362 resultados para dupla negação


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A glicerol quinase é uma proteína tetramérica que cataliza a fosforilação do glicerol a glicerol-3-fosfato, composta por quatro subunidades - sua análise eletroforética fornecerá apenas uma banda se for constatada a sua pureza num gel não desnaturante - e sua reação com o glicerol é dependente de magnésio e de ATP. A eletroforese de proteínas utiliza como suporte um gel de poliacrilamida, que é formado pela polimerização de monômeros de acrilamida ao longo da sua cadeia e ligações cruzadas de cadeias pela inclusão de um co-monômero bifuncional apropriado, usualmente a N,N’ – metileno-bis-acrilamida ou apenas Bis . A eletroforese de proteínas mais comum é a que utiliza SDS para um gel de poliacrilamida desnaturante. O SDS é um sal chamado Dodecil Sulfato de Sódio que tem por característica se ligar a cadeia proteína nos resíduos de aminoácidos apolares, deixando com a carga negativa, sendo assim, toda proteína fica com carga total negativa, migrando para o anodo na eletroforese. As técnicas de purificação utilizadas foram ultrafiltração e precipitação com ácido tricloro acético, etanol gelado e sulfato de amônio. A dupla precipitação com etanol resultou na recuperação de maior quantidade de proteínas. A coloração do gel com prata foi mais sensível do que Comassie blue. O gel de eletroforese mostrou quatro bandas, correspondentes às quatro subunidades da glicerol quinase quando revelados com prata em gel de SDS-PAGE.


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Imaging diagnosis is a medical specialty that uses imaging techniques to perform diagnosis. In diagnostic imaging various methods are used such as direct absorption of photons - SPA and DPA, radiographic photometry, the dual-energy radiographic absorptiometry - DEXA, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography and optical densitometry in radiographic image. The dog can be considered one of the most widely used animals in the study of bone diseases and searching for a reliable diagnosis, although not an ideal model for the study of osteoporosis, because these animals tend not to develop a decrease in bone mineral density. The objective of this study was to analyze bone density in mongrel dogs from the determination of the variation of density along the radio-ulna bone and also the mean value related to gender, weight and age of individuals. The density analysis carried out showed that for this data set, there is a significant difference in the case of gender and age of the animal and may generalize according to these variables. The only significant difference was found in the weight, which increases bone mass is related to weight gain through the growth of the animal


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INTRODUCTION: Scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformity and it can be influenced by the use of shoe lifts and lateral inclination in order to correct postural asymmetries. OBJECTIVE: To verify the effect of the use of the shoe lifts (lower and high) unilateral (right and left) during the movement of lateral inclination (right and left) for an evaluation of the postural angles in patients with idiopathic scoliosis. METHODS: A control group with ten participants without scoliosis and an experimental group with 10 participants with idiopathic scoliosis of double curves (thoracic right and lumbar to the left). Ten reflexive markers were fixed in the spine to determine the postural angles (alpha 1=T2T4-T4T6, alpha 2=T6T8-T8T10, alpha 3=T10T12-T12L2 and alpha 4=L2L4-L4S1)... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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In contemporary times, to which the media is centralized in the hands of a few, it is necessary to understand and discuss its democratization. In this situation it surges a theory that is still maturing, Communication Public, which reflects the communication by the optic of citizen participation. In this sense, the research has as objective the reflection about democracy, the centrality and conglomeration media in society and what is affecting public broadcast organizations. So has too the intention to defend the performance of professional public relations in this context, due to its humanistic and strategic characteristic. Through literature review, observation of programming of Radio FM UNESP Bauru and interviews with employees, it is perceived that the vehicle radio for its intrinsic characteristics has great potential democratization, when this character in public can promote citizenship. There was also observed the demand for professional public relations, assisting the organization to recognize themselves as a social institution, defining its mission, its goals, its vision and policies, with objective to make two-way symmetrical communication to the public


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The quality of life of nursing professionals of character is relevant because the service involves every aspect of workers with personal, social and cultural, so that professionals can result in unproductive and emotionally shaken, and may influence the direct patient care.The aim of this study is to report the quality of life of nursing staff working in the adult ICU of a university hospital.Methodology will be applied to qualitative, through interviews with guiding questions, with the subject all the nursing staff of the Intensive Care Unit - Adult, located in Bauru State Hospital. The survey results were analyzed through content analysis proposed by Bardin. The interviews were divided into categories and subcategories in the sequence. In the category Defining quality of life - hidden connections got four subcategories: happiness, pleasure, interrelation and practice in nursing, which are directly related to the meaning of quality of life. What about the profession as interference in quality of life of nursing staff reached the category A profession in contrast with the quality of life - Connections Exposed that led to the division of four subcategories: proximity to death, absenteeism, double day / salary, shifts, ranking at work and work process. Finally, it concerns the improvement of the profession that can intervene in the quality of life of workers obtained the category Improving occupancy improving the quality of life - Connections to be built, which is subdivided into sub-categories: professional incentive, hierarchy and enhancement of the profession. These categories and subcategories showed significant and important aspects of quality of life of nursing professionals


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As proteínas da família TRF2 (“TTAGGG repeat-binding factor 2”) fazem parte de complexos multiprotéicos responsáveis pela manutenção dos telômeros de alguns eucariotos. Elas apresentam domínios funcionais que a caracterizam como proteínas que interagem com DNA telomérico na forma de dupla fita. São eles, o domínio de interação com o DNA do tipo Myb-like, localizado na porção C-terminal, um domínio acídico N-terminal e um domínio de homodimerização TRFH (“TRF homology domain for homodimerization”). A proteína TRF2 também está envolvida na formação de estruturas teloméricas terminais denominadas “t-loops”. O intuito deste projeto é a clonagem, expressão em vetor bacteriano (pMAL) e a purificação de uma proteína homóloga as proteínas teloméricas TRFs humana em parasitas do gênero Leishmania, especificamente a espécie Leishmania amazonensis (LaTRF). Primeiramente foram desenhados iniciadores (primers) utilizados para a amplificação da sequência LaTRF por PCR. O(s) produto(s) de amplificação foram clonados em vetores de clonagem para produtos de PCR e sequenciados para análise. Uma vez obtida a seqüência da LaTRF, o inserto contendo o gene foi subclonado direcionalmente e na mesma fase de leitura do vetor de expressão bacteriano (pMAL-c5x, NEB) para obtenção e futura purificação da proteína recombinante. Verificou-se a expressão da proteína recombinante LaTRF utilizando SDS-PAGE e “Western Blot”. Pelos resultados obtidos na análise de expressão em pequena escala da proteína recombinante, foi observado possíveis indícios de que esta esteja sendo expressa. Com isso, torna-se possível a tentativa de uma expressão em grande escala utilizando esse mesmo sistema bacteriano (pMAL) a fim de se obter a proteína purificada que poderá ser futuramente utilizada para ensaios de “pull-down” dentre outras aplicações


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study aims at enhancing the understanding of the educational criticism in the beginning of the twentieth century, focusing on the ideas of Lima Barreto. Before the emergence of the "educational professionals", educational thought was developed by publicists and writers involved in a fertile debate, the results of which became visible in literary and journalistic production. Through the analysis of articles, short texts published in the press, novels and short stories written by Lima Barreto, it’s possible to gather a specific concept of education, underlying his criticism and fictional characterization of school education, as well as an interesting sketch of the cultural profile of Brazilian society at the time. Either explicitly or implicitly, in their evaluative and theoretical references, the limits of the critical readings of the author, which are expressed in the contradiction between negation of the given conditions and their affirmation, unveil the historical aspects of social and educational thinking and criticism.


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The aim of this article is to discuss Mallarmé‘s poem A throw of dice, establishing some theoretical interfaces among Jakobson‘s reading, Lacan‘s psychoanalysis and some elements from the French discourse analysis. The poem, considered a milestone of modern poetry, has already engendered various discourses about itself, what allows us to consider it here a permanent invention, or yet, a throw of dice in eternal whirl. Attentive to the roaring of such discourses, and available for listening the theory that contributes to the poem‘s critical analysis, the reading herein engaged bets on the profit that the Mallarmé‘s poem study carries, for the perception of contemporary poetry, which inherited from him the double-sided lyrical coin: high revision of the possibilities of invention and very strong metalanguage.


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We analyzed here, Lia de Melo Shultz, one of the protagonists of As meninas, Lygia Fagundes Telles. Incarnation of the revolutionary romanticism of 60- 70 years of the century XX, she is the most representative character of a double crisis: the political authoritarianism of the military dictatorship and patriarchy. We highlight of the characteristic features of narrative character, exploring their actions and ideas and their role in the dramatic conflict. To contextualize the fable, we make use of texts Boris Fausto, Nadine Habert, Elio Gaspari and Leonardo Pinheiro.


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This article is devoted to a brief analysis of representations of women in As meninas, by Lygia Fagundes Telles, focusing on the three main characters of the novel and also on some secondary characters. The novel is set within a context that was characterized by a double crisis: the political crisis arising from authoritarianism and violence of the military dictatorship, and the crisis of the patriarchy system, due to the gradual political and social emancipation of women. Our paper aims to understand, in a succinct way, the critical dialogue established in the novel between the representations of women and that context of the dual crisis that constitute the novelistic material of As meninas


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Em sua obra L'épreuve de l’étranger (1984), Berman propõe uma teoria sobre o sujeito politradutor que vincula a pulsion du traduire do poète breton Armand Robin a uma visada metafísica — definida por este autor como a busca romântica da “pura língua”. No presente ensaio, essas conclusões são reavaliadas a partir de referências inéditas sobre o poeta abordadas antecipadamente. Embora ele tenha renunciado a ser Autor e tenha proclamado a negação de si mesmo (rejeição), subjazem a essa crônica exaltada denominada non-traduction tanto a tentativa de subverter uma tradição francesa etnocêntrica quanto o desejo íntimo de se ver autor (afirmação e aceitação).