215 resultados para In vitro digestibility of organic matter (IVDOM)


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This study aimed to estimate the genetic divergence between Urochloa brizantha ecotypes based on quantitative, qualitative descriptors and their joint analysis to select the promising to release as cultivars of this species. Eight ecotypes (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B8) and cultivar 'Marandu' of U. brizantha were implanted into pickets with 1000m2 each, with two repetitions. Five quantitative descriptors were evaluated [leaf area (ALF), length and width of leaf blades (CLF and LLF, respectively), dry mass (MS), mass of dry matter (MMS) and proportion of leaf blade in MS (PLF)] in two forage samples, being a representative of rainfall, in February 2000, and another in the dry period, in August 2000. It was measured the qualitative descriptors: shear strength (RC), volume of accumulated gas in fast and slow fraction (A and B, respectively), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF ), cellulose (CEL), lignin in sulfuric acid (LIG), silica (SIL) and in vitro digestibility of organic matter (IVOMD). There was considerable genetic divergence in U. brizantha ecotypes, especially regarding to quantitative descriptors. Based on the groupings of quantitative, qualitative descriptors and their joint analysis, the grouping containing of B1, B3 and B5 with 'Marandu' can result in promising U. brizantha ecotypes


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A germinação das sementes de grão-de-bico foi acompanhada por um período de 6 dias, no qual pequenas variações nos teores de nitrogênio e globulina total foram registradas. A globulina majoritária (tipo 11 S) apresentou maiores variações após o quarto dia de germinação. A natureza e distribuição da fração globulina majoritária isolada na cromatografia em Sepharose CL-6B mostrou pequenas modificações ao final do período de germinação. A eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida com dodecilssulfato de sódio do pico eluído na cromatografia em Sepharose CL-6B demonstra modificações nas bandas de proteínas entre os pesos moleculares de 20 e 30 kDa e acima de 60 kDa, indicando degradação protéica durante o período. Atividade proteolítica foi detectada na fração albumina da semente que aumentou até o quarto dia, seguido de queda até o sexto dia de germinação, quando da utilização de globulina total isolada da semente e caseína como substratos. Farinha de grão-de-bico, frações albumina e globulina total isoladas não apresentaram aumento na digestibilidade in vitro; entretanto, a fração globulina majoritária isolada foi mais suscetível à hidrólise após germinação.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In waterlogged environments of the upper Amazon basin, organic matter is a major driver in the podzolisation of clay-depleted laterites, especially through its ability to weather clay minerals and chelate metals. Its structure in eight organic-rich samples collected at the margin and in the centre of the podzolic area of a soil sequence was investigated. The samples illustrate the main steps in the development of waterlogged podzols and belong either to eluviated topsoil A horizons or to illuviated subsoil Bhs, Bh and 2BCs horizons. Organic matter micromorphology was described, and the overall molecular structure of their clay size fractions was assessed using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and cross polarization/magic angle spinning (CP/MAS) C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Organic features of the horizons strongly vary both vertically and laterally in the sequence. Topsoil A horizons are dominated by organic residues juxtaposed to clean sands with a major aliphatic contribution. In the subsoil, numerous coatings, characteristic of illuviation processes, are observed in the following horizons: (i) At the margin and bottom parts of the podzolic area, dark brown organic compounds of low aromacity with abundant oxygen-containing groups accumulate in Bhs and 2BCs horizons. Their spectroscopic features agree with the observation of cracked coatings in 2BCs and the presence of organometallic complexes, whose abundance decreases towards low lying positions. (ii) By contrast, black organic compounds of high aromacity with few chelating functions accumulate as coatings and infills in the overlying sandy Bh horizon of well-expressed waterlogged podzols. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The organic fraction of urban solid residues disposed of in sanitary landfills during the decomposition yields biogas and leachate, which are sources of pollution. Leachate is a resultant liquid from the decomposition of substances contained in solid residues and it contains in its composition organic and inorganic substances. Literature shows an increase in the use of thermoanalytical techniques to study the samples with environmental interest, this way thermogravimetry is used in this research. Thermogravimetric studies (TG curves) carried out on leachate and residues shows similarities in the thermal behavior, although presenting complex composition. Residue samples were collected from landfills, composting plants, sewage treatment stations, leachate, which after treatment, were submitted for thermal analysis. Kinetic parameters were determined using the Flynn-Wall-Ozawa method. In this case they show little divergence between the kinetic parameter that can be attributed to different decomposition reaction and presence of organic compounds in different phases of the decomposition with structures modified during degradation process and also due to experimental conditions of analysis.


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Gold has been exploited intensively in the Brazilian Amazon during the past 20 years, and the elemental mercury (Hg) used in amalgamating the gold has caused abnormal Hg concentrations in waterways. Since 1986 particular attention has been given to the Madeira River because it is the largest tributary of the Amazon River and gold mining was officially allowed on a 350-km sector of the river. In this paper, samples of sediments from nine lakes located in the Madeira River basin, Rondonia State, Brazil, were analysed for mercury and organic matter. The average Hg content ranged between 33 and 157 ppb, which is about 8-40 times higher than the average value corresponding to 4.4 ppb for rocks occurring in the area (regional background). Significant correlation was found between the Hg content and organic matter in the sediments, indicating its importance on the retention of this heavy metal.


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Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy has been proposed as new method for determining the degree of humification of organic matter (OM) in whole soils. It can be also used to analyze the OM in whole soils containing large amounts of paramagnetic materials, and which are neither feasible to Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) nor to C-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In the present study, 3 LIF spectroscopy was used to investigate the OM in a Brazilian Oxisol containing high concentration of Fe+3. Soil samples were collected from two areas under conventional tillage (CT), two areas under no-till management (NT) and from a non-cultivated (NC) area under natural vegetation. The results of LIF spectroscopic analysis of the top layer (0-5 cm) of whole soils showed a less aromatic OM in the non-cultivated than in the cultivated soils. This is consistent with data corresponding to HA samples extracted from the same soils and analyzed by EPR, NMR and conventional fluorescence spectroscopy. The OM of whole soils at 5-10 and 10-20 cm depth was also characterized by LIF spectroscopy.Analysis of samples of NT and NC soils showed a higher OM aromatic content at depth. This is a consequence of the accumulation of plant residues at the soil surface in quantities that are too large for microorganisms to metabolize fully, thus, resulting in less aromatic or less hurnified humic substances. In deeper soil layers, the input of residues was lower and further decomposition of humic substances by microorganisms continued, and the aromaticity and degree of humification increased with soil depth. This data indicates that the gradient of humification of OM in the NT soil was similar to those observed in natural soils. Nevertheless, the degree of humification of the OM in the soils under no-till management varied less than that corresponding to non-cultivated soils. This may be because the former have been managed under these practices for only 5 years, in contrast to the continuous humification process occurring in the natural soils. on the other band, LIF spectroscopic analysis of the CT soils showed less pronounced changes or no change in the degree of humification with depth. This indicates that the ploughing and harrowing involved in CT lead to homogenization of the soil and thereby also of the degree of humification of OM throughout the profile. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effects of two diets based on hydrolysed sugarcane bagasse (HSB) and whole cottonseed (WCS), with or without oat hay, were analyzed for the in situ disappearance of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) of HSB. Six mature castrated rams with a permanent T ruminai cannula were used in a complete randomized split plot design. The incubation times were 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48 and 72h. The diet with oat hay showed higher disappearance indexes for the NDF fraction. Furthermore, the maximum degradation of HSB constituents was reached around 48h of incubation. The diets were T1=64% hydrolyzed sugarcane + 36% whole cottonseed and T2=14% hydrolyzed sugarcane bagasse + 36% cottonseed + 50% oat hay.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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There is little information on nickel adsorption by Brazilian soils. The objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of pH, organic matter, and iron oxides on nickel adsorption by three soils: a clayey Anionic Rhodic Acrudox, a sandy clay loam Anionic Xanthic Acrudox, and a clayey Rhodic Hapludalf. Soil samples were collected from the 0-0.2 in layer and treated to eliminate organic matter and iron oxides. The nickel adsorption was evaluated in the original samples and in those treated to remove organic matter and to remove both, organic matter and iron oxides, using 2 g soil + 20 mL of 0.01 mol L-1 CaCl2 solution containing 5 mg L-1 Ni, pH varying from 3.5 to 7.5. The nickel adsorption decreased with the elimination of organic matter. For the samples without organic matter and iron oxides, adsorption decreased only in the Anionic Rhodic Acrudox. The pH was the main factor involved in nickel adsorption variation, and for soil samples without organic matter and iron oxides, the maximum adsorption occurred at higher pH values.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Our objective was to evaluate the chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of dry matter of hydrolyzed sugar cane in different storage times. We conducted the trial in the Forage Sector at UNIFENAS, campus of Alfenas (MG) in 2010. The data were analyzed as completely randomized design in factorial scheme 2 (sugar cane without lime and hydrolyzed with 1.0% of lime, basis of fresh matter) x 6 (six times of storage: 0, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 hours), with three replicates. The sugar cane stored without lime showed lower dry matter (DM), crude protein, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber contents compared to hydrolyzed sugar cane. However, the hydrolyzed sugar cane showed higher contents of organic matter (OM) and total digestible nutrients. We reported higher in vitro digestibility of DM and OM when the sugar cane was not hydrolyzed. This can be explaining by better chemical composition of sugar cane without lime. The storage of sugar cane without lime shows results more interesting because the chemical composition and digestibility is better than hydrolyzed sugar cane. So, we not recommended using lime on the sugar cane. Moreover, the sugar cane without lime can be stored until 96 hours after cut.