108 resultados para glucose metabolism


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Aim: the aim of this study was verified the ability of melatonin hormone to modulate the oxidative metabolism of colostral phagocytes from diabetic mothers. Methods: based on 100g-OGTT and glucose profile analysis subjects were allocated into two groups: Non-diabetic (ND-10) and Diabetic (DM-8). Cells were separated by a Ficoll-Paque gradient and the oxidative metabolism was available thought superoxide release by colostrum phagocytes using the cytochrome C method. Results: melatonin hormone increased superoxide release by colostrum phagocytes of ND and decreased these release in colostrum phagocytes of DM mothers. Conclusion: the results suggest that the melatonin hormone can modulate the oxidative metabolism of phagocytes and an existence of relationship between control of glucose metabolism and melatonin action in colostrum phagocytes.


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Gluconeogenic activity and kinetic parameters of glucose metabolism were estimated during the different phases of prolonged food deprivation in quails. Gluconeogenic activity, estimated from the rate of increase of incorporation of (HCO3-)-C-14 into circulating glucose, was significantly higher in fasted quails than in fed birds, whatever the period of food deprivation. However, gluconeogenic activity during phase II, although higher than in the fed state, was significantly lower than in quails fasted for 2 days (phase I) or in those on the final (phase III) period of starvation. Gluconeogenic activity did not differ significantly in birds from phases I and III. Rates of glucose replacement, estimated with [6-H-3]-glucose, were very high (20.5 mg . kg(-1). min(-1)) in fed quails and were markedly reduced (to about 42% of fed values) by fasting, no difference being observed between quails fasted for 2 and 5 days. Because of the poor condition of the birds, glucose replacement rates could not be measured during phase III. The present data are the first to provide direct evidence for the changes in gluconeogenesis which occur during prolonged food deprivation.


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The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of chronic aerobic exercise (swimming, 1h/day, 5 days/week, with an overload of 5% body weight) on glucose metabolism in obese male Wistar rats. Hypothalamic obesity was induced through administration of monosodium glutamate (MSG) at 4 mg/g of body weight every other day from birth to 14 days old. Fourteen weeks after drug administration, the rats were separated into two groups: MSG-S (sedentary) and MSG-T (swimming for 10 weeks). Rats of the same age and strain, receiving saline in place of MSG, were used as control (C), and subdivided into two groups: C-S and C-T. At the end of the experimental period, an oral glucose tolerance test was performed and serum glucose (AG) and insulin (AI) were evaluated. A constant for serum glucose decrease (Kitt) in response to exogenous insulin was calculated. Soleus muscle strips and adipose tissue samples were incubated and insulin stimulated glucose uptake determined. No differences were observed in AG among the 4 groups. MSG-S rats showed higher AI (418%) and lower Kitt (92.3%) than C-S rats. T-rats showed higher glucose uptake by muscle (224.0%) and adipose tissues (94.1%) than S-rats. Among trained rats, glucose uptake by muscle was higher in MSG-T (5.4%) than in C-T. while the opposite was observed in adipose tissue (39% higher in C-T). Chronic aerobic exercise was able to improve glucose tolerance and reduce insulin resistance in MSG-obese rats. These effects were associated to an increase in glucose uptake by muscle and adipose tissue in response to insulin.


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In the present work, we examined the effects of feeding a low protein diet during pregnancy on glucose-induced insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis in rats. Young (60 days), pregnant (P) or non-pregnant (NP) rats were fed during pregnancy or for 21 days (the NP) a normal (17%) or a low (6%) protein diet. Serum glucose and insulin levels and pancreas insulin content in the fed state; total area under serum glucose curve (AG) after a glucose load and serum glucose disappearance rate (Kitt) after insulin administration; as well as 86Rb outflow, 45Ca uptake and insulin secretion by isolated pancreatic islets in response to glucose were evaluated. Serum glucose was lower in 17%-P (12%) and 6%-P (27%) than in corresponding NP-rats. Serum insulin was higher in 17%- P (153%) and 6%-P (77%) compared to the corresponding NP-rats. Pancreatic insulin was higher in 6%-rats (55%) than in 17%-rats. No differences were found in AG among the groups whereas Kitt was lower in 6%-NP and higher in 6%-P than in the equivalent 17% rats. Increasing glucose concentration from 2.8 to 16.7 mmol/l, reduced 86Rb outflow from isolated islets from all groups. Increasing glucose concentration from 2.8 to 16.7 mmol/l elevated 45Ca uptake by 17%-NP (47%), 17%-P (40%) and 6%-P (214%) islets but not by 6%-NP ones. The increase in 45Ca uptake was followed by an increase in insulin release by the 17%-NP (2767%), 17%-P (2850%) and 6%-P (1200%) islets. In conclusion, 6%-P rats show impaired glucose induced insulin secretion related to reduced calcium uptake by pancreatic islets. However, the poor insulin secretion did not fully compensate the high peripheral sensitivity to the hormone, resulting in hypoglycemia.


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Although glucocorticoids are widely used as antiinflammatory agents in clinical therapies, they may cause serious side effects that include insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia. To study the potential functional adaptations of the islet of Langerhans to in vivo glucocorticoid treatment, adult Wistar rats received dexamethasone (DEX) for 5 consecutive days, whereas controls (CTL) received only saline. The analysis of insulin release in freshly isolated islets showed an enhanced secretion in response to glucose in DEX-treated rats. The study of Ca2 2+ signals by fluorescence microscopy also demonstrated a higher response to glucose in islets from DEX-treated animals. However, no differences in Ca2 2+signals were found between both groups with tolbutamide or KCl, indicating that the alterations were probably related to metabolism. Thus, mitochondrial function was explored by monitoring oxidation of nicotinamide dinucleotide phosphate autofluorescence and mitochondrial membrane potential. Both parameters revealed a higher response to glucose in islets from DEX-treated rats. The mRNA and protein content of glucose transporter-2, glucokinase, and pyruvate kinase was similar in both groups, indicating that changes in these proteins were probably not involved in the increased mitochondrial function. Additionally,weexplored the status of Ca2 2+-dependent signaling kinases. Unlike calmodulin kinase II, we found an augmented phosphorylation level of protein kinase Cα as well as an increased response of the phospholipase C/inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate pathway in DEX-treated rats. Finally, an increased number of docked secretory granules were observed in the β-cells of DEX animals using transmission electron microscopy. Thus, these results demonstrate that islets from glucocorticoid-treated rats develop several adaptations that lead to an enhanced stimulus-secretion coupling and secretory capacity. Copyright © 2010 by The Endocrine Society.


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Oocyte-secreted factors (OSFs) regulate differentiation of cumulus cells and are of pivotal relevance for fertility. Bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) and fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10) are OSFs and enhance oocyte competence by unknown mechanisms. We tested the hypothesis that BMP15 and FGF10, alone or combined in the maturation medium, enhance cumulus expansion and expression of genes in the preovulatory cascade and regulate glucose metabolism favouring hyaluronic acid production in bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs). BMP15 or FGF10 increased the percentage of fully expanded COCs, but the combination did not further stimulate it. BMP15 increased cumulus cell levels of mRNA encoding a disintegrin and metalloprotease 10 (ADAM10), ADAM17, amphiregulin (AREG), and epiregulin (EREG) at 12 h of culture and of prostaglandin (PG)-endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS2), pentraxin 3 (PTX3) and tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 6 (TNFAIP6 (TSG6)) at 22 h of culture. FGF10 did not alter the expression of epidermal growth factor-like factors but enhanced the mRNA expression of PTGS2 at 4 h, PTX3 at 12 h, and TNFAIP6 at 22 h. FGF10 and BMP15 stimulated glucose consumption by cumulus cells but did not affect lactate production or levels of mRNA encoding glycolytic enzymes phosphofructokinase and lactate dehydrogenase A. Each growth factor increased mRNA encoding glucosamine:fructose-6-PO4 transaminases, key enzymes in the hexosamine pathway leading to hyaluronic acid production, and BMP15 also stimulated hyaluronan synthase 2 (HAS2) mRNA expression. This study provides evidence that BMP15 and FGF10 stimulate expansion of in vitro-matured bovine COCs by driving glucose metabolism toward hyaluronic acid production and controlling the expression of genes in the ovulatory cascade, the first acting upon ADAM10, ADAM17, AREG, and EREG and the second on downstream genes, particularly PTGS2. © 2013 Society for Reproduction and Fertility.


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Aim: Chronic exposure to intermittent hypoxia commonly induces the activation of sympathetic tonus and the disruption of glucose homoeostasis. However, the effects of exposure to acute intermittent hypoxia (AIH) on glucose homoeostasis are not yet fully elucidated. Herein, we evaluated parameters related to glucose metabolism in rats exposed to AIH. Methods: Male adult rats were submitted to 10 episodes of hypoxia (6% O2, for 45 s) interspersed with 5-min intervals of normoxia (21%), while the control (CTL) group was kept in normoxia. Results: Acute intermittent hypoxia rats presented higher fasting glycaemia, normal insulinaemia, increased lactataemia and similar serum lipid levels, compared to controls (n = 10, P < 0.05). Additionally, AIH rats exhibited increased glucose tolerance (GT) (n = 10, P < 0.05) and augmented insulin sensitivity (IS) (n = 10, P < 0.05). The p-Akt/Akt protein ratio was increased in the muscle, but not in the liver and adipose tissue of AIH rats (n = 6, P < 0.05). The elevated glycaemia in AIH rats was associated with a reduction in the hepatic glycogen content (n = 10, P < 0.05). Moreover, the AIH-induced increase in blood glucose concentration, as well as reduced hepatic glycogen content, was prevented by prior systemic administration of the β-adrenergic antagonist (P < 0.05). The effects of AIH on glycaemia and Akt phosphorylation were transient and not observed after 60 min. Conclusions: We suggest that AIH induces an increase in blood glucose concentration as a result of hepatic glycogenolysis recruitment through sympathetic activation. The augmentation of GT and IS might be attributed, at least in part, to increased β-adrenergic sympathetic stimulation and Akt protein activation in skeletal muscles, leading to a higher glucose availability and utilization. © 2013 Scandinavian Physiological Society.


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We have previously proposed a role of hydration in the allosteric control of hemoglobin based on the effect of varying concentrations of polyols and polyethers on the human hemoglobin oxygen affinity and on the solution water activity (Colombo, M. F., Rau, D. C., and Parsegian, V. A. (1992) Science 256, 655-659). Here, the original analyses are extended to test the possibility of concomitant solute and water allosteric binding and by introducing the bulk dielectric constant as a variable in our experiments. We present data which indicate that glycine and glucose influence HbA oxygen affinity to the same extent, despite the fact that glycine increases and glucose decreases the bulk dielectric constant of the solution. Furthermore, we derive an equation linking changes in oxygen affinity to changes in differential solute and water binding to test critically the possibility of neutral solute heterotropic binding. Applied to the data, these analyses support our original interpretation that neutral solutes act indirectly on the regulation of allosteric behavior of hemoglobin by varying the chemical potential of water in solution. This leads to a displacement of the equilibrium between Hb conformational states in proportion to their differential hydration.


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A study was conducted on the effects of acute administration of aminophylline on physiological variables in purebred Arabian horses submitted to incremental exercise test. Twelve horses were submitted to two physical tests separated by a 10-day interval in a crossover study. These horses were divided into two groups: control (C, n = 12) and aminophylline (AM, n = 12). The drug at 10 mg/kg body weight or saline was given intravenously, 30 minutes before the incremental exercise test. The treadmill exercise test consisted of an initial warmup followed by gradually increasing physical exigency. Blood samples were assayed for lactic acid, glucose, and insulin. Maximal lactic acidemia was greater (P = .0238) in the AM group. Both V-2 and V-4 (velocities at which lactate concentrations were 2 and 4 mmol/ L, respectively) were reduced in the AM group by 15.85% (P = .0402) and 17.76% (P = .0 109), respectively. At rest as well as at 4 minutes, insulinemia was greater in the AM group (P = .0417 and .0393), Glycemia group at times 8 was statistically lower in the Al (P = .0138) and 10 minutes (P = .0432). Use of ammophylline in horses during incremental exercise does not seem to be beneficial, because this drug has a tendency to cause hypoglycemia and to increase dependence on anaerobic glucose metabolism.


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High protein content in the diet during childhood and adolescence has been associated to the onset insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. We investigated the effect of interleukin-1 beta (IL-I beta) on insulin secretion, glucose metabolism, and nitrite formation by islets isolated from rats fed with normal protein (NP, 17%) or low protein (LP, 6%) after weaning. Pretreatment of islets with IL-1 beta for 1 h or 34 h inhibited the insulin secretion induced by glucose in both groups, but it was less marked in LP than in NP group. Islets from LP rats exhibited a decreased IL-1 beta -induced nitric oxide (NO) production, lower inhibition of D-[(UC)-C-14]-glucose oxidation to (CO2)-C-14, and less pronounced effect of IL-1 beta on alpha -ketoisocaproic acid-induced insulin secretion than NP islets. However, when the islets were stimulated by high concentrations of K+ the inhibitory effect of IL-1 beta on insulin secretion was not different between groups. In conclusion, protein restriction protects beta -cells of the deleterious effect of IL-1 beta, apparently, by decreasing NO production. The lower NO generation in islets from protein deprived rats may be due to increased free fatty acids oxidation and consequent alteration in Ca2+ homeostasis. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os autores apresentam revisão geral da distribuição e metabolização da glicose, com ênfase para os distúrbios que ocorrem no trauma crânio-encefálico, como a hiperglicemia que ocorre na fase aguda. Finalizando, são feitos comentários sobre as possíveis conseqüências desses conhecimentos sobre os procedimentos atuais, que aconselham a restrição na oferta de glicose a pacientes com catabolismo acentuado e que necessitam poupar o contingente de proteína corporal.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente estudo visou avaliar a ingestão alimentar, ganho de peso e metabolismo muscular da glicose em ratos submetidos ao treinamento aeróbio durante recuperação de desnutrição protéica. Para isso, 60 ratos da linhagem Wistar, machos, foram separados nos grupos normoprotéico (NP) e hipoprotéico (HP), de acordo com a dieta NP (17% de proteína) ou HP (6% de proteína), respectivamente, recebida do desmame (21 dias) aos 90 dias de idade. Todos os animais passaram então, a receber a dieta NP e foram submetidos (treinado TRE) ou não (sedentário - SED) ao treinamento físico, que consistiu de corrida em esteira rolante, 25m/min, 50 minutos ao dia, cinco dias na semana, durante 30 dias, compondo os grupos NP-SED, NP-TRE, HP/NP-SED e HP/NP-TRE. Foi avaliado o metabolismo da glicose em fatias de músculo sóleo incubado em presença de insulina (100miU/L) e glicose (5,5mM, contendo [C14] glicose e [H³] 2-deoxiglicose). A ingestão alimentar diária (g/100g de peso corporal) do grupo HP/NP-TRE (24,39 ± 4,07) foi maior do que o grupo HP/NP-SED (21,62 ± 4,69). O ganho de peso (g) foi semelhante nos grupos HP/NP-TRE (203,80 ± 34,03) e HP/NP-SED (214,43 ± 30,54). Não houve diferença entre estes dois grupos quanto aos parâmetros: captação de glicose, oxidação de glicose e síntese de glicogênio pelo músculo sóleo. Desse modo, pudemos concluir que o treinamento aeróbio não teve impacto sobre a recuperação nutricional, visto que não houve diferenças metabólicas ou somáticas entre animais recuperados em presença ou ausência do treinamento.