141 resultados para Femur mineral content
In a culture of a Pleurotus ostreatus (oyster mushroom) strain, macro and micronutrients of the raw material and the initial and spent substrates were evaluated. Substrates were formulated with sawdust from Simarouba amara Aubl. and Ochroma piramidale Cav. ex. Lam., crushed Bactris gasipaes Kunth and crushed Saccharum officinarum (sugar cane). Samples were solubilized by means of acid digestion (nitric-peridrol). Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, Na and K by atomic emission, and P by colorimetry. The mineral composition of the fruiting body varied with the substrates, which made possible the production of a fruiting body rich in K, P Mg and Fe. Potassium was the mineral with the highest content in the fruiting body in all substrates tested (36.83-42.18g.kg(-1)). There was an increase of protein and mineral content in the spent substrate in relation to the initial one.
Puberty is the fundamental period for bone mass (BM) acquisition. In this period mineralization is found to increase with levels of high bone formation. The critical years of intense bone anabolism deserve special attention, as adequate gain could minimize fracture risk in later years. The objective of this work was to study bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) in male adolescents with age bracket and maturation level. Sixty-one healthy male 10 to 19 year-olds were evaluated for calcium intake, weight, stature, BMI, puberty stage and BMC and BMD in the lumbar spine and femur. BM was measured by bone densitometry (DXA). Calcium intake was calculated by recording 3 days diet. Puberty stage was defined as per Tanner. Descriptive statistics was used with means and standard deviations, linear correlation, and analysis of variance for comparison between age groups, and the Tukey test (p<0.05). Linear correlation was positive and indicated body weight as the main correlation variable with BMD in both studied locations (p<0.01). BMC and BMD increased with age, differences were significant from 14 to 15 years, and when adolescents reached Tanner stage G4. These results showed a pronounced increase in bone mineralization, with the years after 14 to 15 being critical for BM acquisition in Brazilian adolescents.
Introduction: Bone strength is influenced by a number of different determinants, such as mass, size, geometry and also by the intrinsic material properties of the tissue. Aims: The structure and mechanical properties of the femur were analyzed in aged (14 mo-old) animals submitted to hindlimb unloading (HU) for 21 days. Methods: Twenty Wistar rats were randomly divided into Control and HU groups and the femur was submitted to dual X ray absorptiometry (DXA), DIGORA radiographic density, mechanical compression testing and Knoop microhardness analyse in cortical and cancellous bone. Results: Femurs from HU group presented significantly lower failure load, decreased bone mineral density (BMD)/bone mineral content (BMC) in whole bone; proximal/distal epiphysis and middiaphyseal cortical bone measured by DXA were similar in the two groups; radiographic density from areas in proximal epiphysis was significantly lower in HU group, and microhardness measured at periosteal and endosteal levels were also signifcantly diminished in HU compared with Control group. Conclusion: Disuse induced damage in the trabecular femoral bone architecture with decisive effect on the head and trochanteric fossa, which became weaker. Bone diaphyseal cortical hardness also suffered effect of unloading, probably related to osteocyte/osteoblast activity.
Background: Among adults, obesity has been positively related to bone mineral density. However, recent findings have pointed out that abdominal obesity could be negatively related to bone density. The above mentioned relationship is not clear among pediatric populations. Therefore, this cross-sectional study analyzed the relationship between thickness of abdominal adipose tissue and bone mineral variables in sedentary obese children and adolescents.Methods: One hundred and seventy five obese children and adolescents (83 male and 92 female) with ages ranging from 6 to 16 years-old were analyzed. Bone mineral content and density were estimated by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and ultrasound equipment which estimated the thickness of the abdominal adipose tissue. Pubertal stage was self-reported by the participants.Results: The mean age was 11.1 (SD = 2.6). Thickness of the abdominal adipose tissue was negatively related to bone mineral density (r = -0.17 [r95%CI: -0.03;-0.32]), independent of gender, pubertal stage and other confounders (β = -0.134 ± 0.042 [β95%CI: -0.217; -0.050]).Conclusions: In sedentary obese children and adolescents abdominal obesity is negatively related to bone mineral density, suggesting a potential link between abdominal obesity and osteoporosis. © 2013 Júnior et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Objetivo:Analisar a associação entre a massa óssea e capacidade funcional de idosos com 80 anos ou mais.Métodos:A amostra foi composta por 93 idosos entre 80 e 91 anos (83,2 ± 2,5 anos), 61 mulheres (83,3 ± 2,7 anos) e 32 homens (83,1 ± 2,2 anos) da cidade de Presidente Prudente. A avaliação da massa óssea foi feita pela absorptiometria de dupla energia de raios X (DXA), na qual foram mensurados os valores de conteúdo mineral ósseo (BMC) e densidade mineral óssea (BMD) do fêmur e da coluna (L1-L4). A capacidade funcional foi avaliada por meio dos testes de velocidade para caminhar, equilíbrio estático e força de membros inferiores contidos no questionário Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento (Sabe). As variáveis da massa óssea e capacidade funcional foram categorizadas de acordo com os valores de mediana e a pontuação obtida nos testes, respectivamente. Para tratamento estatístico fez-se o teste qui-quadrado, o software usado foi SPSS (13.0) e o nível de significância estabelecido foi de 5%.Resultados:Os idosos do sexo masculino com maior desempenho nos testes funcionais apresentaram maiores valores de BMC de fêmur comparados com os de menor desempenho, resultado não encontrado quando avaliadas as mulheres.Conclusão:Dessa forma, a massa óssea do fêmur para idosos longevos do sexo masculino está associada à capacidade funcional. A avaliação constante da massa mineral óssea e a prática de atividade física ao longo da vida seriam medidas para prevenção das quedas em idosos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Purpose: To assess the bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC) of female adolescents in use of standard low-dose combined oral contraceptives (COC) (EE 20 mcg/ Desogestrel 150 mcg) for a one-year period and to compare results against healthy controls matched for age and gender not in use of COC. Methods: A prospective, longitudinal study was conducted.Fifty adolescents, 12 to 20 years of age, were divided into a COC user group (n 35) and a control group (n 15) and submitted to a Bone Densitometry scan using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) at study inclusion and again at 12-month follow-up. Results: Results showed no statistically significant differences between the COC user and control groups at the initial moment. However, at 12-month follow-up, COC users showed negative mean percentage variation between initial and follow-up values for lumbar spine BMD and BMC of -1.09% and -1.58%, respectively, whereas controls had positive variations of +12.44% and +15.87%, respectively. Thus, the adolescents in use of COC showed a loss, albeit slight, in bone mass whereas the control group showed an increase. Conclusions: The low dose COC assessed (EE 20 mcg/Desogestrel 150 mcg) appeared to negatively affect the process of bone mass acquisition which occurs during adolescence.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the weight and percentage of the non-carcass components and the mineral content (macro minerals and trace minerals), crude protein, ether extract, moisture and vitamin E of the heart, liver, tongue, lungs, reticulum, kidneys and meat from the longissimus dorsi of lambs in feedlot finishing. Thirty-two non-castrated Ile de France male lambs, fed diets containing sunflower seeds and vitamin E from 15 to 32 kg of body weight were allotted in a completely randomized design in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. The weight of the gastrointestinal tract was higher in the lambs fed diets containing vitamin E (10%). No difference was observed in the liver as to the mineral matter, crude protein, ether extract, moisture (2.01; 20.03; 2.39 and 74.78 g/100 g, respectively), the macro minerals and trace minerals, except iron. In the tongue, lungs, reticulum, kidneys and meat there was no in fluence of diets in the studied variables. The liver and the meat presented different values of crude protein (20.01 and 18.34 g/100 g, respectively), and the heart (1.03 mg/100 g) showed a higher content of vitamin E. High contents of manganese, zinc and copper were observed in the liver. The evaluated non-carcass components were nutritionally equal to the sheep meat, once, in addition to their high yield in relation to the body weight at slaughter, the non-carcass components are sources of nutrients.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o rendimento de carcaça e os aspectos físicos e químicos da carne de avestruzes abatidos comercialmente no Brasil. E para isso acompanhou-se o processo de abate e desossa de um abatedouro comercial de avestruzes. Utilizou-se 12 machos e 12 fêmeas, com idade entre 13 e 15 meses, da subespécie African Black. No momento da desossa foram avaliados: o pH, a temperatura e a coloração dos músculos. A composição química e mineral foi determinada segundo metodologias propostas pela AOAC. O pH apresenta diferença significativa em relação aos diferentes músculos. Ao avaliar a coloração dos músculos em relação ao sexo, observou-se que a luminosidade foi maior para os machos, contribuindo significativamente para que a carne fosse mais brilhante que a das fêmeas. Houve diferença significativa em relação ao sexo sobre os teores de proteína bruta e lipídios. O teor de minerais não apresentou diferença significativa em relação ao sexo. Porém, observa-se diferença significativa entre os diferentes músculos avaliados. Conclui-se então que, a rentabilidade das carcaças de avestruzes tem sido comparável à média mundial, demonstrando o empenho entre os criadores em produzir carne de avestruz de maneira competitiva, além da mesma apresentar características organolépticas e nutricionais que agradam ao consumidor.