65 resultados para Bus terminals


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Since the discovery of high-temperature superconductivity of cuprate oxides, it has been clear that it is strongly affected by the oxygen content, which is also a crucial factor to determine other physical properties of high T-c superconductors. Non-stoichiometric (interstitial) oxygen strongly influences the physical properties of various superconducting oxides, in particular by creating conducting holes. It is now ascertained that the amount of holes injected depends not only on the content of interstitial oxygen, but also on its ordering. Rearrangement of the oxygen ordering may occur even below room temperature due to the unusual high mobility of these atoms. This way, mechanical spectroscopy is one of the most adequate techniques for the study of the mobility (diffusion) of oxygen atoms. This technique allows the determination of the jump frequency of an atomic species precisely, regardless of the model or the different possible types of jumps. In order to evaluate the mobility and the effect of oxygen content on these oxides, ceramic samples we prepared and submitted to several oxygen removal cycles alternately with mechanical relaxation measurements. As for SBCO, it was assumed that the peak was due to O(1)-O(5) jumps of oxygen atoms at the chain terminals or in chain fragments in the orthorhombic phase. In the case of BSCCO, the results showed complex anelastic relaxation structures, which were attributed to interstitial oxygen atom jumps between two adjacent CuO planes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Economic dispatch (ED) problems have recently been solved by artificial neural network approaches. Systems based on artificial neural networks have high computational rates due to the use of a massive number of simple processing elements and the high degree of connectivity between these elements. The ability of neural networks to realize some complex non-linear function makes them attractive for system optimization. All ED models solved by neural approaches described in the literature fail to represent the transmission system. Therefore, such procedures may calculate dispatch policies, which do not take into account important active power constraints. Another drawback pointed out in the literature is that some of the neural approaches fail to converge efficiently toward feasible equilibrium points. A modified Hopfield approach designed to solve ED problems with transmission system representation is presented in this paper. The transmission system is represented through linear load flow equations and constraints on active power flows. The internal parameters of such modified Hopfield networks are computed using the valid-subspace technique. These parameters guarantee the network convergence to feasible equilibrium points, which represent the solution for the ED problem. Simulation results and a sensitivity analysis involving IEEE 14-bus test system are presented to illustrate efficiency of the proposed approach. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The paper proposes a framework for the analysis and representation of external systems for online optimisation studies. The basis for this framework is the equivalent OPF (EOPF), an optimisation model obtained by partitioning of the OPF model. The EOPF is mathematically redefined in the paper to accommodate the concept of a buffer zone. The resulting model is more useful for online optimisation, since external information obtained through intercontrol-centre exchange contracts can be used to improve internal control calculation. Numerical results obtained with original studies involving the boundary-matching procedure have provided a conceptual basis for the definition of a buffer zone for optimisation studies with the EOPF. In the proposed framework, the accuracy of the external representation in optimisation studies is evaluated by comparing the controls obtained by an EOPF procedure with those obtained by the reference-optimisation procedure defined in this paper. The framework is then used to evaluate the accuracy of equivalent optimisation studies involving the IEEE 118-bus test system and the Brazilian South Southeast 810-bus system. The results show that the incorporation of a buffer zone improves the external system representation for all optimisation studies performed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The conventional Newton and fast decoupled power flow (FDPF) methods have been considered inadequate to obtain the maximum loading point of power systems due to ill-conditioning problems at and near this critical point. It is well known that the PV and Q-theta decoupling assumptions of the fast decoupled power flow formulation no longer hold in the vicinity of the critical point. Moreover, the Jacobian matrix of the Newton method becomes singular at this point. However, the maximum loading point can be efficiently computed through parameterization techniques of continuation methods. In this paper it is shown that by using either theta or V as a parameter, the new fast decoupled power flow versions (XB and BX) become adequate for the computation of the maximum loading point only with a few small modifications. The possible use of reactive power injection in a selected PV bus (Q(PV)) as continuation parameter (mu) for the computation of the maximum loading point is also shown. A trivial secant predictor, the modified zero-order polynomial which uses the current solution and a fixed increment in the parameter (V, theta, or mu) as an estimate for the next solution, is used in predictor step. These new versions are compared to each other with the purpose of pointing out their features, as well as the influence of reactive power and transformer tap limits. The results obtained with the new approach for the IEEE test systems (14, 30, 57 and 118 buses) are presented and discussed in the companion paper. The results show that the characteristics of the conventional method are enhanced and the region of convergence around the singular solution is enlarged. In addition, it is shown that parameters can be switched during the tracing process in order to efficiently determine all the PV curve points with few iterations. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, a multi-objective approach for observing the performance of distribution systems with embedded generators in the steady state, based on heuristic and power system analysis, is proposed. The proposed hybrid performance index describes the quality of the operating state in each considered distribution network configuration. In order to represent the system state, the loss allocation in the distribution systems, based on the Z-bus loss allocation method and compensation-based power flow algorithm, is determined. Also, an investigation of the impact of the integration of embedded generators on the overall performance of the distribution systems in the steady state, is performed. Results obtained from several case studies are presented and discussed. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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This paper deals with approaches for sparse matrix substitutions using vector processing. Many publications have used the W-matrix method to solve the forward/backward substitutions on vector computer. Recently a different approach has been presented using dependency-based substitution algorithm (DBSA). In this paper the focus is on new algorithms able to explore the sparsity of the vectors. The efficiency is tested using linear systems from power systems with 118, 320, 725 and 1729 buses. The tests were performed on a CRAY Y MP2E/232. The speedups for a fast-forward/fast-backward using a 1729-bus system are near 19 and 14 for real and complex arithmetic operations, respectively. When forward/backward is employed the speedups are about 8 and 6 to perform the same simulations.


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This work presents an approach for geometric solution of an optimal power flow (OPF) problem for a two bus system (a slack and a PV busses). Additionally, the geometric relationship between the losses minimization and the increase of the reactive margin and, therefore, the maximum loading point, is shown. The algebraic equations for the calculation of the Lagrange multipliers and for the minimum losses value are obtained. These equations are used to validate the results obtained using an OPF program. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The conventional Newton and fast decoupled power flow methods are considered inadequate for obtaining the maximum loading point of power systems due to ill-conditioning problems at and near this critical point. At this point, the Jacobian matrix of the Newton method becomes singular. In addition, it is widely accepted that the P-V and Q-theta decoupling assumptions made for the fast decoupled power flow formulation no longer hold. However, in this paper, it is presented a new fast decoupled power flow that becomes adequate for the computation of the maximum loading point by simply using the reactive power injection of a selected PV bus as a continuation parameter. Besides, fast decoupled methods using V and 0 as parameters and a secant predictor are also presented. These new versions are compared to each other with the purpose of pointing out their features, as well as the influence of reactive power and transformer tap limits. The results obtained for the IEEE systems (14 and 118 buses) show that the characteristics of the conventional method are enhanced and the region of convergence around the singular solution is enlarged.


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The conventional Newton's method has been considered inadequate to obtain the maximum loading point (MLP) of power systems. It is due to the Jacobian matrix singularity at this point. However, the MLP can be efficiently computed through parameterization techniques of continuation methods. This paper presents and tests new parameterization schemes, namely the total power losses (real and reactive), the power at the slack bus (real or reactive), the reactive power at generation buses, the reactive power at shunts (capacitor or reactor), the transmission lines power losses (real and reactive), and transmission lines power (real and reactive). Besides their clear physical meaning, which makes easier the development and application of continuation methods for power systems analysis, the main advantage of some of the proposed parameters is that its not necessary to change the parameter in the vicinity of the MLP. Studies on the new parameterization schemes performed on the IEEE 118 buses system show that the ill-conditioning problems at and near the MLP are eliminated. So, the characteristics of the conventional Newton's method are not only preserved but also improved. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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This letter presents an alternative approach for reducing the total real power losses by using a continuation method. Results for two simple test systems and for the IEEE 57-bus system show that this procedure results in larger voltage stability margin. Besides, the reduction of real power losses obtained with this procedure leads to significant money savings and, simultaneously, to voltage profile improvement. Comparison between the solution of an optimal power flow and the proposed method shows that the latter can provide near optimal results and so, it can be a reasonable alternative to power system voltage stability enhancement.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O método de fluxo de carga convencional é considerado inadequado para se obter o ponto de máximo carregamento (PMC) de sistemas de potência, devido à singularidade da matriz Jacobiana neste ponto. Os métodos da continuação são ferramentas eficientes para a solução deste tipo de problema, visto que técnicas de parametrização podem ser utilizadas para evitar a singularidade da matriz Jacobiana. Neste trabalho, novas opções para a etapa de parametrização do método da continuação são apresentadas. Mostra-se que variáveis com claro significado físico podem ser utilizadas na etapa de parametrização. As seguintes variáveis foram testadas: perda total de potência ativa e reativa, potência ativa e reativa na barra de referência, potência reativa das barras de geração, e as perdas de potência ativa e reativa nas linhas de transmissão (LT). Além de facilitar a implementação computacional do método de continuação, as técnicas de parametrização apresentadas simplificam a definição matemática e o entendimento do método por parte de engenheiros de potência, visto que os métodos de continuação existentes na literatura sempre utilizam técnicas de parametrização complexas, e de interpretação puramente geométrica. Resultados obtidos com a nova metodologia para os sistemas testes do IEEE (14, 30, 57 e 118 barras) mostram que as características de convergência do método de fluxo de carga convencional são melhoradas na região do PMC. Além disso, durante o traçado das curvas PV, as diversas técnicas de parametrização podem ser comutadas entre si possibilitando o cálculo de todos os pontos da curva com um número reduzido de iterações. Diversos testes são realizados para proporcionar a comparação do desempenho dos esquemas de parametrização propostos.