238 resultados para Antônio Gonçalves Dias


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Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da frequência de oferta de suplementos proteicos sobre as características nutricionais de bovinos de corte em pastejo durante o período de seca. Utilizaram-se cinco novilhos mestiços Nelore nãocastrados, com peso médio inicial de 290 kg, fistulados no esôfago e rúmen e distribuídos em delineamento quadrado latino 5 × 5. A área experimental foi composta de cinco piquetes de Brachiaria decumbens, cada um com 0,40 hectare. O experimento foi composto de cinco períodos experimentais de 15 dias, com os sete primeiros dias destinados à adaptação dos animais. As estratégias estudadas foram autocontrole de consumo e oferta de suplementos (1,0 kg/dia) em três frequências: 3 vezes/semana (às segundas, quartas e sextas-feiras), 5 vezes/semana (de segunda a sexta-feira), 6 vezes/semana (de segunda a sábado) e diariamente. Não houve efeito das frequencias de suplementação sobre os consumos expressos em kg/dia ou % PV. A frequência de suplementação teve efeito nas digestibilidades aparentes total e ruminal da MS e da PB, que foram maiores nos animais do grupo autocontrole. Os valores médios de pH observados no dia em que os animais não receberam suplemento foram de: 6,54±0,13; 6,48 ± 0,15 e 6,61 ± 0,07, respectivamente, para as frequências 3 vezes/semana, 5 vezes/semana e 6 vezes/semana. A concentração do NH3 foi 14,65 ± 5,78; 13,57 ± 5,30 e 15,30 ± 4,98 mg/dL de líquido ruminal, respectivamente, para as frequências 3 vezes/semana, 5 vezes/semana e 6 vezes/semana nos dias em que os animais não receberam suplemento. As eficiências microbianas e as concentrações de nitrogênio na urina e no soro sanguíneo são afetadas pelas estratégias estudadas e maiores nos animais alimentados com suplemento autocontrole.


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O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho reprodutivo e zootécnico e a deposição de lipídios no tecido hepático de machos de tilápia-do-nilo alimentados com rações contendo diferentes níveis de energia digestível, obtidos com a inclusão de óleo de soja. Foram utilizados 400 reprodutores (300 fêmeas e 100 machos) distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, composto de cinco níveis de energia digestível (2.700, 2.950, 3.200, 3.450 e 3.700 kcal.kg de ração-1) e quatro repetições. Os reprodutores foram alimentados com rações contendo 35% de proteína bruta e submetidos ao manejo reprodutivo em hapas por 101 dias. O melhor resultado de concentração espermática e percentual de espermatozoides normais foram obtidos para reprodutores alimentados com rações contendo 3.465,56 e 3.443,43 kcal. kg de ração-1, que produziram 7,98 × 10(9) espermatozoides.mL de sêmen-1 e 38,98% de espermatozoides normais, respectivamente. A produção de sêmen, o pH seminal, o índice de sobrevivência espermática e o tempo de ativação espermática não foram afetados pelos níveis energéticos das rações. Os níveis de energia das rações não influenciaram o desempenho zootécnico dos peixes, mas promoveram aumento linear na deposição de lipídios nos hepatócitos e afetaram a qualidade seminal, estimulando a produção de espermatozoides e a melhora dos índices de normalidade da morfologia espermática em níveis energéticos próximos a 3.450 kcal. kg de ração-1.


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Avaliou-se neste estudo o efeito do estresse, via administração de ACTH (hormônio adrenocorticotrófico), sobre a quantidade e qualidade do leite produzido e a indicação de estresse pela alteração no nível de cortisol. Assim, 12 cabras lactantes foram distribuídas em dois grupos: seis animais receberam aplicação de 0,06 UI de ACTH/kg de PV (desafiadas) e seis receberam solução placebo (controle), todas via intravenosa. O desafio ocorreu ao longo da lactação, com aplicação do protocolo aos 30, 60, 120 e 180 dias do início da lactação, avaliando-se em cada data os níveis de cortisol 30 minutos antes, no ato da aplicação, 60, 120 e 300 minutos depois. A produção leiteira foi mensurada diariamente durante 270 dias e, a cada 20 dias, o leite foi colhido para contagem de células somáticas (CCS) pelo método direto. Os teores de cortisol mensurados em -30 e 0 minuto antes da aplicação de ACTH foram baixos e semelhantes entre os grupos. Entretanto, a partir de 60 minutos, constatou-se efeito da aplicação de ACTH, com teor de cortisol de 61,37±6,65 versus 5,47±1,21 ng/mL e de 51,17±10,21 versus 4,67±1,21 ng/mL aos 120 minutos. Aos 300 minutos, o cortisol retornou ao nível basal. Não houve diferença na produção de leite, no teor de proteína e de gordura do leite, cujos valores nos grupos ACTH e Placebo foram 1,37±0,59 e 1,38±0,63 kg de leite, respectivamente. A contagem de células somáticas não foi influenciada pelo estresse e apresentou valores situados na faixa indicada para animais sadios. Constatou-se estresse pontual em decorrência da aplicação de ACTH, porém sem alterações de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa do leite produzido, e isso indica que atividades de manejo que estressam os animais pontualmente não trazem prejuízos ao sistema produtivo.


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Relationships of several reproductve traits and milk yield were studied in 716 Gyr cows at Sant'Ana da Serra farm, Mococa, State of São Paulo, a humid tropical climate region. Mean age at first calving was 49.8 +/- 0.4 months, with a coeficient of cariation (C. V.) of 20.8%. Only year of parturition significantly affected age at first calving (P < 0.01). Heritability, estimated from paternal half-sib correlations, was 0.91 +/- 0.20, a value considered unrealistically high. Overall mean gestation length was 287.7 +/- 0.5 days (C. V. = 3.3%) for 419 observations, with month and year of parturition having significant effects. Heritability estimate was 0.30 +/- 0.14. Overall mean dry period for 1.276 observations was 238 +/- 3 days (C. V. = 48%); repeatability estimate was 0.19 +/- 0.06. Estimated annual genetic trend for dry period was -0.6 days, phenotypic trend was 11.5 days, and environmental trend, 12.1 days. Month and year of parturition and cow age had no significant effect on dry period. Highest milk yield was obtained at fourth lactation. The gross correlation between milk yield and gestation period was 0.11, and between previous dry period and subsequent milk yield, 0.16. Normal gestations of 285 to 290 days were associated with higher milk yields. Milk yield increased as dry period advanced from 30 to 390 days, and declined as dry period continued beyond 390 days. Delays in first mating and a more extensive dry period decreased reproductive efficiency in the herd studied.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The performance of broilers reared at different temperatures and fed diet with or without yeast extract and/or prebiotic in the starter phase was evaluated. One thousand, four hundred and forty 1-d male Cobb-500 (R) were reared at different climatic chambers. The diets with or without yeast extract or prebiotic were fed only in the starter phase (1 to 7 days), and from the 8(th) day on all broiler were fed the same commercial diet. It was used a complete randomized experimental design, as a 3 x 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, with 3 rearing temperatures (high 34 +/- 1 degrees C, control 32 +/- 2 degrees C and low 27 +/- 2 degrees C), 2 yeast extract level (with or without) and 2 prebiotic level (with or without). High and low temperatures decreased the performance of brids at 7 and 21 days old. The inclusion of prebiotic in the pre-starter phase increased weight gain of birds under low temperature at 21 days old and the viability until 21 days old. The inclusion of yeast extract increase feed conversion at 21 days old.


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This paper analyses the dew occurrence in Botucatu, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, in the period from 1971 to 1984. The phenomenon was observed on the grass plot of the Climatological Station in the 'Presidente Medici' Experimental Farm. The station is installed on soil 'Terra Roxa Estruturada', on a middle slope, declivity of 8% and east exposure. Days with dew were summed for the following periods: month, year, season, no rainy period and rainy period. For each period the following values were calculated: mean, mean standard errors and mean confidence interval. Also the absolute extreme values and the amplitude of variation were determined. The confidence interval of the mean were calculated by the 't' statistic, at the level of 5% of error probability. The means were compared by using the 't' statistic, at the level of 5% of error probability. The following table of values corresponds to the regime of dew occurrence in Botucatu, expressed in number of days with dew. The dew occurrence regime in Botucatu was analysed comparatively with the regime at Itatinga, in Sao Paulo State and with the regime of Rio Grande, in Rio Grande do Sul State. -English summary


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This work was carried out in order to evaluate if there was a relationship between genotypes and the physiological soybean (Glycine max L.) seed quality. It was conducted during three years using seven cultivars each year. The seeds were harvested at: 1) yellow radicle or expanded pod stage, 2) yellow pod or physiological maturity (R7), 3) harvest maturity (R8), and 4) R8 + 21 days delay. Seed moisture content, standard germination, and vigor tests were performed. The germination and vigor evaluated by accelerated aging and electrical conductivity did not show physiological seed quality differences among genotypes as harvested at physiological maturity. Then, the evaluation of seed germination and vigor, when the environment is not a considered factor, is not an efficient method to show differences among soybean genotypes in terms of seed quality.


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Considering the severity of Hg intoxication to human health and the frequent use of the metal in gold prespection on Brazilian Amazonia, an extensive project in being developed in order to quantify such conditions in two indigenous Kayapo populations, inhabitants of South of Para State, Gorotire and Djudjetikitire. This paper reports evolution of this contamination on mothers and babies. During puerperium, it was registered both an important decline on dosimetric values observed before in pregnancy and the occurrence of expressive levels in the babies. Such data are discussed based on contemporary medical-biologic conceptions, since it raises conceptual review of the matter.


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The PKC1 gene in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes protein kinase C that is known to control a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade consisting of Bck1, Mkk1 and Mkk2, and Mpk1. This cascade affects the cell wall integrity but the phenotype of Pkc1 mutants suggests additional targets which have not yet been identified. We show that a pkc1Δ mutant, as opposed to mutants in the MAP kinase cascade, displays two major defects in the control of carbon metabolism. It shows a delay in the initiation of fermentation upon addition of glucose and a defect in derepression of SUC2 gene after exhaustion of glucose from the medium. After addition of glucose the production of both ethanol and glycerol started very slowly. The V max of glucose transport dropped considerably and Northern blot analysis showed that induction of the HXT1, HXT2 and HXT4 genes was strongly reduced. Growth of the pkc1Δ mutant was absent on glycerol and poor on galactose and raffinose. Oxygen uptake was barely present. Derepression of invertase activity and SUC2 transcription upon transfer of cells from glucose to raffinose was deficient in the pkc1Δ mutant as opposed to the wild-type. Our results suggest an involvement of Pkc1p in the control of carbon metabolism which is not shared by the downstream MAP kinase cascade. © 2002 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Chromobacterium violaceum is one of millions of species of free-living microorganisms that populate the soil and water in the extant areas of tropical biodiversity around the world. Its complete genome sequence reveals (i) extensive alternative pathways for energy generation, (ii) ≈500 ORFs for transport-related proteins, (iii) complex and extensive systems for stress adaptation and motility, and (iv) wide-spread utilization of quorum sensing for control of inducible systems, all of which underpin the versatility and adaptability of the organism. The genome also contains extensive but incomplete arrays of ORFs coding for proteins associated with mammalian pathogenicity, possibly involved in the occasional but often fatal cases of human C. violaceum infection. There is, in addition, a series of previously unknown but important enzymes and secondary metabolites including paraquat-inducible proteins, drug and heavy-metal-resistance proteins, multiple chitinases, and proteins for the detoxification of xenobiotics that may have biotechnological applications.


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The effective activity of the pectoralis major and deltoideus anterior muscles in horizontal flyer exercises with external loads of 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the maximum load was studied in 11 male volunteers. The electromyographic analysis was done by using MEDI-TRACE-200 surface electrodes connected to a biological signal acquisition mode coupled to a PC/AT computer. The electromyographic signals were processed and the values obtained were normalized through maximum voluntary isometric contraction. It was statistically observed that in all types and loads of this exercise, the muscles presented significant differences in the concentric and eccentric phases. In the concentric phase, when different loads were compared, the muscles were more active with 75 and 100% of the maximum load, while in the eccentric phase, higher activity was observed with 100% of the maximum load. By analyzing each load effect in the concentric phase, it was verified that the muscles on the left side were more active than those on the right side with 25, 75 and 100% of the maximum load.


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Hygienic behavior is a desirable trait in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.), as hygienic bees quickly remove diseased brood, intermpting the infectious cycle. Hygienic lines of honey bees appear to be more sensitive to the odors of dead and diseased honey bee brood, and Africanized honey bees are generally more hygienic than are European honey bees. We compared the number of sensilla placodea, antennal sensory structures involved in the perception of odor, in 10 bees from each of six hygienic and four non-hygienic colonies of Africanized honey bees. The sensilla placodea of three of the terminal segments (flagellomeres) of the right antenna of each bee were counted with a scanning electron microscope. There were no significant differences in the mean numbers of sensilla placodea between the hygienic and non-hygienic bees, though the variance was higher in the hygienic group. Flagellomere 4 had significantly more sensilla placodea than flagellomeres 6 and 8. However, there was no significant difference between the other two flagellomeres. As hygienic bees are capable of identifying dead, injured, or infested brood inside a capped brood cell, sensilla placodea probably have an important role in enabling worker bees to sense sick brood. However, we did not find greater numbers of this sensory structure in the antennae of hygienic, compared to non-hygienic Africanized honey bees.