98 resultados para Nefropatia Ig A


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AimTo describe the early healing within the void obtained after the elevation of the sinus mucosa and simultaneous implant installation without the use of any grafting material in monkeys.Material and methodsImplants were installed simultaneously with the elevation of the maxillary sinus using the lateral approach in eight monkeys without the use of grafting material. The healing after 4, 10, 20 and 30 days was evaluated in the area distal to the implants. Paraffin sections were prepared and analyzed using qualitative histological methods.ResultsThe healing process was initiated by the formation of a coagulum and followed by a provisional matrix and woven bone. Subsequently, a parallel-fiber bone replaced woven bone. The dimension of the elevated area shrank during the healing process. Sprouts of woven bone, present to a moderate extent after 4 days, were more numerous after 10 and 20 days. Newly formed bone originated from the sinus walls and septa, while there was no evidence of participation of the Schneiderian membrane in this process. After 30 days, the window access appeared to be closed by a layer of newly formed trabecular bone.ConclusionsThe coagulum that filled the void distal to the implant after simultaneous elevation of the sinus floor gave rise to newly formed bone. However, the void occupied by the coagulum shrank substantially. The Schneiderian membrane did not provide a basis for new bone formation in the early phase of healing.To cite this article:Scala A, Botticelli D, Rangel IG Jr, de Oliveira JA, Okamoto R, Lang NP. Early healing after elevation of the maxillary sinus floor applying a lateral access: a histological study in monkeys.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 21, 2010; 1320-1326.doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2009.01964.x.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVO: Cirurgias artroscópicas do ombro cursam com intensa dor pós-operatória. Diversas técnicas analgésicas têm sido preconizadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o bloqueio dos nervos supraescapular e axilar nas cirurgias artroscópicas de ombro com a abordagem interescalênica do plexo braquial. MÉTODO: Sessenta e oito pacientes foram alocados em dois grupos de 34, de acordo com a técnica utilizada: grupo interescalênico (GI) e grupo seletivo (GS), sendo ambas as abordagens realizadas com neuroestimulador. No GI, após resposta motora adequada foram injetados 30 mL de levopubivacaína em excesso enantiomérico de 50% a 0,33% com adrenalina 1:200.000. No GS, após resposta motora do nervo supraescapular e axilar, foram injetados 15 mL da mesma substância em cada nervo. em seguida, realizada anestesia geral. Variáveis avaliadas: tempo para realização dos bloqueios, analgesia, consumo de opioide, bloqueio motor, estabilidade cardiocirculatória, satisfação e aceitabilidade pelo paciente. RESULTADOS: Tempo para execução do bloqueio interescalênico foi significativamente menor que para realização do bloqueio seletivo. Analgesia foi significativamente maior no pós-operatório imediato no GI e no pós-operatório tardio no GS. Consumo de morfina foi significativamente maior na primeira hora no GS. Bloqueio motor foi significativamente menor no GS. Estabilidade cardiocirculatória, satisfação e aceitabilidade da técnica pelo paciente não diferiram entre os grupos. Ocorreu uma falha no GI e duas no GS. CONCLUSÕES: Ambas as técnicas são seguras, eficazes com mesmo grau de satisfação e aceitabilidade. O bloqueio seletivo de ambos os nervos apresentou analgesia satisfatória, com a vantagem de proporcionar bloqueio motor restrito ao ombro.


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OBJETIVO: Os autores relatam a influência do controle metabólico do diabetes, experimentalmente induzido no rato, sobre a nefropatia diabética. Eles observaram o efeito da insulina, da acarbose, um inibidor da glicosidase, e de dois agentes combinados sobre o controle metabólico e o desenvolvimento da expansão mesangial de glomérulos renais, no diabetes induzido pela aloxana no rato. MÉTODOS: Usando 5 grupos de ratos Wistar assim definidos: Normal(N), diabéticos não-tratados (D), diabéticos tratados com acarbose (AD); diabéticos tratados com insulina (ID) e diabéticos tratados com insulina associada à acarbose (IAD) foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: peso corporal, ingestão alimentar, ingestão hídrica, diurese, níveis de glicose sanguínea e urinária e as lesões renais: alargamento mesangial e vacuolização de células tubulares, usando contagem semi-quantitativa 1, 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses após a indução do diabetes. RESULTADOS: Houve acentuado aumento da glicemia, dos níveis de glicose na urina, da diurese, da ingestão hídrica e alimentar, e progressiva perda de peso nos ratos diabéticos, enquanto que os ratos diabéticos tratados exibiram melhora significativa destes parâmetros, sendo os ratos tratados com insulina + acarbose os que apresentaram controle metabólico mais satisfatório. Houve um significativo alargamento mesangial nos ratos diabéticos quando comparado ao observado nos ratos normais, desde o 3º até o 12º mês após a indução do diabetes, sendo observada diferença significativa entre os animais tratados com acarbose + insulina e os ratos diabéticos não-tratados. Não houve diferença significativa entre os animais tratados somente com acarbose ou com insulina quando comparados com ratos diabéticos não-tratados. CONCLUSÃO: Os autores discutem os resultados abordando o papel do controle metabólico do diabetes na prevenção da nefropatia diabética.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Estudar a apresentação clínica e a evolução de pacientes portadores de glomerulonefrite lúpica. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 37 pacientes portadores de glomerulonefrite lúpica, atendidos pela Disciplina de Nefrologia - Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, com seguimento médio de 52,4 ± 13,3 meses. Os dados foram obtidos através do levantamento retrospectivo dos prontuários. RESULTADOS: A idade média foi de 26,05 ± 11,12 anos, com predomínio do sexo feminino (84%) sendo que a glomerulonefrite classe IV foi a mais freqüente (80%). No início do seguimento a média da creatinina sérica foi de 1,74 ± 1,15 mg/dl, e a da proteinúria de 24h foi de 2,62 ± 2.89 g. Cinqüenta e um porcento dos pacientes com creatinina sérica elevada apresentaram, durante o seguimento, diminuição desses valores. Dentre diferentes variáveis estudadas, à época da biopsia renal, (idade, sexo, proteinúria, presença de hipertensão arterial e creatinina sérica) a única que se associou com pior prognóstico foi a elevação da creatinina sérica. Remissão da síndrome nefrótica ocorreu em 65% das vezes. A sobrevida atuarial foi de 96%, 82%, 70% e 70% em 1, 5, 10 e 12 anos. Cinco pacientes desenvolveram insuficiência renal crônica terminal e sete morreram, sendo infecção a principal causa de óbito (57%) CONCLUSÃO: em pacientes com nefropatia lúpica, o aumento da creatinina sérica, à época da biópsia, se associou com o desenvolvimento de insuficiência renal crônica ao fim do seguimento e a principal causa de óbito foi processo infeccioso.


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Apresenta-se um caso de bullosis diabeticorum, doença rara associada ao diabetes mellitus crônico e complicações como a neuropatia ou nefropatia. As bolhas são tensas e grandes, com pouca inflamação circundante e localização acral, regredindo espontaneamente em cerca de três semanas. O exame histopatológico é inespecífico, e o diagnóstico diferencial deve ser feito com a epidermólise bolhosa, os pênfigos, o penfigóide bolhoso, queimaduras e erisipelas bolhosas.


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Age-related changes in gastrointestinal-associated mucosal immune response have not been well studied. Thus, we investigated the effect of age on this response and compared these responses to those of peripheral immune cells. Saliva, blood, and intestinal biopsies were collected from young and old healthy subjects to determine immunoglobulin (Ig) levels and to isolate peripheral blood mononuclear cells, intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs), and lamina propria lymphocytes (LPLs). Although subject age did not influence the level of total IgA found in saliva, IgA levels in serum increased (p < .05) with age. Older subjects' peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferation and IL-2 production were significantly lower than those of young subjects. LPLs from older subjects produced significantly less IL-2 in response to all stimuli than did that from the young. IEL's ability to proliferate and produce IL-2 was not affected by subject age. Thus, LPL but not IEL demonstrated an age-related decline in immune function similar to that seen in peripheral lymphocytes.


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In this study we analyze the B-cell response in murine yersiniosis. To this end, we determined whether polyclonal activation of B-lymphocytes occurs during infection of susceptible (BALB/c) and resistant (C57BL/6) mice with Y. enterocolitica 0:8 and compared the immunoglobulin (Ig) isotypes produced in response to the infection by the two strains. The number of splenic cells secreting nonspecific and specific immunoglobulins was determined by ELISPOT. The presence of anti-Yersinia antibodies in serum was detected by ELISA. In both strains, the number of specific Ig-secreting cells was relatively low. Polyclonal B-cell activation was observed in both strains of mice, and the greatest activation was observed in the BALB/c mice, mainly for lgG(1)- and IgG(3)- secreting cells. The C57BL/6 mice showed a predominance of IgG(2a)-secreting cells. The peak production of anti-Yersinia IgG antibodies in the sera of BALB/c mice was seen on the 28th day after infection. The greatest increase in IgM occurred on the 14th day. A progressive increase of specific IgG antibodies was observed in C57BL/6 mice up to the 28th day after infection while IgM increased on the 21st day after infection. The production of specific IgA antibodies was not detected in either BALB/c or C57BL/6 mice. We conclude that polyclonal. activation of B lymphocytes occurs in both the Yersinia resistant and Yersinia-susceptible mice and that the more intense activation of B lymphocytes observed in the susceptible BALB/c mice does not enhance their resistance to Y. enterocolitica infection.


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This work reports for the first time the identification and immunolocalization, by confocal and conventional indirect immunofluorescence, of m(3)G epitopes present in ribonucleoproteins of the following trypanosomatids: Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes of three different strains, Blastocrithidia ssp., and Leishmania major promastigotes. The identity of these epitopes and hence the specificity of the anti-m(3)G monoclonal antibody were ascertained through competition reaction with 7-methylguanosine that blocks the Ig binding sites, abolishing the fluorescence in all the parasites tested and showing a specific perinuclear localization of the snRNPs, which suggests their nuclear reimport in the parasites. Using an immunoprecipitation technique, it was also possible to confirm the presence of the trimethylguanosine epitopes in trypanosomatids.


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The purpose of this study was to describe, interpret and compare the EMG activation patterns of ankle muscles - tibialis anterior (TA), peroneus longus (PL) and gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) - in volleyball players with and without ankle functional instability (FI) during landing after the blocking movement. Twenty-one players with FI (IG) and 19 controls (CG) were studied. The cycle of movement analyzed was the time period between 200 ms before and 200 ms after the time of impact determined by ground reaction forces. The variables were analyzed for two different phases: pre-landing (200 ms before impact) and post-landing (200 ms after impact). The RMS values and the timing of onset activity were calculated for the three studied muscles, in both periods and for both groups. The co-activation index for TA and PL, TA and GL were also calculated. Individuals with FI presented a lower RMS value pre-landing for PL (CG = 43.0 perpendicular to 22.0; IG = 26.2 perpendicular to 8.4, p < 0.05) and higher RMS value post-landing (CG = 47.5 perpendicular to 13.3; IG = 55.8 perpendicular to 21.6, p < 0.10). Besides that, in control group PL and GL activated first and simultaneously, and TA presented a later activation, while in subjects with FI all the three muscles activated simultaneously. There were no significant differences between groups for co-activation index. Thus, the rate of contraction between agonist and antagonist muscles is similar for subjects with and without FI but the activation individually was different. Volleyball players with functional instability of the ankle showed altered patterns of the muscles that play an important role in the stabilization of the foot-ankle complex during the performance of the blocking movement, to the detriment of the ligament complex, and this fact could explain the usual complaints in these subjects. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate two grazing intervals (IG) for elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum cv. Cameroon) pasture: one variable, determined by the entry of animals to the paddocks when 95% of active photosynthetic radiation was intercepted by the sward, and fixed 26-day grazing interval. Eight dairy cows were used, averaging 124 days lactation, 516 kg body weight and 17.5 kg daily milk production at the beginning of the trial. The experimental period was 80 days divided into four sub-periods of 20 days each. Data were analyzed in a cross-over design. The grazing frequencies did not influence milk production and composition, plasma urea nitrogen, body condition score and variations in body weight. However, the stocking rate and milk production per hectare were higher for pasture with interval of grazing determined by 95% of active photosynthetic radiation. Thus grazing frequency defined in variable intervals by sward interception of active photosynthetic radiation result in higher milk production per area unit.


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Reinterprets petrologic studies and their geologic significance in the light of recent literature on the calcretes in the world, and the recent revision of Bauru Group stratigraphy.-from English summary


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Murine and bovine embryos were sexed by using polyclonal and monoclonal anti-H-Y antibodies in cytotoxic and immunofluorescence assays. The specificity of 3 different sources of antibodies are compared. Sexing was accomplished by complement-mediated cytotoxicity or by H-Y antigen detection using a anti-mouse Ig fluorescein conjugate. Cytogenetic ascertainment for correct sex identification yielded a score of about 85% in both species, while the immunofluorescence assay yielded a score of 83%. © 1993.