297 resultados para Graduation Ceremony
In the 1980's, there was a suggestion of including the Adapted Physical Education discipline in the Physical Education Graduation Course. In this perspective, starting from the Adapted Physical Education teacher's routine, the aim of this research was to verify what these teachers know and how they manage to plan, elaborate and apply their knowledge with their students with educational special needs. It's an exploring study that had in its interview and silabus analisis technics the source of its data. Among its most important results, it showed teaching, experimental and pedagogical knowledge as part of Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education, in the arrangement, building and knowledge apliance.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A análise do quadro geral da inserção profissional dos egressos é uma forma inequívoca para avaliação de Programas de Pós-Graduação no que tange à qualidade de sua formação e preparo de profissionais gabaritados para o mercado de trabalho. Este artigo relata a experiência pioneira do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia- UNESP/ Rio Claro (SP) na construção de instrumentos de avaliação a partir da procedência, formação acadêmica e destino profissional dos egressos, nos níveis de Mestrado e Doutorado, no período de 1980-2008. Os resultados foram resumidos em gráficos e mapas e são elementos importantes para mostrar o desenvolvimento e a disseminação da ciência geográfica no Brasil e no exterior. A metodologia utilizada revelou-se extremamente eficaz, podendo ser utilizada por qualquer Programa, com as devidas adaptações, para avaliar tanto sua realidade quando sua extensão.
Este estudo foi realizado objetivando estudar o efeito das práticas de alimentação infantil e de fatores associados sobre a ocorrência de cárie dental. Para isso, determinou-se o ceo-d e o ceo-s em 156 crianças de 18 a 48 meses e foi aplicado às mães um questionário incluindo perguntas sobre a ocupação do pai, nível educacional da mãe, higiene bucal, época de erupção do dente e sobre práticas de alimentação infantil. Os dados obtidos foram analisados através dos testes X2 e Mann-Whitney U. A média do ceo-s foi 3,4 com 40% das crianças livres de cáries, sendo que 36 e 24% tinham um ceo-d maior que 0 e 4, respectivamente. Notou-se que 72% das crianças eram alimentadas ao seio, 17% apenas com mamadeira e 10% pelos dois meios. Das crianças alimentadas apenas com mamadeira 70% apresentaram cárie. A cárie de mamadeira foi observada em 20% das crianças, sendo que 77% destas tinham sido alimentadas por mais de 12 meses. As crianças, cujos pais eram profissionais com terceiro grau de escolaridade, tiveram significativamente menos cárie do que aquelas de pais com nível técnico ou pais operários. A prevalência de cárie na faixa etária estudada foi relativamente alta. As crianças com cárie de mamadeira tenderam a manter seus hábitos de aleitamento por mais de 12 meses, sendo que o uso de mamadeira açucarada estava presente em 100% dos casos.
A utilização de funções matemáticas para descrever o crescimento animal é antiga. Elas permitem resumir informações em alguns pontos estratégicos do desenvolvimento ponderal e descrever a evolução do peso em função da idade do animal. Também é possível comparar taxas de crescimento de diferentes indivíduos em estados fisiológicos equivalentes. Os modelos de curvas de crescimento mais utilizados na avicultura são os derivados da função Richards, pois apresentam parâmetros que possibilitam interpretação biológica e portanto podem fornecer subsídios para seleção de uma determinada forma da curva de crescimento em aves. Também pode-se utilizar polinômios segmentados para descrever as mudanças de tendência da curva de crescimento animal. Entretanto, existem importantes fatores de variação para os parâmetros das curvas, como a espécie, o sistema de criação, o sexo e suas interações. A adequação dos modelos pode ser verificada pelos valores do coeficiente de determinação (R2), do quadrado médio do resíduo (QM res), do erro de predição médio (EPm), da facilidade de convergência dos dados e pela possibilidade de interpretação biológica dos parâmetros. Estudos envolvendo modelagem e descrição da curva de crescimento e seus componentes são amplamente discutidos na literatura. Porém, programas de seleção que visem a progressos genéticos para a forma da curva não são mencionados. A importância da avaliação dos parâmetros dos modelos de curvas de crescimento é ainda mais relevante já que os maiores ganhos genéticos para peso estão relacionados com seleção para pesos em idades próximas ao ponto de inflexão. A seleção para precocidade pode ser auxiliada com base nos parâmetros do modelo associados à variáveis que descrevem esta característica genética dos animais. Esses parâmetros estão relacionados a importantes características produtivas e reprodutivas e apresentam magnitudes diferentes, de acordo com a espécie, o sexo e o modelo utilizados na avaliação. Outra metodologia utilizada são os modelos de regressão aleatória, permitindo mudanças graduais nas covariâncias entre idades ao longo do tempo e predizendo variâncias e covariâncias em pontos contidos ao longo da trajetória estudada. A utilização de modelos de regressões aleatórias traz como vantagem a separação da variação da curva de crescimento fenotípica em seus diferentes efeitos genético aditivo e de ambiente permanente individual, mediante a determinação dos coeficientes de regressão aleatórios para esses diferentes efeitos. Além disto, não há necessidade de utilizar fatores de ajuste para a idade. Esta revisão teve por objetivos levantar os principais modelos matemáticos frequentistas utilizados no estudo de curvas de crescimento de aves, com maior ênfase nos empregados com a finalidade de estimar parâmetros genéticos e fenotípicos.
Ao inventariarmos as grandes celebrações da monarquia portuguesa, encontraremos algumas que são cerimoniais eminentemente religiosos. Dentre eles, há a procissão do Anjo da Guarda do Reino de Portugal (no terceiro domingo de julho), instituída no século XVI como celebração da realeza, das quais toda a Corte participava e eram realizadas por todo o reino português. Também as aclamações de Da. Maria I (1777) e D. João VI (1818) utilizam elementos de caráter religioso (símbolos e idéias). Estas celebrações colocam-nos a hipótese de uma série de articulações entre os procedimentos religiosos e o poder real. em função do exame daquelas procissões e destes cerimoniais, procuramos esboçar uma imagem do rei português: um rei-protetor, detentor de um poder de salvação.
Ce texte analyse le cérémonial royal de la monarchie constitutionnelle brésilienne: le sacre et le couronnement de l'Empereur D. Pedro I. Notre examen de ce cérémonial a comme point de départ son caractère liturgique, pour comprendre pourquoi cet aspect a été considéré essentiel alors pour affirmer l'autonomie du nouveau royaume et, en même temps, a contribué pour définir le pouvoir politique de l'Empire du Brésil.
From the point of view of deontological ethics, privacy is a moral right that patients are entitled to and it is bound to professional confidentiality. Otherwise, the information given by patients to health professionals would not be reliable and a trustable relationship could not be established. The aim of the present study was to assess, by means of questionnaires with open and closed questions, the awareness and attitudes of 100 dentists working in the city of Andradina, São Paulo State, Brazil, with respect to professional confidentiality in dental practice. Most dentists (91.43%) reported to have instructed their assistants on professional confidentiality. However, 44.29% of the interviewees showed to act contradictorily as reported talking about the clinical cases of their patients to their friends or spouses. The great majority of professionals (98.57%) believed that it is important to have classes on Ethics and Bioethics during graduation and, when asked about their knowledge of the penalties imposed for breach of professional confidentiality, only 48.57% of them declared to be aware of it. Only 28.57% of the interviewees affirmed to have exclusive access to the files; 67.14% reported that that files were also accessed by their secretary; 1.43% answered that their spouses also had access, and 2.86% did not answer. From the results of the present survey, it could be observed that, although dentists affirmed to be aware of professional confidentiality, their attitudes did not adhere to ethical and legal requirements. This stand of health professionals has contributed to violate professional ethics and the law itself, bringing problems both to the professional and to the patient.
This paper is derived from the PhD research entitled "The initial training of Geography teacher in school cartography: a reflective analysis", developed by the program of Post-graduation in Geography of UNESP, campus of Rio Claro. The research is in the final phase, focused on data analysis and final writing of thesis. In this context, it may be stated that the research orientates in the problematic focused at the understanding of how the recent knowledge produced by the school cartography unfolds in the practices of Geography licentiate students. However, at this time, we will discuss about issues related to the research by the theoretical and practical point of view.
The cervical hypersensitivity tooth was analysed and treated by application of a varnish with high fluoride ions content (Duraphat) and of a glass ionomer cement usually indicated to cavity lining (XR-ionomer-Kerr). This technique was applied in sixty-seven teeth of Clinic Graduation patients (Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba) and demonstrated a high index of satisfactory results. The clinical findings of this study relate that, this technique is more one method of choose by clinicians.
The aim of this paper was to assess the Projeto UNI (Kellogg Foundation) in one of the Mental Health Centers (ARE) of Botucatu, SP, Brazil. We analysed 20% of the charts and the number of patients seen by psychiatrists and other mental health professionals before and after. Our results showed that: 1) the service users were mainly of neurotic patients (anxious, dysthymiacs, ICD-9 V code), followed by psychotics (schizophrenics, affectives) and organics (epileptics, mental deficients, demented patients); 2) there were more treatment options after the Projeto UNI implementation and over 2,495 group consultations were made in one year (as opposed to 90 in the year prior the project); 3) medical and nurse students are evaluating the program favourably; 4) there is a clear necessity of reassessing and changing some prescription practices: 43% of the patients were taking drug associations, there was an excessive use of benzodiazepines (54%) and low use of mood stabilizers (5%). There is also a need for more availability of depot neuroleptics, other antidepressants and better quality psychotropic drugs, and 5) there is a necessity of improving quality and quantity of charts information.
Purpose: To compare knowledge of medical students about the cornea donation process among those who already studied Ophthalmology and the others. Methods: A questionnaire containing data as: age, sex, graduation year, and 10 multiple-choice questions about the subject was applied to medical students from the interior of São Paulo state, Brazil. The questions were: age for donation, contraindication for transplants, the time limit to remove the cornea, among others. The knowledge regarding cornea donation was compared between the two groups: students who already studied Ophthalmology (Group A) and the others (Group B). Results: The study group was composed of 402 students, of whom 140 were of group A and 262 of group B. Knowledge between the two groups was different, but not statistically significant (p=0.8328). Conclusion: Knowledge about the cornea donation process among the interviewed seemed to be insufficient, even those who had studied Ophthalmology. Information and education about transplants in Medical Schools should be improved.
This exploratory descriptive study, of qualitative nature had the purpose to study how the nurses from a hospital school see the family as care participants. Six nurses from clinics of chronically ill patients were interviewed. The data analysis allowed to infer that the nurses had only little knowledge of the family's thematic during graduation, making the relationship with the accompanying families very difficult. Daily care during hospitalization period is marked by easy moments when members are willing to participate in the process, and by difficulties when they attempt to break institutional rules. It was suggested that new nurses have theoretical foundation to attend the family in several scenarios of care. It was considered the need of investments in professional training, and that the advance of humanization of services implies in exchange and integration of knowledge among patients, family members, health professionals, support staff and managers beyond the science field.
The current solutions implanted in the majority of manufacturing systems controlled by PLCs were developed through the language of programming known as ladder. Such a language, easily learned and handled, shows to be efficient whenever the system to be implanted does not demand greater complexity of analyses. Bigger systems, presenting characteristics in which resource compartments, parallelism and synchronizing among processes are more frequent, demand the adoption of solutions differentiation. This article presents a teaching experience and practical application of Petri nets in a Mechatronics Engineering graduation course. Copyright © 2007 IFAC.
The Self-writing on the formation in Physical Education Abstract: The objective of this article is to create a field of quarrels about Self-writing on the context of professional graduation in Physical Education, recognizing this writing exercise as a potential way to find what escapes to the knowledge terms and that force the thought to think the consistency of the meeting that across the graduation process. From this point, we want to reach the demands that are excluded in the formation speech - the demands of sensibility - recognizing them as expressions of an incarnate knowledge. Beyond the theoretical skills, the Selfwriting helps us to build a deeper understanding of the professional graduation, not because it play on a speech upon the practices, but for giving opening to the writing of the intensities forged in the meeting between practice and knowledge - where the professional intervention is installs.