401 resultados para conhecimento prévio
The article presents preliminary data of a survey that aimed to investigate the beliefs of children and adolescents about not learning. A total of 80 students, aged 6 to 16 years participated of the study. Among the participants, 20 are 6 years old, 20 are 9, 20 are 12 and 20 are 16 years old. As methodological tool, it was asked the participants to draw a person that learns and another one that doesn’t learn. Data was analyzed according to the Piagetian perspective for the construction of social knowledge. The main results indicate that a significant part of the participants tend to blame the students for the result of no learning. This indicates that students are able to consider the amplitude of different dimensions of social phenomena only partially. When considering the level of understanding of social reality, it was observed that, even at older ages, participants have a very basic notion of the social world.
This study analyzes the interrelations between the models of information literacy (IL), information management (IM) and knowledge management (KM). In order to do so, we, at first, highlight some concepts and definitions related to these terms, then we present some models applied to, so that we know the steps/stages of these recurring models. Finally, we present a comparative study between thestages/phases of models in IL, IM and KM, in order to check whether there are interrelations between the steps/phases of IL and the steps/stages of IM and KM. As a result we show the interrelations between the models, and assert that IL can act in an integrated manner to provide greater effectiveness to the informational processes of IM and KM. The analysis provides the expansion of IL contributions, reachingbeyond the scope of libraries and contributing to the development of this theme in the context of the contemporary society.
Presents a survey of scientific production about the subject corporate governance, using the Bibliometric analysis of theses and dissertations collected in the digital libraries of the Sao Paulo State University (Unesp), Campinas State University (UNICAMP) and University of Sao Paulo (USP). Through the data collected were identified, based on Bibliometric indicators, the origin of authors, the authors more cited, the thematic area of authors, and the construction of co-citation network.
Within the Wittgensteinian approach, the ideal of exactness, disconnected from concrete situations of language use, does not make any sense. Such an approach takes into account every and any kind of intersubjective communication, inasmuch as it is based on a previous agreement concerning the use of language and the interpretation of the world linked to it. This paper, throughout its three parts, seeks to understand this agreement, and evaluates whether or not philosophy plays a role in relation to it. To start with, the obstacles to such an agreement will be considered, namely, solipsism and private, subjective language. In the following stage, the intention is to indicate that the rupture from the subjectivist conception of language allows Wittgenstein to visualize another subject, the one incorporated by the community. From then on, the question is to verify whether reflectivity is possible in the ambit of a linguistic community or not, since the objectivity of concepts is not sought within knowledge, but within forms of life. In the third and last part, we will point to the language game metaphor
In this paper we discuss the question of the a priori character of the necessary structures of knowledge according to Genetic Epistemology, focusing on the notion of space in particular. We establish some relations between Jean Piaget’s Genetic Epistemology and Immanuel Kant’s Critical Philosophy, discuss the notion of the a priori according to Kant in relation to the notion of space, and discuss the construction of the notion of space by the epistemic subject according to Genetic Epistemology, focusing on the Sensory-Motor Period. We conclude that, in Genetic Epistemology, space is still thought of as an a priori form of phenomena in the sense that the notion of space is what spatially organizes the data of perception, being the condition of perception. Furthermore, it is not directly abstracted from experience, but is constructed by the epistemic subject in its interaction with the environment, occurring with the structuring of the system of schemes of action. This analysis leads to the notion of the constructed a priori that, after its construction, has the characteristics of the a priori as conceived by Kant.
This study explores, in 3 steps, how the 3 main library classification systems, the Library of Congress Classification, the Dewey Decimal Classification, and the Universal Decimal Classification, cover human knowledge. First, we mapped the knowledge covered by the 3 systems. We used the “10 Pillars of Knowledge: Map of Human Knowledge”, which comprises 10 pillars, as an evaluative model. We mapped all the subject-based classes and subclasses that are part of the first 2 levels of the 3 hierarchical structures. Then, we zoomed into each of the 10 pillars and analyzed how the three systems cover the 10 knowledge domains. Finally, we focused on the 3 library systems. Based on the way each one of them covers the 10 knowledge domains, it is evident that they failed to adequately and systematically present contemporary human knowledge. They are unsystematic and biased, and, at the top 2 levels of the hierarchical structures, they are incomplete.
This article aims to investigate the construction of reflective abstraction and relate it to the construction of social knowledge. So, two methodological tools were applied to 60 students aged between ten and 16 years: a) evidence of the construction of surfaces and perimeters b) clinical interview about the origins of Earth and life. The main results show that participants were presented at more elementary levels of constuction of reflective abstraction and contruction of social knowledge despite the advanced age and schooling. Statistical analysis revealed a highly significant relationship between the constuction of abstraction and social knowledge.
This paper reports on the trajectory of knowledge in educational administration, as published by the Brazilian National Association of Educational Policy and Administration (ANPAE). It reviews four early booklets on school administration – Cadernos de Administração Escolar – published between 1961 and 1968, and selected issues of ANPAE´s journal – Revista Brasileira de Política e Administração da Educação – published between 1983 and 2000, under different categories, and analyses those classified under the concepts of administration and management. The author refers to conceptual limitations, but concedes that the publications present relevant contributions on the theoretical development of educational administration in Brazil.
This paper aims to present a study of the social relationships around the production, circulation and the eventual possibility of appropriation of knowledge in social systems of the pre-modern world and in a social organization of Western capitalist modernity. In this specific universe of relationships, it was also important to noticed that there is a paradoxical role of rationality that served to the emancipation of instruments of control’s knowledge of pre-modern period as in the same time it was favored by the construction of new bonds that were made in the Western modernity through the modern legal system, inserting the knowledge in the domain of the economy and private logic of the capitalist’s system through intellectual property. This research was made from a review of the literature, using specialized books of the theme. It was concluded that there is a paradox in the social relationships about the knowledge, whose cause is related to the unfolding of rationality in the development of Western civilization.
Pacifier use is very common among children, but despite being considered a harmless article, there is ample evidence of their misdeeds. Therefore, concern about its use is great for us who work in the promotion of breastfeeding. It is this delicate subject in schools because the child, in most cases, already goes to school with the habit installed. The pacifier use may interfere with speech aspect, because the child can come to the wrong talk, dental, dental occlusions, may cause bacterial contamination and encourage early weaning. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of pacifier use among children of pre - school and knowledge of educators about the role of pacifier and its consequences. The research methodology was based on a questionnaire to teachers, monitors and direction and determine the prevalence of pacifier use with parents. According to the result, we developed an orientation for school. The results show that of the 57 children at the age of 4 months to 3 years, 50.88% used a pacifier, 92.98% and 96.49% used the bottle were breastfed. The guidance given after the data collection has clarified many questions for educators. We conclude that the methodology was effective because we can collect data addressing quantitative and qualitative questions and managed to get percentages on pacifier use and breastfeeding and student opinions, comments and more relevant phrases that emerged from parents and educators, complementing the result. Furthermore, through the data, it was possible to do an intervention. The results indicate that half of the children between 4 months and 3 years investigated makes use of a pacifier, so despite the advice given, it would be important to follow up these data over the next few years. We also conclude that a partnership is needed between parents and the school, because if the family does not help, you can not work in school guidance
The present work is to analyze the importance of exchanging knowledge and technological innovation in Business Condominium Square Capital installed in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas (SP). The condominium corporate Capital Square is the new result of the productive rearrangements that allow the reproduction of capital. This new production space, endowed with infrastructure and sophisticated logistics is able to enable the development of companies installed there in addition to promoting the advancement of technological innovation in the region because of its relations with laboratories, universities and research centers. The research aims to contribute to the understanding of this new form of organization of space activities corresponding to the logic of exchange of knowledge and technological innovation. The logical location of innovation services have similar aspects to economic activities in general, which is distinguished due to the intangible nature of services of high added value through the strategic role of information, the nature of services and because there are services whose logic operation is beyond the economic, but also scientific. The project includes the study in an integrated environment, which allows to evaluate, under various aspects, the importance of established companies and infrastructure available that enable the advancement of skills and knowledge exchange in Capital Square Condo
Las neuronas de la raíz coclear son las primeras neuronas del sistema nervioso central a recibir la información auditiva proveniente de la cóclea y se conectan con centros de integración sensoriomotora del tronco encefálico, especialmente con el núcleo reticular caudal del puente. Funcionalmente las neuronas de la raíz coclear están envueltos en el circuito elemental del reflejo auditivo de sobresalto juntamente con las células ganglionares del órgano de Corti, el núcleo reticular caudal del puente y las motoneuronas de la médula espinal. El reflejo auditivo de sobresalto presenta una serie de modulaciones como la habituación, la sensibilización, la inhibición por estímulo previo y la potenciación por un estímulo adverso. Las alteraciones en la reacción refleja de sobresalto y sus diferentes modulaciones poseen valor diagnóstico en la clínica médica de enfermedades neurodegenerativas y psiquiátricas como Parkinson y Esquizofrenia. Las modulaciones del reflejo auditivo de sobresalto ocurren mediante la influencia de diversos núcleos sobre los componentes del circuito elemental de este reflejo. El núcleo menos estudiado del circuito neural del reflejo auditivo de sobresalto es el núcleo de la raíz coclear. El patrón de conectividad eferente de las neuronas de la raíz coclear es bien conocido, sin embargo poco se conoce sobre los orígenes de sus aferencias y la identidad neuroquímica de las mismas. Estudios previos demostraron que el soma y en las dendritas de las neuronas de la raíz coclear están cubiertos por botones sinápticos de cuatro tipos, sugiriendo que existan diversos orígenes para estos terminales axonales, con características neuroquímicas propias. El conocimiento de las aferencias a las neuronas de la raíz coclear es relevante para comprender cual el papel del núcleo de la raíz coclear en las modulaciones del reflejo auditivo de sobresalto. Por lo tanto, ...
Uma das diretrizes da Portaria nº3916 do Ministério da Saúde (MS) é a Relação Nacional de Medicamentos Essenciais (RENAME). A prescrição de medicamentos dentro do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) deve ser feita utilizando medicamentos listados nessa relação. O medicamento genérico, criado e regulamentado pela Lei nº9787, é prioridade da Política Nacional de Medicamentos do MS. De acordo com esta lei, “as prescrições médicas e odontológicas de medicamentos, no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde – SUS adotarão obrigatoriamente a Denominação Comum Brasileira (DCB)”. A Portaria 344/98 MS, que regulamenta o controle dos medicamentos sujeitos a controle especial, determina os itens que devem estar presentes nas notificações. Neste trabalho, 1177 notificações retidas em uma drogaria de Araraquara durante o período de junho de 2008 a outubro de 2010 foram separadas e analisadas quanto: a) à utilização da DCB; b) quanto à utilização de medicamentos listados na RENAME; e c) quanto à adequação a Portaria 344/98 MS. Também foi avaliado o conhecimento dos prescritores quanto às leis vigentes através da aplicação de um questionário semiestruturado. Entre as 1177 notificações analisadas, 779 (66,18%) foram prescritas utilizando o nome comercial e 398 (33,82%) foram prescritas utilizando a DCB. Analisando as 399 notificações vindas do SUS, 188 (47,11%) adotaram os medicamentos da RENAME. Foram encontrados 319 problemas com as notificações de acordo com a Portaria 344/98 MS, os quais foram: 22 (1,86%) notificações com algum erro na identificação do emitente e/ou assinatura do prescritor; 3 (0,25%) notificações com algum erro na identificação do usuário; 294 (24,97%) notificações com preenchimento confuso nos itens como nome do medicamento ou substância, dosagem ou concentração, forma farmacêutica , quantidade e posologia; e 465 (39,50%)... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
A promoção do uso racional de medicamentos (URM) é necessária para se evitar quaisquer conseqüências inadequadas relacionadas ao uso de medicamentos. O profissional atuante deve transmitir todas as informações relevantes sobre o produto, assim como a forma adequada de uso, quantidade a ser utilizada, os cuidados que devem ser tomados e também os possíveis efeitos adversos que possam aparecer. A interação do profissional farmacêutico com o paciente é uma etapa indispensável e muito importante na dispensação, e com o prévio conhecimento e com o auxílio de material técnico para consulta, o farmacêutico é capaz de realizar uma boa dispensação, fornecendo o medicamento correto que foi prescrito e, principalmente, dando informação necessária sobre o uso do medicamento em questão. O usuário está sujeito a riscos oferecidos pelo uso inadequado do medicamento, e isso deve ser evitado no ato da dispensação do produto pelo profissional atuante. Todo medicamento apresenta seus riscos, até mesmo quando utilizado de forma adequada. Por isso, a educação do paciente em relação ao medicamento é imprescindível para que o seu consumo proporcione o máximo benefício, minimizando os possíveis efeitos indesejáveis. Os riscos do uso de medicamentos fazem com que o paciente fique susceptível aos chamados Problemas Relacionados com os Medicamentos (PRM’s), que são problemas de saúde apresentados como reações negativas pelo uso do medicamento, e tem como conseqüência o aparecimento de efeitos adversos ou o efeito terapêutico necessário não ocorra. Esse usuário que não recebe a devida atenção farmacêutica no ato da aquisição e dispensação do medicamento, ou seja, não é alertado sobre possíveis reações que o medicamento possa causar e também a maneira de usar o medicamento, pode contribuir para a sua não adesão ao tratamento. Um dos principais problemas... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The theme approached relates contemporaneous organizational competitive scenario to draw parallels between the organizational structure, Knowledge Management and Public Relations. Many aspects are complementary and can be grouped, enabling the idea of verifying the possibility of a Public Relations work like a manager of Knowledge Management. The objective of this study focuses in analyzing the administration ways of the organizational environment to verify the best kind of structure for the competitive development pattern, then we sought the meaning of Knowledge Management and their results to draw a parallel between the image of the Knowledge Management process manager and the Public Relations professional. The methodology chosen was bibliographic research, by which we noticed the theme relevance, the proposal validity and build a convergence between the skills of a person responsible for managing processes in Knowledge Management and the capabilities of a Public Relations professional. This way adopts a human feature to the managing process, respecting the technical-informational scenario of this area