41 resultados para Mythologie canadienne
One male and 1 female, 8-week-old, schnauzer littermates were presented with moderate and mild pectus excavatum, respectively. External application of a coaptation splint to the ventral aspect of the thorax was used For correction of the sternal deformity in the male; conservative treatment was used in the female.
In South America, the family Vitaceae is represented by 65 species divided into 2 genera: Cissus contains 64 species, whereas Vitis consists of only I species. Recent studies on the Neotropical Cissus reveal that with regard to species delimitation, trichome types and the morphology of fruits and seeds are more important than the traditionally used trichome density and leaf shape. Fifteen provisional species groups are recognized for South America, excluding one species whose grouping is uncertain. Future research in this area should incorporate other data (e.g., anatomical, histological, and molecular) to identify a subgeneric division in Cissus.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Mature leaves of eight species of Xyris were prepared by standard methods for electron transmission microscopy. Wartlike intercellular pectic protuberances were observed on the surface of inner periclinal walls of epidermal cells in Xyris obcordata, Xyris hymenachne, and Xyris pterygoblephara. In the latter, the protuberances also occur on the surface of parenchymatic mesophyll cells; they frequently project into intercellular spaces and may connect opposing cells. For the genus Xyris, the intercellular pectic protuberances may be considered taxonomically significant at the species level.
Ants in the tribe Cephalotini are exceptional in that they maintain microorganisms in their digestive tract. To understand what these microorganisms mean to the ants, we observed the feeding habits of Cephalotes pusillus and Cephalotes atratus, finding that in nature they feed on extrafloral nectars, homopteran secretions, and bird droppings. Feeding the antibiotic kanamycin to colonies of C. pusillus in the laboratory kills them. Ants desiccate or starve rather than feed on liquids to which the antibiotics gentamycin and netilmycin have been added, but feed and survive on liquids containing nystatin, penicillin, and ampicillin. We identified over 10 microorganisms from the intestine of C. pusillus with different antibiotic-resistance patterns. The bacteria are from the genera Corynebacterium, Brevibacterium, Sphingobacterium, Ochrobactrum, Myroides, Brevundimonas, Alcaligenes, Stenotrophomonas, Moraxella, and Pseudomonas. We hypothesize that the microorganisms provide nutrients to the ants by synthesizing amino acids from carbohydrates and nitrates. We do not know whether the ants collect the bacteria from the environment, but they transmit them to their young. They culture them in their digestive tract, eventually feeding on them.
To determine the inhibitory capacity of lactic acid bacteria due to the action of antagonistic substances, we tested 474 isolates of Lactobacillus from the crop and cecum of chickens against gram-positive and gram-negative indicator microorganisms by the spot-on-the-lawn and well-diffusion antagonism methods. of the 474 isolates, 265 demonstrated antimicrobial activity against the indicator microorganisms. Isolates identified as L. reuteri, L. salivarius, or Lactobacillus spp. inhibited Enterococcus faecalis, E. faecium, Listeria monocytogenes, and Salmonella spp. but not L. casei, L. delbrueckii, L. fermentum, or L. helveticus by the well-diffusion simultaneous antagonism method under anaerobic incubation conditions. The antagonistic substances produced by some of the Lactobacillus isolates were inactivated after treatment by proteolytic enzymes, which suggested that the substances could be antimicrobial peptides or bacteriocins.
This paper describes the anatomy and morphology of the complex nectary systems of the tropical tree Guarea macrophylla Vahl (Meliaceae) and presents the first record of extrafloral nectaries occurring on reproductive organs (fruits) of a member of the order Sapindales. The extrafloral nectaries of G. macrophylla occur on petioles, petiolules, the abaxial surface of all leaflets, leaf buds, and over the surface of fruits. All extrafloral nectaries are distinctly raised above the surface. Foraging ants collect extrafloral nectar on Guarea trees both day and night. We suggest that the presence of extrafloral nectaries might be a useful taxonomic character for the identification of Guarea species.
Recently, the Tei-index, a noninvasive index that combines systolic and diastolic time intervals, has been proposed to assess global cardiac performance. However, the effects of isoflurane on the Tei-index have not been characterized. This study aimed at studying the effects of 1.0 minimal alveolar concentration isoflurane anesthesia on the pre-ejection period (PEP), left ventricular ejection time (LVET), PEP/LVET ratio, isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT), stroke index (SI), cardiac index (CI), heart rate (HR), and the Tei-index in healthy unpremedicated dogs. We observed significant increases in PEP, PEP/LVET ratio, IVRT, and TEI, whose maximal increases obtained throughout the study were 47%, 48%, 78%, and 56%, respectively. The LVET and HR did not change significantly, whereas the SI and CI decreased during anesthesia (29% and 26%, respectively). In conclusion, isoflurane produced direct effects on the Tei-index. The changes in systolic and diastolic parameters were supportive of this finding and were consistent with an overall impairment of left ventricular function during anesthesia.