33 resultados para Nobel Prizes.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A frase que serve de título a este trabalho foi recolhida de um ensaio sobre a poetisa russa Anna Akhmatova, escrito pelo poeta e crítico Joseph Brodsky (1994) e intitulado A musa lastimosa. O apreço negativo em que, ali, o crítico tem à métrica - efeito do emprego do adjetivo desumana e, até certo ponto, do substantivo neutralidade - é responsável por um certo constrangimento, induzido em quem, nos dias que correm, se ocupa do estudo da poesia clássica greco-latina, cuja existência se funda por inteiro na observância estrita de metros inventariados e exaustivamente catalogados ao longo de mais de dois milênios de estudos. E forçoso procurar compreender o real papel da métrica na composição de poemas, se não pelo prestígio que o prêmio Nobel de Literatura de 1987 confere a sua crítica, pelo menos pela recorrência com que asserções desse mesmo naipe aparecem em poetas que exercem atividade crítica, como o Otávio Paz (1982) de O arco e a lira, ao afirmar categoricamente que metro e ritmo não são a mesma coisa. Esse artigo utiliza tais afirmações como ponto de partida para uma reflexão sobre o engendramento do ritmo e da poeticidade de versos em latim.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate stress distribution on the pen-implant bone, simulating the influence of Nobel Select implants with straight or angulated abutments on regular and switching platform in the anterior maxilla, by means of 3-dimensional finite element analysis. Four mathematical models of a central incisor supported by external hexagon implant (13 mm x 5 mm) were created varying the platform (R, regular or S. switching) and the abutments (S, straight or A, angulated 15 degrees). The models were created by using Mimics 13 and Solid Works 2010 software programs. The numerical analysis was performed using ANSYS Workbench 10.0. Oblique forces (100 N) were applied to the palatine surface of the central incisor. The bone/implant interface was considered perfectly integrated. Maximum (sigma(max)) and minimum (sigma(min)) principal stress values were obtained. For the cortical bone the highest stress values (sigma(max)) were observed in the RA (regular platform and angulated abutment, 51 MPa), followed by SA (platform switching and angulated abutment, 44.8 MPa), RS (regular platform and straight abutment, 38.6 MPa) and SS (platform switching and straight abutment, 36.5 MPa). For the trabecular bone, the highest stress values (sigma(max)) were observed in the RA (6.55 MPa), followed by RS (5.88 MPa), SA (5.60 MPa), and SS (4.82 MPa). The regular platform generated higher stress in the cervical periimplant region on the cortical and trabecular bone than the platform switching, irrespective of the abutment used (straight or angulated).


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this study, we estimated the heritability (h(2)) of earnings in the Quarter Horse in order to evaluate the inclusion of this trait in breeding programs. Records from 14,754 races of 2443 horses from 1978-2009 were provided by Sorocaba Hippodrome, Sao Paulo, Brazil. All ancestors of the registered horses were included in the pedigree file until the 4th generation. Log-transformed performance measures (LPM) were analyzed for animals aged 2, 3, and 4 years and during their entire career. The h(2) estimates were obtained using a multi-trait model and Gibbs sampling that included the effects of sex, year of race, and animal in all analyses. Five analyses were performed: 1 in which LPM was divided by the number of prizes, 1 in which LPM was divided by the number of race starts, and 3 analyses that included the number of prizes, number of race starts, and both (LPM_cNPS) as covariates. Analysis was performed with and without inclusion of the maternal effect. Models were compared based on the deviance information criterion and LPM_cNPS including maternal effects was found to be the best model. The h(2) estimates and standard deviation obtained using model LPM_cNPS were 0.19 +/- 0.08, 0.21 +/- 0.08, 0.22 +/- 0.09, and 0.21 +/- 0.07 for earnings at 2, 3, and 4 years of age and total career, respectively. Our analyses indicate that earnings are subject to selection and can be included in breeding programs to improve the racing performance of Quarter Horses.


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After the isolation of Helicobacter pylori from an injury at the stomach mucosa by Marshall and Wareen, work that was recognized with the Nobel Prize of Medicine or Physiology in 2005, many other works showed the relationship between the presence of H. pylori and diseases at the digestive system, such as gastritis, gastric, duodenal and peptic ulcer, and stomach cancer. The 13C-Urea Breath Test - 13C-UBT is a non-invasive diagnostic method that utilizes the breath of a patient to determine the presence of H. pylori through stable isotopes. This work aimed to find an ideal 13C-UBT Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectroscopy cut-off value (a threshold between positive and negative) to diagnose H. pylori infection at Brazilian population. Patients were selected at the UNESP-Botucatu Clinical Hospital Endoscopy Section. With these results it was possible to indicate that the best cut-off value is between 2.5 to 6 ‰ of Delta Over Baseline (DOB)


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo demonstrar as ideias revolucionárias do economista ganhador do prêmio Nobel, Amartya Sen. Seus ideais e sua historia de vida contribuíram para uma visão da lógica econômica de forma mais social. O trabalho realizado nesta Monografia ocorreu através de revisão bibliográfica, destacando a perspectiva da pobreza, do desenvolvimento e das políticas sociais de forma mais humana, levando em consideração as capacidades dos indivíduos em detrimento de medidas puramente relacionadas com a variável renda


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Most well-known and studied names in schoolbooks are men's. It gives one the idea that the world of numbers does not belong to female individuals. In order to verify that this thought is a misconception, a research is carried out about women who, despite all prejudice, have faced many adversities, leaving us many contributions on exact sciences and being relevant until the present date. Nowadays, there is not as much sexual discrimination. Women’s under-representation in exact sciences is due to other motives, such as issues of choice and the option of part-time jobs for professional/familiar balance. Maybe because of this, women have little acknowledgment, as it can be seen in Nobel Prize, where of its 851 awards, only 44 were for women. They are present at different degrees of education, such as licentiate graduation, bachelor’s or master’s, but still outnumbered. The number of female graduates was higher than male’s, according to collected data from Mathematics licentiate graduation Department from 2000 until 2012 in UNESP, Guaratinguetá campus


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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É notório que o livro didático desempenha um papel fundamental na prática pedagógica da maioria dos professores de Física constituindo importante fonte de referência para professores e estudantes. Ao mesmo tempo representa a memória impressa das demandas e paradigmas de ensino, e procura atender às exigências prescritas na legislação e diretrizes, de uma determinada localidade e período. Atualmente, a inserção de Física Moderna e Contemporânea no currículo do Ensino Médio brasileiro está entre as prioridades, preconizando, entre. outros, o ensino do efeito fotoelétrico, em função da relevância do fenômeno ao corroborar a interpretação corpuscular da natureza da luz, e o consequente laureio de Albert Einstein com o Prêmio Nobel. Estudos realizados apontam que muitos dos livros didáticos apresentam a história do efeito fotoelétrico de maneira superficial ou errônea, e expõem incorretamente a função trabalho e o conceito de fóton (Klassen, 2011). Tendo em vista o exposto, objetivamos analisar como ocorre a apresentação do efeito fotoelétrico especificamente em dez coleções didáticas brasileiras aprovadas pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Didático do Ensino Médio 2012 do governo federal, tendo como aporte teórico as considerações de Yves Chevallard (Brockington e Pietrocola, 2005). Procuramos resposta para a seguinte pergunta: Quais são as transposições ocorridas na apresentação do efeito fotoelétrico (saber sábio) para se tornar o saber a ensinar em materiais escolares? Nossa análise centrou-se no processo de descontextualização, entendido como o processo pelo qual o saber sábio passa para que seja ensinável, sendo necessário que seja arrancado de seu contexto original, ou seja, o seu processo histórico.


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The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the influence of different implant designs on the micromovements of immediately placed implants. CT-based finite element models comprising an upper central incisor socket and four commercially available internal connection implant designs (SIN SW®, 3i Certain®, Nobel ReplaceTM, and RN synOcta® ITI Standard) of comparable diameter and length were constructed. 50, 100 and 200N magnitude loads were applied over the implant. ANOVA at 95% level of significance was used to evaluate bone to implant relative displacement (micromovements). The implant design (68,80%) greatly influences the micromovement of immediately placed implants. However, the loading magnitude (68,80%) is the most important factor regarding the implant stability in this protocol.


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This paper presents a comparative study concerning the novel The queen Margot (1845), by Alexandre Dumas father, and the homonymous movie (1994), by Patrice Chéreau, mainly considering its historical character, the production conditions of each “discourse” and the personages’ performances in both narratives. The novel has been originally published in the form of feuilleton in the French newspaper La presse, during the years 1844 and 1845, what explains its long extension and the correlation among the chapters. It constitutes a trilogy, the action of which takes place during the religion wars, affording to the text the classification of a traditional historical novel, having the episode of St. Bartholomew carnage as its most striking event. Regarding the movie, which has been awarded five Cesar prizes, two rewards in Cannes Festival and an indication to the Oscar for the best costume design, it also counts with Isabelle Adjani as the protagonist actress. With a few relevant differences regarding the novel, it is remarkable that the action in the movie happens in august 1572 in a Paris that is the center of conflicts among Catholics and Protestants. In this scenery, the comparison between the two artistic manifestations is based strictly on the analysis of the personages’ profiles, the circumstances in which they have been produced and the historical aspects surrounding the two works.


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This study evaluated the effect of thermocycling on the bond strength between Procera AllCeram (Nobel-Biocare) and a resin cement (Panavia F, Kuraray CO). Nine ceramic blocks with dimensions of 5x6x6mm were conditioned at one face with Rocatec System (Espe). After, they were luted with Panavia F to composite resin blocks (Clearfil AP-X, Kuraray CO). The nine groups formed by ceramic, cement and composite resin were split up obtaining 75 samples with dimensions of 12x1x1mm and adhesive surface presenting 1mm2±0.1mm2 of area. The samples were divided into 3 groups (n=25): G1 - 14 days in distilled water at 37ºC; G2 – 6,000 cycles in water (5ºC - 55ºC – 30s); G3 – 12,000 cycles in water (5ºC - 55ºC – 30s). The samples were tested in a universal testing machine (EMIC) at a crosshead speed of 1mm/min. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey tests. The results indicated that mean values of rupture tension (MPa) of G1 (10.71 ± 3.54) did not differ statistically (p <5%) from G2 (9.01 ± 3.90), however there was statistical difference between G1 and G3 (7.28 ± 3.00). It was concluded that thermocycling significantly reduced the bond strength values when samples were submitted to 12,000 cycles.