46 resultados para Ginástica para todos (ginástica geral)


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Durante a revolução industrial, o trabalho manual tornou-se mecanizado, repetitivo e automatizado, e com o aumento da competitividade do trabalho e a busca desenfreada pela produtividade, os trabalhadores eram submetidos à estresse, depressão, acidentes e lesões no local de atuação (DE ALMEIDA et al., 2009). A fim de reduzir esses malefícios causados pelo trabalho surge na Polônia, em 1925, a ginástica laboral. Vários estudos apresentam os benefícios da ginástica laboral, tais como melhora da flexibilidade, estados de ânimo, e etc. Mas a queixa por dores e afastamentos causados por LER/DORT tem nos chamado atenção; por isso esse estudo tem como principal objetivo verificar alterações na incidência e intensidade de dores em participantes do projeto de extensão de Ginástica Laboral da UNESP campus de Rio Claro. Foram ministradas duas aulas de ginástica laboral preparatória por semana, com duração de 15min. Cada, e por um período de quatro meses. Os participantes responderam três instrumentos:, Nórdico para Dor adaptado, Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física e Questionário auto-elaborado para o estudo com perguntas referentes a intensidade do trabalho e tipo de ocupação, em dois momentos distintos: o primeiro antes da intervenção e o segundo após a intervenção. Após analisarmos os dados, constatamos que a ginástica laboral contribui de forma positiva para a diminuição da incidência e intensidade da dor em trabalhadores. O estudo mostrou que duas sessões semanais, com duração de quinze minutos cada sessão, de ginástica laboral preparatória são suficientes para a diminuição da incidência e intensidade de dores osteomusculares


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A disseminação de um estilo de vida saudável aliado a um relativo aumento de renda da população brasileira vem provocando um aquecimento no setor de negócios relacionados a atividade física. Nesse contexto, com esse frequente aumento no numero de academias, o cliente tem ampla rede de opção em relação a qual local escolher para desfrutar dos serviços oferecidos. A academia, para acolher o maior numero de clientes, deve oferecer diferenciais em seus serviços. É nessa hora que o profissional de educação física faz grande diferença, através de uma qualificação e capacidade profissional apurada, oferece um serviço de qualidade elevada, posicionado assim a academia em destaque no mercado. Nesse contexto, parece notório que a qualificação profissional, como foco no direcionamento técnico e na especificidade dos serviços oferecidos, não alcança a dinâmica administrativa e de gestão de pessoal. É dentro dessa abordagem que esse trabalho tentará alcançar uma visibilidade dentro do tema e uma abertura para a reflexão sobre a necessidade de aprimoramento teórico na área


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This final course project originates itself from the discussions of the Group of Studies and Pedagogical Research in Gymnastics (GEPPEGIN) of Unesp/RC and starts with the Pedagogy of Sport, with the purpose of knowing, analysing and discussing its existence and paths, in a series of discussions about the early specialization. The early specialization is a theme that relates frequently to the modalities of gymnastics, the focus point being that most gymnasts are specialized younger than most athletes from other sports (SCHIAVON, 2009), and not always in a proper way. It is from this issue that the intention of this study begins: knowing, analysing and discussing the existence and the ways of discussions about early specialization in researches and publications related to Rhythmic Gymnastics in the last decade (2002-2012) in Brazil. For the development of this qualitative research of scientific initiation a bibliographic research will be conducted about Rhythmic Gymnastics, with the focus on arising researches from post graduation programs stricto-sensu, recognized by Capes and, scientific papers, published during indexed periods in Brazil and classified in Qualis of Physic Education


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Nowadays is more than proven by several studies in the area that flexibility is one of the first physical abilities to be impaired with advancing age. Around 40 years old, there is an acceleration in the loss of flexibility that is heavily influenced by other factors as like standard level of physical activity and health, and this could eventually lead to a difficulty in performing activities of daily basis. Active Break was created with the intention to minimize the negative impacts from the sedentary life and health of workers and encourage healthier habits in employees through stretching exercises. A lot is said about the loss of flexibility with advancing age and various ways to minimize these losses. It is necessary for us as physical educators, using techniques learned through years of learning to prove the validity of a physical activity program in improving worker health. Therefore the aim of the study was to investigate the influence of the Active Break in different flexibility joints of the participants of physical activity program offered by the NAFES laboratory and compare whether there are differences in flexibility between workers who participate in classes with those who are not. The study included 15 workers of Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences (IGCE) UNESP - Rio Claro. Where were two weekly gymnastics sessions lasting 15 minutes each, Within this environment were divided two groups, one who carried out the activities and the other served as control group that participated only in the evaluations. Three assessments were conducted, one before the start of a study, another 2 months later and the last one at the end of the study. On these assessments were collected measures of the angles of joints using a Fleximeter and the greatest distance achieved by the sit and reach test. The results showed no significant difference...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This paper presents a brief review of theoretical studies on the stimulation and brain development. We also addressed questions about its plasticity, its influence on learning and behavior of the individual in interaction with the environment. Studies clearly show that the brain does not go into decline as we age. In this sense, a new discovery in neuroscience has revealed that the brain maintains the ability to grow and change the pattern of its connections to death. Findings such as these form the basis of neurobics. Demonstrating the importance of a relevant application of appropriate stimuli to change the morphology and function of neurons, the technique can be applied in different ways, ie, clinical, behavioral and neurological. Furthermore it can be applied during all phases of human development


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The increase in the elderly population has been significant in recent years in Brazil, with the growth in the relative share of the population aged 65 or more, which was 4.8% in 1991 and reaching 7.4% in 2010, this occurred mainly due to the growth of the adult population, especially also for the increased participation of the elderly population (IBGE, 2010). This situation has challenges of political, social, economic and mainly related to the health of the elderly population. The practice of physical activity, especially gymnastics, are offered to the population as a means of improving the health and quality of life (BURINI, 2005; MATSUDO, 2002; MAZO, 2003). From this context, this course conclusion work aims to report gymnastics programs developed in Denmark for the elderly population and reflect on the differences and similarities with the Brazilian fitness programs for seniors presented in the literature. The method used to develop this work of completion will review the literature on physical activity programs for seniors and, in particular, gymnastics, developed in Brazil and published in national Physical Education, minimum classification B2 (CAPES, 2012 ). Parallel to this, the description of fitness programs directed to older people in Denmark, as an account of personal experience of five months in Folk High School Gymnastik og Idraetshojskolen Viborg / Denmark. In the results of the study, were founded eight projects of physical activity of elderly people in the articles. Compared with the Brazilian projects studied, and observed Danish, they differ primarily the goals of the programs, which directly influences the activities conducted training. The frequency is similar but the Danish culture of physical exercise, makes Denmark people want to practice more activities off-hours programs. Another equally important aspect that emerges... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Não disponível.


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The fights are one of the most elementary manifestations of body culture, which are also constituted by sports, dances, games, and others. They are present in a lot of different ways, being very diverse among themselves. However, there is no consensus or agreements in the literature about the pedagogical practice of these modalities in fitness centers, sport clubs and sports centers. How do the teachers teach in these environments? What strategies do they use? How do they organize the contents? In what subjects they are based to execute the teaching and learning process? In this way, the objective of this study was to analyze some classes from different styles of fights/ martial arts teachers, trying to find what are their focus, goals, methodologies, classes’ dynamics and didactical and pedagogical procedures, aiming to check what is the focus of fights/ martial arts´ pedagogical practice in non-formal education. For this, it was selected one experienced teacher from the following modalities of fights from oriental origin: karate, judo, jiu jitsu and kung fu. The methodology used in this study consisted first in a literature review about the fights and sports pedagogy. Furthermore, there was one field research of qualitative nature, whose methods of data collection were divided in two: systematic observations of some classes of each teacher and semi-structured interviews with each teacher after the observation process, looking deeper into the pedagogical practice of these modalities. The results were analyzed through a content analyze, crossing the informations acquired with the instruments used. In addition to the description of these teachers and their classes, there was a classification of information, arriving the following categories: ritual and ceremony, tradition and discipline, didactical and pedagogical procedures ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Não disponível.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Content belonging to the movement's body culture and inserted in Official Documents such as National Curriculum Parameters and Curriculum of the state of Sao Paulo, Gymnastics, was object of this Course Conclusion Paper. After the reality of more then 20 years of researches pointing to a distancing of Gymnastics content in School Physical Education, this study aims to understand and analyze the experience with Gymnastics contents during the middle and High School in Physical Education classes, having as perspective the view of students in the third year of high school from state schools in the city of Rio Claro-SP. Participated in this study 97 students from eleven state schools in the city. It was presented the previous experiences with gymnastics contens developed in Physical Education classes, as well as the materials, the most developed content and the pleasure aroused by these classes


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Gymnastics is a manifestation of body culture, which has a number of fields (SOUZA, 1997): competition, demonstration, physical conditioning, body awareness and rehabilitation, providing a wide range of knowledge to be presented in physical education. But according to studies conducted by Nista- Piccolo (1988), Polito (1998), Barbosa (1999), Paoliello (2001), Ayoub (2003), Schiavon; Piccolo (2006) knowledge involving gymnastics has been tentatively applied in school. Therefore it is intended to research investigating the experiences of students with gymnastic contents of Physical Education, Universidade Estadual Paulista / Campus Rio Claro. Aiming at the students' perception regarding fitness classes they had in Physical Education. Participated in the survey 133 undergraduate students of Physical Education. On gymnastics experiences in basic education. If they did gymnastics, how often, what content, the materials used and how was that experience. Confirmed the initial hypothesis that the gym has been little applied in Physical Education. The research shows how important the training of future teachers of physical education, which influence other generations and that along with university education, their previous experiences lead to higher education, for Physical Education classes that minister future


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O estilo de vida é a forma com que cada indivíduo conduz a suas atividades diárias, as quais refletirão diretamente na sua saúde. Dessa forma, a prática da ginastica laboral busca oferecer um novo espaço de qualidade de vida, saúde e lazer para o trabalhador. A música nas atividades físicas é utilizada no sentido de motivar a continuidade dos exercícios físicos ou de distrair o praticante de estímulos não prazerosos como cansaço, dor ou até tensão psicológica. Estudos afirmam que os estados de animo melhoram em consequência da atividade física. Sendo assim, o objetivo do trabalho será analisar os efeitos da música nos estados de ânimo de trabalhadores durante aulas de um programa de ginástica laboral. Para isso, este estudo contou com 20 participantes, de ambos os gêneros, funcionários da UNESP - diversos setores, localizada na Av. 24A, nº1515, Bela Vista, Rio Claro/SP, que realizam funções semelhantes em cada ambiente de trabalho. Como forma de avaliação foi utilizado um questionário de dados cadastrais, um questionário relacionado à preferência musical e uma lista referente aos estados de ânimo. Obtivemos como resultado que a prática de ginástica laboral pode ser significativa para os estados de ânimo de seus praticantes em situação sem música e ainda mais com a presença de música da preferencia dos participantes. Verificamos que só com a audição de músicas não trouxe alterações significativas nos estados de ânimo. Verificou-se que a união da música preferida com a atividade física é a situação que mais traz benefícios ao estado de ânimo do trabalhador. Portanto, concluímos que a música, quando do gosto do praticante, aliada a atividade física pode trazer benefícios emocionais significativos à prática de ginástica laboral no ambiente de trabalho


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In recent years the availability of equipment for exercise in public places increased demand on the principles of universal design, ergonomics and accessibility, since they are intended for use by many different users. This paper presents an analysis of ergonomic equipment and discusses the main problems observed, as well as projective presents parameters for the development of new products.