49 resultados para Customer order decoupling point
The Global Positioning System (GPS) transmits signals in two frequencies. It allows the correction of the first order ionospheric effect by using the ionosphere free combination. However, the second and third order ionospheric effects, which combined may cause errors of the order of centimeters in the GPS measurements, still remain. In this paper the second and third order ionospheric effects, which were taken into account in the GPS data processing in the Brazilian region, were investigated. The corrected and not corrected GPS data from these effects were processed in the relative and precise point positioning (PPP) approaches, respectively, using Bernese V5.0 software and the PPP software (GPSPPP) from NRCAN (Natural Resources Canada). The second and third order corrections were applied in the GPS data using an in-house software that is capable of reading a RINEX file and applying the corrections to the GPS observables, creating a corrected RINEX file. For the relative processing case, a Brazilian network with long baselines was processed in a daily solution considering a period of approximately one year. For the PPP case, the processing was accomplished using data collected by the IGS FORT station considering the period from 2001 to 2006 and a seasonal analysis was carried out, showing a semi-annual and an annual variation in the vertical component. In addition, a geographical variation analysis in the PPP for the Brazilian region has confirmed that the equatorial regions are more affected by the second and third order ionospheric effects than other regions.
After removal of the Selective Availability in 2000, the ionosphere became the dominant error source for Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), especially for the high-accuracy (cm-mm) demanding applications like the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) positioning.The common practice of eliminating the ionospheric error, e. g. by the ionosphere free (IF) observable, which is a linear combination of observables on two frequencies such as GPS L1 and L2, accounts for about 99% of the total ionospheric effect, known as the first order ionospheric effect (Ion1). The remaining 1% residual range errors (RREs) in the IF observable are due to the higher - second and third, order ionospheric effects, Ion2 and Ion3, respectively. Both terms are related with the electron content along the signal path; moreover Ion2 term is associated with the influence of the geomagnetic field on the ionospheric refractive index and Ion3 with the ray bending effect of the ionosphere, which can cause significant deviation in the ray trajectory (due to strong electron density gradients in the ionosphere) such that the error contribution of Ion3 can exceed that of Ion2 (Kim and Tinin, 2007).The higher order error terms do not cancel out in the (first order) ionospherically corrected observable and as such, when not accounted for, they can degrade the accuracy of GNSS positioning, depending on the level of the solar activity and geomagnetic and ionospheric conditions (Hoque and Jakowski, 2007). Simulation results from early 1990s show that Ion2 and Ion3 would contribute to the ionospheric error budget by less than 1% of the Ion1 term at GPS frequencies (Datta-Barua et al., 2008). Although the IF observable may provide sufficient accuracy for most GNSS applications, Ion2 and Ion3 need to be considered for higher accuracy demanding applications especially at times of higher solar activity.This paper investigates the higher order ionospheric effects (Ion2 and Ion3, however excluding the ray bending effects associated with Ion3) in the European region in the GNSS positioning considering the precise point positioning (PPP) method. For this purpose observations from four European stations were considered. These observations were taken in four time intervals corresponding to various geophysical conditions: the active and quiet periods of the solar cycle, 2001 and 2006, respectively, excluding the effects of disturbances in the geomagnetic field (i.e. geomagnetic storms), as well as the years of 2001 and 2003, this time including the impact of geomagnetic disturbances. The program RINEX_HO (Marques et al., 2011) was used to calculate the magnitudes of Ion2 and Ion3 on the range measurements as well as the total electron content (TEC) observed on each receiver-satellite link. The program also corrects the GPS observation files for Ion2 and Ion3; thereafter it is possible to perform PPP with both the original and corrected GPS observation files to analyze the impact of the higher order ionospheric error terms excluding the ray bending effect which may become significant especially at low elevation angles (Ioannides and Strangeways, 2002) on the estimated station coordinates.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Detection and Identification of Abnormalities in Customer Consumptions in Power Distribution Systems
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This paper presents an interior point method for the long-term generation scheduling of large-scale hydrothermal systems. The problem is formulated as a nonlinear programming one due to the nonlinear representation of hydropower production and thermal fuel cost functions. Sparsity exploitation techniques and an heuristic procedure for computing the interior point method search directions have been developed. Numerical tests in case studies with systems of different dimensions and inflow scenarios have been carried out in order to evaluate the proposed method. Three systems were tested, with the largest being the Brazilian hydropower system with 74 hydro plants distributed in several cascades. Results show that the proposed method is an efficient and robust tool for solving the long-term generation scheduling problem.
The parameterized fast decoupled power flow (PFDPF), versions XB and BX, using either theta or V as a parameter have been proposed by the authors in Part I of this paper. The use of reactive power injection of a selected PVbus (Q(PV)) as the continuation parameter for the computation of the maximum loading point (MLP) was also investigated. In this paper, the proposed versions obtained only with small modifications of the conventional one are used for the computation of the MLP of IEEE test systems (14, 30, 57 and 118 buses). These new versions are compared to each other with the purpose of pointing out their features, as well as the influence of reactive power and transformer tap limits. The results obtained with the new approaches are presented and discussed. The results show that the characteristics of the conventional FDPF method are enhanced and the region of convergence around the singular solution is enlarged. In addition, it is shown that these versions can be switched during the tracing process in order to efficiently determine all the PV curve points with few iterations. A trivial secant predictor, the modified zero-order polynomial, which uses the current solution and a fixed increment in the parameter (V, theta, or mu) as an estimate for the next solution, is used for the predictor step. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Os métodos de fluxo de carga por Newton-Raphson e fluxo de carga desacoplado rápido convencionais são considerados inadequados para a obtenção do ponto de máximo carregamento de sistemas de potência, devido à problemas de mal-condicionamento neste ponto crítico e na sua vizinhança. Neste ponto a matriz Jacobiana do método de Newton-Raphson torna-se singular e considera-se que não são mais válidas as hipóteses de desacoplamento P-V e Q-teta utilizadas para a formulação do método fluxo de carga desacoplado rápido. No entanto, mostra-se neste trabalho, que com pequenas modificações, as versões XB e BX do fluxo de carga desacoplado rápido tornam-se adequadas para a obtenção do ponto de máximo carregamento. Estas novas versões modificadas são comparadas entre si com o intuito de explicitar suas características, assim como da influência da atuação dos limites de geração de potência reativa e de tap's de transformadores. Os resultados obtidos para os sistemas testes do IEEE (14, 30, 57 e 118 barras) mostram que as características de convergência das versões originais são preservadas. Além disso, durante o traçado das curvas PV, os diversos métodos podem ser comutados entre si possibilitando o cálculo de todos os pontos da curva com um número reduzido de iterações.
An iterated deferred correction algorithm based on Lobatto Runge-Kutta formulae is developed for the efficient numerical solution of nonlinear stiff two-point boundary value problems. An analysis of the stability properties of general deferred correction schemes which are based on implicit Runge-Kutta methods is given and results which are analogous to those obtained for initial value problems are derived. A revised definition of symmetry is presented and this ensures that each deferred correction produces an optimal increase in order. Finally, some numerical results are given to demonstrate the superior performance of Lobatto formulae compared with mono-implicit formulae on stiff two-point boundary value problems. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
The subtracted kernel approach is shown to be a powerful method to be implemented recursively in scattering equations with regular plus point-like interactions. The advantages of the method allows one to recursively renormalize the potentials, with higher derivatives of the Dirac-delta, improving previous results. The applicability of the method is verified in the calculation of the 1 So nucleon-nucleon phase-shifts, when considering a potential with one-pion-exchange plus a contact interaction and its derivatives. The S-1(0) renormalization parameters are fitted to the data. The method can in principle be extended to any derivative order of the contact interaction, to higher partial waves and to coupled channels. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We show that at one-loop order, negative-dimensional, Mellin-Barnes (MB) and Feynman parametrization (FP) approaches to Feynman loop integral calculations are equivalent. Starting with a generating functional, for two and then for n-point scalar integrals, we show how to reobtain MB results, using negative-dimensional and FP techniques. The n-point result is valid for different masses, arbitrary exponents of propagators and dimension.
We consider a new type of point interaction in one-dimensional quantum mechanics. It is characterized by a boundary condition at the origin that involves the second and/or higher order derivatives of the wavefunction. The interaction is effectively energy dependent. It leads to a unitary S-matrix for the transmission-reflection problem. The energy dependence of the interaction can be chosen such that any given unitary S-matrix (or the transmission and reflection coefficients) can be reproduced at all energies. Generalization of the results to coupled-channel cases is discussed.
Scale-invariant running couplings are constructed for several quarks being decoupled together, without reference to intermediate thresholds. Large-momentum scales can also be included. The result is a multi-scale generalization of the renormalization group applicable to any order. Inconsistencies in the usual decoupling procedure with a single running coupling can then be avoided, e.g., when cancelling anomalous corrections from t, b quarks to the axial charge of the proton. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We present the qualitative differences in the phase transitions of the mono-mode Dicke model in its integrable and chaotic versions. These qualitative differences are shown to be connected to the degree of entanglement of the ground state correlations as measured by the linear entropy. We show that a first order phase transition occurs in the integrable case whereas a second order in the chaotic one. This difference is also reflected in the classical limit: for the integrable case the stable fixed point in phase space undergoes a Hopf type whereas the second one a pitchfork type bifurcation. The calculation of the atomic Wigner functions of the ground state follows the same trends. Moreover, strong correlations are evidenced by its negative parts. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Photo luminescence: A probe for short, medium and long-range self-organization order in ZrTiO4 oxide
Photoluminescent disordered ZrTiO4 powders were obtained by the polymeric precursor soft-chemical method. This oxide system (ordered and disordered) was characterized by photoluminescence, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry and UV vis absorption experiments. The UV absorption tail formation in the disordered oxides was related to the diminution of optical band gap. In the disordered phase, this oxide displayed broad band photoluminescence caused by change in coordination number of titanium and zirconium with oxygen atoms. The gap decreased from 3.09 eV in crystalline oxide to 2.16 eV in disordered oxide. The crystalline oxide presented an orthorhombic alpha-PbO2-type structure in which Zr4+ and Ti4+ were randomly distributed in octahedral coordination polyhedra with oxygen atoms. The amorphous-crystalline transition occurred at almost 700 degrees C, at which point the photoluminescence vanished. The Raman peak at close to 80-200 cm(-1) indicated the presence of locally ordered Ti-O-n and Zr-O-n polyhedra in disordered photoluminescent oxides. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Kinetics of short-range ordering (SRO) in Ag with 21, 23 and 28 at% Zn is investigated by residual resistometry during isochronal and isothermal heat treatment for different states of post-deformation defect annealing after cold-rolling to about 30 and 60% thickness reduction. Resistivity changes due to pure ordering can be separated from the as-measured total resistivity change which includes defect annealing. Although the initial state of SRO of the as-rolled material can be estimated to be comparably low, for as-rolled and partially annealed states by appropriate thermal treatment evolution of SRO is achieved which corresponds quite well to that of recrystallized samples. It is observed, however, that quenched-in surplus vacancies contribute considerably to the ordering process for the recrystallized state and that this contribution is still increased by the grain growth during the final stage of annealing. It therefore turns out that SRO-kinetics under equilibrium vacancy conditions can be better observed in a state of post-deformation annealing, for which deformation induced point defects are annealed-out, but a relatively high dislocation density is still present to act as a vacancy sink. Copyright (C) 1996 Acta Metallurgica Inc.