosquito exercem funções relacionadas a sua nutrição, desenvolvimento e reprodução, e são também um importante fator na eliminação de patógenos, por interferirem diretamente na atividade viral, ou indiretamente a partir da ativação das vias antivirais pelos micro-organismos. Dessa forma, este trabalho visa estudar a diversidade microbiana intestinal do mosquito Aedes aegypti em diferentes estágios de vida, através de sequenciamento de última geração com a plataforma MiSeq Illumina
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
The early tooth loss and periodontal disease often leave inadequate bone volume for installation of osseointegrated implants. The autogenous bone graft is considered the gold standard for reconstruction of residual bone defects. Some surgical techniques can be performed, including extra or intraoral donor sites depending on the degree of bone loss, depending on surgical-prosthetic planning and general condition of the patient. The intraoral bone grafts offer a safe option to rebuilt bone volume in smaller rehabilitations, with low morbidity and minimal postoperative discomfort. Among the possible donor sites, the mandibular ramus and body, which offer predominantly cortical bone, and the chin area, which offers corticomedullary bone tissue, can be harvested. The graft will be suitable both in quantity and quality, preserving the capacity of osteogenesis, osteoinduction and osteoconduction, which differentiate autogenous grafts from other biomaterials. The aim of this study was to report a clinical case in which the mandibular ramus graft was used for total reconstruction of an edentulous maxilla, showing that even large areas can be reconstructed with grafts from intraoral origin. All the steps that allowed the complete reconstruction of the maxilla done by an intraoral donor area are listed in the text, culminating in an extremely satisfactory clinical result.
This case report presents details of a new surgical technique for mandibular ridge sagittal osteotomy and expansion associated to immediate dental implants in atrophic ridges. The bone atrophies represents a challenge for the surgeons that intends to modify this situation. In the past, the only viable option was the onlay bone graft. However, the bone graft requests a second surgical site that certainly increases the postoperative morbidity, without mentioning the longer treatment time required. The sagittal osteotomy of the alveolar crest represents a faster option, because it eliminates the time requested for bone graft integration, providing rehabilitation of edentulous areas with thin alveolar crests that otherwise would need additi onal surgical procedures for a satisfactory result. The authors report a clinical case in which this technique was used with the installation of a Bicon dental implant in the same surgical time, showing all the steps for this single-tooth rehabilitation.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS