82 resultados para proteinuria


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OBJETIVO: Estudar a apresentação clínica e a evolução de pacientes portadores de glomerulonefrite lúpica. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 37 pacientes portadores de glomerulonefrite lúpica, atendidos pela Disciplina de Nefrologia - Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, com seguimento médio de 52,4 ± 13,3 meses. Os dados foram obtidos através do levantamento retrospectivo dos prontuários. RESULTADOS: A idade média foi de 26,05 ± 11,12 anos, com predomínio do sexo feminino (84%) sendo que a glomerulonefrite classe IV foi a mais freqüente (80%). No início do seguimento a média da creatinina sérica foi de 1,74 ± 1,15 mg/dl, e a da proteinúria de 24h foi de 2,62 ± 2.89 g. Cinqüenta e um porcento dos pacientes com creatinina sérica elevada apresentaram, durante o seguimento, diminuição desses valores. Dentre diferentes variáveis estudadas, à época da biopsia renal, (idade, sexo, proteinúria, presença de hipertensão arterial e creatinina sérica) a única que se associou com pior prognóstico foi a elevação da creatinina sérica. Remissão da síndrome nefrótica ocorreu em 65% das vezes. A sobrevida atuarial foi de 96%, 82%, 70% e 70% em 1, 5, 10 e 12 anos. Cinco pacientes desenvolveram insuficiência renal crônica terminal e sete morreram, sendo infecção a principal causa de óbito (57%) CONCLUSÃO: em pacientes com nefropatia lúpica, o aumento da creatinina sérica, à época da biópsia, se associou com o desenvolvimento de insuficiência renal crônica ao fim do seguimento e a principal causa de óbito foi processo infeccioso.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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OBJETIVO: avaliar as medidas de atividade e critérios de melhora clínica para o lúpus eritematoso sistêmico juvenil (LESJ) e dermatomiosite juvenil (DMJ), desenvolvidos por meio de consenso entre especialistas. MÉTODOS E RESULTADOS: para o LESJ, as medidas essenciais em cinco domínios e as respectivas variáveis foram: 1) avaliação global pelo médico por escala analógica visual de 0-10 cm; 2) avaliação da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (índice Físico - CHQ-PF50); 3) avaliação da atividade pelos pais/paciente por escala analógica visual de 0-10 cm; 4) avaliação renal (proteinúria 24 h); e 5) avaliação global da atividade por instrumento específico (SLEDAI ou ECLAM). A definição preliminar de melhora clínica para o JSLE foi: melhora > 50% em pelo menos 2 das 5 variáveis e não mais que uma com piora > 30%, a qual não pode ser a proteinúria de 24h em casos com envolvimento renal. Os seis domínios e as respectivas variáveis selecionadas para a atividade na DMJ foram: 1) avaliação global pelo médico por escala analógica visual de 0-10 cm; 2) avaliação da força muscular proximal por meio de teste específico - CMAS-Childhood Myositis Assessment Scale 0-52; 3) avaliação da capacidade funcional (CHAQ); 4) avaliação da atividade pelos pais/paciente por escala analógica visual de 0-10 cm; 5) avaliação da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (Índice Físico - CHQ-PF50); 6) avaliação global da atividade por meio de instrumento específico (DAS - Disease Activity Score). A definição preliminar de melhora clínica para a DMJ foi: pelo menos 3 de quaisquer das 6 variáveis com melhora > 20% e não mais que uma com piora > 30%, a qual não pode ser o CMAS. CONCLUSÕES: estas variáveis foram testadas em uma casuística representativa e mostraram propriedades estatísticas adequadas de responsividade e validade discriminativa, podendo ser estudadas em ensaios terapêuticos.


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In this study, the graft outcome in renal allograft recipients with [high cholesterol group (HCG), n = 30] or without [normal cholesterol group (NCG), n = 42] hypercholesterolemia and with [high triglyceride group (HTG), n = 33] or without [normal triglyceride group (NTG), n = 36] hypertriglyceridemia were prospectively compared. At 6 months post-transplantation, no significant difference was observed between the groups (NTG compared with HTG, and NCG compared with HCG) regarding age, presence of arterial hypertension, kind of donor (living related or cadaveric), immunosuppressive therapy, number of rejection episodes per patient, frequency of patients with acute cellular rejection, prevalence of patients with diabetes mellitus or proteinuria > 3 g/24 h, and mean serum creatinine. The probability of doubling serum creatinine during follow-up was statistically different between NTG and HTG (12 months: NTG = 0.03, HTG = 0.15; 36 months: NTG = 0.08, HTG = 0.33; 60 months: NTG = 0.08, HTG = 0.48; and 120 months: NTG = 0.18, HTG = 0.48), but not between NCG and HCG (12 months: NCG = 0.05, HCG = 0.13; 36 months: NCG = 0.13, HCG = 0.24; 60 months: NCG = 0.19, HCG = 0.31; 84 months: NCG = 0.27, HCG = 0.31). There was no significant difference in actuarial graft survival between HCG and NCG or between NTG and HTG. Hypertriglyceridemia, but not hypercholesterolemia, was associated with loss of graft function.


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The acute toxicity of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) was studied in cattle. Steers were orally treated with 100, 300 or 600 mg 2,4-D/kg. Behavioral alterations, heart and respiratory functions, rectal temperature and ruminal movements were observed at 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h after treatments. At these moments, blood and urine samples were collected and serum 2,4-D levels were determined. Results show that animals' vital functions and hematocrit were not modified by the herbicide. Other signs were dose and time-dependent and included motor alterations (weakness, lethargy, decreased general activity) and decreased ruminal movements and proteinuria. The herbicide was rapidly excreted and the intoxication signs were completely reversed. 2,4-D is an herbicide of small toxicological consequences for cattle kept under in natural grazing systems.


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Adriamycin, a commonly used antineoplastic antibiotic, induces glomerular lesions in rats, resulting in persistent proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis. We studied the effects of dietary protein and of an angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitor on the progression of this nephropathy and the evolution of the histological lesions, as well as mesangial macromolecule flow. Adriamycin nephropathy was induced by injecting a single iv dose of adriamycin (3 mg/kg body weight) into the tail vein of male Wistar rats (weight, 180-200 g). In Experiment I animals with adriamycin-induced nephropathy were fed diets containing 6% (Low-Protein Diet Group = LPDG), 20% (Normal-Protein Diet Group = NPDG) and 40% (High-protein Diet Group = HPDG) protein and were observed for 30 weeks. In Experiment II the rats with adriamycin nephropathy were divided into 2 groups: ADR, that received adriamycin alone, and ADR-ENA, that received adriamycin plus enalapril, an angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitor. The animals were sacrificed after a 24-week observation period. Six hours before sacrifice the animals were injected with I-131-ferritin and the amount of I-131-ferritin in the glomeruli was measured. In Experiment III, renal histology was performed 4, 8 and 16 weeks after adriamycin injection. At the end of Experiment I the tubulointerstitial lesion index was 2 for LPDG, 8 for NPDG, and 7.5 for HPDG (P<0.05); the frequency of glomerulosclerosis was 19 +/- 6.1% in LPDG, 42.6 +/- 6% in NPDG, and 54 +/- 9% in HPDG (P<0.05); and proteinuria was 61.1 +/- 25 mg/24 h in LPDG, 218.7 +/- 27.5 mg/24 h in NPDG, and 324.5 +/- 64.8 mg/24 h in HPDG (P<0.05). In Experiment II, at sacrifice, 24-h proteinuria was 189 +/- 16.1 mg in ADR, and 216 +/- 26.1 mg in ADR-ENA (P>0.05); the tubulointerstitial lesion index was 5 for ADR, and 5 for ADR-ENA (P>0.05); the frequency of glomerulosclerosis was 40 +/- 5.2% in ADR and 44 +/- 6% in ADR-ENA (P>0.05); the amount of I-131-ferritin in the mesangium was 214.26 +/- 22.71 cpm/mg protein in ADR and 253.77 +/- 69.72 cpm/mg protein in ADR-ENA (P>0.05). In Experiment III, sequential histological analysis revealed an acute tubulointerstitial cellular infiltrate at week 4, which was decreased at week 8. Tubular casts and dilatation were first seen at week 8 and increased at week 16 when few glomerular lesions were found. The results suggest that the tubulointerstitial lesions may play a role in the development of glomerulosclerosis in adriamycin-induced nephropathy.


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In the present work, 199 patients with leprosy who underwent autopsy between 1970 and 1986 were retrospectively studied to determine the prevalence, types, clinical characteristics, and etiologic factors of renal lesions (RLs) in leprosy. Patients were divided into two groups: 144 patients with RLs (RL+) and 55 patients without RLs (RL-), RLs observed in 72% of the autopsied patients were amyloidosis (AMY) in 61 patients (31%), glomerulonephritis (GN) in 29 patients (14%), nephrosclerosis (NPS) in 22 patients (11%), tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN) in 18 patients (9%), granuloma in 2 patients (1%), and other lesions in 12 patients (6%), AMY occurred most frequently in patients with lepromatous leprosy (36%; nonlepromatous leprosy, 5%; P < 0.01), recurrent erythema nodosum leprosum (33%; P < 0.02), and trophic ulcers (27%; 0.05 < P < 0.10), Ninety-seven percent of AMY was found in patients with lepromatous leprosy, 88% showed recurrent trophic ulcers, and 76% presented with erythema nodosum leprosum, NPS was found in older patients with arterial hypertension, neoplastic diseases, infectious diseases, and vasculitis associated with GN, Most patients with AMY presented with proteinuria (95%) and renal failure (88%), the most frequent causes of death were renal failure in patients with AMY (57%), infectious diseases in patients with GN (41%) and TIN (45%), and cardiovascular diseases in patients with NPS (41%), No difference in survival rates was observed among RL- patients and those with AMY, GN, NPS, or TIN. (C) 2001 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.


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The effects of cyclosporine A (CSA) administration, started as early as renal lesion is induced, on the development of Adriamycin-induced nephropathy were assessed by comparing the time course of this nephropathy in rats receiving CSA with that in non-treated animals (group ADR) over 16 weeks. Throughout the experiment, no significant difference in proteinuria was observed between the groups. At the end of the experiment, there was no significant difference between the groups regarding the frequency of glomerular lesion (Group AADR: Md=23%, P25=15%, P75=75%; Group ADR-CSA: Md=48%, P25=11%, P75=70%); tubulointerstitial lesion index (Group ADR: Md=1.5, P25=1.0, P75=2.5); glomerulosclerosis area (Group ADR = 18.2 +/- 4.2%; Group ADR-CSA = 13.2 +/- 1.4%); and, interstitial fibrosis area (Group ADR+V: 1.75 +/- 0.10%; group ADR-CSA: 1.34 +/- 0.09%). In conclusion, CSA, when, administered since nephropathy induction does not change the course of the disease.


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1. Adriamycin, a commonly used antineoplastic antibiotic, induces glomerular lesions in rats, resulting in persistent proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis.2. The effect of urine volume on the progression of adriamycin-induced nephropathy was studied in 70 male Wistar rats (180-200 g) observed for 30 weeks and separated into 4 groups: healthy control group (HCG, N = 10) inoculated iv with 1 ml of saline, and nephrotic groups inoculated iv with a single dose of adriamycin of 3 mg/kg body weight. The nephrotic rats were separated into 3 groups (N = 20): nephrotic control group (NCG) receiving only adriamycin; dehydrated nephrotic group (DNG) water deprived for 36 h within each 48-h period, and furosemide nephrotic group (FNG) treated with 12 mg/dl furosemide, and 0.9 g/dl NaCl in the drinking water.3. The 30-week survival rates of the DNG (100%) and HCG (100%) were significantly higher than those of the NCG (85%) and FNG (55%).4. The proteinuria observed in the HCG (range, 7.38 +/- 0.7 to 13.6 +/- 1.27 mg/24 h) was significantly lower than that observed for all the nephrotic groups throughout the experiment. The DNG presented significantly less proteinuria (range, 42.71 +/- 6.83 to 140.10 +/- 19.22 mg/24 h) than the NCG (range, 35.32 +/- 7.64 to 250.00 +/- 25.91 mg/24 h) from week 10 on. There was no significant difference between the mean 24-h proteinuria of the NCG (range, 35.32 +/- 7.64 to 250.00 +/- 25.91 mg/24 h) and the FNG (range, 35.82 +/- 7.91 to 221.54 +/- 26.74).5. The mean frequency of damaged glomeruli was 0.3% +/- 0.3 for HCG, 42% +/- 6% for CNG, 40.8% +/- 8% for DNG, and 47% +/- 14% for FNG. The median value of the tubulointerstitial lesion, evaluated by a semiquantitative method, was 0 in HCG, 10 in CNG, 8.5 in DNG and 9.5 in FNG(P<0.05 for all groups compared to HCG).6. The data indicate that reduction of urine volume has a protective effect on adriamycin-induced nephropathy.


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1. To study the long term course of passive Heymann nephritis (PHN), 42 adult male Wistar rats were injected with rabbit anti-FX1A serum (PHN group) and 42 rats received normal rabbit serum (control group). Two animals from each group were sacrificed 2 weeks after the inoculation and 10 animals each from the control and PHN groups were sacrificed 4, 13, 25 and 53 weeks later.2. The PHN group exhibited a significant elevation in 20-h proteinuria which lasted from the first week (control group, 9.19 +/- 0.87; PHN group, 25.3 +/- 2.66) to the 25th week (control group, 22.6 +/- 2.15; PHN group, 66.7 +/- 10.4) except for week 17. From week 29 to week 53 there was no statistical difference between the 2 groups.3. Light microscopy showed no difference between the kidneys of PHN and control rats. Immunofluorescence microscopy in PHN rats showed granular deposition of autologous and heterologous IgG on the glomerular basement membrane (GBM), whose intensity and pattern did not change during 53 weeks of observation.4. When examined by electron microscopy the glomeruli of PHN rats showed: a) electron-dense deposits which were initially subepithelial and homogeneous and later intramembranous, granular and often surrounded by an electron-transparent halo; b) focal thickening of the GBM at the sites of intramembranous deposits; c) effacement of podocytes located close to the deposits; d) penetration of the podocytes into the GBM associated with the deposits; e) presence of osmiophilic granules in the cytoplasm of the podocyte located inside the GBM similar to the granules of the deposits next to them. The association of the penetration of the podocytes into the GBM with the deposits and the presence of the osmiophilic granules inside the foot process have not been described previously in PHN.5. The results suggest that the podocytes play a role in the clearing of intramembranous deposits in PHN.


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To evaluate the effect of 5-fluorouracil (F) and methotrexate-5-fluorouracil association (MTX-F) on nephrotoxic nephritis, seven groups of 10 rats were inoculated with anti-rat glomerular basement membrane serum (AGBMS); five groups were treated with different doses of F, beginning on the 2nd or the 6th day, one group with MTX-F beginning on the 2nd day and one group (control) with distilled water. Twenty-four hour proteinuria was determined weekly until the 71st day. The kidneys were examined histologically and by immunofluorescence. The group treated with F (1.3 mg/100 g body weight) developed a severe glomerulonephritis similar to the control group; (b) the groups treated with F (2.0 mg/100 g body weight) or with MTX-F showed progressively lower proteinuria, less severe histological changes and less intense fluorescence due to autologous antibodies. The best results were observed in the MTX-F group and in the F group treated from the 6th day. These groups presented at the 71st day proteinuria of 84 and 91 mg as compared to 312 mg in the control group, and minimal histological lesions as compared to glomerulosclerosis and tubular atrophy in the control group. We concluded that either F or MTX-F produced significant improvement of nephrotoxic nephritis due to inhibition of autologous antibody production.


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The renal involvement in patients with multiple myeloma has been described as a sign of poor prognosis. The influence of renal insufficiency in the clinical patterns and in the prognosis of patients with multiple myeloma was studied retrospectively in 45 patients. Patients with renal insufficiency, at first visit, more often presented weight loss, proteinuria, hypercalcemia. The means of uricemia, ESR, were higher and the hematocritic mean was lower in patients with renal insufficiency. There was no difference in edema, arterial hypertension, fractures and bone pain. The reversibility of renal insufficiency occurred in 47% of the cases, which happened more often in the first months of the follow up. The creatinine mean was lower in patients with reversible renal insufficiency. The median survival was: patients with renal insufficiency: 11 months; patients with normal renal function: 50 months. Among patients with renal insufficiency those with recuperation of renal function showed a higher median survival (24 months) than those with irreversible renal insufficiency (1 month). The renal involvement then is frequent and often reversible. Patients with impaired renal function showed a worse prognosis; normalization of the renal function was associated with a better outcome.


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The effect of cyclosporine on adriamycin nephropathy was studied over both short (6 weeks) and long (26 weeks) periods. In the short-term study, cyclosporine was introduced 2 weeks after nephritis induction and in the long-term study, 14 weeks after the first adriamycin injection. The animals with adriamycin nephropathy treated with cyclosporine, studied for 6 weeks, developed proteinuria with increased renal size and glomerular area. The nephrotic animals treated with cyclosporine showed less proteinuria than the nephrotic control animals. There were no differences in glomerular area, creatinine clearance or serum creatinine and kidney weight between the treated nephrotic group and the health control group. The nephrotic animals, studied for the longer period, developed intense proteinuria, decreased creatinine clearance, glomerular necrosis and sclerosis, severe tubulointerstitial nephritis, increased hydroxyproline concentration and tubulointerstitial area. No difference was observed between the nephrotic animals treated with cyclosporine and those not treated. In conclusion, Cyclosporine A reduced proteinuria, glomerular hypertrophy and kidney weight in rats with short-term nephropathy but had no effect on the established nephropathy.


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The role of superoxide in adriamycin-induced nephropathy (single dose; i.v. 3 mg/kg) has been studied by blocking superoxide synthesis through the administration of allopurinol (500 mg/L in drinking water). In Experiment I (EI), allopurinol administration was started 3 days prior to nephropathy induction and continued until day 14. In Experiment II (EII) allopurinol administration was started 2 weeks after nephropathy induction and was maintained until the end of the experiment (26 weeks). Affected glomeruli frequency and tubulointerstitial lesion index (TILI) were determined at Weeks 2 and 4 (EI) and Week 26 (EII). In EI, and 24 h mean proteinuria in the nephrotic control group (NCG-I) differed from that of the treated nephrotic group (TNG-I) at Week 1 (TNG = 33.3 ± 6.39 mg/24 h; NCG = 59.8 ± 6.3 mg/24 h; p < 0.05) and 2 (NCG-I = 80.0 ± 17.5 mg/24h; TNG-I = 49.1 ± 8.4 mg/24 h; p < 0.05). No glomerular alterations were observed and TILI medians were not different in both nephrotic groups at week 2 (NCG-I = 1+: TNG = 1+) and 4 (NCG = 4+; TNG = 4+). In EII, NCG-II and TNG-II presented different 24 h proteinuria values only at Week 6, (136.91 ± 22.23 mg/24 h ad 72.66 ± 10.72 mg/24 h, respectively; p < 0.05). Between nephrotic groups, there was no statistical difference in the median of affected glomeruli (CNG-II = 56%; TNG-II = 48% and TILI (NCG-II = 8+; TNG-II = 9+). Thus, allopurinol was associated with a transient reduction in proteinuria and it did not alter the progression of the nephropathy.