277 resultados para Estratégias e internacionalização


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We developed a case study aimed to identify and to analyze how the approach to teaching and learning strategies occurs in a science teaching degree course and what are the possible influences of this formation on the pedagogical practice of these educators. The analysis focused on documents, questionnaires and interviews with lecturers and students. There is reduced diversity of strategies in the disciplines of the specific area, with prevalence of expository classes and of laboratory, and the lecturers seem to believe that a good knowledge of specific content is enough for teaching. Despite that pedagogical disciplines do explore diverse practices, many students incorporate the academic view prevailing in the course, repeating the model of their lecturers. We stress the need for initial teacher training to take into account both aspects, the domain of the specific contents and the best ways to mediate them, forming intellectuals able to discuss and to redraw their educative actions in a perspective of transformation of the reality.


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The article analyses the possibilities of Geography concepts and categories to contribute to the notion of rural multi-functionality. It points out indications in the social-economic concepts development of small proprieties, emphasizing their relation to tourism. Thereby, the text aims at presenting theoretical and methodological elements of management of the geographic space, with the purpose of enabling the creation of tools which propitiate a support in the constructions of strategies of rural and local management.


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Based on functional theory, the text discusses the relations between spoken language and written language, defending not only the existence of a sole grammatical system for both, but also the relevance of studies contemplating specificities of use, some of these being more directed toward interaction, and others being more directed toward system. The investigation that aims to prove these premises used the chronicle as examination material, due to its linguistic colloquialism in general and due to the chronicler’s personal engagement, which involve linguistic strategies available for the expression of information and for the reader’s understanding. The investigation was concentrated on the discourse parenthesis, especially on its connection with the degree of language planning and with the creation of view plans and the establishment of emphasis. It was concluded that the resource of parenthesis both represents linguistic informality (which is more directed toward speaking) and shows the care with preparation and marking of style (which is more directed toward writing), illustrating specificities.


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The paper talks about the education of persons with disabilities severe mental retardation based on the idea of Reuven Feuerstein mediation. The collected data were analysed mainly under the focus quantitative, allowing extraction of details of everyday life investigated. Aims to describe and analyze the implementation process their educational, focusing on teaching strategies used by Special Education teachers in the Araraquara’s city. In addition, seeks to address the educational process of a population slightly investigated by uniting two strands of thread in an innovative way: the Theory of Structural Cognitive Modifiability (SCM) and Reuven Feuerstein education of students with severe cognitive impairment. The methodology initiated by the establishment of the teacher’s profile, their mapping and location. Data collection was achieved through three instruments: interviews with teachers, observation protocol and field diary for registration. Our results describe the work of a teacher, showing their practice, and enlist the pedagogical strategies used, mainly those related to the criteria medication. According to the Theory of Structural Cognitive Modifiability (SCM) and the idea of Mediated Learning Experience (MLE), the teacher acts as mediator, interposing themselves between stimuli the environment and the student. The work of the teacher observed indicates that the environment and the student. The work of the teacher observed indicates that she exerts her functions in teaching using pedagogical strategies which are found in her heart, precepts essential to mediation. This shows it is possible to associate the ideas of Feuerstein practices aimed at teaching students with severe mental disabilities.


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The questions that guide this article deal with the nation-State configuration and civil society organization, as well as the contours of the relation between both in the globalization context. As a qualitative change of internationalization, globalization brings to the social sciences field the discussion about its social impacts and the problematization about extinction of State. Thus, the article is guided by the debate between determined authors that deal with the analysis about new strategies of the State action, in order to understand where national States go, seeking to adapt themselves to the new context of Capital globalization.


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The Brazilian automotive industry has undergone profound changes during the 90’s decade, as a consequence of the market opening up through the liberation of automobile imports. The exposure of the Brazilian domestic market to competition with imported products of high quality and lower prices indicated the need for significant changes in those auto industries operating in this country, with the intention of making them competitive. To achieve these objectives management and production concepts were adopted, such as: the just-in-time philosophy; lean manufacturing; outsourcing; reengineering and increasing the rate of automation in both production and management systems. These changes helped to increase productivity and, in turn, reduced the level of employment in the sector, especially in activities where the required qualification levels were low. Despite this modernization, the Brazilian companies have committed themselves to meet the specific needs of the Brazilian market. The objective of this paper is to analyze and present manufacturing strategies from six manufacturers of automotive vehicles: Toyota in Japan, Fiat in Italy, Volkswagen in Brazil and Germany and General Motors in the U.S. and Brazil. The predominant method of research was from reviewing relevant literature, whereas the empirical data was analyzed qualitatively. The article seeks to identify the manufacturing strategies adopted by manufacturers located in the above countries, electing one automotive manufacturer to represent each country. The research demonstrated that the processes for production of automobiles in four plants located in, the U.S. (GM); Italy (Fiat); Japan (Toyota) and Germany (VW) are similar to those adopted in Brazilian industrial plants of the same companies (GM and VW), with differences of operations only in the business strategies adopted by each of them.


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The aim of this research is to analyze the extension of changes in technological strategies of a group of Brazilian pharmaceutical companies, which we believe were induced by transformations in the institutional environment during the 1990s. Major institutional changes, such as the enacting of laws that recognized drug patents rights and fostered generic drugs market, have strengthened the market insertion and competitive position of these companies, what would enable an increase in research and development efforts in Brazil. In addition to the literature on technology strategy and drug industry, this study was based on interviews with six Brazilian pharmaceutical companies, all of which were ranked among the top national companies in the industry and have been considered in previous studies particularly active in the process of changing technological strategies. This research confirmed a significant intensification of technology efforts carried out by Brazilian drug companies. Nevertheless, the R&D intensity is still far below the global pattern and innovative impacts are slight.


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This study, based on the model of Positive Behavior Support, aims to identify how 40 primary school directors describe the process of development, application, and evaluation of educational strategies for pupils with behavioral problems. The results from a questionnaire indicated that 77.5% of the directors had pupils with behavioral problems. The most commonly used educational strategies of intervention were to speak with the child (13.3%) or with the parents (13.3%). The most common action for evaluation was observation of the child (27.6%). In general, the study verified that the strategies were employed informally and unsystematically. These findings indicate that research about the inclusion of children with behavioral problems is needed and challenge to rethink about the educators professional training.


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Os sete textos aqui apresentados resultam de seleção realizada entre 296 trabalhos em outubro de 2013, durante o VII Congresso de Extensão Universitária da Unesp. Abrangem propostas inovadoras nas áreas de Direitos Humanos, Educação, Espaços Construídos, Política e Economia, Saúde e Tecnologia. O trabalho “Educação e Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA)” propõe preparar agentes sociais e professores da cidade de Rio Claro e região para que o trabalho com as crianças e adolescentes possa ser mais efetivo em relação à aplicabilidade do ECA e para fortalecer as redes de atendimento. Em “Cursinho Pré-Vestibular Gera Bixo” o objetivo é a redução do déficit educacional do aluno proveniente do ensino público. O trabalho relata que em oito anos de existência o cursinho aprovou mais de duzentos alunos em universidades públicas ou particulares com 100% de bolsa e que o índice de aprovações alcançou 47% em 2012. “O direito à habitação e o papel da universidade pública” discute a habitação enquanto direito social assegurado pela Constituição. Trata de pesquisas e propostas alternativas para a habitação social que possibilitem custos mais baixos. Os autores de “Transparência e controle social: a experiência do Observatório da Gestão Pública de Marília (SP)” relatam como o Observatório viabiliza a prática do controle social da gestão e a advocacia de ideias no âmbito do município de Marília. O trabalho “Atendimento aos pacientes do Centro de Oncologia Bucal da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba Unesp” tem como objetivo ampliar o número e os tipos de atendimento de pacientes portadores de patologias bucais, orientar os alunos nos procedimentos de exame clínico, complementares e cirúrgicos, visando ao diagnóstico e tratamento das patologias bucais. Utilizar a jardinagem e a horticultura na recuperação de pacientes com dependência química, alcoólatras e desabilitados do Núcleo de Saúde Mental (Cerdif), de Ilha Solteira foi a proposta de “Jardinagem como terapia ocupacional na recuperação de pacientes do Cerdif/Ilha Solteira (SP). Em “Equipamentos para promoção de melhor qualidade de vida de pessoas com deficiência motora” os autores partiram do censo de 2010, segundo o qual 13,17 milhões de brasileiros declararam-se portadores de algum tipo de deficiência grave. Para contribuir com essa população, o Grupo de Pesquisa Novas Tecnologias e Qualidade de Vida dos Deficientes Físicos tem fabricado diversos equipamentos voltados à tecnologia assistiva.


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In this paper we discuss the various ways of fighting for freedom developed mainly by women during the final period of slavery in the region of Campinas, State of Sao Paulo.


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The aim of the present study was to analyze the impact suffered by 40 people when discovering that one of their family members was diagnosed with cancer, to analyze their coping strategies and expectations towards the patient’s illness and future. The study made use of the Coping Strategies Inventory by Folkman and Lazarus. Results show that most of the patients’ caregivers are their married children, with an average age of 45.7 (dp=12.67), and gainfully employed. These family members reported the negative impact of the diagnosis, with the predominant feelings of sadness and fear of loss, even though they had a positive perspective about the future, expecting the patient’s recovery. As to the functional coping strategies, the most used were the resolution of problems, followed by social support; the least used was positive revaluation. As to the dysfunctional strategies, the most used ones were escape and avoidance and the least used was taking the responsibility for the illness. Conclusions are that despite suffering with the negative impact of the disease, the family members are optimistic about the patient’s future and seek to use strategies that solve the problem effectively, without blaming themselves for the patient’s illness.


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This article aims to present the results of a research about the links among homophobia, subjectivation processes and constructions of gender and sexual identities in a small city in the interior of São Paulo State. The main research question that guided us was: how homophobia regulates the desire and the “transit between the closets” among the so called gay people in a small city? To answer that question we made interviews that were analyzed and transformed into narratives of four cisgender men of different ages who call themselves homosexual or who have had homoerotic practices with other men. All participants live in the same city, do not know one another and have lived most of their lives city. We have problematized how these participants gave meaning to the experiences of regulation of their sexuality that have been aroused by homophobia and by the device of closet. Analyses indicated that the 'closet' can both regulate and oversee their lives, limiting their possibilities of desiring, but also may raise resistance, from which it is possible to establish a relationship with another ethical life, that is, producing other ways of life in the small city.


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This text aims to elucidate the textual processing strategies that give meaning to chronicle "The miracle of the leaves", of Clarice Lispector (1920-1977). Therefore, it starts from the basic postulate that the meaning is not in the fabric or verbal imagery, but the meanings constructed from the elements of language that are there to meet with the reader (BRONCKART, 2009, p. 257). Justified this reading strategy, since the chronic Lispector reveals multiple meanings endowed with a language and dialogue. The text processing is discussed in terms of an audience potentially youthful element that assigns characteristics relevant to the understanding of the functioning of this type of text in relation to younger readers. To achieve the goal, we start from the assumption that chronic, being a literary text endowed with aesthetic validity, not only conveys a content, but recreates it, adding to it new meanings.