40 resultados para Close mayoral election races


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Elastic and inelastic positron-helium scattering have been investigated in different partial waves at medium energies using the close-coupling approximation with realistic wavefunctions employing the following states: He(1s1s), He(1s2s), He(1s2p), He(1s3s), He(1s3p), Ps(1s), Ps(2s) and Ps(2p). All excitations of the helium atom are in the spin-singlet electronic state. Calculations are reported of cross sections to He(1s1s), He(1s2s), and He(1s2p) transitions for incident positron energies up to 200 eV. These cross sections are in good agreement with experimental results.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Não é segredo para os estudiosos e é reconhecido pelos atores envolvidos no jogo político que o Prefeito desempenha importantes atividades, podendo influenciar o dia-a-dia da população, a relação com outras esferas de governo e as eleições gerais. Tomando como universo empírico os candidatos ao cargo de Prefeito das capitais brasileiras em 2008, procuramos identificar e analisar as bases de recrutamento desses concorrentes ao principal posto político do município. As interpretações correntes na literatura concentram-se sobre os vencedores da disputa eleitoral, deixando de lado os derrotados. O que os vencedores têm que os derrotados não têm? Seria o perfil dos vencedores diferente daquele encontrado no grupo dos derrotados? Com o propósito de oferecer uma contribuição aos estudos das bases de recrutamento dos membros pertencentes às elites locais, o texto está organizado em uma única seção, onde vamos discutir três dimensões: (i) gênero, faixa etária e naturalidade; (ii) nível de instrução, grupo profissional e mandato executivo e (iii) gastos com campanha e tamanho do patrimônio. Essas características podem ajudar a construir um perfil sociopolítico dos membros pertencentes aos grupos dos vencedores e dos derrotados nas eleições municipais de 2008 para o cargo de Prefeito das capitais brasileiras. Além disso, o estudo desses atributos pode indicar quais predominaram na disputa eleitoral, isto é, quais deles podem mostrar as características que circundam o processo seletivo dos integrantes do distinto grupo político.


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We present results for low-energy elastic S-, P-, and D-wave phase shifts, capture and total cross sections of positron-helium scattering with different basis sets in the close coupling approach using realistic wave functions for He(1s1s), He(1s2(1)s), He(1s2(1)p) and positronium (1s) states. A resonance is found in the S-wave capture cross section at 84 eV.


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We present results for low- and medium-energy elastic and capture cross sections for positronium-atom-alkali-ion scattering using the coupled static close-coupling approximation.


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Positronium scattering off a hydrogen target has been studied employing a three-state positronium model close-coupling approximation (CCA) with and without electron exchange. Elastic, excitation and quenching cross sections are reported at low and medium energies. The effect of electron exchange is found to be significant at low energies. The ratio of quenching to the total cross section (the conversion ratio) approaches the value of 0.25 with increase of energy, as expected.


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Geometric accuracy of a close-range photogrammetric system is assessed in this paper considering surface reconstruction with structured light as its main purpose. The system is based on an off-the-shelf digital camera and a pattern projector. The mathematical model for reconstruction is based on the parametric equation of the projected straight line combined with collinearity equations. A sequential approach for system calibration was developed and is presented. Results obtained from real data are also presented and discussed. Experiments with real data using a prototype have indicated 0.5mm of accuracy in height determination and 0.2mm in the XY plane considering an application where the object was 1630mm distant from the camera.


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The long-standing discrepancy between the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule and the analysis of pion photoproduction multipoles is greatly diminished by use of s-wave multipoles that are in accord with the predictions of chiral perturbation theory and describe the experimental data in the threshold region. The remaining difference may be due to contributions of channels with more pions and/or heavier mesons whose contributions to the sum rule remain to be investigated by a direct measurement of the photoabsorption cross sections.


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Lettuce, Lactuca sativa, is the most important leafy vegetable in the diet of the Brazilian people. However, the lettuce crop is susceptible to downy mildew disease which is caused by the fungus Bremia lactucae. Downy mildew is most troublesome during winter conditions in regions with mild temperatures. This coincides with the time for growing large quantities of lettuce. The high cost of cultivation and the infection of downy mildew in the winter, just when market prices are low, provides an economic challenge for Brazilian growers. The objective of this study was to identify the races of Bremia lactucae that occur in the growing regions of São Paulo during 2004. The study was conducted in the Laboratory of Vegetable Crop Genetics in the Department of Crop Production of the Faculty of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences - UNESP, Jaboticabal Campus. In the present study, 92 isolates of B. lactucae were identified from São Paulo. The isolates were shown to display mainly a Sextet code 63/63/51/00 behavior, characterizing the race with regard to coverage and economic importance. The genes that confer resistance accounting for this behavior are DM 17, DM 18 and DM 38. Their use is recommended as sources of resistance to downy mildew in lettuce breeding programs.


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Context. Close encounters with (1) Ceres and (4) Vesta, the two most massive bodies in the main belt, are known to be a mechanism of dynamical mobility able to significantly alter proper elements of minor bodies, and they are the main source of dynamical mobility for medium-sized and large asteroids (D > 20 km, approximately). Recently, it has been shown that drift rates caused by close encounters with massive asteroids may change significantly on timescales of 30 Myr when different models (i.e., different numbers of massive asteroids) are considered. Aims. So far, not much attention has been given to the case of diffusion caused by the other most massive bodies in the main belt: (2) Pallas, (10) Hygiea, and (31) Euphrosyne, the third, fourth, and one of the most massive highly inclined asteroids in the main belt, respectively. Since (2) Pallas is a highly inclined object, relative velocities at encounter with other asteroids tend to be high and changes in proper elements are therefore relatively small. It was thus believed that the scattering effect caused by highly inclined objects in general should be small. Can diffusion by close encounters with these asteroids be a significant mechanism of long-term dynamical mobility? Methods. By performing simulations with symplectic integrators, we studied the problem of scattering caused by close encounters with (2) Pallas, (10) Hygiea, and (31) Euphrosyne when only the massive asteroids (and the eight planets) are considered, and the other massive main belt asteroids and non-gravitational forces are also accounted for. Results. By finding relatively small values of drift rates for (2) Pallas, we confirm that orbital scattering by this highly inclined object is indeed a minor effect. Unexpectedly, however, we obtained values of drift rates for changes in proper semi-major axis a caused by (10) Hygiea and (31) Euphrosyne larger than what was previously found for scattering by (4) Vesta. These high rates may have repercussions on the orbital evolution and age estimate of their respective families. © 2013 ESO.


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Universal properties of weakly-bound four-boson systems near the scaling limit are discussed by considering recent results obtained from the solution of Faddeev-Yakubovsky (FY) equations, which confirm a previous conjecture on a four-body scale dependence. In the present contribution, within a discussion on our numerical results obtained for the binding energies of two consecutive tetramer states, we are analyzing the relative relevance of the two possible configurations of the four-body system. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Wien.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)