34 resultados para Agulhas


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of treatment, which is based in the grounds of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Despite the ancient history, it’s not completely widespread in Brazil, neither so comprehensive in veterinary medicine as used in humans. The technique of inserting needles into acupuncture points, can also be stimulated by heat, electrical stimulation or implants of metal, is mainly focused on neuromuscular disorders in small animals. The difficulty of comprehension of language and the lack of cientific bases restricted the possible applications of acupuncture. This work will address some of the clinical situations this complementary treatment can act, such as neurological, cardiorespiratory, reproductive, gastrointestinal, immunological, and postoperative intensive care


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An experimental study in dogs was accomplished to evaluate impedances at the acupuncture points and the relative false points. According to the physics concepts and the Ohm’ Law, an electrical circuit was set up to determine the impedance. This circuit was introduced into three experiments in anesthetized dogs with needles at selected points. In the first two experiments, was applied an alternating tension with 200Hz frequency in the circuit and, in the last experiment, the frequency was increased to 10kHz, the tensions and electrical currents were measured between every pair of points for the all experiments. The impedances were calculated with the values obtained by experiments. The analysis of impedance values indicated that there is a coherent relation between the results and the applied frequencies in circuit, so just at high frequency condition admits the correct measurement of total impedance, therefore the last experiment gave the result which agreed with the theory, that the impedances at acupuncture points are lower than the impedances at false points


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: The irrigation of root canals aims to their cleaning and disinfection, improving endodontic treatment success. Objective: To investigate the influence of the diameter and type of irrigation needle and the root canal enlargement on the mechanical efficacy of endodontic irrigation. Material and methods: Twelve human single-rooted mandibular incisors were used. During some instrumentation stages (enlargement by #20, #30, and #40 K file), root canals were filled with radiographic contrast solution mixed to propyleneglycol and zinc oxide. Needles with different diameters and designs were employed: G1 – 23G and lateral opening; G2 – 22G and apical opening; G3 – 30G and lateral opening; G4 – 30G and apical opening. The needles were inserted up to resistance, with 1 mm step-back to avoid root canal obliteration. The irrigation was performed with 2 mL of distilled water. Before and after irrigation/aspiration, teeth were radiographed at bucco-lingual and mesiodistal direction, using a digital radiographic system. Then, root canal areas, before (filled by contrast solution) and after irrigation (remnant of contrast solution), were submitted to image subtraction with Adobe Photoshop CS4 software. Subsequently, the areas were measured by Image Tool 3.0 software, allowing the obtaining of the cleaning percentage for each modality. Data were analysed by using Anova and Tukey’s test. The level of significance was set at P < 0.05. Results: For all root canal enlargements, 30G needles (G3 e G4) presented a better cleaning efficacy. In all groups, higher cleaning efficacy percentage was observed at #30 and #40 K file enlargement. Conclusion: Regardless their design, thinner needles were more effective; a better cleaning efficacy occurred in more enlarged root canals.


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This report shows the resolution of a case study whose aim was promote the aesthetic and functional rehabilitation of upper left hemi-arch over endosseous and needle implant prostheses. To improve the position of the needle implants, we performed the bucco-palatal bending of needles splinting them with composite resin; we removed the screwed implant prosthesis in the regions of the premolars (24 and 25) and molar (26). The mini-abutments of the last two implants were replaced, and in the first premolar and canine, we used cemented abutments due to implant angulation having planned soldering because of implant size and contact with one needle implant that could interfere with intimate contact bone/implant damaging biomechanics. Pick-up impressions were performed with an open tray, using a retractor cord in the needle implants and respective transfer copings. Therefore, models were related on semi-adjustable articulator after a face-bow recording and interocclusal indexes. After working cast fabrication and try-in of infra-structures, these were adjusted and related into the articulator again. Then, after ceramic build-up, adjustments, finishing, and torque, chemically-activated resin cement was applied on units 21 to 24. At the end of the case, we concluded that a good aesthetic and functional rehabilitation depends on thorough knowledge of techniques for each clinical situation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A técnica milenar da Acupuntura vem sendo empregada na Odontologia e obtendo bons resultados em diversas situações. Analgesia, relaxamento muscular e inflamação vêm sendo controlados, demonstrando assim conexão entre Acupuntura e redução de certas sintomatologias. As reações locais e à distância necessitam de correto posicionamento das agulhas assim como integridade do sistema nervoso, e são decorrentes da liberação de neurotransmissores (noradrenalina, acetilcolina, serotoninas e dopamina). Dentro da Odontologia, podemos nos utilizar dos seus efeitos no pré e pós operatório, em xerostomia, cefaléias, trismos, disfunção de ATM por estresse, parestesias, paresias, ansiedade, entre outras condições. Nos casos de disfunção de Articulação Temporomandibular por hiperatividade muscular, podemos utilizar a Acupuntura ao invés de relaxante muscular e antiinflamatório. Nesse trabalho, apresentaremos um caso clínico (paciente MCH, 23 anos, gênero feminino), a qual apresentava crises de dor de cabeça (região temporal), fazendo uso constante de medicação analgésica e antiinflamatória, o diagnóstico estabelecido foi Dor Muscular Local associado à hiperatividade muscular. Através do uso da Acupuntura, após aplicações semanais por 3 meses, houve remissão da dor por completo.