359 resultados para Preweaning average daily gain


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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For a lamb feedlot system became competitive it is essential that an equilibrate nutrition and functional feeding management happens naturally. Therefore, this experiment has the objective to evaluate the efficiency of whole corn grain diet on lambs performance and carcass quality parameters and ruminal papillae development. During the experiment twenty Dorper/Santa Inescrossbred lambs were used, divided randomly in two treatments: control diet and whole grain diet. The experimental design was completely randomized design and data analysis done by SISVAR using the Tukey test at 5% of probability. No statistical differences were observed on the characteristics evaluated for performance and carcass as well as the length and width of ruminal papillae. The composition of the diet together with the weight gain potential of the lambs can explain the good average daily weight gain of 0.284 kg. The initial body condition average was 2.1 (thin) and improved at the end of the trial period achieving3.15 (normal). Carcass yield reached 46.24%, the results is between the range ideal for specialty meat breeds ranging from 40 to 50%. The carcass conformation, fat cover conformation and the thickness of subcutaneous fat found can be classified as medians. Also there was no difference in the characteristics of ruminal papillae. Thus, it is concluded that the use of whole grain diet did not influence the characteristics evaluated; and the choice of diet should be made with regard to profitability, simplicity of use and availability of forage in feedlot. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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The aim of this study was to compare the following four genetic groups of hair sheep: Santa Inês (SI), Morada Nova (MN), Brazilian Somali (BS), and the F1 1/2Dorper x 1/2Morada Nova crossbreed on traits related to growth and parasitic infection. Thirty-three male lambs of the same age and of simple birth, under the same pre-weaning management conditions were used in the experiment. After weaning the animals were housed in a completely randomized design in paddocks made of Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania. Along the course of the research, the performance of the four groups of sheep was observed to be negatively affected by gastrointestinal parasites, but there was a genotype effect to the average daily weight gain (ADWG), where the SI and F1 genotypes presented higher values. The effects of genotype, time and genotype x time interaction were significant in weight and corporal score (CS) measurements. The BS lambs had the highest CS values throughout the experiment despite not presenting greater weight gain when compared to the SI and F1 breeds. There were also significant effects of time and genotype x time interaction for packed cell volume (PCV) and FAMACHA© score (FAM) and only the time effect was significant in the total number of eggs per gram (EPG) and total plasma protein (TPP). The MN lambs showed higher PCV values and unlike the other groups, presented a FAMACHA© score below 3 and PCV above 23% even having a higher EPG tendency, especially in the initial phase, indicating a possible higher resilience to infection caused by gastrointestinal parasites.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective was evaluate the phenotypic correlations among visual scores, performance traits and scrotal circumference of the polled Nelore cattle performance tests. Animals of the fifth, sixth, seventh official performance test in pasture were analysed. At the end of each test period the following measures were taken: adjusted weight to 550 days, gain weight, visual score (body structure; precocity and muscle) and scrotal circumference. The musculature, precocity and body structure showed significant positive correlations (P <0.01) with gain weight, adjusted average daily weight to 550 days, scrotal circumference and chest circumference. However, only hip height showed a significant positive correlation with muscularity. Therefore, in polled Nelore cattle, regards to performance test in pasture, the visual scores show positive correlation with the performance traits and scrotal circumference, showing that visual scores is important tool in the polled Nelore Cattle performance test.


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In order to evaluate the effect of levels of supplementation with concentrate containing 25 % CP and 3.18 Mcal kg-1 MS-1 for feeder lambs on pasture in private about the weight and performance in different ages, the onset of puberty and reproductive performance, 21 Suffolk lambs were used, divided into three batches, with and without supplementation, fed from birth to weaning with two levels of intake of concentrate (300 and 600 g-1 day) given once a day with the daily record of leftovers. The lambs were identified, weighed at birth and every 30 days and were weaned at 60 days. There was no significant difference in weight and average daily weight gain at 30 days old. The weight and average daily weight gain were influenced by the level of food supplementation. The lot with the consumption of 600g showed superior performance to the other lots at 60 and 120 days old. For lots of 300 grams or without supplementation there was no difference for the parameters analyzed. The availability of 600 g per day of concentrate for lambs until weaning promoted greater average daily weight gain at 60 and 120 days of life and better reproductive performance in the second year of copulation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Forty-three animals of three genotypes, wich 13 Alpine (8 males and 5 females), 9 ½ Boer + ½ Alpine (4 males and 5 females) e 21 ¾ Boer + ¼ Alpine (11 males and 10 females), wich 21 received rbST and 22 control.The growth hormone used was the bovine recombinant somatotropin (rbST) and the animals of treatment 1 received the hormone in the adjusted amount from 0,3 mg/kg of live weight in intervals of 14 days. Animals of treatment 2 (control) had received saline solution in the same dosage and interval. There was no influence of the recombinant bovine somatotropin in the evaluated characteristics of performance. Males had been higher to females in weight gain of application of hormone to 120 days of age, as well as in daily average weight gain of 60 to 90, 90 to 120 and of application to 120 days of age. Weight to 90 and 120 days of age of females had been smaller in relation to males.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O crescimento e desenvolvimento de uma planta dependem da intensidade, qualidade e duração da radiação solar. Por esse fator ser de importância vital às plantas, o presente trabalho objetivou fazer uma avaliação sobre sua variação, bem como sobre a sua disponibilidade no interior do ambiente protegido durante o ciclo do tomateiro nas estações verão-outono em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. O experimento foi conduzido de janeiro a junho de 2003 no Campus da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (latitude 31°52'S; longitude 52°21'W e altitude de 13m), em estufa plástica disposta no sentido Leste-Oeste, com área de 180m². A cultivar utilizada foi Flora-dade, semeada em 24/01/03, transplantada no dia 28/02/03, sendo a última colheita em 12/06/03. Avaliou-se a radiação solar global externa (Rgext) e interna (Rgint), transmitância, radiação fotossinteticamente ativa (RFA) e o albedo da cultura a partir de sensores eletrônicos conectados a um datalloger. Durante o ciclo da cultura, o total de Rgext foi 1161,21MJ m-2, enquanto a Rgint foi 881,85MJ m-2. A Rgint e a RFA apresentaram valores médios diários de 8,5MJ m-2 dia-1 e 3,4MJ m-2 dia-1, respectivamente. A transmitância média da cobertura plástica à radiação solar global foi de 76%. O albedo médio diário da cultura foi 0,23, com albedo de 0,17 nos estádios iniciais, 0,26 no período de máximo crescimento e 0,23 no final do ciclo.