104 resultados para medically fragile
Os tubarões enfrentam muitos obstáculos para sobreviver nos primeiros anos de vida e muitas espécies ocupam áreas de berçário. Embora estimativas de sobrevivência, particularmente para jovens, sejam essenciais para acessar, monitorar e manejar efetivamente populações animais, existem poucos cálculos destas estimativas para populações de tubarões e poucas estimativas baseadas em métodos diretos para estes animais em suas áreas de berçário. Métodos de marcação e recaptura foram utilizados no presente estudo para estimar o tamanho populacional e a sobrevivência de jovens tubarões-limão (Negaprion brevirostris) em uma área de berçário na Reserva Biológica do Atol das Rocas, Brasil. Os indivíduos foram amostrados entre 1999 e 2003 e as estimativas de tamanho populacional variaram entre 12 a 100 indivíduos jovens e a taxa de sobrevivência entre 24 e 54%, com média de 44,6% durante o período de amostragem mais robusto. A população destes tubarões jovens diminuiu ao longo de nosso estudo, ainda que as taxas de sobrevivência tenham aumentado durante o mesmo período. Mesmo um nível moderado de pesca e a remoção de fêmeas maduras em áreas adjacentes podem afetar dramaticamente pequenas populações de tubarões num berçário pequeno e isolado como o Atol das Rocas. As taxas de sobrevivência e tamanho populacional relativamente mais baixos em Rocas podem ser resultado das diferenças nas características físicas deste berçário, comparadas a outros utilizados pela espécie no Atlântico norte-ocidental. Tais parâmetros comparativamente mais baixos no Atol das Rocas sugerem a fragilidade da população jovem de tubarões-limão neste berçário.
Different species of Leishmania can cause a variety of medically important diseases, whose control and treatment are still health problems. Telomere binding proteins (TBPs) have potential as targets for anti-parasitic chemotherapy because of their importance for genome stability and cell viability. Here, we describe LaTBP1 a protein that has a Myb-like DNA-binding domain, a feature shared by most double-stranded telomeric proteins. Binding assays using full-length and truncated LaTBP1 combined with spectroscopy analysis were used to map the boundaries of the Myb-like domain near to the protein only tryptophan residue. The Myb-like domain of LaTBP1 contains a conserved hydrophobic cavity implicated in DNA-binding activity. A hypothetical model helped to visualize that it shares structural homology with domains of other Myb-containing proteins. Competition assays and chromatin immunoprecipitation confirmed the specificity of LaTBP1 for telomeric and GT-rich DNAs, suggesting that LaTBP1 is a new TBP. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The social wasp P. paulista is relatively common in southeast Brazil causing many medically important stinging incidents. The seriousness of these incidents is dependent on the amount of venom inoculated by the wasps into the victims, and the characteristic envenomation symptoms are strongly dependent on the types of peptides present in the venom. In order to identify some of these naturally occurring peptides available in very low amounts, an analytical protocol was developed that uses a combination of reversed-phase and normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of wasp venom for peptide purification, with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight post-source decay mass spectrometry (MALDI-Tof-PSD-MS) and low-energy collision-induced dissociation (CID) in a quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (QTof-MS/MS) instrument for peptide sequencing at the sub-picomole level. The distinction between Leu and Ile was achieved both by observing d-type fragment ions obtained under CID conditions and by comparison of retention times of the natural peptides and their synthetic counterparts (with different combinations of I and/or L at N- and C-terminal positions). To distinguish the isobaric residues K and Q, acetylation of peptides was followed by Q-Tof-MS analysis. The primary sequences obtained were INWLKLGKMVIDAL-NH2 (MW 1611.98Da) and IDWLKLGKMVMDVL-NH2 (MW 1658.98Da). Micro-scale bioassay protocols characterized both peptides as presenting potent hemolytic action, mast cell degranulation, and chemotaxis of poly-morphonucleated leukocyte (PMNL) cells. The primary sequences and the bioassay results suggest that these toxins constitute members of a new sub-class of mastoparan toxins, directly involved in the occurrence of inflammatory processes after wasp stinging. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
BaP1 is a 22.7-kD P-I-type zinc-dependent metalloproteinase isolated from the venom of the snake Bothrops asper, a medically relevant species in Central America. This enzyme exerts multiple tissue-damaging activities, including hemorrhage, myonecrosis, dermonecrosis, blistering, and edema. BaP1 is a single chain of 202 amino acids that shows highest sequence identity with metalloproteinases isolated front the venoms of snakes of the subfamily Crotalinae. It has six Cys residues involved in three disulfide bridges (Cys 117-Cys 197, Cys 159-Cys 181, Cys 157-Cys 164). It has the consensus sequence H(142)E(143)XXH(146)XXGXXH(152), as well as the sequence C164I165M166, which characterize the metzincin superfamily of metalloproteinases. The active-site cleft separates a major subdomain (residues 1-152), comprising four a-helices and a five-stranded beta-sheet, from the minor subdomain, which is formed by a single a-helix and several loops. The catalytic zinc ion is coordinated by the N-epsilon2 nitrogen atoms of His 142, His 146, and His 152, in addition to a solvent water molecule, which in turn is bound to Glu 143. Several conserved residues contribute to the formation of the hydrophobic pocket, and Met 166 serves as a hydrophobic base for the active-site groups. Sequence and structural comparisons of hemorrhagic and nonhemorrhagic P-I metalloproteinases from snake venoms revealed differences in several regions. In particular, the loop comprising residues 153 to 176 has marked structural differences between metalloproteinases with very different hemorrhagic activities. Because this region lies in close proximity to the active-site microenvironment, it may influence the interaction of these enzymes with physiologically relevant substrates in the extracellular matrix.
Inhibition of myotoxic activity of Bothrops asper myotoxin II by the anti-trypanosomal drug surarnin
Suramin, a synthetic polysulfonated compound, developed initially for the treatment of African trypanosomiasis and onchocerciasis, is currently used for the treatment of several medically relevant disorders. Suramin, heparin, and other polyanions inhibit the myotoxic activity of Lys49 phospholipase A(2) analogues both in vitro and in vivo, and are thus of potential importance as therapeutic agents in the treatment of viperid snake bites. Due to its conformational flexibility around the single bonds that link the central phenyl rings to the secondary amide backbone, the symmetrical suramin molecule binds by an induced-fit mechanism complementing the hydrophobic surfaces of the dimer and adopts a novel conformation that lacks C2 symmetry in the dimeric crystal structure of the suramin-Bothrops asper myotoxin II complex. The simultaneous binding of suramin at the surfaces of the two monomers partially restricts access to the nominal active sites and significantly changes the overall charge of the interfacial recognition face of the protein, resulting in the inhibition of myotoxicity. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Schizomeris Kützing é uma alga filamentosa sem ramificações e com sistema basal de fixação diferenciado. O gênero contém a espécie-tipo Schizomeris leibleinii Kützing e duas espécies pouco conhecidas, S. irregularis Fritsch & Rich e S. indicum (Ghose) Fritsch & Rich. As espécies são diferenciadas, principalmente, através do tipo de sistema basal de fixação. Contudo, a taxonomia específica do gênero é confusa. Estudos morfométricos e morfológicos foram realizados em populações identificadas como S. leibleinii de acordo com duas abordagens. Na primeira, foram analisadas 11 populações de diferentes localidades e na segunda, duas populações distintas através de coletas mensais durante 11 meses. O diâmetro de filamentos multisseriados, diâmetro e comprimento de células de filamentos multi e unisseriados, presença de constrição, ápice dos filamentos e tipo de sistema basal foram analisados em ambas abordagens. Além disso, estudos cariológicos foram efetuados para complementar as informações taxonômicas. Os resultados revelaram ampla variação morfológica, sendo mais acentuada entre as populações de localidades diferentes que nas mesmas populações ao longo do tempo, mas as características mostraram um gradiente contínuo. Os diferentes tipos de sistemas basais descritos para as espécies do gênero (claviforme, apressório, lobado e rizóides) foram encontrados nas populações estudadas. Esses resultados sugerem que a distinção entre as três espécies é muito frágil e não pode ser apoiada pela diferenciação do sistema basal ou por características métricas. Acredita-se que, por essas razões, o gênero Schizomeris seja composto por uma única espécie. A análise cariológica resultou em n = 12, diferindo de estudos anteriores e algumas possíveis explicações são apresentadas.
Muitos elementos que fornecem informações para a escrita da história apresentam direcionamentos representativos de uma forma de pensamento, seja ela política, filosófica ou de cunho social. Esses elementos são trabalhados para que se tenha uma visão específica da história. O objetivo deste texto é, por meio de alguns exemplos, discutir que existem diferentes formas de análise dos elementos que nos fornecem informações históricas, com destaque para a História da Ciência, especificamente para a História da Matemática. Quanto maior for a quantidade de informações sobre determinados acontecimentos históricos, maior é a possibilidade de se obter um encadeamento histórico, firmado em bases qualitativas, que sustente a informação adquirida. Se essas informações forem escassas, ou originárias de fontes duvidosas, as conclusões históricas referentes ao assunto tratado ficam frágeis e passíveis de diferentes e, muitas vezes, conflitantes interpretações. Neste texto, pretende-se apresentar alguns exemplos históricos onde, por conta de poucas informações, ou informações distorcidas, a interpretação histórica é passível de mudanças.
Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar um sistema de solos, evidenciando a propriedades que possam esclarecer sua dinâmica e contribuir para a definição de critérios que condicionem a aptidão destes solos como receptores de efluentes. Trata-se de uma área experimental de estudos, contígua à Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto do município de Lins (SP), onde o efluente é gerado a partir do tratamento de esgoto por sistema de lagoas de estabilização. Os solos, situados ao longo de uma vertente com ligeira inclinação, foram caracterizados por meio de análises, morfológica, granulométrica, química, mineralógica e micromorfológica, realizadas em amostras coletadas em cinco trincheiras em toposseqüência. Os solos são desenvolvidos a partir dos sedimentos arenosos da Formação Adamantina (Grupo Bauru) e constituem um sistema Latossolo - Argissolo onde a transição Bw - Bt ocorre lateralmente do topo para a base da vertente. Foram identificadas três fases pedogenéticas nesta associação de solos. A primeira, argiluviação e adensamento de partículas, responsável pela formação dos horizontes texturais, foi superposta pelos processos de latossolização e hidromorfismo, atuantes na dinâmica atual destes solos. Análises micromorfológicas mostraram tratar-se de solos com intensa porosidade, caracterizada pelo empilhamento dos grãos do esqueleto quartzoso amplamente predominante e pelo arranjo entre os microagregados granulares. A permeabilidade é ainda favorecida pela intensa ação da mesofauna. Os solos são distróficos e compostos por caulinita e óxidos de Fe na fração argilosa. Por constituírem um sistema frágil, a disposição de quaisquer tipos de resíduos nestes solos requer o monitoramento constante de suas propriedades, tanto para a manutenção, quanto para a recuperação da qualidade desta cobertura pedológica.
We studied the distribution of birds along an altitudinal gradient ranging from 800 m to 1,400 m on two slopes of the Serra do Cip6, Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Ornithological surveys were conducted over transects covering open (cerrado, campo rupestre) and forested (gallery and Atlantic forest) habitats from 1994 to 2000. We found 273 bird species belonging to 51 families. Twenty-two species were restricted to higher elevations and 84 Species were detected on only one slope, depending on the vegetation type they inhabited. We recorded 104 species occurring on both slopes, while 61 species were considered altitudinal generalists. Six species, including Hyacinth Visorbearer Augastes scutatus and Cip6 Canastero Asthenes luizae were restricted to the highest parts of Serra do Cip6, a fragile habitat important to endemic birds of the Espinhaco Range. In the past 10 years, the Serra do Cip6 region has suffered human impacts on a large scale, and conservation action must be developed to protect the fauna and flora confined to the area.
We studied cytogenetically 48 male patients with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy. All of them showed normal X chromosomes. Fragility of Xp21 was investigated in 1400 G-banded chromosomes of 28 patients and only one break was observed at this band (0.07%). This low frequency of breakage excludes Xp21 as a fragile site in these patients.
Seasonal variability in the major soluble ion composition of atmospheric particulate matter in the principal sugar cane growing region of central São Paulo State indicates that pre-harvest burning of sugar cane plants is an important influence on the regional scale aerosol chemistry. Samples of particulate matter were collected between April 1999 and February 2001 in coarse (> 3.5 mum) and fine (< 3.5 mum) fractions, and analysed for HCOO-, CH3COO-, C2C42-, SO42- . Results indicated that the principal sources of the aerosols investigated NO3-, Cl-, Na+, K+, NH4+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ were local or regional in nature (scale of tens to a few hundreds of km), and that differences between air masses of varying origins were small. Fine particles were typically acidic, containing secondary nitrates, sulphates and organic species. Coarse fraction concentrations were mainly influenced by physical parameters (wind speed, movement of vehicles and surface condition) affecting rates of re-suspension, although secondary nitrate and sulphate were also present in the larger particles.Concentrations of all measured species except sodium and chloride were higher during the burning season. Although concentrations were lower than often found in polluted urban environments, the massive increases during much of the year, due to a single anthropogenic activity (sugar cane burning) are indicative of a very large perturbation of the lower troposphere in the region relative to the natural condition. These aerosols are suspected of promoting respiratory disease. They also represent an important mechanism for the tropospheric transport of species relevant to surface acidification (sulphates, nitrates, ammonium and organic acids) and soil nutrient status (potassium, nitrogen, ammonium, calcium), so their impact on fragile natural ecosystems (following deposition) needs to be considered. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Glassy polymeric carbon (GPC) is a useful material for medical applications due to its chemical inertness and biocompatible characteristics. Mitral and aortic and hydrocephalic valves are examples of GPC prosthetic devices that have been fabricated and commercialized in Brazil. In this work, ion beam was used to improve the mechanical characteristics of GPC surface and therefore to avoid the propagation of microcracks where the cardiac valves are more fragile. A control group of phenolic resin samples heat-treated at 300, 400, 700, 1000, 1500, and 2500 degrees C was characterized by measuring their hardness and Young's reduced elastic modulus with the depth of indentation. The control group was compared to results obtained with samples heat-treated at 700, 1000, and 1500 degrees C and bombarded with energetic ions of silicon, carbon, oxygen, and gold at energies of 5, 6, 8, and 10 MeV, respectively, with fluences between 10x10(13) and 10x10(16) ions/cm(2). GPC nonbombarded samples showed that hardness depends on the heat treatment temperature (HTT), with a maximum hardness for heat treatment at 1000 degrees C. The comparison between the control group and bombarded group also showed that hardness, after bombardment, had a greater increase for samples prepared at 700 degrees C than for samples prepared at higher temperatures. The Young's elastic modulus presents an exponential relationship with depth. The parameters obtained by fitting depend on the HTT and on the ion used in the bombardment more than on energy and fluence. The hardness results show clearly that bombardment can promote carbonization, increase the linkage between the chains of the polymeric material, and promote recombination of broken bonds in lateral groups that are more numerous for samples heat-treated at 700 degrees C. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The International Federation of Societies of Toxicologic Pathologists (IFSTP) proposes a common global framework for training future toxicologic pathologists who will support regulatory-type - nonclinical toxicology studies. Trainees optimally should undertake a scientific curriculum of at least 5 years at an accredited institution leading to a clinical degree (veterinary medicine or medicine). Trainees should then obtain 4 or more years of intensive pathology practice during a residency and/or on-the-job "apprenticeship," at least 2 years of which must be focused on regulatory-type toxicologic pathology topics. Possession of a recognized pathology qualification (i.e., certification) is highly recommended. A nonclinical pathway (e.g., a graduate degree in medical biology or pathology) may be possible if medically trained pathologists are scarce, but this option is not optimal. Regular, lifelong continuing education (peer review of nonclinical studies, professional meetings, reading, short courses) will be necessary to maintain and enhance one's understanding of current toxicologic pathology knowledge, skills, and tools. This framework should provide a rigorous yet flexible way to reliably train future toxicologic pathologists to generate, interpret, integrate, and communicate data in regulatory-type, nonclinical toxicology studies. (C) 2010 Reprinted by Permission of SAGE Publications Inc. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)