282 resultados para Fluxos Ópticos
Este trabalho é uma proposta de metodologia para design de agroecossistemas, tendo como experimento o Sítio Beira Serra em Botucatu(SP). Com base nos princípios da Permacultura foi analisado o contexto da área por meio de um estudo do ecossistema e da história da família e da cidade; os fluxos energéticos que influenciam no ecossistema; os elementos que fazem parte do sistema para que através de um zoneamento, criar novas relações entre os sistemas de produção com o objetivo de apresentar a viabilidade comercial de um sistema de produção sustentável em pequena escala
The paper presented is aimed at analyzing the core functions of Presidente Prudente by demand and scope determined by the supply and distribution of goods and services (jobs and educational institutions). For this purpose, we tried to explore the daily flows of people from cities in agglomeration process with Presidente Prudente, as well as other more distant locations, forming what is recognized as Commuting movements. The core functions of medium-sized cities have increased significantly in the Brazilian urban network, spatial interactions occurring in these spaces with more intensity in metropolises. At the core of this research was undertaken literature review on the subject and preliminary surveys data, especially the data in the study called Region of Influence of Cities - Regic-IBGE, revealing joints between the various urban spaces analyzed. This research is developed in level undergraduates and was funded by CNPq and currently FAPESP
Man can transform the nature according to their needs through technique which enables agriculture, cattle raising, constructions of buildings for housing, transport routes, etc. This action has brought significant transformations to the environment, and relief is one of the most changed elements, mainly at urban areas, which concentrates most of the Brazilian population. In these areas geomorphologic systems have undergone alterations in their flow of matter and energy by the action of man. Thus, it is possible o understand the action of man as geomorphologic action, nowadays, the tecnógeno, since the human action can interfere qualitatively and quantitatively in the input and output of these systems. The anthropic geomorphology has contributed to the analyses of the effects due to the urbanization at the form and at the geomorphologic process in the urban watersheds, indicating the transformations at the shape of the relief and the alterations due to the acceleration of the flow of matter and energy. From these questions, this study had the main diagnose the anthropogenic changes of the relief at the basin of Corrego do Jardim São João, Araras (SP), comparing two scenes, 1997 and 2006, through geomorphological mapping evolutionary in the area. The geomorphological feature altered at the basin are directly linked to the use of soil, mainly at the urban use, which caused effects in the relief at the studied area, making possible to define periods of the urban evolution and impacts caused by the urbanization. Among the changes it was found the decrease of the topographic breaks and at the riverbed channels, as the increase of the accumulation of the plain and riverbed terrace. The elaboration of a letter of the legal restrictions of the basin make possible to evaluate some of the environmental urban problems that occur, which are due to the occupation of the relief in the areas of permanent preservation that brings significant impacts to...
The use of heat in parallel with relative low temperatures and applied to several areas of the industry is essential for the main manufacturing processes, like drying, dehydrating, concentration, annealing, production of chemical reactions, and microbiological sterilization. Without neither the heat nor the coming of a great quantity of thermal heat, with high quality, there would not be the “modern society”, with its high standards of living plus its high consumption levels; from services to goods in general. Within an almost absolute way, the heat flows are obtained from vapor systems. Thus, in this work we are going into the operation of a vapor system, composed of two firetube boilers dimensioned to supply vapor for three processes. However, with the transfer of one of the processes to another plant, the system got over-dimensioned. But, taking advantage of this scenario, the two boilers were used to supply vapor to further processes, causing their intermittent usage. Moreover, the operational alternative adopted by the maintenance engineering of the plant for a creating a solution has been presented; both the positive points and negative ones were disclosed, likewise the possibility of improvement points
A concentração de dióxido de carbono (CO2) global eleva-se a cada ano, isso deve-se a um desequilíbrio entre as taxas de emissão deste gás por atividades antropogênicas e fontes naturais e a taxa que a biosfera e oceanos o removem da atmosfera. O CO2 é um importante constituinte químico do ambiente, pois este é um gás que aprisiona radiação infravermelha emitida pela superfície da Terra, contribuindo, assim, para a manutenção da temperatura global necessária a vida. As alterações na concentração de CO2 na atmosfera afetam inúmeros animais que dependem que estas estejam altamente controladas para poderem sobreviver. Em abelhas Apis mellifera valores elevados de temperatura ou níveis de CO2 dentro da colméia podem ter efeitos deletérios. Estes insetos são considerados bioindicadores naturais, pois apresentam diferenças fisiológicas conforme as condições do ambiente, sendo utilizadas na avaliação de efeitos a várias substâncias presentes no meio. Atualmente uma das técnicas utilizadas para a avaliação do efeito de estímulos externos é a utilização da marcação da proteína c-Fos através da expressão do gene c-fos, que indicam tanto a existência de atividade celular como também possibilita a identificação de áreas cerebrais determinadas. Esta proteína foi utilizada com o intuído de verificar se concentrações elevadas de gás carbônico são capazes de alterar as funções cerebrais da abelha Apis mellifera, comprometendo sua atividade de orientação e, conseqüentemente seu forrageamento. Marcações positivas à proteína Fos foram observadas nas regiões dos lobos ópticos e ocelos tanto do grupo controle quanto dos grupos Resumo Jacob, C. R. O. 9 expostos ao gás dióxido de carbono para todas as idades coletadas, estes resultados estão relacionados com a...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The flux of Bolivian migrants to the city of São Paulo had its beginning in the 1950 decade, following bilateral agreements between Brazil and Bolivia, and was intensified since the beginning of 1980 decade, when existed a necessity of manpower in the textile sector of the city. The migratory fluxes previously stemmed of the North and Northeast regions of the country become less intense, having then the entrance of migrants coming from neighboring countries, the so called South Cone. The Bolivians leave their country in the search for better life conditions and find in São Paulo the possibility to insert them in the biggest concentration of financial capital in the Latin America. The objective of this research is to analyze the arrival of the Bolivian migrants to the city, having its locus of analysis the Brás region and the reflection about the foreigners that influenced the modification of the structure, both territorial and cultural, of the district and how is the relation between the Bolivians and the habitants previously established there
The Center squares of the middle cities many times don’t have adapted forms to the uses, which change time-to-time, then they turn abased. Through the study case of the Squares Monsenhor Sarrion and Nove de Julho, public squares on Presidente Prudente downtown, where many types of uses occur in the same space with function of organization and reception of several fluxes generated because the centrality caused from downtown. In this context, is necessary re-project the squares, with new purpose of an urban and landscape project, which generates harmonic spaces of passage and permanence, which values the public edifications in the around areas and re-qualified the form of the squares, adapting to the new uses: To organize the public transportation traffic, the urban terminal; to organize the vehicles traffic, the lowering of the Avenue Coronel Marcondes and, mainly, to organize the traffic of pedestrian, the continuity and the physic integration of the squares, through new forms, urban furniture and design to the downtown public spaces
The term model refers to any representation of a real system. The use of models in Hydrogeology can be valuable predictive tools for management of groundwater resources. The numeric models of groundwater flow, object of this study, consist on a set of differential equations that describe the water flow in the porous medium. In this context, numeric simulations were made for a sub-basin located at Cara Preta farm – Santa Rita do Passa Quatro – SP. The aquifer at the local is composed by rocks of Pirambóia Formation, which is part of Guarani Aquifer System. It was developed a conceptual model from previous studies in the area, and from that, simulations were made through the software Visual Modflow®. The conceptual model established previously was considered consistent through the results of simulation.
Sociedades sustentáveis pressupõem o uso de recursos naturais na medida em que o limite de capacidade de suporte dos sistemas naturais não seja ultrapassado. Neste contexto, o uso de indicadores de sustentabilidade se coloca no importante papel de operacionalização do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável. O método da Pegada Ecológica utiliza a conversão dos fluxos de matéria e energia utilizadas por uma população em áreas biologicamente produtivas para a provisão dos mesmos. No presente estudo, será feita uma aplicação deste método para a cidade de Rio Claro, contabilizando-se os principais itens e serviços consumidos pela população. Pretende-se inferir sobre a sustentabilidade na cidade, através da comparação entre a área apropriada para obtenção dos recursos consumidos e o próprio limite da área do município
In this work, it was studied the thermal and fluid dynamic behavior from theorical and experimental point of view of a blast furnace tuyere. The tuyere is responsible for the hot air insuflation into the blast furnace. The parameter used in the comparison was the difference between the cooling water inlet and outlet temperatures. There were used forced convection correlations inside circular sections with adequations for non circular sections. Based on operations dates of flux and thermal loads it was possible to model numerically the tuyere, and, since it was obtained the wall temperatures, estimate the conduction and convection resistances and the heat flux through the walls in contact with the water. The total heat fluxes from wall to water were applied to the energy conservation equation where could be estimated the theorical temperature variation. Compared to the real value, the theorical value presented a difference of 0,2 °C. Considering that the boundary conditions around the tuyere are transitories and that your channels have some rugosity irregularities we can consider the estimation method for cooling system coherent with the real operational parameters
Triacrylate resins are widely used to fabricate 3D microstructures, photonic crystals and optical devices. These resins can be doped with photosensitive materials like Disperse Red 1 (DR1), an Azo dye that changes its molecular configuration from trans to cis (photoisomerisation) with variations in their optical absorption spectrum when irradiated with ultraviolet or visible light. The reversibility of this process is thermally activated and occurs when the molecule remains at dark. In this work was prepared a 1:1 mixture of ethoxylated-6-trimethylolpropane (SR499) and tris-2-hydroxyethyl-isocyanurate (SR368) triacrylate resins, plus photoinitiator Lucirin TPOL, forming a UV curable polymeric matrix doped with DR1. Thin films were deposited onto glass slides by spin-coating technique. The films showed photochromic effect when illuminated with a low power diode laser (450 nm and 50mW/cm2). This effect is reversible after sample is left in dark. Thermochromic effect was evaluated by optical absorption measurements in the range of 40 to 140oC, heating the samples in-situ
This work aims to approach the Youth Studies to the Geography. It adressesYouth Sociability through the nightlife entertainment context, considering the spatiality and temporality of this phenomenon and its territorialization in urban space. For this, we made a case study of a Leisure Spot - a centrality formed by the cohesion of evening entertainment establishments, which serves as a reference of entertainment to their attenders and also to the residents of the city - located in the Jardim Bongiovani one of the university district of Presidente Prudente - SP. The study sought to reconstruct the historical process of formation and structuring of that spot, and know its current dynamics, based on Participant Observation. Thus, we sought to identify the social actors that were there and their spatial practices, its paths and streams, the reference group identity, and spatial references and territorializations in the Leisure Spot, and also the ways of the youth to gain visibility in this scenario of urban spectacle
A combinação de polímeros com nanopartículas de metais nobres resultam na formação de filmes finos, que podem ser utilizado na fabricação de nanosensores. Esses filmes finos possuem propriedades exclusivas, que causam ressonância plasmônica de superfície pela mudança conformacional dos mesmos. Essa variação conformacional é causada pela interação com analito ou por estímulo externo, podendo ser analisada por espectroscopia de absorção na região do UV-vis. Este simples e econômico meio de transdução do sinal apresenta-se como uma ferramenta bastante promissora, e se combinado com a alta seletividade encontrada em reações biológicas, torna-se ainda mais promissora no desenvolvimento de sensores. Os esforços desse projeto foram concentrados para o desenvolvimento dos sensores que respondam a estímulos externo e baseado na utilização de polímeros escovas. Este trabalho de conclusão de curso foi baseada na produção de sensores nanoplasmônicos, que na presença de fatores externos causam modificação estrutural dos filmes finos poliméricos depositados sobre um substrato e dão um resposta altamente seletiva. As mudanças conduzirão à geração de sinais ópticos ou eletroquímico, que serão medidos por transmissão de ressonância plasmônica de superfície ou via eletroquímica. Foram realizados experimentos de voltametria cíclica e impedância eletroquímica em pH=3 para avaliar a capacidade de eletródica deste material. Também foram efetuados experimentos por espectrofotometria de absorção na região de ultravioleta-visível em pHs variando de 3 a 7 para se analisar o efeito plasmônico do material. Pode-se notar que em pH mais ácidos o polímero se mostrou mais condutor e de acordo com a literatura este efeito é causado pela expansão polimérica que deixa o mesmo em seu estado ativo ON (expandido). Já em pH mais básicos os polímeros demonstraram um comportamento inverso por os mesmo se contraem, ...
Environrnental issues are in focus lately, mainly due to climate change that have been registered in recent decades. Some of these changes are attributed to the increased atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases induce, main1y due to anthropogenic emissions. These gases act by absorbing heat in the form of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the planet, and after a time interval, reissuing such radiation in various directions, including back to the surface, causing overheating of the same. Projections indicate that climate change wiIl tend to increase even more. Because of this, in recent years a number of studies are being conducted on the dynamics of inducers of greenhouse gases, especially C02, because that is primarily responsible for the development of that phenomenon. To better understand the flow of C02 are studied specific areas, as regions bordering the forests, soils that are under preparation for agriculture, urban areas, among others. Forests are an important sink for C02, because during the process of photosynthesis, this molecule is captured and used to obtain glucose. Thus, studies of the regions bordering the forests contribute enough to the understanding of the dynamics of C02. Because it requires a large amount of factors, the concentration of CO2 in a given location is very variable and this makes it much more difficult to understand their dynamics and, consequently, the action of the enhanced greenhouse effect. Being a relatively new area of study, there are many controversies about the consequences of the greenhouse effect, so that the community does not believe that climate change resulting from human action. According to them, such changes are merely natural phenomena and periodicals
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)