29 resultados para Small ferromagnetic particles


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A new mechanism for understanding small neutrino masses using only simple new physics at the TeV scale is proposed. As an application, it is shown how it can naturally lead to the mass hierarchy of the so-called bimaximal mixing in the case of three active neutrinos, or to the 3 + 1 scenario with a sterile neutrino, using only the SU(2)(L) quantum numbers of the particles. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. BN. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Some dynamical properties of an ensemble of trajectories of individual (non-interacting) classical particles of mass m and charge q interacting with a time-dependent electric field and suffering the action of a constant magnetic field are studied. Depending on both the amplitude of oscillation of the electric field and the intensity of the magnetic field, the phase space of the model can either exhibit: (i) regular behavior or (ii) a mixed structure, with periodic islands of regular motion, chaotic seas characterized by positive Lyapunov exponents, and invariant Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser curves preventing the particle to reach unbounded energy. We define an escape window in the chaotic sea and study the transport properties for chaotic orbits along the phase space by the use of scaling formalism. Our results show that the escape distribution and the survival probability obey homogeneous functions characterized by critical exponents and present universal behavior under appropriate scaling transformations. We show the survival probability decays exponentially for small iterations changing to a slower power law decay for large time, therefore, characterizing clearly the effects of stickiness of the islands and invariant tori. For the range of parameters used, our results show that the crossover from fast to slow decay obeys a power law and the behavior of survival orbits is scaling invariant. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4772997]


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The surface properties of SnO2 nanoparticles were modified by grafting ionic (Tiron (R). (OH)(2)C6H2(SO3Na)(2)(H2O)-H-.) or non-ionic (Catechol (R). C6H4-1,2-(OH)(2)) capping Molecules during aqueous sol-gel processing to improve the redispersibility of powdered xerogel. The effect of the amount of grafted organic molecules on the redispersibility of powders in aqueous solution at several basic pH values was Studied. The nanostructural features of the colloidal suspensions were analyzed by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements. Irrespective of the nature and amount of grafted molecules, complete redispersion was obtained in aqueous solution at pH = 13. The redispersion at pH = 11 results in a mixture of dispersed primary particles and aggregates. The proportion of well dispersed nanoparticles and aggregates (and their average size) can be tuned by the quantity of grafted ionic molecules.


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The carbonyl complexes [WCl(CO)(3)(bipy) (HgCl)] (1), [Fe(CO)(4)(HgCl)(2)] (2) and W(CO)(6)] (3) were immobilized on a silica gel surface organofunctionalized with piperazine groups. The products obtained were studied by IR spectroscopy and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) techniques. The IR data show that the immobilization of heterobimetallic compounds 1 and 2, on the functionalized surface, occurred through the mercury atom, while for 3 the displacement of one CO group by the nitrogen of a piperazine molecule was observed. The data obtained from SAXS indicate that particles have a uniform size and reveal suitable modifications on the functionalized surface after immobilization of metal carbonyl complexes. The average intermolecular distance (l(ij)) for piperazine ligands on support is 8.7 Angstrom, for the metal carbonyl complex 1 it is 18.8 Angstrom, for complex 2 it is 16.2 Angstrom and for complex 3 it is 15.3 Angstrom. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier B.V. Ltd


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The smart thermo-optical systems studied here are based on the unusual thermoreversible sol-gel transition of zirconyl chloride aqueous solution modified by sulfuric acid in the molar ratio Zr/SO4:3/1. The transparency to the visible light changes during heating due to light scattering. This feature is related to the aggregates growth that occurs during gelation. These reversible changes can be controlled by the amount of chloride ions in solution. The thermoreversible sol-gel transition temperature increases from 323 to 343 K by decreasing the molar ratio Cl/Zr from 7.0 to 1.3. In this work the effect of the concentration of chloride ions on the structural characteristics of the system has been analyzed by in situ SAXS measurements during the sol-gel transition carried out at 323 and 333 K. The experimental SAXS curves of sols exhibit three regions at small, medium and high scattering vectors characteristics of Guinier, fractal and Porod regimes, respectively. The radius of primary particles, obtained from the crossover between the fractal and Porod regimes, remains almost invariable with the chloride concentration, and the value (4 Angstrom) is consistent with the size of the molecular precursor. During the sol-gel transition the aggregates grow with a fractal structure and the fractal dimensionality decreases from 2.4 to 1.8. This last value is characteristic of a cluster-cluster aggregation controlled by a diffusion process. Furthermore, the time exponent of aggregate growth presents values of 0.33 and 1, typical of diffusional and hydrodynamic motions. A crossover between these two regimes is observed.


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The magnetic properties of doped pellets of poly(3-methylthiophene) showing room temperature ferromagnetic behaviour have been discussed in a previous article. The magnetic behaviour was attributed to a weak ferromagnetic phase, due to the superexchange interaction of polarons via the dopant anions. The Dzialoshinsky-Morya interaction among canted spins was proposed to explain the ferromagnetism. In this article the main conclusions of that work concerning the magnetic behaviour are revised. The basic assumption now is that the magnetic moments are spin 1/2 polarons that can interact antiferromagnetically and/or ferromagnetically. In the small crystalline regions of the polymer, which are identified with the polymer portion that remains ferromagnetic at room temperature, the interaction gives rise to S = 0 and 1 bipolarons and the S = 1 triplet state is lower in energy. In the disordered region, disorder will prevent the complete S = 1 and 0 coupling and bands of polarons ferromagnetically and antiferromagnetically coupled will appear. Using this approach, all the magnetization data can be qualitatively explained, as well as the electron spin resonance data.


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Bentonite particles coated with polysaccharide antigen or crude soluble antigen of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis were injected intradermally or intravenously in mice. In control animals that were not pre-immunized with P. brasiliensis antigens, coated and uncoated bentonite caused minimal and nonspecific inflammation around the cutaneous injection site or around the bentonite thrombi in small lung vessels after intravenous injection. However, in mice previously immunized with P. brasiliensis antigens, the coated bentonite particles boosted the humoral and cellular immune responses to P. brasiliensis and evoked intense inflammatory reactions. Twelve days after intradermal injection, the inflammatory reaction around the bentonite was rich in neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells associated with young granulation tissue. In intravenously injected mice, the pulmonary inflammation was maximal at day 2, and was characterized by a florid neutrophilic and macrophagic cellular infiltration around bentonite thrombi; in some foci, there was incipient organization to mature granuloma. However, in both models, there was no formation of epithelioid granulomata, demonstrating that in paracoccidioidomycosis cellular immunity alone, without the presence of intact micro-organisms, may not be enough for the development of this type of granuloma.


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Silica gel surfaces, organofunctionalized with 2-mercaptobenzimidazole, iminosalicylaldehyde and imidazole groups were examined using the small angle X-ray scattering technique (SAXS). From the scattering intensity data it was concluded that particles have a uniform size after the coupling reaction. The chemical treatment of the silica gel leads to an attachment of the organofunctional groups on the solid-pore interface of the silica with an increase of the mean size of the solid phase and some coalescence of the pores. © 1989.


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The influence of a nearest-neighbor Coulomb repulsion of strength V on the properties of the ferromagnetic Kondo model is analyzed using computational techniques. The Hamiltonian studied here is defined on a chain using localized S = 1/2 spins, and one orbital per site. Special emphasis is given to the influence of the Coulomb repulsion on the regions of phase separation recently discovered in this family of models, as well as on the double-exchange-induced ferromagnetic ground state. When phase separation dominates at V= 0, the Coulomb interaction breaks the large domains of the two competing phases into small islands of one phase embedded into the other. This is in agreement with several experimental results, as discussed in the text. Vestiges of the original phase separation regime are found in the spin structure factor as incommensurate peaks, even at large values of V. In the ferromagnetic regime close to density n = 0.5, the Coulomb interaction induces tendencies to charge ordering without altering the fully polarized character of the state. This regime of charge-ordered ferromagnetism may be related with experimental observations of a similar phase by Chen and Cheong [Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 4042 (1996)]. Our results reinforce the recently introduced notion [see, e.g., S. Yunoki et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 845 (1998)] that in realistic models for manganites analyzed with unbiased many-body techniques, the ground state properties arise from a competition between ferromagnetism and phase-separation - charge-ordering tendencies. ©1999 The American Physical Society.


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The mechanism of formation and growth of hydrous iron oxide (FeOOH) during the initial stages of forced hydrolyses of ferric chloride aqueous solution was studied by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The effect of the hydrolysis temperature (60°C, 70°C and 80°C) and of the addition of urea on the formation of colloidal particles under isothermal conditions were investigated. Based on the experimental scattering functions in the Guinier range, we suggest the presence of elongated colloidal particles. The particle diameter and length, and their variation with time, were determined by fitting the form factor of prolate ellipsoids to the experimental scattering functions. We have assumed that our solutions are in a dilute state and that all colloidal particles are approximately of the same size. The colloidal particles have geometrical shapes similar to those of the subcrystals that build up the superstructure of β-FeOOH crystals, indicating that the formation of this hydrous iron oxide is governed by an aggregation process. Otherwise, the addition of urea hinders the growth and yields smaller particles, with a reduction in size greater than 50%. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The formation of silica on core yttrium iron garnet presents a variety of different applications as corrosion resistance and stabilization of magnetic properties. Well-defined magnetic particles were prepared by heterocoagulating silica on yttrium iron garnet to protect the core. Yttrium iron garnet was obtained using a homogeneous nucleation process by controlling the chemical routes from cation hydrolysis in acid medium. The heterocoagulation was induced by tetraethyl orthosilicate hydrolysis in appropriate yttrium iron garnet dispersion medium. The presence of silica on yttrium iron garnet was characterized by vibrating sample magnetometry, X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, small area electron diffraction and differential thermal analysis. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structural evolution on the drying of wet sonogels of silica with the liquid phase exchanged by acetone, obtained from tetraethoxisilane sonohydrolysis, was studied in situ by small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). The periods associated to the structural evolution as determined by SAXS are in agreement with those classical ones established on basis of the features of the evaporation rate of the liquid phase in the obtaining of xerogels. The wet gel can be described as formed by primary particles (microclusters), with characteristic length a ∼ 0.67 nm and surface which is fractal, linking together to form mass fractal structures with mass fractal dimension D=2.24 in a length scale ξ∼6.7 nm. As the network collapses while the liquid/vapor meniscus is kept out of the gel volume, the mass fractal structure becomes more compacted by increasing D and decreasing ξ, with smoothing of the fractal surface of the microclusters. The time evolution of the density of the wet gels was evaluated exclusively from the SAXS parameters ξ, D, and a. The final dried acetone-exchanged gel presents Porod's inhomogeneity length of about 2.8 nm and apparently exhibits an interesting singularity D →3, as determined by the mass fractal modeling used to fit the SAXS intensity data for the obtaining of the parameters ξ and D.