75 resultados para Bifurcated Reflected Shock
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Diversos modelos experimentais têm sido utilizados para ilustrar as alterações hemodinâmicas e metabólicas que ocorrem durante o choque hemorrágico. O objetivo da pesquisa é o de observar os comportamentos hemodinâmicos e metabólicos que acontecem em um modelo seqüencial e progressivo de choque hemorrágico no cão, verificando quais índices alteram-se mais precocemente. MÉTODO: O estudo foi realizado em 13 cães sob anestesia venosa total com pentobarbital sódico, em normoventilação e previamente esplenectomizados. Os animais não foram hidratados e a velocidade do sangramento foi ditada pela pressão arterial em que o animal se encontrava. Os atributos estudados foram divididos em hemodinâmicos (freqüência cardíaca - FC, pressão arterial média - PAM, índice de resistência vascular sistêmica - IRVS, índice sistólico - IS, índice cardíaco - IC, índice de choque - I.choque, índice de trabalho sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo - ITSVE, pressão capilar pulmonar - PCP, pressão venosa central - PVC) e metabólicos (saturação venosa mista - SvO2, pressão venosa de oxigênio - PvO2, transporte de oxigênio - DO2, consumo de oxigênio - VO2, extração de oxigênio - TEO2, lactato sérico). A coleta de dados e os atributos foram estudados em 6 momentos distintos, sendo M1, o momento controle e os outros momentos correspondentes a decréscimos gradativos de 10% da volemia calculada para cada animal. RESULTADOS: A hemorragia determinou diminuição significativa da FC somente em M6; queda da PAM, IC, IS e ITSVE a cada momento estudado; discreta alteração da PVC e PCP em cada momento; diminuição da PvO2 e da SvO2 nos momentos estudados; redução do DO2, estabilização do VO2 e elevação da TEO2 nos momentos; o índice de choque apresentou elevação até M3, diminuição em M4 e nova elevação até M6; o IRVS elevou-se até M6, ficou inalterado em M5 e apresentou diminuição significativa em M6; o lactato apresentou elevações a partir de M5 e M6. CONCLUSÕES: Considerou-se que a pressão arterial média, freqüência cardíaca, pressão venosa central e pressão capilar pulmonar não refletem o real estado volêmico dos cães no nosso modelo experimental e que o transporte, consumo e a taxa de extração de oxigênio são parâmetros úteis na determinação da reversibilidade e prognóstico do choque hemorrágico.
Objectives: To study the behavior of procalcitonin and to verify whether it can be used to differentiate children with septic conditions.Methods: Children were enrolled prospectively from among those aged 28 days to 14 years, admitted between January 2004 and December 2005 to the pediatric intensive care unit at Universidade Estadual Paulista UNESP with sepsis or septic shock. The children were classified as belonging to one of two groups: the sepsis group (SG; n = 47) and the septic shock group (SSG; n = 43). Procalcitonin was measured at admission (TO) and again 12 hours later (T12h), and the results classed as: < 0.5 ng/mL = sepsis unlikely; >= 0.5 to < 2 = sepsis possible; >= 2 to < 10 = systemic inflammation and : 10 = septic shock.Results: At T0 there was a greater proportion of SSG patients than SG patients in the highest PCT class [SSG: 30 (69.7%) > SG: 14 (29.8%); p < 0.05]. The proportion of SSG patients in this highest PCT class was greater than in all other classes (>= 10 = 69.7%; >= 2 to < 10 = 18.6%; >= 0.5 to < 2 = 11.6%; < 0. 5 = 0.0%; p < 0.05). The behavior of procalcitonin at T12h was similar to at T0. The pediatric risk of mortality (PRISM) scores for the SSG patients in the highest procalcitonin class were more elevated than for children in the SG [SSG: 35.15 (40.5-28.7) vs. SG: 18.6 (21.4-10.2); p < 0.05].Conclusions: Procalcitonin allows sepsis to be differentiated from septic shock, can be of aid when diagnosing septic conditions in children and may be related to severity.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The mycelia-to-yeast (M-Y) transition, thermal tolerance and virulence profiles were evaluated for nine isolates of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, including samples from two of the three recently discovered cryptic species, as well as their relation to the partial sequence and transcription of the hsp70 gene. The isolates Bt84 and T10 (from PS2 species) took more time to convert to yeast form and presented elongated yeast cells at 36 degrees C. Arthroconidia production was also observed during the M-Y transition for some isolates. Our data confirm that the hsp70 transcription may be associated with thermal tolerance, but this does not seem to be directly related to high virulence profiles. The partial sequencing of this gene allowed the separation of our isolates into two clusters that correspond to the two sympatric cryptic species occurring in an area hyperendemic for PCM (Botucatu, SP, Brazil).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The effects of the acaricides, rotenone and oxalic acid (OA) on salivary glands of honeybee larvae were evaluated. Immunohistochemical methods were used to detect cell death and heat-shock protein (HSP70 and 90) localizations. Heat-shock proteins (HSP70 and 90) were localized in the cytoplasm and/or the nuclei of secretory gland cells, both under stress and in normal conditions. In rotenone-treated larvae, there were no changes in the normal level of cell death and also there were no morphological alterations in the secretory cells. In the larvae treated with oxalic acid, the salivary gland showed varying degrees of morphological cellular alteration and an increase in the cell death level. The present data suggest that stress-induced HSP70 might have an antiapoptotic effect while the stress-induced HSP90 might have a chaperone function in the larval salivary glands.
We consider formation of dissipationless shock waves in Bose-Einstein condensates with repulsive interaction between atoms. It is shown that for big enough initial inhomogeneity of density, interplay of nonlinear and dispersion effects leads to wave breaking phenomenon followed by generation of a train of dark solitons. Analytical theory is confirmed by numerical simulations.
The theory of optical dispersive shocks generated in the propagation of light beams through photorefractive media is developed. A full one-dimensional analytical theory based on the Whitham modulation approach is given for the simplest case of a sharp steplike initial discontinuity in a beam with one-dimensional striplike geometry. This approach is confirmed by numerical simulations, which are extended also to beams with cylindrical symmetry. The theory explains recent experiments where such dispersive shock waves have been observed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)