42 resultados para Canopy Orientation
Image orientation is a basic problem in Digital Photogrammetry. While interior and relative orientations were succesfully automated, the same can not be said about absolute orientation. This process can be automated by using an approach based on relational matching and a heuristic that uses the analytical relation between straight features in the object space and its homologous in the image space. A build-in self-diagnosis is also used in this method, that is based on the implementation of data snooping statistic test in the process of spatial resection, using the Iterated Extended Kalman Filtering (IEKF). The aim of this paper is to present the basic principles of the proposed approach and results based on real data.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this paper is to present a photogrammetric method for determining the dimensions of flat surfaces, such as billboards, based on a single digital image. A mathematical model was adapted to generate linear equations for vertical and horizontal lines in the object space. These lines are identified and measured in the image and the rotation matrix is computed using an indirect method. The distance between the camera and the surface is measured using a lasermeter, providing the coordinates of the camera perspective center. Eccentricity of the lasermeter center related to the camera perspective center is modeled by three translations, which are computed using a calibration procedure. Some experiments were performed to test the proposed method and the achieved results are within a relative error of about 1 percent in areas and distances in the object space. This accuracy fulfills the requirements of the intended applications. © 2005 American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
Current estimates of the total biomass in tropical rainforests vary considerably; this is due in large part to the different approaches that are used to calculate biomass. In this study we have used a canopy crane to measure the tree architectures in a 1 ha plot of complex mesophyll vine forest at Cape Tribulation, Australia. Methods were developed to measure and calculate the crown and stem biomass of six major species of tree and palm (Alstonia scholaris (Apocynaceae), Cleistanthus myrianthus (Euphorbiaceae), Endiandra microneura (Lauraceae), Myristica insipida (Myristicaceae), Acmena graveolens (Myrtaceae), Normanbya normanbyi (Arecaceae)) using the unique access provided by the crane. This has allowed the first non-destructive biomass estimate to be carried out for a forest of this type. Allometric equations which relate tree biomass to the measured variable 'diameter at breast height' were developed for the six species, and a general equation was also developed for trees on the plot. The general equation was similar in form to equations developed for tropical rainforests in Brazil and New Guinea. The species equations were applied at the level of families, the generalized equation was applied to the remaining species which allowed the biomass of a total of 680 trees to be calculated. This has provided a current estimate of 270 t ha-1 above-ground biomass at the Australian Canopy Crane site; a value comparable to lowland rainforests in Panama and French Guiana. Using the same tree database seven alternative allometric equations (literature equations for tropical rainforests) were used to calculate the site biomass, the range was large (252-446 t ha-1) with only three equations providing estimates within 34 t ha-1 (12.5%) of the site value. Our use of multiple species-specific allometric equations has provided a site estimate only slightly larger (1%) than that obtained using allometric equations developed specifically for tropical wet rainforests. We have demonstrated that it is possible to non-destructively measure the biomass in a complex forest using an on-site canopy crane. In conjunction the development of crown maps and a detailed tree architecture database allows changes in forest structure to be followed quantitatively. © 2007 Ecological Society of Australia.
The energy efficiency of buildings should be a goal at the pre-design phase, though the importance of the design variables is often neglected even during the design process. Highlighting the relevance of these design variables, this research studies the relationships of building location variables with the electrical energy consumption of residential units. The following building design parameters are considered: orientation, story height and sky view factor (SVF). The consideration of the SVF as a location variable contributes to the originality of this research. Data of electrical energy consumption and users' profiles were collected and several variables were considered for the development of an Artificial Neural Network model. This model allows the determination of the relative importance of each variable. The results show that the apartments' orientation is the most important design variable for the energy consumption, although the story height and the sky view factor play a fundamental role in that consumption too. We pointed out that building heights above twenty-four meters do not optimize the energy efficiency of the apartments and also that an increasing SVF can influence the energy consumption of an apartment according to their orientation.
This paper presents a method for indirect orientation of aerial images using ground control lines extracted from airborne Laser system (ALS) data. This data integration strategy has shown good potential in the automation of photogrammetric tasks, including the indirect orientation of images. The most important characteristic of the proposed approach is that the exterior orientation parameters (EOP) of a single or multiple images can be automatically computed with a space resection procedure from data derived from different sensors. The suggested method works as follows. Firstly, the straight lines are automatically extracted in the digital aerial image (s) and in the intensity image derived from an ALS data-set (S). Then, correspondence between s and S is automatically determined. A line-based coplanarity model that establishes the relationship between straight lines in the object and in the image space is used to estimate the EOP with the iterated extended Kalman filtering (IEKF). Implementation and testing of the method have employed data from different sensors. Experiments were conducted to assess the proposed method and the results obtained showed that the estimation of the EOP is function of ALS positional accuracy.
The major contribution of this paper relates to the practical advantages of combining Ground Control Points (GCPs), Ground Control Lines (GCLs) and orbital data to estimate the exterior orientation parameters of images collected by CBERS-2B (China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite) HRC (High-resolution Camera) and CCD (High-resolution CCD Camera) sensors. Although the CBERS-2B is no longer operational, its images are still being used in Brazil, and the next generations of the CBERS satellite will have sensors with similar technical features, which motivates the study presented in this paper. The mathematical models that relate the object and image spaces are based on collinearity (for points) and coplanarity (for lines) conditions. These models were created in an in-house developed software package called TMS (Triangulation with Multiple Sensors) with multi-feature control (GCPs and GCLs). Experiments on a block of four CBERS-2B HRC images and on one CBERS-2B CCD image were performed using both models. It was observed that the combination of GCPs and GCLs provided better bundle block adjustment results than conventional bundle adjustment using only GCPs. The results also demonstrate the advantages of using primarily orbital data when the number of control entities is reduced. © 2013 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS).
We studied density, size structure, and establishment sites of Coussapoa microcarpa in the Brazilian Atlantic rain forest. This species is a hemiepiphyte that begins its life in the tops of trees and survives the death of its host to become a free-standing tree. All individuals of C. microcarpa already rooted in the ground were recorded in a 3.43 ha (1.75 ha in lowland and 1.68 ha in submontane) sample of forest plots. Data on total height, root diameter at breast height, host height and diameter at breast height, as well as height, type and diameter of the establishment site were collected. Coussapoa microcarpa present a high density (36.5 ind. ha-1) and the population studied was composed mainly of young individuals. Young and adults differed in establishment sites. The diameter of establishment sites of young was narrower than the diameter of establishment sites of adults, which points out to a limiting factor (diameter of establishment site) regulating the establishment of C. microcarpa. © 2013 Cambridge University Press.
The paper presents and evaluates three methods for automatically estimating the main orientation of Martian dust devil tracks in MOC and HiRISE images. Inferring such information about dust devils from their tracks is important to better understand the near surface wind. The methods considered were based on gradient direction, directional openings and morphological granulometry. The accuracy of the methods was asserted by comparing the results to a set of directions estimated visually and assumed to be the ground truth. The higher accuracy was reached using directional openings. Besides, the directions inferred by this method were compared to those predicted by the GCM and the results agreed. © 2013 COSPAR.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Vegetal) - IBRC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O experimento foi realizado na área experimental do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas – Unesp/Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo, em duas estufas dispostas em diferentes orientações geográficas, Leste/Oeste e Norte/Sul. A alface (Lactuva sativa L.) cv. Elisa foi cultivada em ambas estufas, sendo semeada em 05/05/99, transplantada em 29/05/99 e colhida em 31/06/99. Utilizou-se tensiômetros para monitorar o potencial de água no solo para realizar o manejo do sistema de irrigação por gotejamento. Microevaporímetros eqüidistantes de 3 m e colocados em 3 alturas, 0.50, 1.00 e 1.50 m, termohigrógrafos e tanques Classe “A” foram instalados nas duas estufas. Através de análise geoestatística, não se observou dependência espacial nem variabilidade espacial da evaporação nas duas estufas. Entretanto, a altura dos evaporímetros apresentou diferenças significativas: a evaporação à altura de 1.50 foi menor que nas outras duas.As médias de temperatura, umidade relativa e déficit de pressão de vapor do arnão diferiram estatisticamente entre as estufas e o ambiente externo. Os valores médios de evaporação de água no tanque Classe A instalado fora das estufas diferiram estatisticamente quando comparados com os instalados no interior das estufas, porém, entre as orientações não se constatou diferença significativa. Pôde-se verificar que não houve diferença significativa das características agronômicas da alface em ambas orientações estudadas. No entanto, houve diferença significativa para essas características entre os canteiros no interior das mesmas, havendo variância espacial para os dados de matéria fresca apenas na estufa N/S.