85 resultados para cammino acqua secco stabilità variabilità affidabile
O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a produção científica publicada entre 1991 e 1995, para identificar como o assunto adesão ao tratamento anti-hipertensivo vem sendo abordado. Foram analisados 107 artigos científicos. Os resultados mostraram que a adesão foi abordada da seguinte maneira: 68% relacionaram ao paciente, 63% ao tratamento farmacológico, 62% a aspectos gerais, 39% ao tratamento não farmacológico, 34% a fatores institucionais, e 8% relativos à, doença. A adesão ao tratamento anti-hipertensivo tem sido um desafio no controle da hipertensão arterial e conhecer como este assunto está sendo enfocado na literatura pode contribuir para aumentar adesão ao tratamento na hipertensão arterial.
A gravidade do paciente ou o número de intervenções nem sempre serão proporcionais à carga de trabalho de enfermagem. Este estudo descritivo teve como objetivo demonstrar a trajetória da construção de um aplicativo (software) com o conteúdo do Nursing Activities Score e suas características operacionais. Foi realizado um teste piloto com 12 pacientes seguindo-se a coleta de dados por 90 dias consecutivos em 123 pacientes. Houve compatibilidade na transmissão de dados do Personal Digital Assistent para o computador de mesa, via wireless. A construção do aplicativo resultou em um sistema com coleta e administração de dados e permitiu realizar a interface gráfica. A utilização do aplicativo possibilita o uso de um sistema tecnológico para aplicação diária, com alimentação de um banco de dados sobre as características dos cuidados requeridos. Conhecendo a evolução destas variáveis durante a internação, o enfermeiro poderá planejar, intervir e avaliar a qualidade do cuidado.
Computerized technological resources have become essential in education, particularly for teaching topics that require the performance of specific tasks. These resources can effectively help the execution of such tasks and the teaching-learning process itself. After the development of a Web site on the topic of nursing staff scheduling, this study aimed at comparing the development of students involved in the teaching-learning process of the previously mentioned topic, with and without the use of computer technology. Two random groups of undergraduate nursing students from a public university in São Paulo state, Brazil, were organized: a case group (used the Web site) and a control group (did not use the Web site). Data were collected from 2003 to 2005 after approval by the Research Ethics Committee. Results showed no significant difference in motivation or knowledge acquisition. A similar performance for the two groups was also verified. Other aspects observed were difficulty in doing the nursing staff scheduling exercise and the students' acknowledgment of the topic's importance for their training and professional lives; easy access was considered to be a positive aspect for maintaining the Web site.
Trata-se de um estudo que teve como objetivo, identificar como é oferecido o ensino do processo de enfermagem nas Escolas de Graduação em Enfermagem do Estado de São Paulo. A população foi composta de 247 docentes. Na metodologia de estudo foi elaborado um questionário, que foi enviado aos 899 docentes das 32 instituições públicas e privadas de Graduação em Enfermagem do Estado de São Paulo. Os resultados permitiram constatar que os fatores que dificultam o ensino do processo de enfermagem foram numericamente maiores que os que facilitam. Entretanto, o ensino do processo de enfermagem, apesar das dificuldades apresentadas, tem sido oferecido pelos docentes das escolas públicas e privadas do Estado de São Paulo.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition and dry matter in vitro digestibility of stem, leaf, straw, cob and kernel fractions of eleven corn (Zea mays) cultivars, harvested at two cutting heights. The experiment was designed as randomized blocks, with three replicates, in a 2 × 11 factorial arrangement (eleven cultivars and two cutting heights). The corn cultivars evaluated were D 766, D 657, D 1000, P 3021, P 3041, C 805, C 333, AG 5011, FOR 01, CO 9621 and BR 205, harvested at a low cutting height (5 cm above ground) and a high cutting height (5 cm below the first ear insertion). Cutting height influenced the dry matter content of the stem fraction, which was lower (23.95%) in plants harvested at the low, than in plants harvested at the high cutting height (26.28%). The kernel fraction had the highest dry matter in vitro digestibility (85.13%), while cultivars did not differ between each other. Cob and straw were the fractions with the highest level of neutral detergent fiber (80.74 and 79.77%, respectively) and the lowest level of crude protein (3.84% and 3.69%, respectively). The leaf fraction had the highest crude protein content, both for plants of low and high cuttings (15.55% and 16.20%, respectively). The increase in the plant cutting height enhanced the dry matter content and dry matter in vitro digestibility of stem fraction, but did not affect the DM content of the leaf fraction.
Purpose This in vitro study compared the dimensional accuracy of two impression techniques Duralay splinted impression copings (D) and metal splinted impression copings (M) for implant supported pros theses Materials and Methods A master cast with four parallel implant abutment analogs and a passive framework were fabricated Vinyl polysiloxane impression material was used for all impressions with a metal stock tray Two groups (D and M) were tested (n = 5) The measurement method employed was just one titanium screw tightened to the framework Each group s measurements were analyzed using software that received the images of a video camera coupled to a stereomicroscope at X100 magnification The results were analyzed statistically (t test) Results The mean values of abutment/framework interface gaps were master cast = 32 mu m (SD 2), group D = 165 mu m (SD 60), and group M = 69 mu m (SD 36) There was a statistically significant difference between the D and M groups (P <= 001) Conclusion Under the limitations of this study, it could be suggested that a more accurate working cast can be fabricated using metal splinted impression copings INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2010 25 1153-1158
Purpose: This in vitro study compared the dimensional accuracy of a stone index and of two impression techniques (squared impression copings and modified squared impression copings) for implant-supported prostheses. Materials and Methods: A master cast with four parallel implant-abutment analogs and a passive framework were fabricated. Vinyl polysiloxane impression material was used for all impressions with a metal stock tray. Three groups of impressions were tested (n = 5): index (1), squared (S), and modified squared (MS). The measurement method employed was just one titanium screw tightened to the framework. The measurements (60 gap values) were analyzed using software that received the images from a video camera coupled to a stereomicroscope at x 100 magnification. The results were evaluated statistically (analysis of variance, Holm-Sidak method, alpha = .05). Results: The mean abutment/framework interface gaps were: master cast = 31.63 mu m; group I = 45.25 mu m; group S = 96.14 mu m; group MS = 51.20 mu m. No significant difference was detected among the index and modified squared techniques (P = .05). Conclusion: Under the limitations of this study, the techniques modified squared and index generated more accurate casts than the squared technique. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2010;25:715-721
Purpose: To investigate, in vitro, the dimensional accuracy of two impression techniques (squared impression copings and squared impression copings sandblasted and coated with impression adhesive) made of vinyl polysiloxane and polyether impression materials. Materials and Methods: A master cast (control group) with four parallel implant abutment analogs, a passive framework, and a custom aluminum tray was fabricated. Four groups (n = 5 each group) were tested: squared Impregum (SI), squared Express (SE), sandblasted adhesive squared Impregum (ASI), and sandblasted adhesive squared Express (ASE). The measurement method employed was just one titanium screw tightened to the framework. A stereomicroscope was used to evaluate the fit of the framework by measuring the size of the gap between the abutment and the framework. The results were analyzed statistically. Results: The mean values for the abutment/framework interface gaps were: master cast, 31.63 mu m (SD 2.16); SI, 38.03 mu m (SD 9.29); ASI, 46.80 mu m (SD 8.47); SE, 151.21 mu m (SD 22.79); and ASE, 136.59 mu m (SD 29.80). No significant difference was detected between the SI or ASI techniques and the master cast. No significant difference was detected between the SE and ASE techniques. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that Impregum Soft medium consistency was the best impression material and the impression technique did not influence the accuracy of the stone casts. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2010;25:771-776
Purpose: This in vitro study evaluated the dimensional accuracy of two impression techniques (tapered and splinted) with two stock trays (plastic and metal) for implant-supported prostheses. Materials and Methods: A master cast with four parallel abutment analogs and a passive framework were fabricated. Polyvinyl siloxane impression material was used for all impressions with two metal stock trays and two plastic stock trays (closed and open trays). Four groups (tapered plastic, splinted plastic, tapered metal, and splinted metal) and a control group (master cast) were tested (n = 5 for each group). After the framework was seated on each of the casts, one abutment screw was tightened, and the marginal gap between the abutment and framework on the other side was measured with a stereomicroscope. The measurements were analyzed with the Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance on ranks test followed by the Dunn method. Results: The mean values (+/- standard deviations) for the abutment/framework interface gaps were: master cast, 32 +/- 2 mu m; tapered metal, 44 +/- 10 mu m; splinted metal, 69 +/- 28 mu m; tapered plastic, 164 +/- 58 mu m; splinted plastic, 128 +/- 47 mu m. No significant difference was detected between the master cast, tapered metal, and splinted metal groups or between the tapered and splinted plastic groups. Conclusions: In this study, the rigidity of the metal stock tray ensured better results than the plastic stock tray for implant impressions with a high-viscosity impression material (putty). Statistically similar results were obtained using tapered impression copings and splinted squared impression copings. The tapered impression copings technique and splinted squared impression copings technique with a metal stock tray produced precise casts with no statistically significant difference in interface gaps compared to the master cast. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2012;27:544-550.
Purpose: The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the dimensional accuracy of a stone index and of 3 impression techniques (tapered impression copings, squared impression copings, and squared impression copings splinted with acrylic resin) associated with 3 pouring techniques (conventional, pouring using latex tubes fitted onto analogs, and pouring after joining the analogs with acrylic resin) for implant-supported prostheses. Materials and Methods: A mandibular brass cast with 4 stainless steel implant-abutment analogs, a framework, and 2 aluminum custom trays were fabricated. Polyether impression material was used for all impressions. Ten groups were formed (a control group and 9 test groups formed by combining each pouring technique and impression technique). Five casts were made per group for a total of 50 casts and 200 gap values (1 gap value for each implant-abutment analog). Results: The mean gap value with the index technique was 27.07 mu m. With the conventional pouring technique, the mean gap values were 116.97 mu m for the tapered group, 5784 mu m for the squared group, and 73.17 mu m for the squared splinted group. With pouring using latex tubes, the mean gap values were 65.69 mu m for the tapered group, 38.03 mu m for the squared group, and 82.47 mu m for the squared splinted group. With pouring after joining the analogs with acrylic resin, the mean gap values were 141.12 jum for the tapered group, 74.19 mu m for the squared group, and 104.67 mu m for the squared splinted group. No significant difference was detected among Index, squarellatex techniques, and master cast (P > .05). Conclusions: The most accurate impression technique utilized squared copings. The most accurate pouring technique for making the impression with tapered or squared copings utilized latex tubes. The pouring did not influence the accuracy of the stone casts when using splinted squared impression copings. Either the index technique or the use of squared coping combined with the latex-tube pouring technique are preferred methods for making implant-supported fixed restorations with dimensional accuracy.
We studied the ultrastructural aspects of pre-pupae and pupae ovaries of Dermatobia hominis. Physiological degeneration of gonial cells was observed: (a) after the ovarioles differentiation, in the oogonia residing in the apical region of the ovary; (b) at the beginning of vitellogenesis, in the cystoblasts close to the terminal filament. The significance of gonial cell degeneration was correlated with the physiological changes wich occur in the ovary during development.
The ultrastructure and distribution of gonial and somatic cells in the ovary of Dermatobia hominis was studied during the 3rd larval instar. In larvae weighing between 400 and 500 mg, the ovary is partially divided into basal and apical regions by oblong somatic cells that penetrate from the periphery; these cells show ovoid nucleus and cytoplasm full of microtubules. In both regions, gonial cells with regular outlines, large nucleus and low electron-density cytoplasm are scattered among the interstitial somatic cells. These later cells have small nucleus and electrodense cytoplasm. Clear somatic cells with small nucleus and cytoplasm of very low electron-density are restrict to the apical region of the gonad. Degenerating interstitial somatic cells are seen in the basal portion close to the ovary peduncle. During all this larval period the morphological features of the ovary remain almost the same. At the end of the period there is a gradual deposition of glycogen in the cytoplasm of the somatic cells, increase in the number and density of their mitochondria plus nuclear modification as membrane wrinkling and chromatin condensation in masses.
Ovaries up to the 8th day pupae of Dermatobia hominis were studied by transmission electron microscopy. Ovarioles were recognized in ovaries of 4-day old pre-pupae, surrounded by a thin tunica propria of acellular fibrilar material similar in structure to the internal portion of the external tunica of the ovary. There is continuity of the tunica propria and the ovarian tunica, indicating that the former structure originates from the tunica externa. In 5 to 7-day pupae the interstitial somatic cells from the apical region of the ovary, close to the ovarioles, show delicate filamentous material inside of their rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae; similar material is seem among these cells. Our observations suggest that interstitial somatic cells do not originate the tunica propria but contribute to its final composition.
O experimento foi conduzido para avaliar as características bromatológicas e a digestibilidade in vitro de quatro variedades de cana-de-açúcar submetidas ou não à hidrólise com cal virgem. Utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três repetições, arranjadas em esquema fatorial 4 × 2, com quatro variedades de cana-de-açúcar (SP 52454, RB 867515, RB 855536 e IAC 862480), hidrolisadas ou não. Houve efeito significativo para as características brix (p < 0,05) e fibra industrial (p < 0,05), sendo a variedade IAC 862480 a que apresentou os menores teores de fibra industrial. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas (p > 0,05) nos teores de fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido e lignina entre as variedades de cana-de-açúcar estudadas, bem como para cana-de-açúcar hidrolisada ou não. O uso da hidrólise da cana-de-açúcar com 1% de cal virgem melhora a digestibilidade in vitro da FDN e FDA independente da variedade estudada. A hidrólise com 1% de cal virgem não modificou a composição químico-bromatológica da cana-de-açúcar.