492 resultados para Araraquara (SP) - História - 1908-1916


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The ageing process can change the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics parameters. Therefore, some medications are considered potentially inappropriate (PIM) for the elderly people, since they can increase the likelihood of occurrence of adverse drug events. The objectives are to estimate the frequency of use of PIM in the elderly people, with potentially hazardous drug interactions (PHDI) and to evaluate the impact of pharmaceutical intervention (PI) for the prescription of safer therapeutic alternatives. A cross-sectional study was performed in a Health Family Strategy (region of Araraquara, SP), between January and February/2012. The medical records of patients aged ≥60 years, that use at least one drug, were consulted for identification of PIM, according to the Beers criteria. The MPI identified were classified considering the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System (ATC) and the essentiality of the drug (safety, effectiveness, quality and cost parameters) The inclusion criteria were met by 358 elderly, being that 93 of them (26%) had taken at least one PIM. Of the 114 different drugs prescribed for elderly, ten were classified as PIM, of which four of them act on the central nervous system, four on cardiovascular system and two on the digestive tract. Seven MPI are essential medicines, belonging to national list of essential drugs (RENAME-2010). Fourteen drug interactions were identified, of which two are PHDI (fluoxetine/amitriptyline and digoxin/hydrochlorothiazide).After the PI, there was no change in medical prescriptions of patients with PIM use or with DI. Medical prescriptions of elderly attended in the Health Family Strategy show pharmacotherapeutic safety problems, of which may be responsible for health hazardous for this age group. Although the intervention carried out by letter had been ineffective for the adherence of doctors in prescribing safe alternatives, wide dissemination of the lists that contain PIM and PHDI is need, as well as the inclusion of safer equivalents in RENAME, in order to contribute for rational use of drugs.


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The pharmaceutical industry invests heavily in promoting their products, and studies suggest that these actions influence doctor’s prescribing. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the opinions and attitudes of doctors when facing promotional activities of the laboratories. To this end, questionnaires were sent to doctors in Araraquara (SP) containing statements on the subject. Data analysis included study of the association by the chi-square. The results indicated that physicians relate to the propagandists (98%) by considering them useful (55%), but not as a main source update (86%). For 62% of them their prescriptions are not influenced by such relationships, while 24% disagree that doctors in general are influenced as well as new graduates (37%). The majority also disagrees that are influenced by amenities (86%) or free samples (70%) but only 38% believe their colleagues are not influenced by the samples. As for the ethics of these receipts, 57% considered to be appropriate when benefit patients, but only 32% while for personal use. The results show that doctors are vulnerable to the influences of marketing. Therefore, mechanisms and interventions are needed for prescribing drugs solely by criteria of effectiveness, safety, convenience and accessibility to the patient.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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As formigas do gênero Cephalotes, rapidamente identificadas por suas operárias polimórficas de cutícula resistente e cabeça achatada possuem seu sucesso ecológico creditado à sua dieta predominantemente generalista e nidificação em cavidades pré-existentes de troncos de árvores. Possuem hábitos exclusivamente arborícolas e ocorrem nos trópicos e subtrópicos do Novo Mundo possuindo ampla distribuição geográfica. O grupo apresenta uma interessante associação com microorganismos. No presente trabalho foi feita a caracterização molecular e estudo de relações filogenéticas do gênero através da amplificação e sequenciamento de fragmento do gene 28S do DNA Nuclear de três populações localizadas em Rio Claro-SP e São José do Rio Preto-SP de duas espécies de Cephalotes: C. pusillus e C. clypeatus. Também foi feito o levantamento da ocorrência e frequência do endossimbionte Wolbachia em sete populações de Cephalotes localizadas em São José do Rio Preto-SP, Guaraci-SP, São Carlos-SP, Araraquara-SP, Delfinópolis-MG e Rio Claro-SP; abrangendo três espécies: C. pusillus, C. clypeatus e C. atratus. Esse levantamento foi realizado com a utilização de ferramentas moleculares para a análise do gene codificador da proteína de superfície de membrana do endossimbionte, o wsp. Para analises de filogenia e também do endossimbionte, foi realizada a extração do DNA total de operárias, a amplificação do gene através da técnica de PCR utilizando os primers já estabelecidos e em seguida, as amostras foram sequenciadas pelo método de Sanger. Os resultados obtidos mostraram relações monofiléticas dentro da subfamília Myrmicinae, a qual pertence o gênero Cephalotes. As análises do gene 28S trouxeram resultados otimistas no estudo da caracterização molecular do grupo. Os resultados da analise do endossimbionte corroboraram com estudos anteriores com outras espécies do gênero Cephalotes, onde ocorreu alta...


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In the present study, allele frequency distributions for the 15 STR loci included in the PowerPlex® 16 Systems (Promega) were obtained from a sample of 55 unrelated individuals living in Araraquara region (SP, Brazil). The frequency of each allele for each locus tested, the exact test and the forensic and paternity parameters were calculated using POWERSTATS ver. 1.2 (Promega) and GENEPOP ver. 3.2 software. All loci are in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and they reached a combined power discrimination of 0.999999999999999973 and combined power exclusion of 0.99999987, showing to be a powerful tool for paternity testing and individual identification in the population analyzed. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE