36 resultados para Weyl


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Husserl left many unpublished drafts explaining (or trying to) his views on spatial representation and geometry, such as, particularly, those collected in the second part of Studien zur Arithmetik und Geometrie (Hua XXI), but no completely articulate work on the subject. In this paper, I put forward an interpretation of what those views might have been. Husserl, I claim, distinguished among different conceptions of space, the space of perception (constituted from sensorial data by intentionally motivated psychic functions), that of physical geometry (or idealized perceptual space), the space of the mathematical science of physical nature (in which science, not only raw perception has a word) and the abstract spaces of mathematics (free creations of the mathematical mind), each of them with its peculiar geometrical structure. Perceptual space is proto-Euclidean and the space of physical geometry Euclidean, but mathematical physics, Husserl allowed, may find it convenient to represent physical space with a non-Euclidean structure. Mathematical spaces, on their turn, can be endowed, he thinks, with any geometry mathematicians may find interesting. Many other related questions are addressed here, in particular those concerning the a priori or a posteriori character of the many geometric features of perceptual space (bearing in mind that there are at least two different notions of a priori in Husserl, which we may call the conceptual and the transcendental a priori). I conclude with an overview of Weyl's ideas on the matter, since his philosophical conceptions are often traceable back to his former master, Husserl.


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The quasicausal expansion of the quantum Liouville propagator is introduced into the Weyl-Wigner picture. The zeroth-order term is shown to lead to the statistical quasiclassical method of Lee and Scully [J. Chem. Phys. 73, 2238 (1980)].


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In this paper we deal with an alternative approach to the description of massless particles of arbitrary spin. Within this scheme chiral components of a spinor field are regarded as fundamental quantities and treated as independent field variables. The free field Lagrangian is built up from the requirement of chiral invariance; This formulation is parallel to the neutrino theory and allows for a formulation that generalizes, to particles of arbitrary spin, the two-component neutrino theory. We achieve a spinor formulation of electrodynamics. In the case of the photon, the nonzero helicity components satisfy Weyl's equations and are associated to observables (electromagnetic fields) whereas the zero helicity components are related to nonobservables (electromagnetic potentials). Within the spinor formulation of electrodynamics the minimal coupling substitution follows as a consequence of the linearity of the interaction and the preference of nature for chiral components, that is, of the left-right asymmetry of nature. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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A quantum treatment for nonlocal factorizable potentials is presented in which the Weyl-Wiper quantum phase space description plays an essential role. The nonlocality is treated in an approximated form and allows for a Feynman propagator that can be handled in standard way. The semi-classical limit of the propagator is obtained which permits the calculation of the transmission factor in quantum tunnelling processes. An application in nuclear physics is also discussed.


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The Gaussian wave-packet phase-space representation is used to show that the expansion in powers of a of the quantum Liouville propagator leads, in the zeroth-order term, to results close to those obtained in the statistical quasiclassical method of Lee and Scully in the Weyl-Wigner picture. It is also verified that, propagating the Wigner distribution along the classical trajectories, the amount of error is less than that coming from propagating the Gaussian distribution along classical trajectories.


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We compute the semiclassical magnetization and susceptibility of non-interacting electrons, confined by a smooth two-dimensional potential and subjected to a uniform perpendicular magnetic field, in the general case when their classical motion is chaotic. It is demonstrated that the magnetization per particle m(B) is directly related to the staircase function N(E), which counts the single-particle levels up to energy E. Using Gutzwiller's trace formula for N, we derive a semiclassical expression for m. Our results show that the magnetization has a non-zero average, which arises from quantum corrections to the leading-order Weyl approximation to the mean staircase and which is independent of whether the classical motion is chaotic or not. Fluctuations about the average are due to classical periodic orbits and do represent a signature of chaos. This behaviour is confirmed by numerical computations for a specific system.


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Starting from general properties of a spin-2 field, we construct helicity wave functions in the framework of the Weyl-van der Waerden spinor formalism. We discuss here the cases of massless and massive spin-2 particles.


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The von Neumann-Liouville time evolution equation is represented in a discrete quantum phase space. The mapped Liouville operator and the corresponding Wigner function are explicitly written for the problem of a magnetic moment interacting with a magnetic field and the precessing solution is found. The propagator is also discussed and a time interval operator, associated to a unitary operator which shifts the energy levels in the Zeeman spectrum, is introduced. This operator is associated to the particular dynamical process and is not the continuous parameter describing the time evolution. The pair of unitary operators which shifts the time and energy is shown to obey the Weyl-Schwinger algebra. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We extend the geometric treatment done for the Majorana-Weyl fermions in two dimensions by Sanielevici and Semenoff to chiral bosons on a circle. For this case we obtain a generalized Floreanini-Jackiw Lagrangian density, and the corresponding gravitational (or Virasoro) anomalies are found as expected. © 1989 The American Physical Society.


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The great simplicity attained by the Weyl-van der Waerden spinor technique in the evaluation of helicity invariant amplitudes is shown to apply in the cumbersome calculations within the framework of linearized gravitation. Once the graviton couplings to spin-0, 1/2, 1, and 3/2 particles are given, we exhibit the reach of this method by evaluating, as an example, the helicity amplitudes for the process electron + positron → photon + graviton in a very straightforward way. © 1994 Plenum Publishing Corporation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The Weyl-Wigner prescription for quantization on Euclidean phase spaces makes essential use of Fourier duality. The extension of this property to more general phase spaces requires the use of Kac algebras, which provide the necessary background for the implementation of Fourier duality on general locally compact groups. Kac algebras - and the duality they incorporate - are consequently examined as candidates for a general quantization framework extending the usual formalism. Using as a test case the simplest nontrivial phase space, the half-plane, it is shown how the structures present in the complete-plane case must be modified. Traces, for example, must be replaced by their noncommutative generalizations - weights - and the correspondence embodied in the Weyl-Wigner formalism is no longer complete. Provided the underlying algebraic structure is suitably adapted to each case, Fourier duality is shown to be indeed a very powerful guide to the quantization of general physical systems.


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By means of a triple master action we deduce here a linearized version of the new massive gravity (NMG) in arbitrary dimensions. The theory contains a 4th-order and a 2nd-order term in derivatives. The 4th-order term is invariant under a generalized Weyl symmetry. The action is formulated in terms of a traceless ημνΩμνρ=0 mixed symmetry tensor Ωμνρ=-Ωμρν and corresponds to the massive Fierz-Pauli action with the replacement e μν=∂ρΩμνρ. The linearized 3D and 4D NMG theories are recovered via the invertible maps Ωμνρ=Ïμνρβhβμ and Ωμνρ=ÏμνργδT [γδ]μ respectively. The properties h μν=hνμ and T[[γδ]μ]= 0 follow from the traceless restriction. The equations of motion of the linearized NMG theory can be written as zero curvature conditions ∂νTρμ-∂ρT νμ=0 in arbitrary dimensions. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Here we obtain all possible second-order theories for a rank-2 tensor which describe a massive spin-2 particle. We start with a general second-order Lagrangian with ten real parameters. The absence of lower-spin modes and the existence of two local field redefinitions leads us to only one free parameter. The solutions are split into three one-parameter classes according to the local symmetries of the massless limit. In the class which contains the usual massive Fierz-Pauli theory, the subset of spin-1 massless symmetries is maximal. In another class where the subset of spin-0 symmetries is maximal, the massless theory is invariant under Weyl transformations and the mass term does not need to fit into the form of the Fierz-Pauli mass term. In the remaining third class neither the spin-1 nor the spin-0 symmetry is maximal and we have a new family of spin-2 massive theories. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)