688 resultados para Sugar cane straw
Diuron (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) is a substituted urea herbicide widely used on agricultural crops such as soy, cotton and sugar cane. In a previous long-term study this herbicide exerted carcinogenic activity on the urinary bladder mucosa of male Wistar rats. In general, the genotoxic and mutagenic potentials of Diuron are considered to be negative. The present study aimed to evaluate the mode of action of Diuron on the urinary bladder mucosa of male Wistar rats. Six-week old male Wistar rats were fed pelleted Nuvilab diet mixed with Diuron at 125, 500 and 2500 ppm. As a positive control, 8.3% sodium saccharin (NaS) was fed in the diet. Preceding the sacrifice of the animals at the 20th week, urinary pH was measured and the genotoxic potential of Diuron was evaluated by the comet assay. Histological urothelial lesions in the urinary bladder and in the renal pelvis mucosa, cell proliferation/apoptosis evaluations, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the urinary bladder mucosa were also performed. No DNA changes were found in urothelial or peripheral blood cells, and urinary pH was comparable to controls in all Diuron groups. In the urinary bladder urothelium, the incidence of simple hyperplasia (SH) by light microscopy was significantly increased (7/10; p < 0.005) in the 2500 ppm Diuron group but not at the lower doses. By SEM, three of five animals treated with 2500 ppm Diuron showed urothelial cell necrosis and hyperplasia. In the renal pelvis, the incidence of SH was significantly increased in the Diuron 500 and 2500 ppm and in the NaS 8.3% groups. Cell proliferation was significantly increased in the Diuron 2500 ppm, (p < 0.05) and NaS 8.3% (p < 0.05) groups. The results indicate that a high dietary concentration of Diuron is associated with urothelial necrosis and continuous regenerative cell proliferation that leads to urothelial hyperplasia. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different litter materials on litter compaction, broiler feathering and the incidence of carcass lesions. In the experiment, 3240 one-day-old Ross® chicks were selected by sex and distributed according to a completely randomized experimental design in a 2 x 6 factorial arrangement (two sex and six litter materials). The following litter materials were used: wood shavings, rice husks, chopped Napier grass, 50% sugar cane bagasse plus 50% wood shavings, 50% sugar cane bagasse plus 50% rice husks, and pure sugar cane bagasse. Litter compaction was weekly assessed using a penetrometer. on days 21, 35 and 42 of the experimental period, feathering on the back and legs was scored according to a 0 - 10 scale. on day 42, birds were slaughtered and the presence of bruises, scratches and footpad lesions was recorded. Litter material had no effect on bird feathering. Carcass lesions (scratches, bruises and footpad lesions) were influenced by the litter material evaluated. Birds reared on sugarcane bagasse and chopped Napier grass presented more scratches, bruises and footpad lesions than the others. Dermatitis was more evident in birds reared on sugarcane bagasse, chopped Napier grass and the combination of litter materials. It was found that males presented higher incidence of dermatitis and footpad lesions than females. Each litter material presented different compaction degrees, which increased along the experimental period. Sugarcane bagasse, chopped Napier grass and the combination of bedding materials presented the highest degree of compaction, compared with wood shavings and rice husks.
O desempenho produtivo e a possível interferência do flúor sobre a saúde dos animais foram investigados em bovinos Nelore suplementados, por 866 dias, com distintas fontes alternativas de fósforo com diferentes relações fósforo:fluor (P:F). Os tratamentos experimentais foram: Controle negativo (CONTNEG, sem qualquer suplementação com P), fosfato bicálcico (FB 120:1, FB 30:1 e FB 10:1), fosfato monobicálcico (FMBC 60:1), superfosfato triplo (SFT 30:1) e fosfato de rocha de Cajati (FR 10:1). Foram utilizados 49 novilhos, desmamados aos oito meses de idade, castrados e com 230 kg de peso médio, distribuídos em sete piquetes com água e mistura mineral formulada sem P. A dieta padrão foi feita com bagaço de cana (0,03% de P) como volumoso e um concentrado contendo 0,239 % de P oferecido na base de 1% do peso dos animais para permitir um ganho de peso aproximado de 0,50 kg/dia. Até o dia 134, não houve diferença estatística entre os diversos lotes, inclusive para o tratamento CONTNEG, que não recebeu fósforo suplementar na dieta e ganhou 71,6 kg de peso ou 0,633 kg/dia. Após 866 dias de confinamento (2,37 anos), os animais suplementados com o fosfato bicálcico padrão (120:1) ganharam menos peso que os suplementados com as fontes FMCB 60:1, FB 30:1 e SFT 30:1. Até um ano de suplementação fosfórica com fosfato bicálcico padrão (120:1) artificialmente fluoretado com NaF ou com o fosfato de rocha não se detectou danos à saúde ou ao ganho de peso dos animais. As análises de fósforo nos ossos mostraram diferença estatística apenas entre o tratamento CONTNEG e os que tinham fosfato bicálcico. As concentrações de flúor nos ossos se mostraram intimamente associadas à quantidade de flúor disponível nas fontes utilizadas. Conforme a proporção P:F na dieta foi diminuindo, características relacionadas à fluorose dentária ficaram mais evidentes, sendo que os animais que receberam fontes com relação 10:1, apresentaram, ao final do experimento, dentes incisivos permanentes mal formados, quebradiços e com manchas esbranquiçadas.
In order to examine the effects of alcohol on the hard palatine mucosa of rats, sixty adult female rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) were divided into two experimental groups. The control group received solid diet (Purina rat chow) and tap water ad libitum. The alcoholic group received the same solid diet and was allowed to drink only sugar cane brandy dissolved in 30% Gay Lussac (v/v). At the end of periods of 90, 180 and 270 days of treatment, the animals at estro were sacrificed and the hard palatine mucosa were prepared for TEM and SEM methods. The basal cells of the alcoholic groups (90, 180 and 270 days of treatment) demonstrated some alterations: the intercellular spaces between these cells were higher, presented cytoplasmatic lipid droplets and autolysis. Also, the connective tissue showed intense lipid droplets accumulation in the alcoholic groups. These modifications suggested that chronic alcohol ingestion was able to modify the integrity of the cells in the rat hard palatine mucosa.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Diatraea saccharalis F. is one of the greatest pests of the sugar cane culture. This report aimed to characterize the germanium region of the sugarcane borer by light and transmission electron microscopy, emphasizing the morphological steps of the ovarian cluster formation. In the germanium of this insect, four zones could be morphologically identified during the cluster formation. In the most apical end of each ovariole - Zone I - the germ line stem cells undergo complete mitotic division, originating the cystoblasts. In the Zone II, each cystoblast produces a group of eight cells, the cystocytes, which are interconnected by the ring canals. Clusters containing all the cystocytes in the meiosis, characterizes the Zone III. Germ cells with ultrastructural features of apoptosis are also detected in this Zone. In the Zone IV the cystocytes differentiate, morphologically, into one oocyte and seven nurse cells. Interstitial somatic cells and pre-follicle cells exhibit, in their cytoplasm, heterogeneous vacuoles containing degenerated cellular fragments, characterized as apoptotic bodies. Our results pointed out to the morphological evidences related with important control mechanisms for new clusters/follicles production and for the cellular arrangement into the germanium, resulting from the programmed cell death. We believe that the morphological characterization of ovarian cluster formation in D. saccharalis provided valuable information for the understanding of the initial steps of oogenesis and contributed for the knowledge of the cellular mechanisms related with the oocyte production and with reproduction in insects.
The hunting spider communities of the Dionycha clade were studied 1986 through 1988 in fragmented woodlands and secondary agricultural habitats of the Botucatu area in São Paulo state, Brazil. The original vegetation of mainly tropical Atlantic rain forest (Mata Atlantica) was cleared already 70 years ago. In a total sample of over 1000 adult spiders, 247 species belonging to 12 families Mere determined. A decreasing frequency and diversity of spiders rc as found if forest remnants were compared with sugar cane fields and cattle pasture. The specific composition of the spider fauna as surveyed in different habitats is discussed under ecological aspects and in relation to the history of land use.
An Aspergillus giganteus strain was isolated as an excellent producer of xylanase associated with low levels of cellulase. Optimal xylanase production was obtained in liquid VOGEL medium containing xylan as carbon source, pH 6.5 to 7.0, at 25degreesC and. under shaking at 120 rpm during 84h. Among the several carbon sources tested, higher xylanase production was verified in xylan, xylose, sugar-cane bagasse, wheat bran and corn cob cultures, respectively. Optimal conditions for activity determination were 50degreesC and pH 6.0. The xylanolytic complex of A. giganteus showed low thermal stability with T-50 of 2 h, 13 min and I min when it was incubated at 40, 50 and 60degreesC, respectively, and high stability from pH 4.5 to 10.5, with the best interval between 7.0 to 7.5. This broad range of stability in alkali pH indicates a potential applicability in some industrial processes, which require such condition. Xylanolytic activity of A. giganteus was totally inhibited by Hg+2, Cu+2 and SDS at 10 mm. The analysis of the products from the oat spelts xylan hydrolysis through thin-layer chromatography indicated endoxylanase activity, lack of debranching enzymes and P-xylosidase activity in assay conditions.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Foram listadas 263 aves próximo e dentro de uma mata semidecídua de 230 ha em meio a plantações de cana-de-açúcar, na região central do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Subtraindo-se 67 espécies de áreas abertas, 22 de riachos, 10 vagantes e 12 observadas mais tarde, cerca de 152 espécies de mata e de borda foram observadas entre 1982-86, semelhantemente às observadas em uma mata próxima a Campinas. Ambas as matas perderam espécies gradualmente. Algumas aves evitaram as margens duras dos canaviais, preferindo as margens macias arbustivas. Das espécies de área aberta, parece que 22 desapareceram até 1997, em razão das abundantes chuvas anteriores causadas por El Niño, ou pela raridade de habitats permanentemente abertos nos canaviais; 17 espécies novas eram principalmente noturnas que não haviam sido checadas anteriormente, ou visitantes ocasionais. A mata e as bordas perderam 37 espécies, ganhando 5 de regiões secas e 1 visitante de inverno. Vários migrantes do sul apareceram somente em anos chuvosos antes do recente efeito estufa; algumas aves residentes foram caçadas, e os beija-flores das copas talvez estivessem presentes ainda. As espécies de zonas secas, prones à movimentação ou metapopulacionais, movem os centros de distribuição, camuflando parcialmente a perda de diversidade da mata úmida.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A bacterium isolated from soil contaminated by hydrocarbon was studied and, by biochemical tests and analysis of PCR, the presence of Bacillus pumilus was identified. The production of biosurfactant was optimized, test of oil degradation and antimicrobial activity determination. The results showed that pH 5.0 and 7.0, 72 h of fermentation, sucrose and sugar cane juice (2%) had best yields. The bacterium is able to degrade crude oil and displays bacteriostatic and fungistatic activity. From the analysis of proximate composition of biosurfactant found the presence of biopolymer formed by a lipopolysaccharide-protein complex.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)