62 resultados para Gelman, Jorge Daniel


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The resolution of the natural racemic chromane 3,4-dihydro-5-hydroxy-2,7-dimethyl-8-(3 ''-methyl-2 ''-butenyl)-2-(4'-methyl-1',3'-pentadienyl)-2H-1-benzopyran-6-carboxylic acid (1) isolated from the leaves of Peperomia obtusifolia has been accomplished using stereoselective HPLC. The absolute coil figuration of the resolved enantiomers was determined by the analysis of optical rotations and CD spectra. The finding of a racemic mixture instead of an enantiomerically pure metabolite raises questions about the final steps in the biosynthesis of this class of natural products, suggesting that the intramolecular chromane ring formation step may not be enzymatically controlled at all in P. obtusifolia. Chirality 21:799-801, 2009. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Em 2009, o Brasil quebrou o seu recorde de exportação de mel, gerando receita superior a US$ 65 milhões. Entretanto, existe uma lacuna nos aspectos econômicos, para grande parte dos apicultores inseridos nesta cadeia. Desta forma, levantou-se o investimento necessário para a produção de mel, em uma propriedade familiar de Cajuru (SP), com estimativas de investimento e custos de produção baseados no Custo Operacional Total (COT) utilizado pelo Instituto de Economia Agrícola, obtendo-se R$ 97.093,00 como valor total do investimento. Para a análise econômica, avaliando-se a produção de mel originária de flor de laranjeira e silvestre, o custo operacional total foi de R$ 16.400,13, considerando-se que as despesas com insumos perfizeram 70% do Custo Operacional Efetivo (COE) e 26% do COT, obtendo-se índice de lucratividade de 46%. em relação ao ponto de nivelamento, o apicultor precisa produzir 4.659 kg de mel, ou vender ao preço mínimo de R$ 1,93/kg a produção obtida, para cobrir os custos. Constatou-se, com base no fluxo de caixa, TIR de 7,24% e que o investimento inicial retorna em 10 anos, mostrando resultados atrativos para este segmento agropecuário, considerando-se a racionalidade de uso dos fatores de produção, bem como um aumento progressivo na quantidade produzida.


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O sorgo pode ser cultivado em áreas e situações ambientais secas e quentes, em que a produtividade de outros cereais é antieconômica. Quando a semeadura do sorgo é realizada de modo eficiente, os benefícios podem ser verificados em sua produtividade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento da cultura do sorgo semeado sob três níveis de carga vertical impostas sobre as rodas compactadoras das semeadoras-adubadoras. O experimento foi conduzido na FAZU - Faculdades Associadas de Uberaba (MG), no delineamento em blocos ao acaso, no esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com três modelos de rodas compactadoras e três cargas verticais, com cinco repetições. Observou-se que não houve efeito dos tratamentos tipo de rodas compactadoras e cargas em relação aos dias para emergência, mas a regressão linear mostrou significância para carga vertical. A altura, o teor médio de água das plantas e a produção de matéria verde e seca do sorgo não diferiram entre os tratamentos.


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A colheita mecanizada do feijão apresenta altos custos. Além disso, as características botânicas e a alta tendência ao acamamento do feijoeiro dificultam o uso de colhedoras combinadas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho operacional do conjunto trator-recolhedora-trilhadora de feijão e quantificar as perdas ocasionadas durante a colheita, em Jaboticabal, SP. Foi utilizado delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com fatorial 2 x 3, combinando-se dois sistemas de preparo de solo (convencional e plantio direto) e três velocidades teóricas de trabalho (V1, V2 e V3, correspondendo a 4,0; 4,9 e 5,8km h-1, respectivamente), com quatro repetições, totalizando 24 observações. O nível de ruído, os consumos volumétrico e ponderal, a taxa de alimentação da máquina, a matéria seca e a densidade da palhada, as perdas na plataforma da recolhedora e totais não são influenciadas pelos sistemas de preparo do solo (preparo convencional e plantio direto) e pelas velocidades de trabalho. As perdas ocorridas no sistema de trilha, separação e limpeza são menores na velocidade de 4,9km h-1.


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Plantas de Capsicum annuum cv. Magali R, resistentes ao Pepper yellow mosaic virus (PepYMV), exibindo sintomas severos de mosaico amarelo, malformação foliar e subdesenvolvimento foram encontradas em plantios na região de Lins, SP, Brasil, em 2003/04. Partículas semelhantes àquelas do gênero Potyvirus foram observadas em extrato foliar de planta infectada examinado em microscópio eletrônico de transmissão. O extrato foliar também reagiu com anti-soro contra o PepYMV em PTA-ELISA. Além de C. annuum cv. Magali R, esse potyvirus também infectou sistemicamente C. annuum cv. Rubia R, que é resistente ao PepYMV. A seqüência de nucleotídeos de parte do gene da proteína capsidial (CP) desse potyvirus apresentou 96-98% de identidade com a de outros isolados do PepYMV. A seqüência parcial de nucleotídeos da região 3' não traduzida (3' NTR) apresentou 94-96% de identidade com a do PepYMV. Esses resultados são indicativos de que o potyvirus que quebrou a resistência em pimentão é um isolado do PepYMV.


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Paciente, sexo feminino, 23 anos, com melanoma extensivo superficial em dorso, Breslow 0,35 mm, Clark II, sem ulcerações e com 2 mitoses / mm². Foi submetida à ampliação de margem e biópsia de dois linfonodos sentinela (axila esquerda). O exame anatomopatológico mostrou micrometástases, no seio subcapsular de ambos. Seguindo a recomendação do American Joint Commitee on Cancer 2009, a paciente foi submetida à linfadenectomia axilar total, sem outros linfonodos metastáticos. A aplicação da dermatoscopia vem permitindo maior precisão diagnóstica de melanoma cutâneo, contribuindo para maior proporção de melanoma fino ao diagnóstico. A taxa mitótica foi incluída como um importante fator prognóstico para melanomas finos pelo American Joint Commitee on Cancer 2009, sugerindo biópsia para esses pacientes


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Studies investigating the immunopathological aspects of Jorge Lobo's disease have shown that the inflammatory infiltrate consists mainly of histiocytes and multinucleated giant cells involving numerous yeast-like cells of Lacazia loboi, with the T lymphocytes more common than B lymphocytes and plasma cells. The quantification of cytokines in peripheral blood mononuclear cells culture supernatant has revealed alterations in the cytokines profile, characterized by predominance of a Th2 profile. In view of these findings and of the role of cytokines in cell interactions, the objective of the present study was to investigate the presence of the cytokines IL-10, TGF-ss 1 and TNF-alpha, as well as iNOS enzyme in granulomas induced by L. loboi. Histological sections obtained from skin lesions of 16 patients were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for the presence of these cytokines and iNOS. The results showed that TGF-ss 1 was the cytokine most frequently expressed by cells present in the inflammatory infiltrate, followed by IL-10. There was a minimum to discrete positivity of cells expressing TNF-alpha and iNOS. The results suggest that the presence of immunosuppressive cytokines in skin lesions of patients with the mycosis might be responsible for the lack of containment of the pathogen as demonstrated by the presence of numerous fungi in the granuloma.


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Globalization of dairy cattle breeding has created a need for international sire proofs. Some early methods for converting proofs from one population to another are based on simple linear regression. An alternative robust regression method based on the t-distribution is presented, and maximum likelihood and Bayesian techniques for analysis are described, including the situation in which some proofs are missing. Procedures were used to investigate the relationship between Holstein sire proofs obtained by two Uruguayan genetic evaluation programs. The results suggest that conversion equations developed from data including only sires having proofs in both populations can lead to distorted results, relative to estimates obtained using techniques for incomplete data. There was evidence of non-normality of regression residuals, which constitutes an additional source of bias. A robust estimator may not solve all problems, but can provide simple conversion equations that are less sensitive to outlying proofs and to departures from assumptions.


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Chromobacterium violaceum is one of millions of species of free-living microorganisms that populate the soil and water in the extant areas of tropical biodiversity around the world. Its complete genome sequence reveals (i) extensive alternative pathways for energy generation, (ii) ≈500 ORFs for transport-related proteins, (iii) complex and extensive systems for stress adaptation and motility, and (iv) wide-spread utilization of quorum sensing for control of inducible systems, all of which underpin the versatility and adaptability of the organism. The genome also contains extensive but incomplete arrays of ORFs coding for proteins associated with mammalian pathogenicity, possibly involved in the occasional but often fatal cases of human C. violaceum infection. There is, in addition, a series of previously unknown but important enzymes and secondary metabolites including paraquat-inducible proteins, drug and heavy-metal-resistance proteins, multiple chitinases, and proteins for the detoxification of xenobiotics that may have biotechnological applications.


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The waters of Corumbataí River in the middle and eastern part of São Paulo State, Brazil, are extensively used for human consumption; their water quality has been modified mainly due to increasing pressure caused by population growth, accompanied by a more accentuated industrial development for the whole São Paulo State in the early 1970s. The Corumbataí River basin has, over time, received significant emissions of municipal waste products and discharges of wastewater, sludge, sewage, sanitary and industrial effluents, but the first effluent treatment plant at Rio Claro city was only inaugurated at the end of the 1990s. Data on river water quality from two widely spaced locations in the Corumbataí River basin are reported in this paper; they indicate the need for continuous initiatives and efforts by decision makers in order to improve and preserve the water quality in the basin for the 21st century. Copyright © 2007 IAHS Press.


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The development of new techniques that allow the analysis and optimization of energy systems bearing in mind environmental issues is indispensable in a world with finite natural resources and growing demand of energy. Among the energy systems that deserve special attention, cogeneration in the sugar industry must be pointed out, because it uses efficiently a common fuel for generation of useful heat and power. Within this frame, thermoeconomical optimization - 2nd Law of Thermodynamics analysis by exergy function and economic evaluation of the thermal system - gradually is taking importance as a powerful tool to assist to the decision making process. Also, the explicit consideration of environmental issues offers a better way to explore trade-offs between different aspects to support the decisions that must be made. In this work it is used the technique of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) which allows to consider environmental matters as an integral part of the problem, in opposite to most of the environmental approaches that only reduce residuals generation , without taking into account impacts associated to other related processes. On the other hand, the consideration of environmental issues in optimization of energy systems is a novel and promissory contribution in the state of the art of energy optimization and LCA. The system under study is a sugar plant of Tucumán (Argentina) given the particular importance that this industry had inside the regional economy of the Argentinean Northwest. Although cogeneration comes being used a while ago in sugar industry, being the main objective the generation of heat and as secondary objective the electric power generation and mechanic power to cover several needs of working machineries, to the date it is no available a versatile tool that allows to analyze economical feasible alternatives bearing in mind environmental issues. At sugar plants, steam is generated in boilers using as fuel bagasse - cellulosic fiber waste obtained crushing the sugar cane- and it is used to give useful heat and shaft work to the plant, but it can also be used to generate electricity with export opportunities to the electrical network. The great number of process alternatives outlines a serious decision making problem in order to take advantage of the resources. Although the problem turns out to be a mixed non-linear problem (MINLP), the main contribution of this work is the development of a hybrid strategy to evaluate cogeneration alternatives that combines optimization approaches with environmental indicators. This powerful tool for its versatility and robustness to analyze cogeneration systems, will be of great help in the decision making process, because of their easy implementation to analyze the kind of problems presented in the sugar industry.