146 resultados para spelling appropriation


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The objective of this paper is to reflect about the professional profile required of chemists by the chemical industry employing new management practices. This paper includes: a) historical synthesis of the appropriation of chemical knowledge by the industrial sector, b) a discussion of today's industrial organization and a comparison between the professional profile of chemists as expected by the taylorist and fordist standards of production and that expected in the context of flexibilization and globalization of production.


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Este artigo sintetiza alguns aspectos presentes no discurso pedagógico elaborado para a transmissão do conhecimento escolar, com ênfase na apropriação dos resultados produzidos pelo conhecimento científico.


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O artigo apresenta algumas das principais contribuições da teoria marxista para a educação ambiental, considerando que a prática educativa no Brasil se constituiu em diálogo com concepções pedagógicas e autores inseridos neste campo. Iniciamos com uma breve contextualização da produção de inspiração crítica (estritamente marxista ou não) e as disputas teóricas inseridas na educação ambiental. Logo após, discorremos sobre a influência e a apropriação das pedagogias críticas e de conceitos estruturantes da concepção marxiana de educação na formulação teórico-metodológica em educação ambiental. Como síntese e conclusão, argumentamos sobre a importância do materialismo histórico-dialético nas discussões ambientais contemporâneas, refletindo criticamente sobre como ele aí se apresenta, particularmente na educação ambiental.


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Neste artigo são elaboradas considerações a propósito da importância teórica e metodológica de contextualizar o indivíduo, sob uma abordagem sócio-histórica. Registra-se uma dupla concepção desse objeto de estudo: os homens reais, indivíduos concretos, vivendo no mundo da alienação que os deforma, mutila e limita sua evolução; e o homem representativo, total ou verdadeiro, que corresponde à imagem de suas possibilidades históricas. Tenta-se aqui, apenas iniciar a discussão sobre tal objeto, sem nenhuma intenção de esgotá-lo, ou mesmo de dar conta da infinidade de facetas que o compõem.


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A reforma ortográfica da língua portuguesa promoveu modificações na escrita em menos de 2% das palavras do vocabulário, porém essas alterações têm-se mostrado sensíveis no cotidiano médico. Os autores apresentam as principais mudanças das regras ortográficas e reúnem um grupo de exemplos de palavras cuja grafia foi alterada pela nova reforma, enfatizando os termos dermatológicos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The economical viability of three cogeneration schemes as supplying alternatives for a hypothetical industrial process has been studied. A cost appropriation method based on Valero's studies (1986) has been used. This method enables the determination of exergetic flows, the Second Law efficiency of equipment and the monetary costs of the products acquired by the industrial process (steam and electrical energy). The criterion adopted for the selection is the global cost of the supplied products to the industrial process as regarding in Brazilian conditions.


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Considering the changes in teaching in the health field and the demand for new ways of dealing with knowledge in higher learning, the article discusses two innovative methodological approaches: problem-based learning (PBL) and problematization. Describing the two methods' theoretical roots, the article attempts to identify their main foundations. As distinct proposals, both contribute to a review of the teaching and learning process: problematization, focused on knowledge construction in the context of the formation of a critical awareness; PBL, focused on cognitive aspects in the construction of concepts and appropriation of basic mechanisms in science. Both problematization and PBL lead to breaks with the traditional way of teaching and learning, stimulating participatory management by actors in the experience and reorganization of the relationship between theory and practice. The critique of each proposal's possibilities and limits using the analysis of their theoretical and methodological foundations leads us to conclude that pedagogical experiences based on PBL and/or problematization can represent an innovative trend in the context of health education, fostering breaks and more sweeping changes.


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This article describes the Reflecting Practitioners Program developed by Instituto Familiae at GRATA (Grupo de Assistência em Transtornos Alimentares) placed at the Clinical Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto - University of Sao Paulo (HC-FMRP-USP). The aim of this program was to take care of the caretakers - the GRATA interdisciplinary team - through the development of their reflecting ability, the appropriation of their own resources and the support on constructing alternative histories and on solving situations defined by them as problematic. Thirteen monthly meeting had been carried out among Familiae members and GRATA interdisciplinary team. The changes described by the participants had occurred through sessions developed with interdisciplinary pairs and through the development of their capacity to construct more comfortable positions - as members of the team and in the relationship among professional/client/ family. This triad became to be seen by the team through its resources and abilities, instead of its flaws and lacks. As a result, horizontal relationships could be privileged instead of hierarchical ones.


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The aim of this paper is initially to consider some issues related to the relationship between humanization and alienation in the process of historical social development of human gender. These considerations are fundamental for understanding the concept of classical in Dermeval Saviani and the consequences for research about the historical development of Mathematics currently found in school curriculums. The intention is to value the appropriation of school mathematics as a humanizing element that becomes accessible through the activity of teaching.


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Aim: To characterize, compare and classify the performance of students with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) according to the semiology of errors and to describe the neuroimaging findings in these students. Methods: We evaluated 36 primary school boys and girls aged between 8 and 11 years old in the 3 rd to 5 th grades. The children were divided in two groups. Group I consisted of 18 students with an interdisciplinary diagnosis of ADHD (60% boys and 40% girls). Group II consisted of 18 children with good academic performance, paired by gender, age and grade with children in group I. The collective and individual versions of the Pro-ortografia spelling tests were applied. Results: Statistically significant differences were found in almost all the tests of the individual and collective versions of the spelling evaluation, with children with ADHD showing a higher average number of errors. Neuroimaging examinations indicated that 81% of the students in GI showed hypoperfusion in the frontal lobe, 7% had hypoperfusion of the thalamus and basal ganglia, 6% showed hypoperfusion in the basal ganglia only and 6% showed hypoperfusion in the left and right frontal lobes. Conclusions: Children with ADHD demonstrated poorer knowledge of the use of spelling rules in Brazilian Portuguese, which could be related to changes in blood flow in the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, thalamus and basal ganglia. These changes could cause a lack of attention, affecting phonological working memory and the planning of writing. © 2011 AELFA.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)