37 resultados para Constrained Minimization


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This article presents a new approach to minimize the losses in electrical power systems. This approach considers the application of the primal-dual logarithmic barrier method to voltage magnitude and tap-changing transformer variables, and the other inequality constraints are treated by augmented Lagrangian method. The Lagrangian function aggregates all the constraints. The first-order necessary conditions are reached by Newton's method, and by updating the dual variables and penalty factors. Test results are presented to show the good performance of this approach.


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An economic model including the labor resource and the process stage configuration is proposed to design g charts allowing for all the design parameters to be varied in an adaptive way. A random shift size is considered during the economic design selection. The results obtained for a benchmark of 64 process stage scenarios show that the activities configuration and some process operating parameters influence the selection of the best control chart strategy: to model the random shift size, its exact distribution can be approximately fitted by a discrete distribution obtained from a relatively small sample of historical data. However, an accurate estimation of the inspection costs associated to the SPC activities is far from being achieved. An illustrative example shows the implementation of the proposed economic model in a real industrial case. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We show that the 2-matrix string model corresponds to a coupled system of 2 + 1-dimensional KP and modified KP ((m)KP2+1) integrable equations subject to a specific symmetry constraint. The latter together with the Miura-Konopelchenko map for (m)KP2+1 are the continuum incarnation of the matrix string equation. The (m)KP2+1 Miura and Backhand transformations are natural consequences of the underlying lattice structure. The constrained (m)KP2+1 system is equivalent to a 1 + 1-dimensional generalized KP-KdV hierarchy related to graded SL(3,1). We provide an explicit representation of this hierarchy, including the associated W(2,1)-algebra of the second Hamiltonian structure, in terms of free currents.


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An affine sl(n + 1) algebraic construction of the basic constrained KP hierarchy is presented. This hierarchy is analyzed using two approaches, namely linear matrix eigenvalue problem on hermitian symmetric space and constrained KP Lax formulation and it is shown that these approaches are equivalent. The model is recognized to be the generalized non-linear Schrödinger (GNLS) hierarchy and it is used as a building block for a new class of constrained KP hierarchies. These constrained KP hierarchies are connected via similarity-Bäcklund transformations and interpolate between GNLS and multi-boson KP-Toda hierarchies. Our construction uncovers the origin of the Toda lattice structure behind the latter hierarchy. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.


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We formulate the constrained KP hierarchy (denoted by cKP K+1,M) as an affine sl(M + K+ 1) matrix integrable hierarchy generalizing the Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchy. Using an algebraic approach, including the graded structure of the generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchy, we are able to find several new universal results valid for the cKP hierarchy. In particular, our method yields a closed expression for the second bracket obtained through Dirac reduction of any untwisted affine Kac-Moody current algebra. An explicit example is given for the case sl(M + K + 1), for which a closed expression for the general recursion operator is also obtained. We show how isospectral flows are characterized and grouped according to the semisimple non-regular element E of sl(M + K+ 1) and the content of the center of the kernel of E. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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A bounded-level-set result for a reformulation of the box-constrained variational inequality problem proposed recently by Facchinei, Fischer and Kanzow is proved. An application of this result to the (unbounded) nonlinear complementarity problem is suggested. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We suggest a constrained instanton (CI) solution in the physical QCD vacuum which is described by large-scale vacuum field fluctuations. This solution decays exponentially at large distances. It is stable only if the interaction of the instanton with the background vacuum field is small and additional constraints are introduced. The CI solution is explicitly constructed in the ansatz form, and the two-point vacuum correlator of the gluon field strengths is calculated in the framework of the effective instanton vacuum model. At small distances the results are qualitatively similar to the single instanton case; in particular, the D1 invariant structure is small, which is in agreement with the lattice calculations.


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A new strategy for minimization of Cu2+ and Pb2+ interferences on the spectrophotometric determination of Cd2+ by the Malachite green (MG)-iodide reaction using electrolytic deposition of interfering species and solid phase extraction of Cd2+ in flow system is proposed. The electrolytic cell comprises two coiled Pt electrodes concentrically assembled. When the sample solution is electrolyzed in a mixed solution containing 5% (v/v) HNO3, 0.1% (v/v) H2SO4 and 0.5 M NaCl, Cu2+ is deposited as Cu on the cathode, Pb2+ is deposited as PbO2 on the anode while Cd2+ is kept in solution. After electrolysis, the remaining solution passes through an AG1-X8 resin (chloride form) packed minicolumn in which Cd2+ is extracted as CdCl4/2-. Electrolyte compositions, flow rates, timing, applied current, and electrolysis time was investigated. With 60 s electrolysis time, 0.25 A applied current, Pb2+ and Cu2+ levels up to 50 and 250 mg 1-1, respectively, can be tolerated without interference. For 90 s resin loading time, a linear relationship between absorbance and analyte concentration in the 5.00-50.0 μg Cd 1-1 range (r2 = 0.9996) is obtained. A throughput of 20 samples per h is achieved, corresponding to about 0.7 mg MG and 500 mg KI and 5 ml sample consumed per determination. The detection limit is 0.23 μg Cd 1-1. The accuracy was checked for cadmium determination in standard reference materials, vegetables and tap water. Results were in agreement with certified values of standard reference materials and with those obtained by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry at 95% confidence level. The R.S.D. for plant digests and water containing 13.0 μg Cd 1-1 was 3.85% (n = 12). The recoveries of analyte spikes added to the water and vegetable samples ranged from 94 to 104%. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The ability of neural networks to realize some complex nonlinear function makes them attractive for system identification. This paper describes a novel barrier method using artificial neural networks to solve robust parameter estimation problems for nonlinear model with unknown-but-bounded errors and uncertainties. This problem can be represented by a typical constrained optimization problem. More specifically, a modified Hopfield network is developed and its internal parameters are computed using the valid-subspace technique. These parameters guarantee the network convergence to the equilibrium points. A solution for the robust estimation problem with unknown-but-bounded error corresponds to an equilibrium point of the network. Simulation results are presented as an illustration of the proposed approach.


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Minimization of a differentiable function subject to box constraints is proposed as a strategy to solve the generalized nonlinear complementarity problem (GNCP) defined on a polyhedral cone. It is not necessary to calculate projections that complicate and sometimes even disable the implementation of algorithms for solving these kinds of problems. Theoretical results that relate stationary points of the function that is minimized to the solutions of the GNCP are presented. Perturbations of the GNCP are also considered, and results are obtained related to the resolution of GNCPs with very general assumptions on the data. These theoretical results show that local methods for box-constrained optimization applied to the associated problem are efficient tools for solving the GNCP. Numerical experiments are presented that encourage the use of this approach.


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Mathematical programming problems with equilibrium constraints (MPEC) are nonlinear programming problems where the constraints have a form that is analogous to first-order optimality conditions of constrained optimization. We prove that, under reasonable sufficient conditions, stationary points of the sum of squares of the constraints are feasible points of the MPEC. In usual formulations of MPEC all the feasible points are nonregular in the sense that they do not satisfy the Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification of nonlinear programming. Therefore, all the feasible points satisfy the classical Fritz-John necessary optimality conditions. In principle, this can cause serious difficulties for nonlinear programming algorithms applied to MPEC. However, we show that most feasible points do not satisfy a recently introduced stronger optimality condition for nonlinear programming. This is the reason why, in general, nonlinear programming algorithms are successful when applied to MPEC.


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Variational inequalities and related problems may be solved via smooth bound constrained optimization. A comprehensive discussion of the important features involved with this strategy is presented. Complementarity problems and mathematical programming problems with equilibrium constraints are included in this report. Numerical experiments are commented. Conclusions and directions of future research are indicated.


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We consider free time optimal control problems with pointwise set control constraints u(t) ∈ U(t). Here we derive necessary conditions of optimality for those problem where the set U(t) is defined by equality and inequality control constraints. The main ingredients of our analysis are a well known time transformation and recent results on necessary conditions for mixed state-control constraints. ©2010 IEEE.


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This article presents and discusses necessary conditions of optimality for infinite horizon dynamic optimization problems with inequality state constraints and set inclusion constraints at both endpoints of the trajectory. The cost functional depends on the state variable at the final time, and the dynamics are given by a differential inclusion. Moreover, the optimization is carried out over asymptotically convergent state trajectories. The novelty of the proposed optimality conditions for this class of problems is that the boundary condition of the adjoint variable is given as a weak directional inclusion at infinity. This improves on the currently available necessary conditions of optimality for infinite horizon problems. © 2011 IEEE.


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This article presents and discusses a maximum principle for infinite horizon constrained optimal control problems with a cost functional depending on the state at the final time. The main feature of these optimality conditions is that, under reasonably weak assumptions, the multiplier is shown to satisfy a novel transversality condition at infinite time. It is also shown that these conditions can also be obtained for impulsive control problems whose dynamics are given by measure driven differential equations. © 2011 IFAC.