25 resultados para Restaurantes


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This work contains a preliminary marketing plan for host services on Frei Galvão’s Church in Guaratinguetá, SP, Brazil. It started from the analysis of the current situation and of a study on visitors’ profiles. The development of the marketing plan proposal used the methodology of the 7 P’s of service marketing. The studies brought some relevant results, as they have indicated a lack of restaurants, adequate signalization, restrooms and a good parking lot. The studies have also shown that the host services managers lack data about number of visitors and about the distribution of pills. These results allowed the author to elaborate some strategies and formulate the proposal here presented


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The knowledge currently stands as one of the intangible assets of fundamental importance in the competitive market in which it is organizations. Knowledge management has become mandatory in the competitive environment of today, as a tool to systematize knowledge within the organization. Underscoring the importance of this management process, this thesis aimed to identify possible problems and generate recommendations for improving the performance of Knowledge Management. The objective was achieved by conducting the analysis of a case study of a fast-food franchise through a case study in the ground plan of all the franchise restaurants. For the preparation of the case study was required to respect a theoretical review on the introduction of the concepts of knowledge management in fast-food restaurants, in addition to reviewing the theory on the concepts of organizational learning and on Standardization. When finalizing the theoretical review and analyze the case study was proposed recommendations and highlight difficulties and good practice found in the analyzed organization, and procedures for demonstrating the success of knowledge management in organizations


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A cidade de Presidente Prudente conta com um pequeno mercado público de difícil acesso e poucos usuários, em um espaço que surgiu como um local provisório. Após 20 anos o edifício se encontra no mesmo lugar para a insatisfação dos comerciantes e usuários. O trabalho propõe a criação de um novo mercado público próximo ao Centro Cultural Matarazzo e IBC, criando um eixo cultural para a cidade, na região da linha férrea. O novo edifício integra com o antigo silo das Indústrias Anderson Clayton, cria praças com parque infantil, academia da terceira idade, teatro arena, ponto de ônibus, mesas e bancos. O projeto se fundamenta em metodologias visando criar espaços públicos bem sucedidos, ressaltados pelos benefícios dos mercados públicos na atualidade. Procurando suprir as necessidades da população de Presidente Prudente e região


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Gastronomy is art. Perhaps the most popular of all, because there is always an achievement for all culinary tastes. In the search for a journalistic product that show the gastronomy not only with recipes and restaurant guides exponents, the creation of the blog - Pop With Farofa - seeks to bring to the newspaper market the gastronomy in its most popular and accessible art. The experimental design reported here seeks to relate the food editor with the culture, revealing to the public and the food is present in various cultura genres


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente trabalho consiste na elaboração de um projeto de uma casa noturna e restaurante, com uma temática, na cidade de Presidente Prudente. Ele é caracterizado por tratar-se de questões relativas à Arquitetura e Urbanismo, envolvendo os confortos ambientais, especialmente o acústico, e sua implantação em uma cidade média com uma grande população universitária, e que polariza várias cidades da sua região. Além disso, a construção de tal edificação tem como objetivo impulsionar o setor e contribuir para a consolidação do circuito de lazer noturno na cidade. O projeto apresenta dois serviços diferenciados que, no entanto se complementam – os serviços alimentícios e a danceteria. Em um primeiro momento mostram-se integrados, mas podendo funcionar separadamente. Levando em consideração a efemeridade e o dinamismo deste tipo de empreendimento, busca-se, através da arquitetura, solucionar os problemas técnicos referentes à acústica; buscando também atender os anseios e desejos de seus frequentadores, criando espaços de convívio e proporcionando diferentes sensações


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A consequence of population growth is the increased generation of solid waste, which requires environmentally and economically viable suitable disposal sites. The scarcity of such sites makes necessary to adopt non-generation measures, reduction, reuse , recycling and treatment of solid waste before final disposal of waste. This paper presents the quantification and qualification of organic waste generated in each sector of the University Restaurant (UR) , by proposing indicators of waste generation per meal (index of waste) . Then, from the characterization of the waste management practices adopted internally, evaluates the potential deployment of the composting process for organic waste, with signaling for opportunities to improve waste management. The diagnosis of waste generation was made based on data collected during the period of 10 days. The waste were classified into 3 groups (organic, recyclable and waste) in each sector of the restaurant ( pre preparation , kitchen and tray return) . The results reveal that 33 % of the waste generated in the UR currently has the potential to be composted in a suitable place on campus. Every meal served generat approximately 124g of waste, of which 35g are organic waste of the pre preparation sector, 49g are remnants of food in the tray’s return and 40g are other kinds of waste, including recyclable and non recyclable. You can still get a higher percentage of compostable if the trays pre-wash is not performed with detergent and water. To minimize the generation of waste trays can be replaced by plates and skimmers and ladles can be replaced by smaller ones. The food exposed in the counter but not consumed, can be distributed to students after the restaurant is closed so this material would not be disposed in the garbage


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Não disponível


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CurtaBauru (www.curtabauru.com.br) is a journalistc website which specializes on the covering of local art and culture. The idea came up from the three author's interest in Bauru's cultural scene and also from the scarcity of local media about the subject. The website was opened in the end of August 2012, and its archives include journalistic covering of some major events such as Revirada Cultural 2012, Festival Canja de Artes Integradas and Encontro de Academias de Letras e Entidades Afins. Besides that, the website is updated daily with articles about coming up events, and includes weekly sections about people and organizations related to the city's artistic scene, restaurant criticism and an agenda containing the main events of the following week


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Composting is considered a process that enables adding value to organic solid waste turning them into organic fertilizer. In this process, factors such as mishandling the windrow, failed to control the temperature, aeration and moisture content will result in the quality of waste decomposition, and thus affect the quality of the final compound. Decentralized systems such as home composting, composting in restaurants, food courts and schools are one of the solutions for valuing these waste in a non expensive way and with greater quality. For this purpose, the project aims to analyze the conditions for composting of solid waste of the University Restaurant of Rio Claro- SP, through two different composting systems: manual revolving windrow and static pile. It was found that in University Restaurant (RU) on average 33% by weight of the total waste generated in the property are capable of composting. In this sense, in order to investigate the preliminary process operation parameters were mounted one manual windrow composed of 100% of the UR waste and a static pile composed of 60% of the UR waste and 40% of pruning and grass residues (PG). This study analyzed the manual revolving windrow and static pile systems for the parameters: moisture content, pH, C / N ratio and temperature. The study of the proportions of the PG and UR waste pointed to the need for pruning and grass residues addition for composting, considering that the manual revolving windrow composed by 100% of the UR waste had no satisfactory performance due to low temperatures measured during 60 days analysis. The best ratio for manual revolving windrow method analyzed in this study was 60% of the UR waste and 40% of PG waste, in dry weight. From this proportion a static pile was assembled, composed of 60% of UR waste e 40% of PG waste from the maintenance activities of the green area of the university. The biological activity in the static pile reached the maximum temperature of ...