394 resultados para Tumores de vasos sanguíneos


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR


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In this study, biomembrane of natural latex was utilized to replace a section of the stomach wall of New Zealand rabbits, adult and non-castrated males (n=12), in order to evaluate the tissue repair process in regards to its biocompatility, scar formation ability and possible complications. The animals were euthanized at fifteen, 30 and 60 days post operation, by use of sodium thiopental (200mg kg-1), followed by macroscopic and histopathological analysis of the implant interface with the native tissue. Macroscopically, at fifteen, 30, and 60 days post operation adherence was observed in the serosal wall. At 60 days post operation, the biomembrane is not in the stomach. Under light microscopy, at fifteen and 30 days, discontinuity of muscle layer and mucosa layer, and presence of polimorfonuclear population of inflammatory cells was observed. New vessels and muscle fibers were observed. At 60 days, the mucosa and muscle layers were complete reconstituted. The implants were biocompatible and had provided the mainframe for orientation and development of the tissue layers through repairing processes, thus reestablishing the organ structure.


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Mammary cancer is a multifactorial disease that is believed to be caused by genetic and environmental factors. Among the environmental factors, pyrethroids appear to be able to participate in carcinogenesis through several mechanisms, and have been shown to be associated to mammary tumors in canines. In order to investigate the possible rule of pyrethroid on DNA lesion in mammary tissue we compare the comet assay results between mammary tumor bearing dogs with and without pyrethroid associated to the peri mammary adipose tissue or the tumor itself. The pyrethroids presence was assessed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and the DNA damage was assessed by the comet assay as previously described. Despite of correlation between DNA damage and tumor histologic aggressiveness, association between the severity of DNA damage and different types of mammary carcinoma was not found. Although pyrethroids were present in 22% of tumors and peritumoral adipose tissue, no difference in the degree DNA damage between the exposed and non exposed cells to pyrethroids were found. As future perspectives for this work, our group will evaluate the relationship of pyrethroids presence in tumors with its angiogenic potential. Angiogenesis evaluation will be based on presence of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the tumor cells, and microvessel counts


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The Sarcocystis genus includes obligatory two-host life cycle protozoan parasites. It is the most numerous of the six genera of the Sarcocystidae family. The infection caused by parasites of this genus is a zoonotic and cosmopolitan disease known as sarcosistosis or sarcosporidiosis. The sarcositosis though frequently asymptomatic in its definitive hosts can be fatal in its intermediate hosts. The usual diagnoses of sarcosistosis takes place through a histological demonstration of schizonts in blood vessels and organs, and the presence of cysts in muscle tissue by necropsy or biopsy, this second method still more common and based on morphological features of the sarcocyst. However, these methods can be inadequate to a precise identification of the infector species once that, besides the genus being of numerous species, these often present similar morphological features. Another factor that makes the diagnostic more difficult is the non specificity of some Sacocystis species to their hosts. Consequently, molecular diagnostic methods have been used in order to identify the infector species and the parasite specific biological cycles, demonstrating also new species and coevolutive aspects between parasite and host. Among the most employed molecular techniques the Polimerase Chain Reaction (PCR), the nested-PCR and the Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) stands out


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By the early 20th century, the blood vessels could only be seen by anatomical studies. Shortly after the discovery of X-rays by Conrad Roentgen in 1895, the first experiments with radiographic imaging were performed with blood vessels. In 1905, the first experiment involving catheterization of arterial and venous system in dogs was performed and only in 1914 performed on living human patients. Parallel to these landmarks, there were advances in diagnostic imaging devices and the evolution of contrast substances was of utmost importance to the current angiography occupy a prominent role not only in terms of diagnosis, but also in the treatment of various disorders. The main objective of this review is to weave historical considerations and comparisons between the different methodologies used in angiography, because its importance; that may be in future, a veterinary diagnostic decisive test


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais (AINEs) estão entre os medicamentos mais prescritos em todo o mundo, tanto na medicina humana, como na medicina veterinária. Atualmente os AINEs são classificados em não seletivos (convencionais ou clássicos), que são os mais antigos, e seletivos para COX-2 ou coxibes. Alguns estudos constataram uma possível relação entre os inibidores COX-2 seletivos e os efeitos adversos no sistema cardiovascular. Devido a isso, objetivou-se realizar um levantamento de pesquisas que comprovem os efeitos cardiovasculares ocasionados por essa classe farmacológica utilizando livros e artigos das bases de dados PubMed, Periódicos da Capes e SciELO que respondessem à pergunta: a inibição da COX-2 acarreta efeitos adversos para o sistema cardiovascular?. Do total de resultados encontrados, foram utilizados 16 artigos. Os trabalhos mostraram que o uso de inibidores da COX-2 alterou o perfil de coagulação para uma tendência trombótica, além de diminuir a resposta vasodilatadora gerada na resposta inflamatória. Diante dos resultados obtidos através desses estudos, conclui-se que a COX-2 desempenha papel fisiológico no sistema cardiovascular, facilitando a não formação de trombos nos vasos sanguíneos, e, portanto, que sua inibição favorece a coagulação. Assim, os fármacos que inibem a COX-2 devem ser prescritos com cautela, levando-se em consideração o perfil de coagulação do paciente


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There are few reports in the literature of the absence of Wharton's Jelly. Here we report the seventh case in a primigravida, 22 years old, admitted after vaginal delivery of stillborn. The umbilical cord have a long segment with disruption of cord structures and the three blood vessels were completely separated from each other, with a minimum amount of Wharton's jelly remaining around each vessel. The absence of Wharton' jelly is associated with fetal distress, intrauterine growth restriction, and fetal death. Quantitative/qualitative studies of Wharton's jelly represent an open field of research for possible correlations with obstetric conditions and fetal deaths.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Accidents caused by thermal, chemical, electrical or radioactive agents cause skin lesions causing burns of varying degrees. The therapeutic approach aims to restore damaged tissues and involves a wide range of products on the market. This study aims to evaluate the use of biological dressing, biotech product developed at the Blood Center of Botucatu / UNESP obtained from fresh frozen plasma or platelet concentrate with in vitro addition of thrombin and calcium gluconate. This addition in the platelet concentrate, intended to release the active growth factors of the platelets granules on the healing process. The study of the effectiveness of Platelet Gel home made in Wistar rats was established, in agreement with scald burns, comparing efficacy and cost of Platelet Gel with usual hospital -based treatment collagenase + chloramphenicol plus cost analysis through pharmacoeconomics. We used 25 Wistar rats were divided into 3 treatment groups: Group A, Collagenase + Chloramphenicol; Group B, Platelet Gel and C, control. The products were applied every other day for 30 days in animals. In group A, there was the presence of erythema and crust in all animals. The exudates was indentified 2/10 animals. For the Group B, we observed the presence of erythema and crust at all and no presence of exudates. In group C all the animals showed erythema with no presence of exudates and scab occurred in 1/10. Statistical analysis showed significant difference ( p < 0.0 ) for crust formation between Groups B and C. In the histological analysis, group A showed a slight amount of blood vessels and collagen fibers, moderate amounts of macrophages and fibroblasts was observed while B and C groups showed moderate amounts of blood vessels, macrophages and fibroblasts and discreet presence of collagen fibers. The re-epithelialization occurred in most animals of all groups without significant statistical differences. For the aspects of pharmacoeconomics, the platelet gel presented a better cost - effectiveness in relation to treatment based on collagenase / chloramphenicol. In light of the ethical aspects of the raw material is the result of spontaneous blood donation, the proposal should have biological dressings productions the responsibility of public blood transfusion centers for free distribution. This may point to the production chain of Brazilian blood banks like special blood components for use no intravenous.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)