273 resultados para Narrativa contemporânea
From the reading of contemporary Portuguese fiction, after the Carnation’s Revoluction, in 1974, we can observe an opening in the literary and academic ambiences to the treatment of themes, silenced before for the New State despotism. Considering the postmoderns proposals of reviewing the canon, we mark the necessity of a homoerotism inclusion as one of the most fundamental theme for the comprehension of the actual literary production in Portugal.
This essay will describe the italian women who dedicated their novels and tales in the nineth Century to the people and the brazilian culture. I intend to remark the female point of view of these writers, very different of the others writers which novels and tales described only the exotic and pitoresc. Keywords Italian writers; Brazilian characters; female point of view; Italian novels of the 20th century.
Th e anthology La ricerca della radice written by Primo Levi allows the reader to understand the intellectual infl uences received throughout his life. Th e aim of this paper is to establish analytic relation between the authors contained in the personal anthology of Primo Levi and his historical narrative about Auschwitz.
As an alternative to improve the adaptation of prefabricated posts in flared canals and weakened roots, the option is for relining prefabricated pin, known as a technique of anatomical post. This technique, which can be made with composite resin increases the adjustment post to the walls of the canal and reduces the cementing line, causing the retaining post is less dependent on the mechanical properties of the cementing agent. This article aims to provide an overview of anatomical posts, specifically in the last two decades, based on studies extracted from Scielo, Scopus and Pubmed, referring to the following terms of MeSH Data Base: custom made fiber post, indirect fiber glass posts, root canal therapy and post and core tecnique. According to the literature review in this article, it can be concluded that this technique has been used by several authors and has been shown effective and promising, it creates an individualized retainer with better adaptation and decreased mechanical imbrication cementing line .
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Lygia Fagundes Telles elegeu em sua ficção temas instigantes como o fantástico e o insólito, ao lado de elementos relacionados aos problemas sociais e individuais. Manifestando a influência de autores brasileiros e estrangeiros, de Machado de Assis a Henry James, a autora assimilou novas formas para representar na narrativa breve o indivíduo solitário na cidade ou impotente na barbárie contemporânea. Este trabalho revisita exemplos da força dessa maturidade literária nos contos, assinalando a utilização das estruturas para evidenciar conteúdos temáticos.
One of the roles allocated to the elderly is to be the collective memory of their social group, transmitting their cultural heritage. In our work with seniors, entitled "Workshop of Psychology", carried in the University for the Elderly (UNESP - Assis), we privilege a space in which these memories gain materiality and senses through polysemic narrative. In the workshops with a group of 30 seniors, we record the stories told that the word can be incorporated in the group and the university. For the elderly, the rescue of the past through the narrative experience provides a space for dialogue from their memories and reinterpretation of the past and present. To a psychologist, is the opportunity for a differentiated practice that seeks to remember to remember, but this is a political act of confrontation with the present, questioning the social role of older people today.
The conducts that occur in the context of intersubjectivity are arranged from unconscious psychological fields which influence individual and collective practices. Therefore, it becomes important to consider the collective imagination of psychology students as this may interfere about the exercise of their clinical practice. The aim of this study was to investigate the collective imaginary of psychology students about the clinical practice with patients considered difficult in the analytic setting. Based on the psychoanalytic method, this research utilized the Procedure of Drawings-Stories with Theme in group interview, for the purpose of discuss on the vicissitudes of contemporary clinical work with these patients. In the present study, participated eight undergraduates of the eighth semester of a psychology course.The resulting material of the interview constituted by drawings-stories and the narrative was psychoanalytically analyzed, in the light of the Multiple Fields Theory proposed by Herrmann and in dialogue with the winnicottian thought, allowing to apprehend the follows fields of affective-emotional meaning: “Insecurity”, “Perfect Therapist”, “Mutuality”, “Experience”, “Negation of Madness” and “Madness as tal”. In general the imaginary manifestations of psychology students constitute the analytic relationship with the difficult patients by mobilizing feelings of insecurity, distress, anxiety, incapacity and helplessness.
The Italian writer Antonio Tabucchi (Pisa-1943, Lisbon-2012) is considered by the critic as one of the most representative voices in the contemporary European literature. The Literature, according to Tabucchi, exerts a fundamental role in society and it, still according to the writer, must cause disquietude, evoke doubts, raise questions and not tranquilize people’s mind. Thereby, it’s noticed that it’s one of the reasons why the tabucchian narrative incessantly dialogues with Luigi Pirandello’s and Fernando Pessoa's poetics, establishing a great fictional game in wich the people, the truths, the history and the world are shown, at the least, duplicated.
The objetive of this article is discuss the question of difference and alterity presents in analyzes of contemporary society conducted by the polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman. The author observed that human relations are guided by a logic of cost-benefit connected with values of present in the discardability of consumer society. At the same time, it has built ways of eliminating difference through the construction of a politics of expulsion of those considered strangers. For the author, the cities are the materialization of the ambivalence of live with the other people in contemporary times, being the locus of experience approach and retraction to the other expressed by fear of the difference. The result of this process is the impoverishment relational, the feeling of loneliness and an ethical-political crisis seen that could be seen from the primacy of the private/intimate rather than the public dimention/action.
This article analyzes the human bonds in the context of contemporary society from the work of the polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman. Taking as starting point the bond of friendship and relational virtualization process motivated by the development of new technologies, it was observed the occurrence in the present world an affective-relational impoverishment. As an alternative to this, it is argued the exercise of building and maintenance of dense bonds that provide an alternative to the bind model of momentary satisfaction, this time marks. Finally, it is indicated that the discussion of friendship necessarily imply on the problematization of contemporary ethics which will provide the foundation for building a new affective political.
This paper presents a brief reflection on the survey done by the group Research group “Approaches in Studies of Arts, History, Linguistics and Literature Japanese translation and autochthon oral tradition-European”, where there was a significant number of translations of Japanese contemporary works. The most translated authors traced in outline the main characteristics which of we perceive similarities possibly attract by the Brazilian reader. In this addendum to reflect on the application of the literature on the bias of the communicative approach in the teaching and learning of the Japanese language.
This paper presents a non-heterosexual young lady s Narrative Life History. By presenting it, we aim to understanding how desire, (in)visibility and the processes of exclusion are articulated in relation to the experience of homoeroticism, especially within the family. By this, we are able to point out some homophobic aspects, modes of how the device of closet operates and how some expectations and demands exert pressures over a non-heterosexual member in the family. In this case study, the way her family lived her sexuality depended on a strong family ties, such as: the secret about sexuality. Such secret, according to our hypothesis, was produced and preserved by homophobia which served as the major aspect on the construction of gender and (dis)unity of the family. This work is part of a in progress doctoral thesis, sponsored by FAPESP Fundação para o Amparo à Pesquisa no Estado de São Paulo.
This research was done by a theoretical investigation about the moment when a child starts to go to education places like a school before the obligatory age of usual education, here called Precocious Institutionalization, and the changings that it results at the productions of subjectivity, at the relationship between children and family, specially the maternity in the society. Using theory references of Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari, was done the analysis with the help of cartography. As a result, there is a kind of map of the way that the human subjectivity is produced by two different society strategies, the disciplinary society integrated with the control society using biopolitics inside the contemporary questions to increase capitalism system.