152 resultados para Senecio poisoning
In this brief communication the authors report eleven cases of human poisoning caused by ingestion of pufferfish meat. Three patients (two children and one adult) were seriously affected. The circumstances that precipitated the poisoning are discussed as well as the clinical aspects observed. No deaths were registered and the patients did not present sequelae after the episode.
Livestock poisoning by plants is a frequent occurrence which determines severe losses, such as the fall in the milk and meat production, the cost of expensive treatments, the state of immunosuppression, or even the animal's death. Cattle ingest toxic plants only when there is food shortage, when they cannot select what they eat, or when they ingest food for preference, which is the case of Hovenia dulcis fruits, very rich in sucrose. This plant is widely distributed in the southern and southeastern Brazilian regions. In literature, there are some cases of severe human liver injury associated with a long-term of H. dulcis leaf and fruit tea intake, and only one report regarding spontaneous poisoning of goats caused by this plant ingestion. However, its toxic effects associated with spontaneous ingestion by cattle have never been reported. This paper reports the first case of spontaneous poisoning in cattle by H. dulcis, which occurred in a dairy farm in southwest Paraná, Brazil. Three cattle individuals showed anorexia, ruminal atony, severe diarrhea and neurological tournament, head pressing, blindness, ataxia, and circling. The necropsy of the animals was done, and the remaining alterations were restricted to the digestive system and brain. The clinical signs presented by the animals are characteristic of polioencephalomalacia (PEM), caused by changes in the thiamine metabolism. Furthermore, clinical signs, gross, and microscopic lesions as well as the large amount of the plant throughout the digestive segment led to a diagnosis.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of maternal lead poisoning during pregnancy on the development of the jaw (Meckel's cartilage) of rat fetuses by histologic and morphometric methods. Pregnant rats received a single intraperitoneal injection of 2.5 mg of lead acetate/100g body weight on the 10th day of pregnancy. Meckel's cartilage of fetuses of the lead-treated group showed smaller volume density and size of the lacunae, as well as modification of the lacunae shape. Moreover, the number density of lacunae and the volume density of the matrix increased significantly in the Meckel's cartilage in treated group fetuses. The results suggest that lead poisoning during the period of organogenesis can induce disturbances in the development and differentiation of the fetal stomatognathic system. Reducing the consumption of alcoholic beberages and smoking cessation by women in childbearing age, along with a strict policy of control of the environmental lead exposure can bring great benefits to the future generations of children.
Mineral elements are essential to animal health, survival and production because they are part of physiological, structural, catalytic and regulatory organism functions. Therefore, they should be present in diet. However, these minerals when ingested in excessive doses due to errors in balancing mineral supplements and/or complete ration, intake of plants with high mineral concentration, resulting from addition of fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides and fungicides in pasture or tillage where plants and/or grains will be used to feed animals, decomposition of urban and industrial wastes, leaks and accidental spills of pollutants may result in accumulation of toxic mineral elements in the environment poisoning the animals and may lead them to death. However, toxic doses, physiological changes during poisoning, symptoms and mineral concentration in tissues of poisoned animals to confirm diagnosis are not completely known. Thus, this study reviews mineral element doses that some authors considered toxic for animals intake, as its concentration in tissues of poisoned animals and its physiological effects, symptoms, diagnostic procedures and treatment for poisoning by cadmium, lead, copper, chromium, iodine, manganese, molybdenum, selenium and zinc.
This study aimed to identify the risks of staphylococcal food poisoning due to the consumption of raw milk. Fifty-one farms in Londrina (PR) and 50 in Pelotas (RS) were analyzed, to determine the population of coagulase-positive staphylococci (UFC/ mL), as well as to verify the ability of producing Staphylococcal Enterotoxin A (SEA) by immunodifusion (OSP), the presence of the gene for the production of SEA (PCR) in the cultures, and the research of enterotoxin (SEA to SEE) in milk samples using ELISA commercial kit. Considering the 101 farms analyzed, 19 (18.8%) presented coagulase-positive staphylococci count above 105 UFC/mL. For the evaluation of the enterotoxigenic ability (SEA) by the OSP technique, six cultures coagulase-positive (5.5%) were positive to the test and identified as S. aureus. From the coagualse-negative sample, one (5.5%) was OSP positive. For the evaluation of the presence of the gene for EEA synthesis, 51 cultures of staphylococci were tested. From this total, 14 (27.45%) presented the gene, and from that, only 5 (9.81%) cultures were capable of expressing it in the technique of the OSP. The morphologic characteristic of the evaluated cultures that had enterotoxigenic capacity, from the 14 (33,3%) cultures that presented the gene for EEA production, 05 (11.9%) were characterized as typical cultures of S.aureus in Baird Parker agar. All the 12 milk samples studied for the presence of EEA to EEE in milk were negative. Thus, it can be concluded that there is extensive contamination of raw milk for staphylococci coagulase, however, most of the isolated strains were not enterotoxigenic or did not express such a characteristic. Only 9.81% of the tested colonies expressed the gene and effectively produced SEA. None of the samples had sufficient counts to produce detectable amounts of SEA. The milk samples did not present risk to cause staphylococcal food poisoning if consumed in natura until the collection moment.
Phyllorhiza punctata (P. punctata) is a jellyfish native to the southwestern Pacific. Herewith we present the biochemical and pharmacological characterization of an extract of the tentacles of P. punctata. The tentacles were subjected to three freezethaw cycles, homogenized, ultrafiltered, precipitated, centrifuged and lyophilized to obtain a crude extract (PHY-N). Paralytic shellfish poisoning compounds such as saxitoxin, gonyautoxin-4, tetrodotoxin and brevetoxin-2, as well as several secretory phospholipase A2 were identified. PHY-N was tested on autonomic and somatic neuromuscular preparations. In mouse vas deferens, PHY-N induced phasic contractions that reached a peak of 234 +/- 34.7% of control twitch height, which were blocked with either 100 mu m of phentolamine or 1m m of lidocaine. In mouse corpora cavernosa, PHY-N evoked a relaxation response, which was blocked with either L-NG-Nitroarginine methyl ester (0.5 m m) or 1m m of lidocaine. PHY-N (1, 3 and 10 mu g ml(-1)) induced an increase in tonus of the biventercervicis neuromuscular preparation that was blocked with pre-treatment of galamine (10 mu m). Administration of 6 mg kg(-1) PHY-N intramuscularly produced death in broilers by spastic paralysis. In conclusion, PHY-N induces nerve depolarization and nonspecifically increases neurotransmitter release. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Foram pré-compostados, em células individuais e isoladas, cinco cadáveres de bovinos acometidos pelo botulismo com a finalidade de monitorar a presença de esporos de Clostridium botulinum e de toxina botulínica antes e após o processo de decomposição em leira estática com fonte de carbono. O diagnóstico da intoxicação nos animais foi baseado nas características clínico-patológicas, epidemiológicas ou laboratoriais. Dos cinco bovinos com evolução clínica crônica de botulismo, cujos cadáveres foram pré-compostados, três foram acometidos pela toxina tipo D, um pelo complexo CD e um dos animais foi negativo na tentativa de detecção da toxina e de esporos da bactéria nas vísceras pelo bioensaio e neutralização em camundongo. O processo de pré-compostagem foi realizado em leira estática, com o uso de material carbonáceo umidificado como substrato e esquartejamento do animal, vedado individualmente com lona plástica e sem aeração por um período de 50 dias. A temperatura das leiras foi monitorada durante o período e oscilou de 40,5-52,4ºC. Após a abertura das leiras, pôde-se constatar a completa decomposição de todo material mole, com redução significativa do seu peso (de 26,5-44,5%), restando apenas os ossos. Não foi detectado esporo ou toxina botulínica no interior dos ossos (n=5 para cada cadáver). Nas 200 amostras examinadas do homogeneizado restante (n=40 para cada cadáver), em apenas duas amostras de uma leira foram detectados esporos de C. botulinum tipo C, enquanto que todas foram negativas para a tentativa de detecção da toxina botulínica pelo bioensaio em camundongo. da forma como foi avaliado o processo de pré-compostagem de bovinos mortos pela intoxicação botulínica não contribuiu para a proliferação de C. botulinum.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Com o objetivo de verificar a capacidade enterotoxigênica de cepas de Aeromonas sp. isoladas em diferentes produtos e locais no fluxograma de abate bovino, foram testadas 102 cepas (18 da espécie A. hydrophila, 65 da espécie A. caviae e 19 atípicas) ante os testes de inoculação intragástrica em camundongo lactente e em alça intestinal ligada de coelho. Revelaram-se como produtoras de enterotoxinas três (16,7%) cepas da espécie A. hydrophila, originárias das mãos do manipulador antes que ele iniciasse seus trabalhos e da carne desossada pronta para o consumo, e uma (1,5%) da espécie A. caviae, também isolada das mãos. Os resultados são preocupantes pela presença de cepas enterotoxigênicas de bactérias do gênero Aeromonas em indústria de alto nível higiênico-sanitário.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: Verificar a ocorrência de Staphylococcus aureus em uma amostra de queijo tipo Minas frescal comercializado na cidade de Poços de Caldas, MG, de modo a obter subsídios que permitam avaliar o risco potencial que este produto pode representar para a saúde da população consumidora. MÉTODOS: Foi investigada a presença e o número de cepas de Staphylococcus aureus em 80 amostras de queijo tipo Minas frescal produzido artesanalmente e comercializado na cidade de Poços de Caldas, MG, Brasil. RESULTADOS: Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram a presença de S. aureus em 40 (50,0%) amostras, cujas contagens revelaram valores médios em torno de 10(5)/g. CONCLUSÕES: Tais achados parecem ser extremamente preocupantes, pois além de se situarem acima do limite máximo de 10³/g estabelecido pelo Ministério da Saúde, estes valores mostraram-se muito próximos dos requeridos para a produção de enterotoxinas em quantidades suficientes para a ocorrência de surtos de intoxicação alimentar estafilocócica.
Foram utilizados 24 suínos desmamados, distribuídos em quatro tratamentos, com seis animais em cada. Os suínos dos tratamentos 1, 2, 3 e 4 receberam, durante 90 dias, ração com respectivamente: 0,0, 0,2, 0,4 e 0,6% de sementes de Crotalaria spectabilis. Os animais que morreram durante o período experimental foram necropsiados logo após a morte. Os sobreviventes foram sacrificados no último dia do experimento. Durante as necropsias, foram colhidos fragmentos do fígado, rim, pulmão e estômago, para realização de exame histopatológico. Os principais sintomas da intoxicação foram edemas subcutâneos, principalmente nos membros, na face e região do pescoço, mucosas oral e ocular pálidas, cerdas eriçadas, caquexia e apatia. O hidropericárdio foi a lesão macroscópica mais comum, acometendo vários animais que receberam a ração contaminada. As principais lesões microscópicas foram fibrose, proliferação de ductos biliares e megalocitose no fígado, broncopneumonia e bronquite crônicas, megalocitose de células epiteliais tubulares renais, nefrose e nefrite crônica, bem como gastrite e ulceração gástrica. Os resultados destes experimentos indicam que ração contaminada com sementes de C. spectabilis, nas proporções utilizadas, foi tóxica para suínos.
Objective. To evaluate the average values of the hemogram test in healthy dogs during chemotherapy with cisplatin. Materials and methods. The hemogram parameters of eight healthy canines, which underwent therapy with cisplatin, were evaluated. These canines were divided into two groups. The dogs in the first group were given cisplatin (70mg/m(2), i.v.) and to prevent kidney poisoning they were given physiological serum at 0.9% (25mL/kg/h, i.v.). The dogs in group two were not given cisplatin. Results. The hemogram of the dogs in the first group did not show any significant difference (p>0.05) as compared to the dogs in group 2.Conclusions. The data obtained indicate the protocol used with cisplatine does not significantly alter the average values of the hemogram test and the number of chemotherapy sessions increases the risk of diminishing the values of the hemogram test.
Pesquisas na área da Saúde no Trabalho têm revelado a preocupação com os agravos à saúde de trabalhadores rurais decorrentes da utilização de defensivos agrícolas. Diante disso, este estudo objetivou conhecer o cotidiano de trabalho de produtores rurais de uma cooperativa agrícola localizada no interior do estado de São Paulo, bem como avaliar a exposição deles quando da utilização de agrotóxicos no desenvolvimento de suas atividades. Esperamos, com base nos resultados, estar contribuindo com discussões sobre o tema relacionado à saúde dos trabalhadores no contexto considerado. Para coleta de dados, utilizamos entrevistas semi-estruturadas, aplicadas de formas individual e coletiva. Participaram do estudo cinqüenta produtores rurais que desenvolvem atividades nas lavouras de café, soja, trigo e milho. Os dados foram agrupados em cinco categorias e analisados qualitativamente. Os resultados expõem as características da atividade agrícola na região, a utilização dos equipamentos de proteção individual, as técnicas no uso dos agrotóxicos, o sofrimento psíquico e a produção rural e maneiras de lidar com as situações de intoxicação e alertar os órgãos competentes para o problema da subnotificação.
Objective. To identify families served by the family health strategy (FHS) storing medicines at home, to evaluate storage conditions, and to investigate medicine use practices.Methods. The study was conducted in a municipality in the state of São Paulo with two FHS units serving 1 867 households. The sample was selected by means of stratified random sampling. Data collection was conducted through semistructured interviews from July to October 2008.Results. One resident was interviewed in each of the 280 households visited. Medicines were found in 255 households (91.1%). of 326 storage locations, 217 (75.8%) were inadequate (easily accessible to children or exposed to moisture, light). of the 2 578 medicines identified, 2 059 medicines (79.9%) in 236 (84.3%) households had safety or identification problems. of the 280 respondents, 179 (63.9%) used medications. of these, 24 were self-medicating, only one with an over-the-counter drug. Only 44 users had the prescription for their medication, and 21 did not follow the prescription in terms of dosage or had interrupted the treatment.Conclusions. Non-adherence to recommended treatment can lead to negative outcomes, such as inefficiency (using dosages lower than prescribed), poisoning (using dosages higher than prescribed), and other adverse reactions.