308 resultados para Salvamento de membro
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Introduction: The Constraint-induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) is a therapeutic program which main goal is the functional recuperation of paretic upper extremity of stroke patients with motor deficits by an intensive treatment, practice of functional repetition and wear of restriction in non-paretic during 90% of the daily hours. Objective: The aim of this study was evaluate the CIMT influence on upper extremity function of hemiparetic individuals. Method: The CIMT was provided for 3 daily hours for 10 consecutive days. Besides, patients were asked to wear a restraint dispositive on the unaffected hand during 90% of their activities daily living hours. Before and after the intervention period, 2 tests were administered to evaluate motor function, the Motor Activity Log (MAL) and the Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT). Results: The results of MAL showed significant difference in quantity (p=0,011) and quality (p=0,016) of paretic upper extremity movements. Analysis of WMFT indicated a significant reduction of time that patients performed the tasks (p= 0,042) and a difference for quality of movement (p<0,0001). Conclusion: The present results showed that CIMT improves upper extremity function in hemiparetic individuals.
The Triunfo Member, from Rio Bonito Formation, is a potential reservoir for hydrocarbons and water, and contains coal deposits in the northern state of Paraná. On the eastern edge of the Paraná Basin, the Triunfo Member has two depocenters in Santa Catarina and offlap to the North of Paraná; here in two adjacent areas characterized his final lapout. These areas have a number of wells core/logged with the initials MA and NF, Monte Alegre and Figueira North, which were drilled by the Companhia de Pesquisa e Recursos Minerais (CPRM), in order to research for coal in the Rio Bonito Formation. In this study, three wells in the MA area, and they were MA-4, MA-6 and MA-7 was subjected to vertical facies analysis (1D), from the description of wells and processing of data, so that later it was possible to chronocorrelate thereof, together with MA-5 well, through cycles facies (2D). This is a thesis which has never been developed in these wells mentioned above, it was possible to observe the development of part of the Member Taciba (top) and the Member Triunfo as a whole, can be determined three cycles facies to the latter, as well as their depositional environments. Finally, the chronocorrelate showed that there is a tabular architecture between the wells studied, this occurred because of subsidence uniform
This work demonstrates the technique of perineural anesthetic blocks made in the distal forelimb of the horse, and also covers aspects relating to the interpretation of the results obtained with the procedure. The limit of the subject the distal forelimb of horses is explained by the distribution of common lameness, being more frequent in this region. The procedure is intended to provide analgesia to a region of the limb, causing the animal to stop limping or decrease the intensity of claudication temporarily, since this region is responsible for the claudication, allowing thus, the likely location of the lesion, which may be investigated by other helper methods to confirm the diagnosis. Besides the description of the technique, were approached concerning aspects to the location of the anatomical structures involved, materials needed, cares with the animals, and possible complications from the procedure
Microbialites (irregular agglutinated grains, laterally continuous mats and stromatolites) occur in small, nearly continuous outcrops over a ~60 m-thick carbonate interval of the Sumidouro Member, Lagamar Formation, Vazante Group, Meso-Neoproterozoic, on the Sumaré Farm, in Lagamar (MG, Southeastern Brazil). Diversified stromatolites formed under shallow, high energy conditions predominate and exhibit frequent lateral and vertical changes, including probable bioherm borders. In the lower part of the interval, coniform columnar stromatolites (Conophyton), representative of the deepest and/or calmest settings, are common. Higher up, narrow subcylindrical unbranched forms become abundant and may grade to forms with subparallel dichotomous or multiple divergent branches. The microbialites are apparently organized in shallowing upward cycles
The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of unilateral isokinetic strength training at high speed (180°.s-1) of the dominant leg on the rate of force development (RFD) of the contralateral limb. The study included 18 male individuals, apparently healthy, with an average of 23 years, and without regular practice of physical activities. The subjects were divided randomly into two groups: control group (GC) and isokinetic group (GISOC). Assessments were made of the values of peak isometric torque (PT isom) and RFD of both lower limbs in the pre-training. So, the GISOC underwent an isokinetic strength training with high speed (180°.s-1) for 6 weeks, with the dominant leg only and then reassessed. It was found that there was no significant improvement in value of PT isom (p> 0.05), and the RFD for the dominant limb had a significant improvement (p< 0.05) compared to the pre-training and that there was no transfer of values to the contralateral side (p> 0.05). It can be concluded that the isokinetic training at high speed was not enough for significant cross education
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV
The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between run-up spatial-temporal variables with ball velocity in the dominant and non-dominant kicks, and to compare the ball velocity between contralateral limbs. Six futsal players (aged 13 and 14 years) participated in the study. The participants performed 4 kicks with maximal velocity in the stationary ball with each limb. Participants’ movements were recorded by 4 digital cameras (120 Hz). Dvideow software was used for kinematic procedures. The variables analyzed were: length and width of the last but one step and last step before ball contact, distance of the support foot to the ball, run-up velocity and ball velocity. The relationship between spatial-temporal variables with the ball velocity was analyzed by linear regressions with ball velocity as dependent variable. Student t test for paired samples was used to compare ball velocity between dominant and non-dominant kicks. For the dominant limb, the ball velocity was predicted only by the run-up velocity in 16.7%, while for the non-dominant limb only the distance of the support foot to the ball was prognostic variable in 11.9%. The ball velocity was greater for the dominant limb. Run-up variables that predictive ball velocity were different between the dominant and non-dominant kicks.
In the region of Badejo oil Ffeld (Campos Basin) lies an Lower Albian dolomitic layer that shows reservoir rock and seal conditions, among others and, it is occasionally karstified. This work applies geostatistical techniques of ordinary and indicatior kriging, in an attempt to determine a method that assists the analysis of different scenarios offered for petroleum drilling from a quantitative point of view this fact is justified, because there are different visions and strategies that would be adopted under different dolomite conditions (stable - low porosity and high density; reservoir - high porosity and medium density; instable - high porosity and low dentisty). The main objective is a methodological introduction that has not been tested in dolomites before aiming to characterize the distribution of the three conditions described above by ordinary and indicatior kriging, which was based on the obtained data from the dolomite layer identification through well logs interpretation and correlation, followed by seismic interpretation. In addition, it was generated structural contour maps, based on 2D and 3D seismic data interpretation, and then, seismic attributes maps were calculated, in order to transform them into pseudo-density maps, i.e., maps that correlate the density values with the attribute values. As primary results, structural contour maps and seismic attributes were obtained and ordinary and indicatior kriging maps were done, on which it is possible to interpret the distribution of the main reservoir and risk probability for drilling of exploration wells obtaining trends N35E and N10W direction for areas of stability or reservoir levels, while the central part of the map presents a higher risk for loss of drilling fluid. The cut-off values levels were based on the values of first and third quartiles of cumulative histogram (instable and stable zones, respectively), as well as the reservoir level was set as the interval...
Located in northeastern Brazil, the evolution of Araripe Basin has been associated with the fragmentation of Gondwana and opening of the South Atlantic. The Santana Formation belongs to the post-rift sequence of the basin and is characterized by the presence of laminated limestones in the lower portion (Mb. Crato), evaporite (Ipubi) and siliciclastics (Mb. Romualdo). For better understanding of the Romualdo's stratigraphy, depositional environments and tract of systems, a stratigraphic analysis was made with representative columnar sections of the unit. Sedimentary facies have been described in detail, as well as paleocurrents measured at different stratigraphic levels. It was found that the contact of Mb. Romualdo with the carbonate-evaporite section (Mbs. Crato and Ipubi) is a unconformity, evidenced by residual lags and thin layers of conglomerates above the contact. Above the conglomeratic levels predominate fine sandstones / medium interlayered with calciferous green shales. The percentage of shales increases towards the top, featuring retrogradational stacking culminating in layers of coquinas, excellent stratigraphic mark in the basin. Thin layers of coquins of gastropods comprising equinoids, located on the shale section, present in three sections marine deposits are associated with surfaces ravine. The upper section is characterized by recurrent facies of green shales, sandstones intercalated with sandstones progressively become more frequent towards the top of the unit, featuring the regressive part of the cycle. The sandstones present cross-stratification, often with mud clasts and clay layers in the foresets, and beddings of flaser type and wavy in heterolitic facies, suggesting the action of tidal currents. Paleocurrents measured in the sandstones show gaps with opposite flow directions outlining bipolar standards, which reinforce the interpretation of shallow marine environment influenced by tides during the sedimentation...