44 resultados para Ecological niche modeling


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O sítio de vocalização e os parâmetros acústicos do canto de anúncio foram determinados para 18 espécies de anuros em seis corpos d'água na região noroeste paulista. A freqüência dominante do canto de anúncio foi positivamente correlacionada com o CRC das espécies: as espécies pequenas vocalizaram em uma freqüência mais alta e as maiores vocalizaram em uma freqüência mais baixa. A similaridade nos parâmetros espectrais e temporais do canto de anúncio foi alta entre 94% das espécies registradas. A similaridade no uso do sítio de vocalização foi baixa, apenas 22% das espécies apresentaram alta sobreposição, apesar de cerca de metade das espécies terem sido generalistas no uso de sítio de vocalização. Analisando conjuntamente a similaridade no uso de sítio de vocalização, no hábitat e nos parâmetros do canto de anúncio, a proporção de espécies com alta sobreposição diminui de 94% para 11%, correspondente à sobreposição entre um único par de espécies: Dendropsophus elianeae e D. minutus. Espécies com sobreposição no sítio de vocalização apresentaram segregação nos parâmetros acústicos e, espécies com sobreposição nos parâmetros acústicos tenderam a partilhar sítio de vocalização. Esse resultado sugere a ocorrência de complementaridade de nicho, pois as espécies que ocuparam uma posição similar em uma dimensão tenderam a diferir em outra dimensão. A homogeneidade estrutural dos corpos d'água, a severidade climática da região e o elevado grau de conversão do ambiente natural em áreas de cultivo limitam a abundância das populações e a riqueza de espécies. A baixa sobreposição no sítio de vocalização está, provavelmente, associada a insaturação das comunidades amostradas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Morphometric and colour pattern variation in the endemic Iberian salamander Chioglosso lusitanica is concordant with the genetic differentiation of two groups of populations separated by the Mondego river ill Portugal. Salamanders from the south have shorter digits than those from the north. Clinal variation with a south to north increase in limb. toe and finger length was found superiniposed on this dichotomy resulting in stepped clines for characters describing appendage size. Genetic variability was paralleled by colour pattern variability in the contact zone and in northern populations. To explain the observed parallels we invoke the neutral processes of vicariant isolation. admixture in a secondary contact zone, genetic drift in addition to selection acting along all environmental gradient. Morphological constraints imposed by a highly specialized ecological niche may explain why the genetic subdivision of C. lusitanica since the early, Pleistocene has remained fairly cryptic.


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The genome sequence of Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli, which causes ratoon stunting disease and affects sugarcane worldwide, was determined. The single circular chromosome of Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli CTCB07 was 2.6 Mb in length with a GC content of 68% and 2,044 predicted open reading frames. The analysis also revealed 307 predicted pseudogenes, which is more than any bacterial plant pathogen sequenced to date. Many of these pseudogenes, if functional, would likely be involved in the degradation of plant heteropolysaccharides, uptake of free sugars, and synthesis of amino acids. Although L. xyli subsp. xyli has only been identified colonizing the xylem vessels of sugarcane, the numbers of predicted regulatory genes and sugar transporters are similar to those in free-living organisms. Some of the predicted pathogenicity genes appear to have been acquired by lateral transfer and include genes for cellulase, pectinase, wilt-inducing protein, lysozyme, and desaturase. The presence of the latter may contribute to stunting, since it is likely involved in the synthesis of abscisic acid, a hormone that arrests growth. Our findings are consistent with the nutritionally fastidious behavior exhibited by L. xyli subsp. xyli and suggest an ongoing adaptation to the restricted ecological niche it inhabits.


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The Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, and the Congo Tilapia, Tilapia rendalli, are important members of the African cichlids, and have been introduced to many Brazilian lakes and reservoirs. These species exhibit a large feeding flexibility and may modify their habits during their growth. In the Barra Bonita reservoir, these species are well adapted, representing more than 80% of fish. This study aimed to analyze ontogenetic variation with regard to the diet of these species in this important reservoir. Samples were taken monthly, from March 2007 to February 2008, in Anhembi, São Paulo State. Both species were analyzed by grouping individuals according to size classes. The coexistence of these species was observed in this environment, to which fish were introduced, as well as discreet differences in diet, being that Oreochromis niloticus was considered as an detritivorous, since the detritus was constant in the diet of almost all size classes, and presents some changes in its diet according to the different size classes. While T. rendalli may was defined as herbivorous, and the contribution of food resources to the diet of T. rendalli seems to be different from that of O. niloticus along the size classes.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)