96 resultados para Connected sum of surfaces


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A method has been developed to obtain quantitative information about grain size and shape from fractured surfaces of ceramic materials. One elaborated a routine to split intergranular and transgranular grains facets of ceramic fracture surfaces by digital image processing. A commercial ceramic (ALCOA A-16, Al2O3-1.5% of CrO) was used to test the proposed method. Microstructural measurements of grain shape and size taken from fracture surfaces have been compared through descriptive statistics of distributions, with the corresponding measurements from polished and etched surfaces. The agreement between results, with the expected bias on grain size values from fractures, obtained for both types of surfaces allowed to infer that this new technique can be used to extract the relevant microstructural information from fractured surfaces, thus minimising the time consuming steps of sample preparation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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To identify early metabolic abnormalities in type 2 diabetes mellitus, we measured insulin secretion, sensitivity to insulin, and hepatic insulin extraction in 48 healthy normal glucose-tolerant Brazilians, first-degree relatives of type 2 diabetic patients (FH+). Each individual was matched for sex, age, weight, and body fat distribution with a person without history of type 2 diabetes (FH-). Both groups were submitted to a hyperglycemic clamp procedure (180 mg/dl). Insulin release was evaluated in its two phases. The first was calculated as the sum of plasma insulin at 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0 min after the beginning of glucose infusion, and the second as the mean plasma insulin level in the third hour of the clamp procedure. Insulin sensitivity index (ISI) was the mean glucose infusion rate in the third hour of the clamp experiment divided by the mean plasma insulin concentration during the same period of time. Hepatic insulin extraction was determined under fasting conditions and in the third hour of the clamp procedure as the ratio between C-peptide and plasma insulin levels. FH+ individuals did not differ from FH- individuals in terms of the following parameters [median (range)]: a) first-phase insulin secretion, 174 (116-221) vs 207 (108-277) µU/ml, b) second-phase insulin secretion, 64 (41-86) vs 53 (37-83) µU/ml, and c) ISI, 14.8 (9.0-20.8) vs 16.8 (9.0-27.0) mg kg-1 min-1/µU ml-1. Hepatic insulin extraction in FH+ subjects was similar to that of FH- ones at basal conditions (median, 0.27 vs 0.27 ng/µU) and during glucose infusion (0.15 vs 0.15 ng/µU). Normal glucose-tolerant Brazilian FH+ individuals well-matched with FH- ones did not show defects of insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity, or hepatic insulin extraction as tested by hyperglycemic clamp procedures.


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This study aims to compare a psychological evaluation test to classical psychoanalysis in infertile women. Two hundred women were submitted to the Psychological Evaluation Test (PET). The sum of the scores for the responses ranged from 15 to 60 points, with scores 30 points being defined as 'psycho-emotional maladjustment' (cut-off point: median + 25%). For comparison, the patients were simultaneously submitted to a psychological examination by a psychologist, who was unaware of the PET results. of the 200 patients, 66 (33%) presented a test with greater than or equal to30 points ('psycho-emotional maladjustment') and 134 (67%) a test with <30 points (normal). Upon psychological examination, 105 (52.5%) presented an abnormal evaluation and 95 (47.5%) a normal evaluation. For the PET, statistical analysis showed 82% efficiency, 62% sensitivity, 98% positive predictive value, 99% specificity, 70% negative predictive value, likelihood ratio for a positive test result 62, and likelihood ratio for negative test result 0.38. The PET proved to be a useful clinical instrument, being of help in the selection of patients with psychological needs induced by infertility.


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The tissue microarray (TMA) technique allows multiple tissue samples in a single block. Commercial adhesive tape is used to avoid the loss of tissue samples during the immunostaining process. Few reports exist in the literature comparing the use of these adhesive tapes to other adhesive techniques. The objective of this study was to compare loss of sections adhered to slides using commercial adhesive tapes versus using silanized only slides. TMA was constructed with varying tissues using a fixed-base device (Beecher Instruments), placing 108 cylinders of 1 mm diameter in duplicate, spaced 1.2 mm apart. Section of 4 mu m were cut from the TMA block and adhered to 30 silanized slides and 30 commercial glass slides using adhesive tape, according to manufacturer's recommendations. Vimentin immunoexpression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Antigenic recovery was realized in citrate buffer using a microwave oven. Cylinder loss in the immunohistochemical process was quantified and expressed as: total (>80%), almost complete (75-79%), or partial (50-74%). The commercial adhesive tape group presented lesser total loss (1.1 versus 6.4%), almost complete loss (2.2 versus 3.5%), and partial loss (2.1 versus 3.8%) than the silanized slide group (ANOVA, P < 0.05). The sum of total and almost complete losses in the silanized slide group was 9.9%, greater than the losses in slides using commercial adhesive tapes (3.3%) and less than reported and considered acceptable in the literature (10-30%). In conclusion, the use of silanized only slides presents very satisfactory results, requires less training, and reduces costs significantly, thus justifying their use in research.


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OBJETIVO: comparar medidas de tamanhos dentários, suas reprodutibilidades e a aplicação da equação de regressão de Tanaka e Johnston na predição do tamanho dos caninos e pré-molares em modelos de gesso e digital. MÉTODOS: trinta modelos de gesso foram escaneados para obtenção dos modelos digitais. As medidas do comprimento mesiodistal dos dentes foram obtidas com paquímetro digital nos modelos de gesso e nos modelos digitais utilizando o software O3d (Widialabs). A somatória do tamanho dos incisivos inferiores foi utilizada para obter os valores de predição do tamanho dos pré-molares e caninos utilizando equação de regressão, e esses valores foram comparados ao tamanho real dos dentes. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente, aplicando-se aos resultados o teste de correlação de Pearson, a fórmula de Dahlberg, o teste t pareado e a análise de variância (p < 0,05). RESULTADOS: excelente concordância intraexaminador foi observada nas medidas realizadas em ambos os modelos. O erro aleatório não esteve presente nas medidas obtidas com paquímetro, e o erro sistemático foi mais frequente no modelo digital. A previsão de espaço obtida pela aplicação da equação de regressão foi maior que a somatória dos pré-molares e caninos presentes nos modelos de gesso e nos modelos digitais. CONCLUSÃO: apesar da boa reprodutibilidade das medidas realizadas em ambos os modelos, a maioria das medidas dos modelos digitais foram superiores às do modelos de gesso. O espaço previsto foi superestimado em ambos os modelos e significativamente maior nos modelos digitais.


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Simultaneous effects of ferulic (FA) and vanillic (VA) acids on peroxidase (POD, EC and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL, EC activities on soybean (Glycine max (L.) MERR.) root growth were analyzed. Three-day-old seedlings were cultivated in nutrient solution containing FA or VA (0.5 mM; 1.0 mM or equimolar mixtures) for 48 h. Acting alone, both compounds (at 0.5 or 1.0 mM) decreased root length (RL), fresh weight (FW), dry weight (DW) and increased soluble POD and cell wall (CW)-bound POD activities. At 1.0 mM, FA increased (but VA decreased) the PAL activity. Acting simultaneously, the effects of the allelochemical interaction were lower than the sum of the effects of each compound tested separately, suggesting antagonism.


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In order to evaluate the environmental condition of the Barra Bonita Reservoir, we adapted the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI). We chose 24 sampling sites in which three types of habitats were sampled: the mouths of tributaries, the central reservoir and the lateral reservoir. Fish were caught in two seasons (dry and rainy) using 10 gillnet gangs, with meshes ranging from 3 to 12 cm between opposite knots, and funnel traps. Abiotic and biotic variables were measured. Due to the artificial nature of the reservoir, the term biotic integrity was considered inappropriate and the term RFAI (Reservoir Fish Assemblage Index) was adopted. Twelve metrics from sixteen possibles were selected using the Pearson correlation coefficient. The reference conditions were set up based on the criteria of the best condition observed. For each metric, a score of 1, 3 or 5 was assigned as it strongly departs (1), slightly departs (3) or approaches (5) the reference condition. The index value is the sum of the metrics partial scores and ranges from 12 to 60. To evaluate the importance of the unit of measurement of the metric, the index was calculated in fish number (RFAI(N)) and in weight (RFAI(w)). The correlation between RFAIN and RFAIw was very high (r = 0.90, n = 46) indicating that the unit of measurement does not influence the final result of the index. Most of the sampling sites were classified in the 'reasonable' RFAI category. Only the central sites were classified as 'poor'. To validate the RFAI, another index, the Habitat Quality Index (HQI), was built starting from the physiochemical and habitat variables collected. The correlation of the RFAI with the HQI was highly significant (RFAIN, r = 0.37; RFAI(w), r = 0.47; n = 46), indicating that they respond in the same way to environmental degradation. The HQI metrics which most affect RFAI were depth, surrounding landscape and macrophyte presence/absence. Copyright C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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In the tropical Atlantic Forest, 42 canopy gaps had their areas estimated using four different field methods of measurement: Runkle, Brokaw and Green [Runkle, J.R., 1981. Gap formation in some old-growth forests of the eastern United States. Ecology 62, 1041-1051; Brokaw, N.V.L., 1982. The definition of treefall gap and its effect on measures of forest dynamics. Biotropica 14, 158-160; Green, P.T., 1996. Canopy Gaps in rain forest on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean: size distribution and methods of measurement. J. Trop. Ecol. 12, 427-434] and a new method proposed in this work. It was found that within the same gap delimitation, average gap size varied from 56.0 up to 88.3 m(3) while total sum of gap area varied from 2351.3 to 3707.9 m(3) Differences among all methods and between pairs of method proved to be statistically significant. As a consequence, gap size-class distribution was also different between methods. When one method is held as a standard, deviation on average values of gap size ranged between 11.8 and 59.7% as deviations on single gap size can reach 172.8%. Implications on forest dynamics were expressed by the forest turnover rate that was 24% faster or 15% slower depending on the method adopted for gap measurement. Based on my results and on methods' evaluation, the use of a new method is proposed here for future research involving the measure of gap size in forest ecosystems. Finally, it is concluded that forest comparisons disregarding the influence of different methods of gap measurement should be reconsidered. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We study and look for similarities between the response rates R-dS(a(0),Lambda) and R-SdS(a(0),Lambda,M) of a static scalar source with constant proper acceleration a(0) interacting with a massless, conformally coupled Klein-Gordon field (i) in de Sitter spacetime, in the Euclidean vacuum, which describes a thermal flux of radiation emanating from the de Sitter cosmological horizon and (ii) in Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime, in the Gibbons-Hawking vacuum, which describes thermal fluxes of radiation emanating from both the hole and the cosmological horizons, respectively, where Lambda is the cosmological constant and M is the black hole mass. After performing the field quantization in each of the above spacetimes, we obtain the response rates at the tree level in terms of an infinite sum of zero-energy field modes possessing all possible angular momentum quantum numbers. In the case of de Sitter spacetime, this formula is worked out and a closed, analytical form is obtained. In the case of Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime such a closed formula could not be obtained, and a numerical analysis is performed. We conclude, in particular, that R-dS(a(0),Lambda) and R-SdS(a(0),Lambda,M) do not coincide in general, but tend to each other when Lambda-->0 or a(0)-->infinity. Our results are also contrasted and shown to agree (in the proper limits) with related ones in the literature.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Let f: M --> N and g: K --> N be generic differentiable maps of compact manifolds without boundary into a manifold such that their intersection satisfies a certain transversality condition. We show, under a certain cohomological condition, that if the images f(M) and g(K) intersect, then the (upsilon + 1)th Betti number of their union is strictly greater than the sum of their (upsilon + 1)th Betti numbers, where upsilon = dim M + dim K - dim N. This result is applied to the study of coincidence sets and fixed point sets. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.