52 resultados para IAS
The main pool of dissolved organic carbon in tropical aquatic environments, notably in dark-coloured streams, is concentrated in humic substances (HS). Aquatic HS are large organic molecules formed by micro-biotic degradation of biopolymers and polymerization of smaller organic molecules. From an environmental point of view, the study of metal-humic interactions is often aimed at predicting the effect of aquatic HS on the bioavailability of heavy metal ions in the environment. In the present work the aquatic humic substances (HS) isolated from a dark-brown stream (located in an environmental protection area near Cubatao city in São Paulo-State, Brazil) by means of the collector XAD-8 were investigated. FTIR studies showed that the carboxylic carbons are probably the most important binding sites for Hg(II) ions within humic molecules. C-13-NMR and H-1-NMR studies of aquatic HS showed the presence of constituents with a high degree of aromaticity (40% of carbons) and small substitution. A special five-stage tangential-flow ultrafiltration device (UF) was used for size fractionation of the aquatic HS under study and for their metal species in the molecular size range 1-100 kDa (six fractions). The fractionation patterns showed that metal traces remaining in aquatic HS after their XAD-8 isolation have different distributions. Generally, the major percentage of traces of Mn, Cd and Ni (determined by ICP-AES) was preferably complexed by molecules with relatively high molecular size. Cu was bound by fractions with low molecular size and Co showed no preferential binding site in the various humic fractions. Moreover, the species formed between aquatic HS and Hg(II), prepared by spiking (determined by CVAAS), appeared to be concentrated in the relatively high molecular size fraction F-1 (> 100 kDa).
Seeds from six soybean cultivars (Cristalina, IAC 31-Foscarin, IAC-15, UFV-10, IAC-14 and IAS-5) and from five soybean cultivars (IAC 31-Foscarin, IAC-15, IAC-14, IAS-5 and Iguacu) were evaluated in 1993 and 1994, respectively, in terms of physiological seed quality by the mechanical damage (MD), standard germination (SG), accelerated aging (AA), electrical conductivity (EC), and seedling field emergence (FE) tests. Significant correlations were detected between SG, AA and EC and FE. However, in terms of the cultivar or the year, the degree of association among these parameters can change based on the environmental conditions of each year.
This paper presents a novel isolated electronic ballast for multiple fluorescent lamps, featuring high power-factor, and high efficiency. Two stages compose this new electronic ballast, namely, a new voltage step-down isolated Sepic rectifier, and a classical resonant Half-Bridge inverter. The new isolated Sepic rectifier is obtained from a Zero-Current-Switching (ZCS) Pulse-Width-Modulated (PWM) soft-commutation cell. The average-current control technique is used in this preregulator stage in order to provide low phase displacement and low Total-Harmonic-Distortion (THD) at input current, resulting in high power-factor, and attending properly IEC 61000-3-2 standards. The resonant Half-Bridge inverter performs Zero-Voltage-Switching (ZVS), providing conditions for the obtaining of overall high efficiency. It is developed a design example for the new isolated electronic ballast rated at 200W output power, 220Vrms input voltage, 115Vdc dc link voltage, with rectifier and inverter stages operating at 50kHz. Finally, experimental results are presented in order to verify the developed analysis. The THD at input current is equal to 5.25%, for an input voltage THD equal to 1.63%, and the measured overall efficiency is about 88.25%, at rated load.
The sowing of soybean out of the conventional period is an option for the production of seeds with high physiological quality. On the other hand, this fact makes necessary the search for cultivars adapted to new environmental conditions. Therefore, additional research is needed to supply more information to producers related to the choice of the most suited cultivars with regard to high seed quality. This research was conducted in Selvíria, MS, Brazil in which the cultivars FT-2000, FT-Inaê, Embrapa 20 (Doko RC), CAC-1, IAC-17, IAC-18, IAC-19, IAC-8-2, FT-101, FT-109, MT/ BR 45 (Paiaguás), MT/BR 50 (Parecis), MT/BR 52 (Curió), MT/BR 53 (Tucano), MT/BR 47 (Canário), MT/BR 49 (Pioneira), BRSMT Uirapuru, BR Emgopa 314 (Garça Branca), MG/BR 46 (Conquista), FT-Estrela, FT-Cometa, Dourados, JAB-11, BR 9 (Savana), FT-Abyara, Embrapa 30 (Vale do Rio Doce), Embrapa 9 (Bays), Embrapa 31 (Mina), IAC-16; IAS 5, EMGOPA-304, and IAC-Foscarin 31 were studied. These cultivars were sown on June 5, 1998, and evaluated both for agronomic characteristics and the physiological potential of the seeds. The experimental units were arranged in the field according to a randomized complete block design with five replicates. The cultivars more adapted to the climatic conditions were Parecis, Bays, CAC-1, Garça Branca, Paiaguás, Pioneira, and IAC-16. It was concluded that winter sowing should start at the beginning of May, with water supply, since June was found to be too late.
Multipulse rectifier topologies based on autoconnections, or differential connections, are more and more applied as interface stages between the mains and power converters. These topologies mitigate many low-order current harmonics in the utility, reducing the THD (total harmonic distortion) and increasing the power factor. This paper presents a mathematical model based on phasor diagrams, that results in a single expression able to unify all differential topologies connections (Delta and Wye), for both step-up or step-down autotransformers, for 12 and 18-pulse AC-DC converters. The proposed family of converters can be designed for any relationship between the input voltage and the load voltage. An immediate application would be the retrofit, i.e. to replace a conventional rectifier with poor quality of the processed energy by the 12 or 18 pulses rectifier with Wye or Delta-differential connection. The design procedure, simple and fast, is developed and tested for a prototype rating 6 kW and 250 V on the DC load © 2010 IEEE.
This paper presents a methodology and software for hazard rate analysis of induction type watt-hour meters, considering the main variables related with the degradation process of these meters, for the Elektro Electricity and Services SA. The modeling developed to calculate the watt-hour meters hazard rate was implemented in a tool through a user friendly platform, in Delphi language, enabling not only hazard rate analysis, but also a classification by risk range, localization of installation for the analyzed meters, and, allowing, through an expert system, the sampling of induction type watt-hour meters, based on the model risk developed with artificial intelligence, with the mainly goal of follow and manage the process of degradation, maintenance and replacement of these meters. © 2010 IEEE.
This paper proposes and describes a high power factor AC-AC converter for naval applications using Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG). The three-phase output voltages of the PMG vary from 260 Vrms (220 Hz) to 380 Vrms (360 Hz), depending on load conditions. The proposed converter consists of a Y-/ΔY power transformer, which provides electrical isolation between the PMG and remaining stages, and a twelve-pulse uncontrolled rectifier stage directly connected to a single-phase inverter stage, without the use of an intermediary DC-DC topology. This proposal results in more simplicity for the overall circuitry, assuring robustness, reliability and reduced costs. Furthermore, the multipulse rectifier stage is capable to provide high power factor and low total harmonic distortion for the input currents of the converter. The single-phase inverter stage was designed to operate with wide range of DC bus voltage, maintaining 120 Vrms, 60 Hz output. The control philosophy, implemented in a digital signal processor (DSP) which also contains protection routines, alows series connections between two identical converters, achieving 240 Vrms, 60 Hz total output voltage. Measured total harmonic distortion for the AC output voltage is lower than 2% and the input power factor is 0.93 at 3.6kW nominal load. © 2010 IEEE.
This paper presents a new methodology for the operation and control of a single-phase current-source (CS) Boost Inverter, considering that the conventional current-source inverter (CSI) has a right-half-plane (RHP) zero in its control-to-output transfer function, and this RHP zero causes the known non-minimum-phase effects. In this context, a special design with low boost inductance and a multi-loop control is developed in order to assure stable and very fast dynamics. Furthermore, the Inverter presents output voltage with very low total harmonic distortion (THD), reduced components and high power density. Therefore, this paper presents the inverter operation, the proposed control technique, and main simulation and experimental results in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposal. © 2010 IEEE.
Electrical energy from photovoltaic panels (PV) has became an increasing viable alternative because of the great concern for environmental preservation and the possibility of the reduction of the conventional fuels, and this natural energy source is free, abundant and clean. In addition, Brazil is a privileged country because of the high levels of irradiation throughout its territory all over the year. Thus the exploitation of the energy from PV is one of the best alternatives to overcome the supply electrical energy issues. However, nowadays the energy conversion efficiency is low and the initial costs are high for these energy systems. Therefore, in order to increase the efficiency of these systems the extraction of the maximum power point (MPP) from PV is extremely necessary, and it is done using the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques. The MPP of the PV varies non linearly with the environmental conditions and several MPPT techniques are available in literature, and this paper presents a careful comparison among the most usual techniques, doing meaningful comparisons with respect to the amount of energy extracted, PV voltage ripple, dynamic response and use of sensors, considering that the models are implemented via MatLab/Simulink®. © 2010 IEEE.
The main objective this article is describe a methodology for the calculation of the profile of the electric field in the level soil and proximities originated by electric energy transmission systems real and in operation in the country. It also is commented the equation used and your computational implementation in order to agile and to optimize the studies. The results of simulations were just presented for the transmission system in the voltage class 500 kV for simplify the understanding and space restriction in the article, very although five others types of configurations have also been used in the complete study with very voltages and respective classes. The results were animating and very nearby of values well-known of electric field of other and publications traditional in the area. The graphic exits of program for better visual comprehension and understanding went in accomplished in the plan and in the space © 2010 IEEE.
The class of piezoelectric actuators considered in this paper consists of a multi-flexible structure actuated by two or more piezoceramic devices that must generate different output displacements and forces at different specified points of the domain and in different directions. The devices were modeled by finite element using the software ANSYS and the topology optimization method. The following XY actuators were build to achieve maximum displacement in the X and Y directions with a minimum crosstalk between them. The actuator prototypes are composed of an aluminum structure, manufactured by using a wire Electrical Discharge Machining, which are bonded to rectangular PZT5A piezoceramic blocks by using epoxy resin. Multi-actuator piezoelectric device displacements can be measured by using optical interferometry, since it allows dynamic measurements in the kHz range, which is of the order of the first resonance frequency of these piezomechanisms. A Michelson-type interferometer, with a He-Ne laser source, is used to measure the displacement amplitudes in nanometric range. A new optical phase demodulation technique is applied, based on the properties of the triangular waveform drive voltage applied to the XY piezoelectric nanopositioner. This is a low-phase-modulation-depth-like technique that allows the rapid interferometer auto-calibration. The measurements were performed at 100 Hz frequency, and revealed that the device is linear voltage range utilized in this work. The ratio between the generated and coupled output displacements and the drive voltages is equal to 10.97 nm/V and 1.76 nm/V, respectively, which corresponds to a 16% coupling rate. © 2010 IEEE.
The traditional operational and hazard control paradigm of an electrical installation has several issues pertaining to the diversity of equipment. A large maintenance inventory is a reason for concern for any manager, but the arc flash hazard is a particularly new phenomenon and the effects of equipment diversity on this phenomenon are even newer. The class of arc hazard can be increased, simply by changing the fuse link or circuit breaker manufacturer. Management pressure to operate as well as non-standard practices and installations are also partly responsible. The aim of this study is to take a typical situation in an industrial plant and to statistically simulate, by means of a dedicated software program, the fuse arc flash interruption performance of various manufacturers. The purpose of this study is to obtain a more objective indication of the influence of different fuse link manufacturers on arc flash incident energy. © 2011 IEEE.
This paper presents theoretical evaluation and experimental results to the proposed bridgeless interleaved boost PFC (power factor correction) converter. The application of bridgeless technique causes reduction of conduction losses, while the interleaving technique of the converter cells allows division of the current stress in semiconductor devices and reduction of weight and volume of the input EMI filter. In each cell of the converter, the inductor current operates in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM), which eliminates turn-on switching losses and the effects of reverse recovery in semiconductors, increasing the efficiency of the converter. The experimental results show the power factor of 0.96 for employed voltage ratio and an efficiency of 95.2 % for nominal load conditions. © 2012 IEEE.
This paper proposes a new methodology to control the power flow between a distributed generator (DG) and the electrical power distribution grid. It is used the droop voltage control to manage the active and reactive power. Through this control a sinusoidal voltage reference is generated to be tracked by voltage loop and this loop generates the current reference for the current loop. The proposed control introduces feed-forward states improving the control performance in order to obtain high quality for the current injected to the grid. The controllers were obtained through the linear matrix inequalities (LMI) using the D-stability analysis to allocate the closed-loop controller poles. Therefore, the results show quick transient response with low oscillations. Thus, this paper presents the proposed control technique, the main simulation results and a prototype with 1000VA was developed in the laboratory in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed control. © 2012 IEEE.
This paper presents the operational analysis of the single-phase integrated buck-boost inverter. This topology is able to convert the DC input voltage into AC voltage with a high static gain, low harmonic content and acceptable efficiency, all in one single-stage. Main functionality aspects are explained, design procedure, system modeling and control, and also component requirements are detailed. Main simulation results are included, and two prototypes were implemented and experimentally tested, where its results are compared with those corresponding to similar topologies available in literature. © 2012 IEEE.