193 resultados para Edifícios hospitalares
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
Pós-graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas - FCFAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
As interações medicamentosas (IM) são consideradas um problema de saúde pública, pois podem causar resultados negativos à saúde dos usuários de medicamentos. Portanto o referido trabalho teve como objetivos: estimar a prevalência de internações hospitalares relacionadas a Potenciais IM (PIM); identificar os sinais e sintomas, e os fatores de risco para a hospitalização relacionados à PIM. Metodologia: Realizou-se estudo transversal na clínica geral de um hospital privado do interior de São Paulo (Brasil), em maio de 2006, com pacientes acima de 18 anos, com tempo de hospitalização superior a 24horas, sendo os mesmos entrevistados sobre os sintomas/motivos de internação e os medicamentos que haviam utilizado previamente à hospitalização. Calculou-se Odds-ratiopara identificar fatores de risco, sendo encontrado os seguintes resultados: 168 pacientes utilizando mais de um medicamento, dos quais 57 apresentaram PIM, sendo que em 17(10,1%), os sinais e sintomas da PIM possivelmente foram a causa da hospitalização. A maioria das manifestações clínicas das PIM foram sintomas cardiovasculares (44,3%), gastrintestinais (17,2%) e musculoesqueléticos (13,8%) e 10% das PIM foram consideradas potencialmente perigosas. Não foram detectados fatores de risco relacionados ao gênero, idade, uso de medicamentos de estreita faixa terapêutica para hospitalização por PIM. A polimedicação foi fator de risco para ocorrência de PIM (p < 0,0001) opostamente ao aumento da idade que revelou ser um fator de proteção (p=0,02). Conclusão: Se faz necessário seguimento farmacoterapêutico de pacientes que utilizam fármacos de estreita faixa terapêutica, pois estas substâncias estão frequentemente envolvidas em IM perigosas. Palavras-chave: Problema relacionado ao medicamento. Resultado negativo associado ao medicamento. Erros de medicação. Interações de medicamentos.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT
OBJECTIVE: To verify the existence of fungal contamination prior to and following the cleaning and disinfection process of hospital mattresses used by patients with Candidemia. METHODS: Cross-sectional study analyzing 25 mattresses used by patients with Candidemia confirmed by blood culture from different hospital wards. The study made use of convenience samples. After growing the samples in an Agar Sabouraud Dextrose environment, isolated yeasts were identified by macroscopic, microscopic and physiologic characteristics. RESULTS: Analyses showed 15 (60%) mattresses contaminated by Candida spp. From these, 10 (66.7%) and five (33.3%) mattresses corresponded respectively to the collection prior to and following disinfection, with Candida parapsilosis being the isolated species with the highest frequency. CONCLUSION: Considering that half of the mattresses remained contaminated after cleaning and disinfection, there is a risk that these mattresses may act as potential secondary reservoirs in the infection chain.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
CCurrently there are various systems for the evaluation of environmental impacts of buildings, known as tools of environmental certification. Among these, the tool LEED for New Construction and Major Renovations has been the most widely used and accepted worldwide, in assessing the sustainability of buildings. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the tool for LEED certification for construction work in Brazil, which ranks fourth in the world ranking records certification of sustainable buildings. It was found in this analysis that the assumptions of this tool are encouraging the use of more sustainable and less impactful on the environment as it promotes the deployment of innovative projects from a technological standpoint, , as well as the valuation of enterprises certified. Also, very significant results obtained in terms of energy efficiency and environmental quality in occupied buildings
The discussions about the energy rationalization are gaining more and more space on the everyday of engineers and other professionals in the field of energy. A greater focus is being tied to commercial buildings, because they are one of the biggest responsible for the high energetic expenditure according to the National Energetic Balance, especially by the use of air conditioners for the people’s thermal comfort. Such finding made INMETRO to develop a building labeling procedure through th National Program of Electric Energy Conservation in Buildings; by means of this systematic, the built areas are classified by levels that go from A(the best) to E(the worst), taking into account envelopment, illumination system and air conditioning. A bonus process based on water rationalization, use of renewable energy sources, cogeneration systems or technical innovations, allows the classification to be changed up to one level. A study made exactly on a commercial building, the building of Foundation for Technological and Scientific Development located inside of the College of Engineering of Guaratinguetá, sought to identify technical/economic alternatives for the building certification and appealed to the bonus based on water rationalization. The present study is based on analysis of deploying a cogeneration system formed by internal combustion engine and an absorption refrigeration system as bonus alternative, so that the costs are analyzed regarding energy consumption and use of the motor. With the calculations and results, the viability of the building to receive a bonus from INMETRO through its National Program for Energy Conservation in Buildings is studied and concluded from this study whether or not you can get a better level of energy efficiency for the building in question... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This paper presents a study on the labeling Procel Build, an action plan for energy efficiency in buildings which aims to build the foundations necessary to rationalize energy consumption in buildings in Brazil (PROCEL, 2009a, p. 5), ie Procel builds aims to ensure the construction of the building that has a low energy expenditure, but still provide a comfortable environment. In this research, it is also shown how the labels are obtained, which may be general or partial. The reader will find further explanation of the three aspects of a building, and they Envelopment, Lighting system and Air Conditioning System Finally, we present the advantages and challenges of system builds procel, showing the need for greater investment and disclosure of elements that contribute to the implementation of sustainable buildings in Brazil
Um dos problemas enfrentados pelas cidades brasileiras, e que atinge inclusive as de pequeno porte, refere-se à questão hospitalar. A falta de adequação de espaços e equipamentos tem causado grandes problemas à qualidade de vida da população. A melhoria das condições hospitalares nas cidades tem como consequência o aumento na qualidade de vida urbana; e esta, por sua vez está relacionada à adoção de medidas específicas a adequação hospitalar ás normas técnicas vigentes. O objetivo desse trabalho é realizar uma proposta projetual de requalificação espacial do Hospital Municipal de Ribeirão Branco (SP), incorporando uma visão sobre todos os aspectos necessários para o desenvolvimento correto de um programa hospitalar. Este trabalho de conclusão de curso visa dar condições confortáveis e autônomas de acesso a todos os usuários dessa unidade de saúde, além de melhor suas condições funcionais, em termos de programa hospitalar. Além disso, a proposta buscará inserir o Hospital num contexto tecnológico mais recente, para atualizar e potencializar a eficiência dos tratamentos
After the discovery of ionizing radiation, its applications in various fields of science began to take significant proportions. In the case of medicine, there are the application areas in radiotherapy, diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine. It was then necessary to create the field of radiological protection to establish the conditions necessary for the safe use of such ionizing radiation. Apply knowledge obtained during the graduation stage and in the practice of radiological protection in the areas of nuclear medicine and diagnostic radiology. In the area of nuclear medicine, tests were made in the Geiger-Muller counters (GM) and the dose calibrator (curiometer), the monitoring tests of radiation, waste management, clean of the Therapeutic room and testing the quality control of gamma-chambers. In the area of radiology, were performed tests of quality control equipment for conventional X-ray equipment and x-ray fluoroscopy, all following the rules of the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), and reporting of tests. The routine developed in the fields of nuclear medicine in hospitals has proved very useful, since the quality control of GM counters contribute to the values of possible contamination are more reliable. The control of dose calibrator enables the patient not to receive different doses of the recommended amounts, which prevents the repetition of tests and unnecessary exposure to radiation. The management of waste following the rules and laws established and required for its management. Tests for quality control of gamma chambers help to evaluate its medical performance through image. In part of diagnostic radiology, tests for quality control are performed in order to verify that the equipment is acceptable for usage or if repairs are needed. The knowledge acquired at the internship consolidated the learning of graduation course