352 resultados para Coletivo pensante
In the last twenty years, and more expressively in the past decade, the search for improvement in the organ transplantation system has contributed to the achievement of positive results in the Brazilian statistics related to the survival of transplanted individuals. However, for a transplantation to be performed, a number of phases must be followed by professionals working in organ search services. The phase that generates the greatest tension is undoubtedly that of family interviews, as it involves both the feelings of relatives who are facing a recent loss and those of interviewers who need to know how to deal with families at this time. The goal of this study was to apprehend perceptions of professionals working for an Organ Search Organization concerning interviews with relatives of potential donors. The qualitative methodology was used by adopting the Collective Subject Discourse for data organization. Interviews were conducted with six staff members of an organ search service whose experience as interviewers comprised from eight to fourteen years of work. It was possible to apprehend the professionals’ perceptions of family interviews and identify facilitating and hindering factors in this phase of the donation process. Such factors mainly involve: contact with the teams assisting patients, the difficult moment that families are experiencing and the teams’ as well as the institution’s preparation for rendering this type of service. The balance between the offer of and demand for organs in Brazil will only be achieved by means of an efficient and effective structure in transplantation organ search services and increased donation consent rates to be obtained by adequate communication between interviewers and relatives
This study is based on the perspective that Homeopathy is a medical practice that seeks the integrative cure of patients where physical, emotional and psychological conditions are all important. Motivations of SUS (Brazilian Public Health System) patients who deliberately engaged in Homeopathy treatments were searched within the structure of UNESP Clinical Hospital of Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. The qualitative method of “DSC” to gather information obtained from patients and to proceed analyses was used
The urbanization process established in Brazilian society since the middle of last century brought changes in the population habits and customs, which was responsible for the increased of chronic diseases incidence, such as arterial hypertension, for example. Although this is a common disease nowadays, it is still difficult to establish a significant control in subjects with this disease and its consequences. This is apparently due to lack of interest to the correct plan of care developed for the treatment of this disease. The nursing consultation identifies potential problematic situations and the patient needs, setting actions that are complementary to their benefit in order to promote health. The present work aims to observe how the nursing consultation is being used as strategy for patients with arterial hypertension, and to understand the difficulties faced during treatment of these patients. For this purpose, it was performed qualitative and quantitative studies with patients from Centro Saúde Escola (CSE), Unidade Auxiliar, Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, UNESP, located in Botucatu, employing as methodology the Discourse of the Collective Subject and descriptive statistical analysis of quantitative results. The vast majority of consultations were held by medical professionals and it was observed that the multidisciplinary work still needs to be recognized and valued by users. The lack of knowledge of some individuals in relation to the potential and importance of the nursing consultation occurs not only for the treatment of arterial hypertension, but for the treatment and monitoring of the individual as a whole. Therefore, it is still necessary to clarify the true essence and necessity of the nursing consultation, since so important tool should be used in its entirely. Moreover, the role of the multidisciplinary team should be more discussed
The growth area of cities has resulted in a phenomenon of conurbation (or expressing tendency). This correspond to a combine of two or more urban cores, there are formations of conurbations. In this way, there are the formations of urban concentrations and can achieve the step metropolitan or not metropolitan. Besides, this kind of expansion generates many social and environmental problems related about habitation, rubbish, drain, and others. Piracicaba, a city in expansion, recently, shows evidences of conurbation not metropolitan around itself. Like this, the paulista government, at June, 26 of 2012, institutionalized the Urban Concentration of Piracicaba, a regional unity, intending the administration along with 22 cities. However, for this fact, must be taken into account functional integration among urban centers, because the number of municipalities are presented to compose a urban concentration of level not metropolitan. It has checked along this research, according with proposition about 22 cities. Thus, the objective of this research is identify and analyze the functional integration among participating municipalities through the commuting, in other words, the spatial displacement of people, important factor to be taken into account when defining urban concentration. Considering the displacement routine people, the commuting, also aimed identify the flow of public transport intercity travel among the cities of Piracicaba Regional Unity. Then, analyze the criteria used for establish the Piracicaba Regional Unity, if it was considered technical character or if it was prioritized the political character. To conduct this research, it was done the literature review related to the theme and data collection related lines of intercity transportation and often travel with ARTESP and companies responsible for it service
This study aims to analise the relevance of the pedagogical coordinator as a mediator subject of the instructor formation within the school context. Thus, I seek to comprehend the functions that this coordinator may develop at school, affirming the contributions of dialogue and writing as instances of the resignification of the teaching practice. In this sense, the meetings of the HTPC(Collective Pedagogical Working Hours) are relevant spaces of the teaching practice. This qualitative investigation is the result of a bibliographic research, about the theoretical production, in the field of the education, that aims the thematic of the pedagogical coordinator and his functions at school. I've considered the articles located at the “Anais” of the ENDIPE(National Meeting of Didacticism and Teaching Practice) clipping the years of 2004,2006 and 2010, in the subject of teacher training, just like some bibliographic productions. I also introduce a teacher's report that helps to comprehend the HTPCs meetings as important spaces of experiences exchanges between the teachers, contributing to the quality of education offered
Como a busca por vitórias se torna cada vez mais difícil no esporte coletivo, qualquer vantagem é vista como um diferencial em cada partida. Além da vantagem física e tática, que seriam os mais tradicionais, os treinadores buscam outros meios como vantagem psicológica ou jogar com o mando de campo, que para muitos não passa de ter a torcida a favor, mas para os jogadores e treinadores a torcida tem papel importante de incentivar e para os adversários os deixar nervosos, também não se esquecendo da vantagem de conhecer e treinar no local do jogo alem de poupar os atletas do desgaste de viagens. Este trabalho visa verificar como o mando de campo interfere nos atletas de futsal, alem de como as variadas torcidas influenciam os jogadores durante a partida e como os atletas vêem seus companheiros de time. Foi realizado uma pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo, pela técnica de questionário fechado, que possibilitou a compreensão do fato em estudo, ampliando nossa visão. No decorrer de nosso estudo constatamos que de maneira geral jogar em casa é fator determinante para o resultado final da partida, o que menos motiva os atletas é a possibilidade do juiz ser influenciado pela torcida local e que o grupo masculino é mais fácil de ser motivado do que o grupo feminino. Com os resultados obtidos o treinador passa a conhecer melhor seus jogadores, podendo assim, talvez, escalar o time melhor em momentos difíceis.
O presente trabalho de graduação final destina-se a elaboração de um Plano e Projeto de um novo desenho para a cidade de Coronel Macedo, localizada no interior de São Paulo. Através da análise da realidade do município, juntamente com leituras comunitárias já efetuadas, foram enumerados problemas e necessidades, dentre eles a falta de um instrumento gestor e a situação precária de suas vias de locomoção. Desse modo a intenção projetual desse trabalho será um desenho de ruas e calçadas, dando maior mobilidade e segurança. E um Plano viário que possa orientar o poder público e a iniciativa privada no interesse coletivo dos macedenses para a efetivação do projeto proposto, visando assegurar maior qualidade de vida para a população
The characters of O mulato, Casa de pensão and O cortiço, well written books by the writer Aluísio Azevedo, may be considered predominantly flat, for they were built with a single or few features. This kind of character can be even defined by the type, which represents certain dominant features (professional, psychological, cultural, economic, religious, etc.) from the diegetic universe in which the action takes place. This character subcategory is present in certain artistic periods such as Realism and Naturalism, and can be understood as the main character between the individual and the collective, between the concrete and the abstract. Yet, the social space, in the novels of the above mentioned literary movements configures itself, especially in terms of the presence and types of extras: it is about describing environments that illustrate, almost always, in a historical period context of critical intent, vices and deformations of the society, as we can see depicted in the three novels of the author. In turn, the narrative categories that most decisively influence the space representation are the instance (the narrator) and the narrative perspective (focusing). In the case of O mulato, Casa de pensão and O cortiço, the dominance is in choosing the omniscient narrator, who prefers a panoramic view, limited to an exterior and strictly objective description. The survey was developed through readings, literary cataloging and corpus discussions, with a theoretical basis determined by three dimensions: a) critical essays about the author and his works, such as those by Jean-Yves Mérian, Aluísio Azevedo, vida e obra: (1857-1913) and parts of the literature histories which deal with Naturalism, such as those by Alfredo Bosi, História concisa da literatura brasileira, b) theoretical studies about the novel character, such as those by Antonio Candido, A personagem do romance, and the romantic space ...
It is commonplace to rely on the notion that thought is expressed from a historical and geographical context that reveals the special nature of the thinking subject. In ways and wanderings of thought, the literature shows up as a means both permissive and facilitating the possibility of expression of thought, from the written language, also depend on the temporalities and spatialities that concern you. Based on the identification of a dominant matrix of thought, given by comtean positivism and the neopositivism or logical positivism, a historical and geographical context imbued with the defining characteristics of temporalities and spatialities own perspective and written language as a medium and as support for expression of thought is that we propose to discuss the clues that identify the Lobato narrative expressed in Geography of Dona Benta, a work dating from 1935, an idea of space and nation. What notions of geographic space tells Lobato? What are your references to address landscape and territory? What representation of nation and national identity proposes in his narrative? Pursuing this aim, we seek to contribute to the substantiation of geographical knowledge from a critical effort of thinking about and doing geography
A Geografia da Saúde é um eixo temático dentro da ciência geográfica preocupada com as questões pertinentes à saúde ambiental e a saúde do coletivo. As contribuições dos geógrafos para o estudo da Saúde tem sido de grande valia, indo para além da análise espacial das práticas em saúde como também investigando e analisando os fatores determinantes ao risco a saúde e, inversamente, ao bem estar-estar do social e ambiental. Dentro deste contexto, esta monografia se propõe a uma investigação confirmatória a cerca de uma contaminação ao meio ambiente por metais pesados, neste caso, a contaminação por chumbo por uma extinta fábrica de lingotes de chumbo situada no município de Caçapava, SP. O chumbo é um metal que não possui função fisiológica conhecida ao corpo humano. Devido a características físicas e químicas favoráveis, esse metal foi largamente explorado pelo setor industrial e hoje, no mundo todo, temos exemplos de casos de contaminação tanto da população e do ambientel, por ser altamente tóxico. Caçapava possui mais um infeliz exemplo de contaminação ambiental por metais pesados, decorrente de uma fábrica que produzia o chumbo secundário e que atualmente está fechada por ordem judicial, abandonada e com toneladas de escória de chumbo armazenada de modo irregular, fato que está colaborando para uma contaminação residual naquele ambiente... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
In 2011, I had the opportunity to be inserted in two elementary schools in the city of Rio Claro - SP: a) as a researcher student, participating in the research project “Pedagogical Practice and Collective work in School: The Rescue of the Narrative and the Teacher’s Knowledge”; b) as a intern, developing the Required Stage as established in the curriculum of the Full Degree Pedagogy Course (UNESP). These two experiences have made me think about the configuration of the school and its relationship with the homogenizing practices: What are the possibilities and conditions to be taken into consideration of the multiculturalism in school? The teacher’s graduation fits the plural characteristic in the classroom? Therefore, the goal of the research is to understand the concept of the multiculturalism within the school and in the processes of teacher graduation. I intend with that, to list in which grade the school organization favors or not the practices that fit the plural characteristics of the students. For the achievement of the goal, I intend to develop a bibliographic search, from the selected articles of the ANPEd (National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education) in the Working Groups (GT): GT04 – Didactic, GT12 – Curriculum e GT13 – Elementary School. I have dialogued with authors who have allowed me to broaden the understanding of school organization and authors who have allowed me to look at multiculturalism both within school and in teacher graduation. And yet, in the search to know practices that fit multiculturalism in school, I did the analysis of the dissertation prepared by an elementary school teacher who went to live with a group of teens, promoting the meeting of the school culture with street culture as a strategy to rescue the humanization of students. The students are singular subjects and, therefore, the interest in knowing different works that attemp to recognize the importance of diversity
In managing an Inpatient unit, nurses face the need to make decisions involving agents in the institution’s internal and external environments, and all these measures are influential, regardless of how beneficial they may be. Hence, ethical issues constitute an important dimension of nursing management. This study aimed at identifying measures and/or interventions adopted by managing nurses at Inpatient Units in the Botucatu School of Medicine University Hospital - UNESP with the purpose to analyze professional ethics. The study involved nurses holding technicalsupervision positions in sectors related to the Nursing Division, comprising a total number of 20. The exploratory method was used by means of taped interviews with a qualitative approach based on the Collective Subject Discourse. Human resources deficit was observed as nurses’ major concern in relation to nursing care provision. The managers seek the nursing staff’s development by means of educational activities in their own unit at the same time that they adopt those offered by the hospital. When ethical violations occur, they resort to measures ranging from individual strategies for violators’ orientation to legal intervention. The resolution of ethical conflicts by nursing managers generally occurs in a gradual fashion by taking into account their compromising level, whether in relation to the patient or to the multiprofessional team. Educational activities are focused on the development of technical skills aiming at preventing physical damage to patients although educational activities targeted at the development of professionals’ ethical awareness were not mentioned
The goal of this study was to apprehend conceptualizations and professional experiences concerning child maltreatment as reported by physicians and nurses working for the Family Health Strategy implemented in a medium-sized city in São Paulo state. It is a descriptive qualitative study in which 20 professionals were included and semi-structured taped interviews were used. The data obtained were analyzed according to the Collective Subject Discourse and systematized into five themes: Conceptualizations of child maltreatment; Professional training to work in this field; Professional experiences related to such aggravations; Difficult and easy aspects faced during care provision to child maltreatment in the Family Health Strategy; Proposals to promote child safety. It was concluded that care provision to such aggravation types by family health units is configured as an important strategy to promote child safety and support families in relation to this issue. However, it was observed that, in order to qualify professionals for such care provision, it is necessary to invest in continuing education for the multiprofessional team. Also, municipal policies concerning care provision to child abuse, particularly in the organization of integrated work of the health care, education, social welfare and justice sectors must be urgently established by actively including the general society in such process
The Center squares of the middle cities many times don’t have adapted forms to the uses, which change time-to-time, then they turn abased. Through the study case of the Squares Monsenhor Sarrion and Nove de Julho, public squares on Presidente Prudente downtown, where many types of uses occur in the same space with function of organization and reception of several fluxes generated because the centrality caused from downtown. In this context, is necessary re-project the squares, with new purpose of an urban and landscape project, which generates harmonic spaces of passage and permanence, which values the public edifications in the around areas and re-qualified the form of the squares, adapting to the new uses: To organize the public transportation traffic, the urban terminal; to organize the vehicles traffic, the lowering of the Avenue Coronel Marcondes and, mainly, to organize the traffic of pedestrian, the continuity and the physic integration of the squares, through new forms, urban furniture and design to the downtown public spaces
Neste trabalho socializo resultados produzidos a partir de uma proposta de pesquisa e intervenção desenvolvida com professoras do Ensino Fundamental I de uma escola pública do interior do estado de São Paulo. Fui coordenador de um curso de musicalização desenvolvido em dez encontros no contexto do HTPC (Horário de Trabalho Pedagógico Coletivo), e que ofereceu subsídios para a atuação dessas professoras em sala de aula. Assim, por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa, seguindo a metodologia de pesquisa de orientação sócio histórica, na qual o pesquisador e o pesquisado aprendem juntos “produzindo sentidos dos eventos observados” (FREITAS, 2003, p. 31), busquei refletir sobre a importância do processo formativo na área musical de professoras do Ensino Fundamental I, através da reflexão sobre a experiência formativa dessas professoras com as quais pesquisei. Os dados produzidos analisados no presente trabalho são falas e escritas das professoras coletadas no terceiro e no último encontro, respectivamente, na busca por compreender a potencialidade dos encontros para repensar na concepção de música e musicalização dos professores