116 resultados para Hot plate
Leaves from Carpolobia lutea (Polygalaceae) were screened to establish the antiulcer ethnomedicinal claim and to quantitatively isolate, elucidate the active compounds by semi-preparative HPLC. The anti-nociceptive effects of Carpolobia lutea (CL) G. Don (Polygalaceae) organic leaf extracts were tested in experimental models in mice. The anti-nociceptive mechanism was determined using tail-flick test, acetic acid-induced abdominal constrictions, formalin-induced hind paw licking and the hot plate test. The fractions (ethanol, ethyl acetate, chloroform, n-hexane) and crude ethyl acetate extract of CL (770 mg/kg, i.p.) produced significant inhibitions of both phases of the formalin-induced pain in mice, a reduction in acetic acid-induced writhing as well as and an elevation of the pain threshold in the hot plate test in mice. The inhibitions were greater to those produced by indomethacin (5 mg/kg, i.p.). Ethyl acetate fraction revealed cinnamic and coumaric acids derivatives, which are described for the first time in literature. These cinnamalglucosides polyphenols characterised from CL may in part account for the pharmacological activities. These findings confirm its ethnomedical use in anti-inflammatory pain and in pains from gastric ulcer-associated symptoms. © 2011 Springer Basel AG.
Ethnopharmacological relevance: Psidium cattleianum Sabine is extensively used in Brazilian traditional medicine to treat several diseases including painful disorders. Aim of the study to investigate the toxicity and the possible analgesic activities of the hydroalcoholic extract from the leaves of Psidium cattleianum Sabine (ELPCS), to support its use in folk medicine. To screen the major phytochemical constituents of this extract and evaluate their antioxidant activity. Materials and methods: ELPCS was assessed for its antioxidant activity using the DPPH model. Its analgesic activity was examined using mouse models of acetic acid-induced writhing and hot plate paw licking models. The major phytochemical constituents of the extract were screened; their toxicity on LLC-MK2 mammalian cells was evaluated. Results: ELPCS exhibited significant peripheral analgesic activity at doses of 60, 80, 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg in mice, but it did not display central analgesic activity and not was toxic to LLC-MK2 cell (LD 50>400 μg/mL). The extract exhibited free radical scavenging activity as evidenced by IC 50 values (15.9 μg/mL) obtained by the DPPH method. Phytochemical screening detected flavonoids, saponins, cardiac glycosides, anthraquinones, and tannins. Conclusions: The results of the experimental studies proved the analgesic activity of ELPCS and supported the traditional use of this plant. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Vortex shedding phenomenon produced by a square cylinder placed close to a smooth flat plate is experimentally studied by means of flow visualization techniques and hot-film anemometry. Qualitative and quantitative information about the flow field has been obtained for Reynolds numbers up to 1,000. Vortex shedding images in several Reynolds number have been captured and the non dimensional vortex shedding frequency has been obtained as a function of the Reynolds number.
Foi avaliado o efeito do processo de defumação a quente (45-90ºC/5 horas) e a frio (27-45ºC/10 horas) nas propriedades organolépticas, no rendimento e na composição dos filés de matrinxã (Brycon cephalus). Não houve diferença significativa no rendimento de filés defumados e não-defumados. As perdas no processo de defumação foram significativamente maiores para defumação a quente (19,37%) em comparação à defumação a frio (17,08%). O processo de defumação reduziu a umidade (in natura = 72,91%; defumado a quente = 58,51%; e defumado a frio = 59,68%) e aumentou os teores de proteína bruta, lipídios e cinzas. Houve diferença significativa somente nos teores de proteína no defumado a quente (28,07%) e defumado a frio (27,14%). O processo a frio resultou em melhor aparência e cor de filé, enquanto o processo a quente melhorou o sabor, o teor de sal e a aparência geral. O aroma e a textura não diferiram significativamente entre os processos. O processo de defumação a quente melhora as propriedades organolépticas e os níveis de proteína do filé de matrinxã.
Pyrophosphatase activity of rat osseous plate alkaline phosphatase was studied at different concentrations of calcium and magnesium ions. with the aim of characterizing the modulation of enzyme activity by these metals. In the absence of metal ions, the enzyme hydrolysed pyrophosphate following Michaelian kinetics with a specific activity of 36.7 U/mg and K-0.5 = 88 mu M. In the presence of low concentrations (0.1 mM) of magnesium (or calcium) ions, the enzyme also exhibited Michaclian kinetics for the hydrolysis of pyrophosphate, but a significant increase in specific activity (123 U/mg) was observed. K-m values remained almost unchanged. Quite different behavior occurred in the presence of 2 mM magnesium (or calcium) ions. In addition to low-affinity sites (K-0.5 = 40 and 90 mu M, for magnesium and calcium, respectively), high-affinity sites were also observed with K-0.5 values 100-fold lower. The high-affinity sites observed in the presence of calcium ions represented about 10% of those observed for magnesium ions. This was correlated with the fact that only magnesium ions triggered conformational changes yielding a fully active enzyme. These results suggested that the enzyme could hydrolyse pyrophosphate, even at physiological concentrations (4 mu M), since magnesium concentrations are high enough to trigger conformational changes increasing the enzyme activity. A model, suggesting the involvement of magnesium ions in the hydrolysis of pyrophosphate by rat osseous plate alkaline phosphatase is proposed. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purified membrane-bound alkaline phosphatase from rat osseous plate hydrolyzed pyrophosphate in the presence of magnesium ions, with a specific activity of 92.7 U/mg. Optimal apparent pH for pyrophosphatase activity was 8.0 and it remained unchanged on increasing the pyrophosphate concentration. In the absence of magnesium ions the enzyme had a K-m = 88 mu M and V = 36.7 U/mg for pyrophosphate and no inhibition by excess substrate was observed. Pyrophosphatase activity was rapidly destroyed at temperatures above 40 degrees C, but magnesium ions apparently protected the enzyme against danaturation. Sodium metavanadate (Ki = 1.0 mM) was a competitive inhibitor of pyrophosphatase activity, while levamisole (Ki = 8.2 mM) and theophylline (Ki = 7.4 mM) were uncompetitive inhibitors. Magnesium ions (K-0.5 = 1.7 mu M) stimulated pyrophosphatase activity, while cobalt (Ki = 48.5 mu M) and zinc (Ki = 22.0 mu M) ions were non-competitive inhibitors. Manganese and calcium ions had no effect on pyrophosphatase activity. The M-w of the pyrophosphatase: protein was 130 kDa by gel filtration, but a value of 65 kDa was obtained by dissociative gel electrophoresis, suggesting that it was a dimer of apparently identical subunits. These results suggested that pyrophosphatase activity stems from the membrane-bound osseous plate alkaline phosphatase and not from a different protein.
Treatment with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C of rat osseous plate membranes released up to 90-95% of alkaline phosphatase, but a specific ATPase activity (optimum pH = 7.5) remained bound to the membrane. The hydrolysis of ATP by this ATPase was negligible in the absence of magnesium or calcium ions. However, at millimolar concentrations of magnesium and calcium ions, the membrane-specific ATPase activity increased to about 560-600 U/mg, exhibiting two classes of ATP-hydrolysing sites, and site-site interactions. GTP, UTP, ITP, and CTP were also hydrolyzed by the membrane-specific ATPase. Oligomycin, ouabain, bafilomycin A(1), thapsigargin, omeprazole, ethacrynic acid and EDTA slightly affected membrane-specific ATPase activity while vanadate produced a 18% inhibition. The membrane-specific ATPase activity was insensitive to theophylline, but was inhibited 40% by levamisole. These data suggested that the membrane-specific ATPase activity present in osseous plate membranes, and alkaline phosphatase, were different proteins. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V.
In this work, we describe an experimental setup in which an electric current is used to determine the angular velocity attained by a plate rotating around a shaft in response to a torque applied for a given period. Based on this information, we show how the moment of inertia of a plate can be determined using a procedure that differs considerably from the ones most commonly used, which generally involve time measurements. Some experimental results are also presented which allow one to determine parameters such as the exponents and constant of the conventional equation of a plate's moment of inertia.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Wood gasification technologies to convert the biomass into fuel gas stand out. on the other hand, producing electrical energy from stationary engine is widely spread, and its application in rural communities where the electrical network doesn't exist is very required. The recovery of exhaust gases (engine) is a possibility that makes the system attractive when compared with the same components used to obtain individual heat such as electric power. This paper presents an energetic alternative to adapt a fixed bed gasifier with a compact cogeneration system in order to cover electrical and thermal demands in a rural area and showing an energy solution for small social communities using renewable fuels. Therefore, an energetic and economical analysis from a cogeneration system producing electric energy, hot and cold water, using wooden gas as fuel from a small-sized gasifier was calculated. The energy balance that includes the energy efficiency (electric generation as well as hot and cold water system; performance coefficient and the heat exchanger, among other items), was calculated. Considering the annual interest rates and the amortization periods, the costs of production of electrical energy, hot and cold water were calculated, taking into account the investment, the operation and the maintenance cost of the equipments. Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Precipitation of FeTiP is reported to occur in Ti-added IF steels containing high P during thermomechanical processing. An ultra-low carbon (ULC) Nb-added steel ingot containing a higher P content (< 0.8 wt-%) was produced via aluminothermic reduction of Fe2O3 followed by double electron beam melting (EBM). FeNbP coarse precipitates were observed in the as-cast microstructure. After soaking at 1050