287 resultados para Tubo gástrico isoperistáltico


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This work aims to analyze the toughness of a welded joint in the presence of a crack through the analysis of maximum tension the material can withstand the presence of this type of defect, since a discontinuity is likely to occur in this type of joint and its detection and its design is simple, using non-destructive testing techniques. The study will be conducted through the CTOD test - Crack-Tip Opening Displacement, with type specimens SE (B) - Single Edge Bend taken from a weld in the L-C position in relation to the length (longitudinal axis) of a test tube. The main idea is to simulate the welding conditions for the manufacture of industrial pipes, made in boiler shops (pipe-shop) within petrochemical plants. These pipes are often subject to operation with flammable and toxic subjected to high pressures and temperatures, where one can break the line can cause irreparable damage to the plant, the environment and the health of surrounding communities. With this study we evaluate whether the weld metal has the same properties as fracture toughness of the base material. This study shows the importance of using a qualified welding procedure for performing quality welds while maintaining the properties of the fracture toughness of the base metal. It was found from the results of tests using a welding procedure described for carrying out welding ensures mechanical properties very close to the base metal, which in terms of design is great, since one can ensure that the weld will the same characteristics of the base metal specified for the assembly of the pipe


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This work aims to verify and compare the efficiency of heat exchangers used in the thermal systems laboratory at Faculdade de Engenharia do Campus de Guaratinguetá - UNESP. Basically, it has been studied two types of heat exchangers: plate type, operating in parallel flow and counter-flow, shell and tube type and also operating in parallel flow and counter flow. Initially it has been presented the didactic equipment and procedures for use of these heat exchangers in the proposed experiments. With the results obtained from the experiments, comparisons were made in order to define the behavior of the heat exchangers regarding some variables. In the study, one comes to the conclusion that the results from shell and tube type of heat exchanger, used in the thermal systems lab, are superior in all conditions analyzed


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Have long studied the distribution of stresses in the cylinder. When this thickness is less than or equal to 10% of the inner radius is possible to consider a uniform distribution along the thickness of the tube. However, when the thickness is greater than 10% of the inner radius is necessary to consider the theory of thick-walled cylinders. This theory shows that when the thickness increases on the radius, the stresses do not act uniformly. The objective of this study is to determine the maximum stresses in thick-walled cylinders by comparing the results obtained by the theory of elasticity and the finite element method


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A infertilidade está se tornando um problema emergente de saúde pública em muitos países do mundo e, para muitos autores, esse aumento parece coincidir com o crescente papel desempenhado pela Chlamydia trachomatis. A infecção por C. trachomatis é uma das principais causas de lesão tubária que pode levar a oclusão desta ou processos aderentes que comprometem o complexo tubo-ovariano. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a prevalência de cervicite por Chlamydia trachomatis em mulheres diagnosticadas com infertilidade primária ou secundária atendidas no Ambulatório de Esterilidade do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, UNESP. Foram incluídas no estudo 112 mulheres atendidas no período de julho de 2008 a junho de 2009, que concordaram em participar do estudo e que responderam ao questionário para caracterização sóciodemográfica e ginecológica, sendo 62 pacientes com infertilidade primária e 50 com infertilidade secundária. Durante o exame especular, foi coletada secreção cervical com cytobrush para pesquisa de C. trachomatis pela técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) e conteúdo vaginal por meio de swab para avaliação da flora vaginal pelo método de Gram. Em relação à caracterização das pacientes, 66,7% eram moradoras de municípios com menos de 100.000 habitantes, 63,4% relataram ter vínculo empregatício, 98,2% declararam união estável, 74,1% eram brancas e 14,3% fumantes. A mediana de idade das pacientes no momento da inclusão no estudo foi de 28 anos (14-44). A mediana de idade à menarca e ao início da atividade sexual foi de 12 anos (9-17) e 16 anos (11-38), respectivamente. A mediana do tempo de infertilidade foi de 4 anos (1-17). Ainda nesse estudo, 67,9% das pacientes relataram mais de três relações sexuais por semana, 25,0% relataram infecção do trato genital inferior anteriormente ao estudo, 23,2% relataram... (Resumo Completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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whole world. The world production of fish is around 100 million tons/year and 70% of them is destined exclusively to the human feeding. The fish and derived have a great importance in the human diet, contributing with ¼ of offer of protein of animal origin. Sseafood and fish are health, because they are rich in proteins, vitamins, micronutrients and insatured fats. However, one of the most important themes, in public health, refers to the safe food. Only in the USA, 76 million case of foodborne diseases occurs every year, with 325 thousand hospitalized and 5 thousand deaths. According to the microbiological parameters, the Brazilian Food Sanitation Standard (Decree No. 12, 2001) defined that fish, roes of fish, crustaceans and mollusks in natura cooled or frozen, no consumed raw should present up to 103 MPN of coagulase positive Staphylococcus in the absence of Salmonella in 25g. Based on this, this work verified the microbiological quality of fish and seafood retailed in supermarkets and fish store in Botucatu city. A hundred samples were analyzed, being 65 frozen (65%) and 35 cooled (35%). The samples included various kinds of fish and seafood. Among the frozen samples, 31 were fish and 34 seafood. About the cooled ones, 28 were fish and 7 seafood. The methods used for analysis are in agreement with APHA (2001). The samples were acquired in 4 establishments (3 supermarkets and a fish store). Ina total of 100 samples, all were negative to coagulase positive Staphylococcus and 2 were positive for Salmonella (2%). According to the results, we conclude that the presence of Salmonella is a risk factor for the consumers' health and these foods should not be consumed raw. In spite of the freezing to be a good conservation way, this process doesn't totally eliminate the pathogens of the food


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A queda da pressão parcial de oxigênio no sangue arterial (PaO2), provocada pela hipóxia aguda, aumenta as descargas dos quimiorreceptores periféricos, carotídeos e aórticos, cujas aferências estimulam núcleos bulbares como o núcleo do trato solitário (NTS, Chitravanshi e cols., 1994, Mifflin, 1992), resultando em uma série de repostas compensatórias incluindo o aumento da VE ( Overgaard e cols., 1996, Sun e Reis, 1994). Estudos demonstraram que a via neural do quimiorreflexo periférico no NTS tem como neurotransmissores o L-glutamato e mais recentemente o ATP. Além disso, o ATP atuando em receptores purinérgicos presente na superfície ventral do bulbo estaria envolvido com as respostas cardiorrespiratórias induzidas por hipóxia. No entanto, a participação dos receptores purinérgicos do NTS sobre as respostas cardiorrespiratórias induzidas por hipóxia ainda é desconhecida. Portanto, o presente estudo investigou o envolvimento dos receptores purinérgicos P2 no NTS sobre as respostas cardiorrespiratórias induzidas por hipóxia em ratos acordados, usando injeção bilateral de suramin (antagonista inespecífico dos receptores P2) e PPADS (antagonista seletivo dos receptores P2X). Foram utilizados ratos Holtzman (290-310g, n=4-9/grupo) com implante de cânulas guia no NTS. Para medida da pressão arterial média (PAM) e freqüência cardíaca (FC) foi inserido na artéria abdominal, através da artéria femoral, um tubo de polietileno (P-10 conectado ao P-50). Freqüência respiratória (FR), volume corrente (VC) e VE foram registrados através do método de pletismografia de corpo inteiro. Os parâmetros FR, VC, VE, PAM e FC foram registrados antes e após a injeção bilateral de salina, suramin (2 nmol/100 nl) ou PPADS (2 nmol/100 nl) no NTS durante hipóxia (7% de O2 por 35 min) ou normóxia (21% de O2)... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso visou à otimização e preparação da síntese de Lapdesf-IUNI e avaliação do potencial de inibição de urease de três compostos previamente sintetizados, direcionados especificamente para o tratamento de infecções por Helicobacter pylori, bactéria mundialmente reconhecida como uma das principais causadoras de infecções no mundo, responsável pelos casos de infecções gástricas, como gastrites crônicas, úlceras (gástricas e duodenais) e carcinomas. Lapdesf-IUNI é um composto derivado de metronidazol, com atividade potencialmente inibidora de urease, enzima presente neste microrganismo e essencial a sua sobrevivência no ambiente gástrico. O produto foi obtido, porém com baixo rendimento, por isso sua metodologia ainda necessita ser aperfeiçoada, para que, em seguida este composto possa ser testado. Outros três compostos, um derivado de tiouréia e dois derivados guanidínicos, com potencial atividade inibidora de urease, T-6, R-17 e R-21, sintetizados pela equipe do Prof. Eduardo Perez, foram avaliados com relação a sua atividade inibidora frente à enzima urease e IC50, apresentando bons resultados, que permitem a continuidade dos estudos, comparando inclusive com fármacos utilizados nos protocolos de tratamento padrões para o tratamento das infecções causadas por H. pylori


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Being the corrosion one of the great problems facing the industry today, specifically the internal corrosion of pipes in chemical and petrochemical industries, hence this work proposes a new type of internal coating in order to avoid fouling and decrease the pressure loss in the flow. For this, we use a composition of vinyl ester resins and manometric loads, which after cleaning and preparation of the internal surface of the tube will be applied through a process of centrifugation, adjusted by a lathe. After curing the resin, a test of roughness will be realized in order to analyze the reduction of friction factor and thus be able to conclude whether there was a significant decrease in pressure drop. With test results in hand, we hope to obtain a coating that meets most of the properties required by the industry and to provide a reduction in operating costs and a visible improvement in the conditions of use of the pipe


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar o efeito da adição de um prebiótico nas características de crescimento, resistência às condições do trato gastrintestinal e remoção de colesterol in vitro, das cepas de Enterococcus faecium CRL183 e Lactobacillus helveticus 416. A fonte de prebiótico foi composta por Inulina GR – Orafti, sendo testadas as seguintes concentrações: 1,0%, 2,0%, 3,0%; 4,0%; 5,0% e 6,0% p/v). Para a avaliação da resistência às condições do trato gastrintestinal, os microrganismos foram colocados em contato com um fluido gástrico simulado por 2 horas (9g/L de NaCl, 3g/L de pepsina, pH 1,8) e com um fluido intestinal simulado por 3 horas (0,9g/L de pancreatina, 12,5g/L de bicarbonato de sódio e 6,0 g/L de Oxgall). Após o período de contato com os fluidos, foram realizadas diluições seriais e plaqueamento em meios específicos. No estudo de redução de colesterol, meios de cultura contendo inulina e colesterol (1%) foram inoculados com as cepas probióticas e incubados em anaerobiose a 37°C/24h. A capacidade de redução do colesterol foi determinada pela diferença entre a concentração de colesterol adicionada ao meio de cultura e a de colesterol residual. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e teste de médias de Tukey (p≤0,05). A adição de inulina não resultou em alteração no ciclo logarítmico de crescimento dos microrganismos. Porém, quando os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística, constatou-se que a adição de 1% a 4% de inulina inibiu o crescimento de Lactobacillus helveticus 416, sendo que para as concentrações de 5% a 6% estas alterações não foram perceptíveis. A cepa de Enterococcus faecium CRL 183 apresentou crescimento superior na presença de 2% e 4% de inulina. Após o contato com o fluido gástrico simulado, observou-se redução de 1 ciclo logarítmico no crescimento da cepa... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a common gastric pathogen that has infected more than 50% of the population of the world and it has been associated with chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcer, and gastric cancer. Although, almost all infected people develop gastritis, there is a variety of clinical outcomes, and only a minority (<1%) of infected individuals develop gastric cancer. There are evidences which suggest that the chronic inflammatory reaction caused by the bacterial infection may be involved in the production of reactive oxygen species or reactive nitrogen species. It may lead to DNA damage, which together with the cellular response could lead to gene mutations, chromosomal aberrations characterizing genomic instability that may represent the early step in gastric carcinogenesis. The extent and severity of gastric mucosal inflammation, as well as the clinical outcome of the infection, depend on a number of factors, including the host genetic susceptibility such SNP T3801 CYP1A1, immune response, age at which the infection was acquired, environmental factors, especially dietary and bacterial virulence factors. Due to the risk of developing gastric cancer in humans infected by H. pylori, we used the Comet Assay to investigate the influence of the SNP T3801C CYP1A1 on levels of oxidative DNA damage in gastric epithelial cells. The study was conducted with biopsies from the gastric antrum and corpus of 103 H. pylori-infected patients and 24 uninfected control patients. Genotype of SNP T3801C CYP1A1 was determined by PCR-RFLP and DNA damage levels were measured in gastric mucosal cells from antrum and corpus by the Comet assay. Levels of DNA damage in gastric mucosa cells from antrum and corpus of H. pylori-infected patients with mild, moderate, severe gastritis, and gastric cancer were significantly higher compared to uninfected normal mucosa cells. However, levels... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Uma coleção de 50 amostras de Staphylococcus aureus e 50 de estafilococos coagulase-negativa (ECN) isoladas de recém-nascidos (RN) da unidade neonatal do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu foram estudadas quanto à produção de biofilme. Para isto foi utilizada a técnica de PCR na detecção dos genes icaA, icaC e icaD e os métodos fenotípicos de aderência em placa de poliestireno, aderência em tubo de borossilicato e método do Agar Congo Vermelho (CRA). Dos 50 S. aureus estudados, 100% foram positivos para a produção de biofilme pela PCR, 98% pelo método do tubo, 100% pelo método da placa de poliestireno e 98% pelo CRA. Já das 50 amostras de ECN, 94% foram positivas pela PCR, 76% pelo método do tubo, 82% pelo teste da placa e 74% pelo CRA. Feita a comparação dos métodos utilizados, tendo por referência o padrão-ouro (PCR), foi possível observar que o método que melhor se correlacionou com o padrão-ouro, foi o método da aderência em placa de poliestireno, apresentando melhor sensibilidade e especificidade para ambas as espécies


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Este trabalho visa o estudo dos efeitos biológicos dos extratos hidroalcóolicos (HDA) obtidos das cascas e folhas de Astronium fraxinifolium (Anacardiaceae), uma espécie medicinal do Cerrado brasileiro. Com base nas indicações populares de uso da espécie no combate a diversos males como a diarréia, cólicas, inflamação e reumatismo e a confirmação pela literatura da atividade gastroprotetora da espécie congênere Astronium urundeuva, foram realizados modelos experimentais in vivo para caracterizar a propriedade anti-úlcera, antidiarrêica e antiinflamatória dos extratos hidroalcóolicos de cascas (A.f.cs) e folhas (A.f.fol) de A. fraxinifolium. A propriedade antiulcerogênica dos A.f.cs e A.f.fol, administrado pela via oral, em diferentes doses (125, 250 e 500 mg/kg) foi avaliada em modelos experimentais in vivo em que os ratos Wistar machos foram confrontados com agentes ulcerogênicos químicos como etanol absoluto e droga antiinflamatória não-esteroidal (DAINE). Os fatores envolvidos na gastroproteção dos extratos foram avaliados através da quantificação de glutationa total do raspado da mucosa, volume do suco gástrico, concentração de íons H+ e pH do suco gástrico. A atuação de fatores protetores da mucosa gástrica como óxido nítrico (NO) e compostos sulfidrílicos (SH) também foram analisados sob efeito de ambos os extratos. A propriedade antidiarrêica dos extratos (500 mg/kg, p.o.) também foi avaliada através da motilidade intestinal, índice de evacuações e acumulo de fluidos intestinais. Ambos os extratos (500 mg/kg, p.o. e 50 mg/kg, i.p.) também foram submetidos a avaliação em dois modelos experimentais (edema da pata induzida por carragenina e teste de formalina) onde as propriedades antiedematogênica e antiinflamatória foram analisadas em roedores. Ambos os extratos foram estudos fitoquimicamente em CLAE-DAE... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The gastrointestinal tract is the main route of nutrients absorption and drugs delivery. Is important to know the parameters related to the tract, like gastric emptying and gastrointestinal transit, in order to better understand the behavior of different kind of meals or drugs passing through the GIT. Many techniques are used to study these parameters, such as manometry, scintigraphy, phenol red, activated charcoal and carbon-13 reading. However, these methods use radiation, are invasive and require animal sacrifice. As an alternative proposal, the Alternate Current Biosusceptometry (ACB), a magnetic technique, has proved to be effective for these studies with small animals, in a noninvasive way, low cost, radiation free and avoiding the animal death. Associating the ACB to magnetic micro or nanoparticles used as tracers, it is possible to observe the meal behavior inside of the GIT. Focusing meanly on liquid meals digestion, this paper had the objective to evaluate the efficiency of the ACB technique in gastric emptying and gastrointestinal transit evaluation of liquid meals in rats. To perform the experiments, magnetic nanoparticles (ferrite, MgFe2O4) were used on a 1,5 ml solution introduced by gavage on similar weight and age rats. The sensor made by 2 pairs of coils, capable of generating and detecting magnetic fields, creates a field on the interest place and when this field is in contact with the marked meal, it changes, resulting on a variation of the measured voltage. The voltage variation is analyzed and is obtained a particle concentration on the interest region. The results showed that is possible to apply the ACB technique on the GIT evaluation of liquid particles digestion, gastric emptying and meal cecum arrival time curves were obtained and from that, is possible to observe a pattern of gastrointestinal transit. Both mean process time values were acquired, proving the technique capability of ...


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Along with the advance of technology, in terms of the expansion of medical exams that uses the ionizing radiation for diagnosis, there is also the concern about quality control for maintaining quality in radiographic imaging and for delivering low dose to the patient. Based on the Federal Order 453 of the Secretariat of Health Surveillance, which takes account of the practical and justification of individual medical exposures, the optimization of radiological protection, limitation of individual dose, and the prevention of accidents, were done through this paper radiodiagnostic tests on medical equipment in order to accept it or not, according to SVS-453. Along with the help and support of P&R Consulting and Medical Physics Marilia, SP, were made Quality Control and Radiometric Control in equipment from various cities across the state of São Paulo. The equipment discussed in this work is classified as conventional X-ray. According to the Federal Order SVS-453, the quality control in the program of quality assurance should include the following minimum set of constancy tests, with following minimum frequency: biennial tests for representative values of dose given to the patients of radiography and CT performed in the service; annual tests for accuracy of the indicator tube voltage (kVp), accuracy of exposure time, half-value layer, aligning the central axis of the beam of x-ray tube, performance (mGy / mA.min.m²), linearity of the rate of kerma on air with the mAs, reproducibility of the kerma on air rates, reproducibility of the automatic exposure, focal spot size, integrity of accessories and clothing for individual protection; semiannually for collimation system accuracy; weekly for temperature processing system and sensitometry processing system. For the room Radiometric Survey it was done a sketch...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This study aimed to develop a computer program which systematizes the structural shielding design calculation in diagnostic radiology facilities. For this purpose methodology of the National Council of Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP 147[5]) was used. By comparative statistics studies, it was verified if reference parameters values suggested by the US publication correspond to the average national values. The World Wide Web was chosen because of its characteristics as a powerful mean of communication, especially in terms of the wide variety of useful resources and easy access. To compare the reference values of some parameters proposed by NCRP 147 to Brazilian average, studies about the normalized workload per patient, performance of X-ray tube and primary air kerma, unshielded, at one meter from the focal point of the X-ray tube were made. Through this research, relative differences were found. In workload values this differences reached up to 50% in mammography compared to those presented by the NCRP 147; in X-ray tube performance the percentage differences reached 69% in dental radiology, and air kerma results amounted 31% in fluoroscopy. This demonstrates the importance of validation of international protocols to local realities