436 resultados para Revista Ciência Hoje das Crianças


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A good night sleep is part of a healthy lifestyle. However, children and adolescents replace sleeping hours by several other activities. This project aimed to disseminate information about sleeping and stimulate some reflections about the risk factors to health arising frompersonal and collective habits. A group of 1014 junior high school students from five schools in the city of Assis-SP, participated in the project. The students visited an exhibition about the theme "sleeping and health" and took part of group assignments. Issues related to sleeping and alternatives to promote healthy sleeping habits in day-life context were discussed. The activities were planned and executed by six trainees under the supervision of the responsible teacher. The majority of the visitors reported pleasure (90% of students) and interest in the subject; (85%) enjoyed learning new information about it (93%). Among the activities performed, 25% of visitors particularly enjoyed playful educational activities, 19% the oral presentation and 23% all the activities without distinction. Group discussion on everyday situations encouraged the adolescents to reevaluate previous experiences and knowledge that were not always consistent with current scientific knowledge. Undergraduate students had a rich practical opportunity that stimulated them to create health education strategies for adolescents. Some adolescents got more involved in the activities and others were more stimulated by the change of school routine. The activities were feasible and can be designed according to the target public. Certainly individual experience was sporadic and we suggest that future projects might be improved by stimulating bigger schools and more teachers to participate.


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The hospitalization process can cause significant changes in the children’s everyday life because, besides the suffering caused by the disease, there are the invasive processes which bring them sorrow. Thus, aiming to make this state of sorrow lower and to contribute for the treatment process we developed in a hospital the Mobile Toy Library project which develops interactive activities through playing, trying to make the staying of these kids at the hospital easier. The team is formed by Psychology professors and students, who daily visit the children with a trolley full of toys in order to interact and play with them. We wait on 500 patients a year. We concluded the Mobile Toy Library provides ways for kids to elaborate their psychological conflicts, lowering their sorrow as well as their negative feelings of staying in hospital, and this helps them deal with the disease, family and medical team all together.


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This article provides a theoretical reflection on the relationship between public policies and the social vulnerability of children and adolescents, based on the supervised internship of students of Psychology at UNESP/Campus Assis. The work revealed the need to examine the implications that social vulnerability concepts and public policies have in this area of professional activity. The study indicated the importance of addressing the ways that social vulnerability arises, and suggested possible contributions that psychology could make in the social sphere. The work highlights the need for the future psychologist to deepen his/her knowledge of these issues in order to develop a critical professional attitude that breaks from the approach in which individuals and/or their families are considered responsible for the processes that maintain them at risk.


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The community awareness on responsible ownership associated with public policies is key to the promotion of animal welfare. Most cities have a large population of dogs and cats wandering causing serious health problems and abuse. This project aimed to guide and inform the population aimed at animal welfare with the simple and direct approach to issues related to responsible ownership, management, nature conservation and zoonoses. The methodology developed to approach the project in two modules: the I and II, along public and private Elementary and High Schools in Araçatuba. Module I (Mod.I) is basedon the use of puppet theater and musicals, considering the target audience children 3-10 years and the second module (Mod 2) consists of presentations of lectures by undergraduate and graduate course of Veterinary Medicine FMVA UNESP campus Araçatuba, being the target audience of High School teenagers. Data collection proceeded by questionnaires, with questions regarding the care and practices to pets. The results revealed that there is a lack of information about animal welfare practice.


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A grande diversidade das atividades industriais ocasiona durante o processo produtivo a geração de resíduos sólidos, líquidos e gasosos, que podem poluir e/ou contaminar o solo, a água e o ar. Embora existam regulamentos para o descarte desses resíduos, a inobservância às regras, a ineficiência dos tratamentos despoluentes e a inoperância de órgãos fiscalizadores permitem que, ainda hoje, sejam lançados ao ambiente grandes cargas de poluentes. Isso se aplica às indústrias de alimentos de origem animal. Felizmente, a visão dos empresários do setor vem mudando, na medida em que a imagem de uma empresa que conta com produtos e processos ambientalmente responsáveis representa parte das estratégias competitivas atuais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi demonstrar como um efluente industrial pode ser transformado em matéria prima para a obtenção de um produto com valor comercial, utilizando tecnologias reconhecidas pela indústria e a atividade microbiana. O efluente foi obtido em indústria de abate e processamento de tilápias, apresentado (valores médios) pH = 9,4, DQO = 1.127 mg/L, óleos e graxas = 1.166 mg/L, nitrogênio total = 813 mg/L, coliformes a 30–35o C = 1,0x105 NMP/mL, coliformes a 45o C = 0,41 NMP/mL, bolores e leveduras = 4,6x103 UFC/mL e, ocasionalmente, contendo Salmonella sp e Aeromonas sp. Os tratamentos físicos aplicados ao efluente incluíram gradeamento, filtração (50µm) e pasteurização (65o C/30 min). O cultivo de Rubrivivax gelatinosus foi realizado sob anaerobiose em reatores de vidro durante 7 dias, em temperatura ambiente (30±5o C) e 2.000±500 lux. A recuperação da biomassa foi feita por filtração tangencial (0,2 µm; 1,5 bar), centrifugação (3.400 g/30 min; 5o C) e liofilização (-40o C) e a pulverização foi realizada manualmente. A produção de massa celular atingiu 0,18 g/L, com produtividade de 0,0634 g/L.dia. O processo promoveu redução de 52% na DQO, 48% em óleos e graxas e 22% no nitrogênio total, gerando um resíduo com pH 7,9, livre de bactérias patogênicas e, portanto, apto ao descarte. O produto obtido apresentou cor vermelho escuro (L = 22,42; C = 14,22; h = 25,48), 4,55% de umidade, 57,39% de proteína, 11,08% de extrato etéreo, 4,05% de matéria mineral, 3,03 mg/g de oxicarotenóides, 20,27 NMP/g de coliformes a 30–35o C, <1,0 NMP/g de coliformes a 45o C, 1,2x103 UFC/g de bolores e leveduras e ausência de microrganismos patogênicos. Essas características apontam para um potencial pigmentante e nutricional positivo no produto, que pode encontrar aplicação na produção animal, com segurança microbiológica. Dessa forma, fecha-se um ciclo autosustentável que pode ser adotado na própria fonte geradora do resíduo industrial, permitindo a reversão de gastos com tratamento despoluente em receitas advindas da comercialização de um novo produto.


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Currently, responsible ownership of pets has been widely discussed. In the past, they were brought to our society and it is our duty nowadays to establish this relationship between man and animal. This study aimed at evaluating the level of knowledge of elderly dog owners about responsible ownership with emphasis on control of canine visceral leishmaniasis and at the same time make them aware of the precautions to be taken. An individual questionnaire on the subject was applied to 68 elderly people. They all belong to Nossa Senhora Aparecida Village, located on the suburb of Araçatuba-SP. Along with the interview, veterinary students advised them on the control of canine visceral leishmaniasis, the importance of sterilization in cats and dogs and the responsible ownership, with distribution of informative leaflets. Fecal samples from dogs were collected by the owners and they were sent to the Laboratory of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases at Odontology Faculty at Araçatuba UNESP to be processed through the Willis-Mollay technique. Anthelmintic were acquired in the project and donated for the treatment of animals tested positive. 56.25% (63/112) out of the total number of dogs examined were females, aged between one and ten years. Only 32.14% (36/112) had access to the streets, 90.18% (101/112) were not castrated and 58% (65/112) were mixed breed (SRD). Among the owners, 88.24% (60/68) did not know what zoonosis is and 14.71% (10/68) were not aware what leishmaniasis is. Regarding the researched animals, 62.50% (70/112) had ectoparasites (fleas and ticks). It was also observed that 67.86% (76/112) of dogs had been dewormed, but in 59.82% (36/112) of cases, the intervals between these processes were irregular. For females, 85.71% (54/63) had no prevention heat and it was noted that 19.51% (8 / 41) had already given birth, had dystocia. With these data we can confirm the lack of information by these elderly and the need to establish community awareness and continued programs.


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The guidelines of National Curriculum for Dental courses highlights the necessity in providing for the professional the ability to analyze and assess community’s problems and needs, and to create solutions for the society. The continuing education may be considered a useful tool for the teaching and learning because it favors the diversification of learning environments, which allows the insertion of undergraduate and graduate students into the real scenarios. This current study aimed to assess the Public Health projects and programs of the UNESP – Araçatuba Dental School, by describing the interaction experiences between faculty and health services in the professional career development. Historical, documentary and descriptive searches were performed based on the faculty archives such as official documents, reports, databases from the Pro-rector of continuing education and published papers in the period between 1964 and 2011. The following experiences were noted: the Extra-Muro Dental Service (SEMO), established in 1964, that focused in providing dental treatment to the rural population, highlighted the social inclusion of discriminated society groups since that time. In 1972, this service was expanded to several specific populations living in the urban areas. In the '60s, many educational campaigns were performed as homemade water filter and construction of wells and septic tanks which demonstrate the concern with the determinants of healthdisease process. At that time, the campaign of fluoridation of public water supplies in several counties started as Araçatuba, Birigui, Penápolis, Guararapes, Valparaíso and so on. The Campaign of “Good Teeth” from the '70s became wider over time and it was transformed in the "Oral Health Education Program" and it was continuously developed in all public schools of Araçatuba and some neighboring towns, benefiting children aged from 6 to 10 years-old. Several epidemiological studies of caries, periodontal diseases, malocclusion and fluorosis were conducted in cooperation with local governments, and counted with the participation of undergraduate and graduate students. Pereira Barreto – SP was the precursor city in Brazil to carry out fluorosis study. Currently, 12 projects of Public Health from the Institution of Higher Education in the Pro-rector of continuing education are being developed. The concern in qualifying the human resources in health is confirmed with the development of training courses and workshops for professionals, highlighting the training for people enrolled in the Family Health program; Community Health Agent training - Solidarity University, and Municipal Health Counselors training. The Graduate Program in Social and Preventive Dentistry, created in 1993, has an important role to train several professionals for the Unified Health System, and provides education to create researchers, professors and administrators, and enucleates research groups in several Brazilian states. In all activities showed herein, a dynamic participation of undergraduate and graduate students has been observed, and several books, guidelines, articles, brochures and booklets have been published as a result of the continuing education activities.. It was concluded that different projects and programs have been developed by the Public Health of UNESP –Araçatuba Dental School, which allow the exchange of experience between the university and health services, and benefit all participants enrolled in these activities.


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Brazilian Curricular Directrix demand changes on teaching dental surgeon, proposing new scenes of learning and study other than the classroom. So, pedagogic projects should search for integral and adequate education by relating teaching, research and extension/assistance. This paper discusses the importance of university extension activities on teaching Odontology students and relates the experience of Araçatuba Dental School of São Paulo State University. This school develops some university extension activities since the 60s by Dental Service Beyond School (SEMO, in portuguese). Among the activities included by SEMO there are several projects, such as: “Program of Dental Attention for Pregnant Women”, “Program of Dental Attention to Juvenile Foundation at Araçatuba”, “Always Smiling – Health Promotion for Institutionalized Elderlies”, “Santa Clara de Assis Nursery School Program of Dental Attention”, and "Promotion of oral health in Araçatuba public kindergarten schools”. These programs give the student knowledge of structure dimensions of public health services; chance to participate on attendance for the population, comprehension of oral health politics, and the role of dental surgeon in social context, where these students will work in the future. The positive impact obtained with these services is perceived by students return. Most of them feel satisfied about the experience lived there.


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O projeto de Extensão Espaços Livres na Escola busca contribuir com o bem estar dos usuários, permitindo a estimulação dos sentidos, através da cor, textura, sabor, fragrância, luz e som ali presentes. A “aprendizagem emocional” ocorre como uma experiência não articulada. O brincar é a maneira como as crianças estabelecem relação com o mundo físico e social, em um cenário multissensorial, estimulando o desenvolvimento da mente, corpo e espírito. Entre as características essenciais presentes no jardim educativo podemos citar a relação entre o programa de necessidades e o ambiente, na escala da criança; a relação entre a idade e quantidade de crianças, além de oferecer aos usuários uma variedade de opções e a oportunidade de fazer escolhas, possibilitando a manipulação e permitindo o contato social, inserido no espaço junto à natureza. Portanto, o objetivo principal é a elaboração de um projeto paisagístico para um espaço livre escolar que busque um melhor desempenho ecológico, além de servir como estímulo à aprendizagem e à sociabilidade entre as crianças. Após consulta à Secretaria de Planejamento da Prefeitura Municipal de Bauru, averiguou-se que a Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil Integrada – EMEII Garibaldo, localizada no jardim Santana, em Bauru – SP, fora reinaugurada, havendo interesse na implantação do projeto de extensão universitária. Tendo como ponto de partida o levantamento bibliográfico sobre o tema, questionários aplicados aos funcionários, desenhos elaborados pelos alunos e a análise da edificação e de seu funcionamento, chegou-se a uma proposta de intervenção para as áreas livres como também alterações na edificação, depois de realizadas visitas técnicas à escola. Como metodologia para chegar a uma análise mais crítica do ambiente escolar, levou-se em consideração a opinião dos usuários do edifício - alunos e funcionários – sendo proposta uma atividade de desenho às crianças, evidenciando o que mais gostavam e o que menos gostavam na escola, além de desenhar como gostariam que fosse a escola. A turma selecionada para esta atividade apresentava uma faixa etária de 5 a 6 anos, num total de 17 crianças. Aos funcionários da instituição foi distribuído um questionário para que eles atribuíssem valores de acordo com as problemáticas abordadas. Foi realizada a tabulação dos questionários, com a aplicação do Diagrama de Paretto. A proposta de intervenção foi apresentada aos usuários, discutindo os principais pontos a serem revistos. O terreno da escola ocupa uma quadra completa, tendo em frente uma pequena praça. A vegetação de grande porte é suficiente para toda a área livre, no entanto foi necessário um tratamento paisagístico em escala mais reduzida, com o uso de gramíneas e arbustos de pequeno e médio porte. O uso de diferentes escalas foi importante não apenas na escolha da vegetação, mas também no emprego de diversos materiais, cores e espaços. Os resultados apresentados no projeto incluem a reforma de pisos, jardins, proposição de um novo layout para o playground e propostas para uma melhor organização dos ambientes, buscando dar ênfase à criação de uma identidade visual ao espaço, sem perder de vista a importância do ato criativo das crianças como parte do ambiente de aprendizagem. Além disso, buscou-se incentivar as atividades voltadas à sensibilização e conscientização das crianças quanto ao ambiente, estabelecendo conexões entre horticultura, paisagismo e educação ambiental, com a criação de uma pequena horta, que poderá ser abordada em aulas relacionadas à alimentação, aos sentidos, reciclagem, técnicas agrícolas e preservação do ambiente, valorizando “o fazer” dos alunos. As atividades realizadas demonstram a importância de estabelecermos vínculos entre a Universidade e a comunidade, com a aplicação das pesquisas realizadas. A experiência no ensino de Paisagismo, enriquecedora e instigante, busca levar os discentes a imprimir em seus projetos os valores estéticos, ambientais, funcionais e sociais. O Projeto de Extensão “Espaços Livres na Escola” também permite que levemos esta experiência à comunidade, buscando despertar a consciência e o respeito pela natureza, ao mesmo tempo em que estamos contribuindo, de maneira mais efetiva, na formação da paisagem urbana. No dia 30 de novembro de 2009, a análise e as propostas da extensão universitária “Espaços Livres na Escola” foram apresentadas pelo bolsista e os projetos entregues à diretora da EMEII Garibaldo, com o objetivo de contribuir para sua implementação.


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O conhecimento sobre o crescimento e o acúmulo de nutrientes em hipobiotos de caramboleira permite melhor eficiência da adubação na produção de hipobiotos (porta-enxertos). Objetivou-se determinar o crescimento e o acúmulo de nutrientes em hipobiotos de caramboleira cultivada em solução nutritiva. O experimento constituiu de cinco tratamentos, referentes aos tempos de coleta 25; 50; 75; 100 e 125 dias após o transplantio, dispostos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em seis repetições. As plantas utilizadas foram obtidas de sementes de frutos de caramboleira 'Malásia', cultivadas em vasos com solução nutritiva. Nos diferentes órgãos dos hipobiotos (folhas, caule e raízes), avaliou-se o crescimento e o acúmulo de nutrientes e os índices nutricionais, a cada 25 dias. O ponto de enxertia (6 mm) foi atingido aos 110 dias após o transplantio. A ordem decrescente dos nutrientes acumulados em cada hipobioto produzido é de (em mg por planta): N = 634; K = 368; Ca = 152; Mg = 106; S = 98; P = 88 (em µg por planta) de: Fe = 2.963; Mn = 2.165; B = 722; Zn =780, e Cu = 96. O acúmulo médio de nutrientes é maior nas folhas > caule = raízes. O período de maior exigência de nutrientes pelos hipobiotos é compreendido entre 25-75 dias após o transplantio. As diferentes taxas de acumulação líquida dos nutrientes, nas diferentes partes da caramboleira, nem sempre acompanham a taxa de acumulação de nutrientes do respectivo órgão.


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This study aimed to determine the late-season presence of weeds in reddish brown cotton (cultivar BRS Safira) and the critical times for removing weeds. The experiment was carried out in the area of Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) in Missao Velha-CE, Brazil, located at 7 degrees 42'07" S latitude and 39 degrees 24'18" WGr. longitude, during the 2007/2008 season. The treatments consisted of two control groups: weed-free crop during the initial period after crop emergency, and crop kept with weeds during initial period after plant emergency. Both consisted, 0; 20; 40; 60; 80 e 120 days after crop emergency (DAE), the weed community was evaluated by two phytosociological indices (relative dominance and relative importance). Regression analysis was performed as the model of sigmoidal Boltzman, using data from productivity separately within each type of competition, to identify the critical periods of competition, considering 2; 5 and 10% reduction in yield. The community of weeds was composed by 21 species, standing out among them: Richardia grandiflora, Amaranthus deflexus, Eleusine indica, Merremia aegyptia, Eragrotis pilosa, Cenchrus echinatus and Waltheria indica. Considering 2; 5 and 10% reduction in yield fiber as acceptable, the critical period before weed interference were, respectively, 8; 14 and 20 DAE. The critical period of weed interference, for those same levels of losses, were respectively, 100; 82 and 60 days.


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Studies were conducted at Estacao Experimental de Citricultura de Bebedouro, SP to evaluate the response of glyphosate-resistant horseweed and hairy fleabane biotypes to herbicides glyphosate, bromacil + diuron, diuron e paraquat isolated and in mixture and effect of a sequential application of glyphosate. The experimental design was of complete randomized blocks with four replication and seven treatments. The herbicides were applied with costal sprayer, constant pressure with three nozzles TT110015, the equivalent spray volume was 150 L ha(-1). The control was visually evaluated, trough percentile note scale. The best results were obtained to general control of weed with diuron isolated and glyphosate in mixture with bromacil + diuron while to glyphosate-resistant horseweed and hairy fleabane there was no difference between the treatments. After sequential application to Conyza sp control, the best treatment was obtained associated with diuron and bromacil+diuron.


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The behavior of the chemical attributes is directly influenced by superficial flow and water movement inside the soil. This work aimed to study the space dependency of chemical attributes in an area with sugarcane plantation in Pereira Barreto, SP. An area of 530.67 hectares was mapped using an equipment of Global Positioning System and obtaining a Digital Elevation Model. A set of 134 soil samples were collected every seven hectares in the depths of 0-0.25 m and 0.80-1.00 m. The pH, organic matter (OM), Ca, Mg, K, BS, CEC and base saturation (BS) were analyzed. All the chemical attributes presented similar behavior in the superficial and subsuperficial layer of the soil, which provided better visualization and definition of the homogeneous tillage zones.


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The variation of soil textural characteristics is a function of the relief and parent materials. The objective of this work was to study soil texture spatial variability from different parent material in Pereira Barreto, SP. An area of 530.67 hectares was mapped through the use of Global Positioning System receivers and obtaining of Digital Elevation Models. A set of 201 soil samples was collected from every seven hectares, at three depths: 0 - 0.25 m; 0.25 - 0.50 m; and 0.80 - 1.00 m. The amounts of sand, silt and clay were obtained by the pipette method and analyzed by both descriptive statistics and geostatistics. Soil textures varied as a function of parent materials and topography.


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The cultivation of the soil causes changes in physical attributes, depending on the intensity of preparation and management. The objective of this work was to evaluate the degree of modification of some physical properties of soil mid the S index, comparing areas of Pasture of grass Tanzania (Panicum maximum) and native forest with an area under maize (Zea mays L.) irrigated bay, a central pivot. The study was conducted in three areas within the Agency of Technology Agribusiness Paulista (APTA) Regional High Mogiana, located in Colina, SP. The experimental design was split plot in a factorial 3 x 3, with 4 replications, where the plots were installed in areas of Cultivation of corn, pasture and forest in the depths 0-0.1 m, 0.1-0.2 m 0.2-0.3 m. The physical attributes of soil were: resistance to penetration (RP), bulk density (Ds), microporosity (Micro), macroporosity (Macro), total volume of pores (VTP) and water retention in soil. The native forest had the best physical condition of soil in all parameters examined. The use of land and pasture with corn altered the physical structure of it, evidenced by the increase in penetration resistance and soil density and, reduction in macroporosity. The level of degradation of the managed soil was considered low, index S (<0035). The replacement of pasture by the corn crop in the soil tillage system provided a conventional mild improvement in soil physical characteristics.