174 resultados para Visão tridimensional


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate stress distribution in the hybrid layer produced by two adhesive systems using three-dimensional finite element analysis (FEA). Four FEA models (M) were developed: Mc, a representation of a dentin specimen (41 x 41 x 82 mu m) restored with composite resin, exhibiting the adhesive layer, hybrid layer (HL), resin tags, peritubular dentin, and intertubular dentin to simulate the etch-and-rinse adhesive system; Mr, similar to Mc, with lateral branches of the adhesive; Ma, similar to Mc, however without resin tags and obliterated tubule orifice, to simulate the environment for the self-etching adhesive system; Mat, similar to Ma, with tags. A numerical simulation was performed to obtain the maximum principal stress (sigma(max)). The highest sigma(max) in the HL was observed for the etch-and-rinse adhesive system. The lateral branches increased the sigma(max) in the HL. The resin tags had a little influence on stress distribution with the self-etching system. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nowadays, textbook has been recognized, to a significant portion of education experts, as a relevant material to education process. In the field of Physical Education the textbook's production and study became practically neglectful. The objective of this study was to evaluate the applicability of a basketball textbook, built specifically for this study, with five teachers of Physical Education. The methodology used was qualitative, the interview was a data collection instrument. The results pointed that teachers established a critical relationship against the textbook of basketball and they pointed advantages and disadvantages for its use in school context.


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Since the introduction of GC there has been an ongoing interest in reducing time of analysis resulting in new terms and definitions such as ultra fast gas chromatography (UF-GC). One of the most used definitions describes UF-GC as a technique that combines the employment of short narrow bore column with very fast temperature programming rates producing chromatographic peaks in the range of 50 ms and allowing separations times in 1-2 min or less. This paper summarizes the analytical approaches, the main parameters involved and the instrumentation towards UF-GC.


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Adaptou-se uma metodologia utilizada no estudo do movimento humano para analisar o movimento de eqüinos em esteira rolante de alto desempenho, construindo-se um sistema de calibração utilizando-se um teodolito eletrônico de alta precisão e calibradores que demarcavam o espaço ocupado pelo animal. Dessa forma, foram obtidas as coordenadas espaciais dos marcadores presentes nos calibradores, compondo o arquivo de calibração. Duas câmeras de vídeo (60Hz) foram posicionadas em vista lateral esquerda, distantes 5m da manta de rolagem da esteira a 1,8m de altura. As imagens foram enquadradas utilizando-se um monitor de vídeo. Para a validação do método, um membro da equipe movimentou, no espaço calibrado, uma haste rígida com marcadores fixados nas suas extremidades, distantes um do outro 43,8cm. Para a análise das imagens, utilizou-se o programa Dvideow, desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Instrumentação para Biomecânica - UNICAMP. Após a reconstrução tridimensional das imagens utilizou-se um programa matemático para o cálculo do valor médio da distância entre os marcadores. Obteve-se, após a mensuração em 100 quadros, o valor médio de 43,7cm com coeficiente de variação de 0,8%. Estes resultados mostram que a metodologia desenvolvida é precisa e adequada para o estudo da locomoção de eqüinos.


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As reformas educacionais atuais introduziram conceitos econômicos na gestão das escolas e transferiram a responsabilidade pelas ações educativas a seus sujeitos, a quem cabe o sucesso ou o fracasso das mudanças. Nesse contexto, novas formas de controle do trabalho docente passaram a ser utilizadas pelo sistema escolar, tais como as avaliações externas, a imposição de projetos e o pagamento de bônus aos responsáveis pelo trabalho docente. Este artigo resulta de uma pesquisa empírica realizada entre 20062008 e visa a apresentar a análise da escola e do trabalho docente a partir do ponto de vista de trinta professores de três diferentes regiões do estado de São Paulo. Os resultados apontam o forte impacto das reformas educacionais e da introdução dos elementos gerencialistas e performáticos no trabalho dos professores, implicando profundas alterações no ofício docente, especialmente do professor secundário, o que evidencia um sofrimento ético perante a perda da especificidade histórica do seu trabalho.


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Este artigo apresenta uma breve revisão de alguns dos mais recentes métodos bioinspirados baseados no comportamento de populações para o desenvolvimento de técnicas de solução de problemas. As metaheurísticas tratadas aqui correspondem às estratégias de otimização por colônia de formigas, otimização por enxame de partículas, algoritmo shuffled frog-leaping, coleta de alimentos por bactérias e colônia de abelhas. Os princípios biológicos que motivaram o desenvolvimento de cada uma dessas estratégias, assim como seus respectivos algoritmos computacionais, são introduzidos. Duas aplicações diferentes foram conduzidas para exemplificar o desempenho de tais algoritmos. A finalidade é enfatizar perspectivas de aplicação destas abordagens em diferentes problemas da área de engenharia.


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No momento em que se discute a inclusão de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais em escolas regulares, faz-se necessário desenvolver trabalhos de pesquisa que se dediquem a analisar as implicações da formação continuada de professores. Neste sentido, estabeleceu-se o objetivo de investigar aspectos relativos às necessidades de duas professoras itinerantes, participantes de um programa de formação. Tal programa, voltado para o acompanhamento de alunos com baixa visão, pretendeu oferecer a essas professoras, sem conhecimentos específicos em deficiência visual, elementos dessa formação, e analisar a natureza das implicações evidenciadas ao longo do processo, do qual foi possível depreender que o desenvolvimento das funções visuais constitui-se em valioso referencial teórico, bem como o fato de estar regularmente na escola, conversar com as professoras, discutir como proceder, avaliar retroativamente os exercícios e ajudar a planejar estratégias com base nas análises feitas foram as principais vantagens de atuar de forma colaborativa.


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Discute-se a determinação social da saúde materno-infantil nas Américas, a partir de inúmeras publicações e recomendações oficiais. Observou-se que nem todos os estudos valorizam apropriadamente as variáveis sociais e que muitos deles as consideram no mesmo nível de importância das variáveis biológicas. Como conseqüência, a compreensão final dos achados fica prejudicada e as conclusões e recomendações extraídas ficam longe de tocar a raiz dos problemas. Diferentes variáveis sociais (como escolaridade materna ou assistência médica) encontram-se freqüentemente associadas com variáveis biológicas (como peso ao nascer ou estado nutricional). Esta associação, no entanto, pode não representar uma relação causai, mas tão somente a ocorrência simultânea de características pertencentes a uma única classe social. Reitera-se a necessidade de estudos que reconheçam as classes sociais e analisem os resultados sobre saúde materno-infantil em relação às mesmas. Estes estudos provavelmente evidenciarão a importância social da saúde materno-infantil e evitarão as habituais diretrizes e recomendações restritas ao plano puramente técnico.


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The aim of this work was to revise the main concepts involved in the physical-chemistry of the sol-gel process. First, the preparation and its influence on the gel's structure are focalized; the sol-gel transition is revised under the thermodynamics of crytical phenomena point of view and by considering the kinetic models of aggregation. Second, the experimental methods usually used to characterize the sol-gel transition are discussed.


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Persistent cough leads individuals to seek for medical assistance. Clinical investigation, however, may not reveal any alteration within the clinic's sphere of action. Often enough, some professionals treat the symptom as a disease, introducing several medicines, unsuccessfully. The author's experience, as an otolaryngologist, allows to state that many of these professionals ignore the upper aerodigestive tract as a cough-generator site. The present work discusses the alterations on the mentioned tract, which may provoke the cough reflex, reviewing, initially, the cough mechanism and the localization of the specific receptors. Cough is produce by stimulus at the receptor level or far from it. In upper and lower parts of the aerodigestive tract secretions may run to several directions. Secretion from the paranasal sinus is a frequent cause of cough. Acute sinusitis may occur insidiously bringing about the chronification of the inflammation with cough being the only great apparent symptom. Nasal and dental alterations favor sinusal infection. Signs and symptoms, even if minimum, may be detected through an accurate anamnesis. Nasal allergy, laryngitis, post nasal dripping and septal deviation may also produce cough. The ORL examination is, therefore, imperative, and no radiologic examination can substitute for it. An inadequate treatment, particularly of the sinusitis, may bring about a worsening and extension of the initial condition.


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This exploratory descriptive study, of qualitative nature had the purpose to study how the nurses from a hospital school see the family as care participants. Six nurses from clinics of chronically ill patients were interviewed. The data analysis allowed to infer that the nurses had only little knowledge of the family's thematic during graduation, making the relationship with the accompanying families very difficult. Daily care during hospitalization period is marked by easy moments when members are willing to participate in the process, and by difficulties when they attempt to break institutional rules. It was suggested that new nurses have theoretical foundation to attend the family in several scenarios of care. It was considered the need of investments in professional training, and that the advance of humanization of services implies in exchange and integration of knowledge among patients, family members, health professionals, support staff and managers beyond the science field.


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The advance in the graphic computer's techniques and computer's capacity of processing made possible applications like the human anatomic structures modeling, in order to investigate diseases, surgical planning or even provide images for training of Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD). On this context, this work exhibits an anatomical model of cardiac structures represented in a tridimensional environment. The model was represented with geometrical elements and has anatomical details, as the different tunics that compose the cardiac wall and measures that preserves the characteristics found on real structures. The validation of the anatomical model was made through quantitative comparations with real structures measures, available on specialized literature. The results obtained, evaluated by two specialists, are compatible with real anatomies, respecting the anatomical particularities. This degree of representation will allow the verification of the influence of radiological parameters, morphometric peculiarities and stage of the cardiac diseases on the quality of the images, as well as on the performance of the CAD. © 2010 IEEE.


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In addition to cognitive impairment, apathy is increasingly recognized as an important neuropsychiatric syndrome in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Aims: To identify the relationship between dementia severity and apathy levels, and to discuss the association of this condition with other psychopathological manifestations in AD patients. Methods: This study involved 15 AD patients (mean age: 77 years; schooling: 4.9 years), with mild, moderate and severe dementia, living in Rio Claro S P, Brazil. Procedures included evaluation of cognitive status by the Mini-Mental State Examination, Clinical Dementia Rating, and Global Deterioration Scale. Apathy syndrome was assessed by the Apathy Evaluation Scale and Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI-apathy domain). Other psychopathological manifestations such as depression were also considered. Results: Patients with more severe dementia presented higher levels of apathy, reinforcing the hypothesis that apathy severity aggravates as the disease progresses. Using the Spearman coefficient correlation an association was identified between the MMSE and Apathy Evaluation Scale (r=0.63; p=0.01), and also between the MMSE and NPI-apathy domain (r=0.81; p=0.01). Associations were also found between the Global Deterioration Scale and Apathy Evaluation Scale (r=0.58; p=0.02), and between the Global Deterioration Scale and NPI-apathy domain (r=0.81; p=0.01). Conclusions: Apathy is a distinct syndrome among patients with AD and increases with global deterioration.