231 resultados para Educação inclusiva Teses


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The Assistive Technology makes the lives of people without disabilities more practical, but for people with disabilities it can make things possible. For these individuals can provide the conditions, making their limitations are not obstacles to their social and personal empowerment, and may contribute to their effective participation in tasks that were previously impossible, such as remaining seated correctly. A segment on which the necessary assistive technology works, is the adaptation of furniture such as chairs, tables, chairs-to-wheels for individuals with disabilities, as well as cerebral palsy. The study aimed to conduct a survey and brief description of theses and dissertations produced in Brazil on furniture adapted for students with cerebral palsy. We made searching in databases of libraries of major universities and federal state national banks, theses and dissertations. Nine studies were selected for description. It was concluded that there is a considerable array of professionals, both in engineering as the field of rehabilitation, to contribute in the adaptation, creation and even the manufacture of furniture for children with cerebral palsy and that the securities most studied are the chairs and their components.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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A proposta do novo projeto arquitetnico para o Centro de Estudos da Educação e da Sade pertencente Faculdade de Filosofia e Cincias UNESP Campus de Marlia, visa, de forma geral, atuar como um estabelecimento de apoio para a cidade de Marlia e demais cidades da regio nas questes relativas ao diagnstico e reabilitao fsica, mental, motora e fonoaudiolgica, atravs dos estgios supervisionados dos cursos de Fisioterapia, Fonoaudiologia e Terapia Ocupacional da instituio. Dessa forma, atravs de uma arquitetura humanizada voltada e pensada no ser humano, a unidade auxiliar contribui para a incluso social dos indivduos portadores de deficincia ou com restrio mobilidade atravs do restabelecimento e/ou melhora de suas capacidades, desenvolvendo uma sociedade inclusiva e uma vida saudvel, alm de proporcionar um ambiente eficiente e fundamental no processo de ensino superior


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A formao profissional uma rea de estudo que procura, atravs de estudos sistematizados, entender, entre outras coisas, os processos que se do na constituio do ser profissional, os saberes que se produzem e as identidades que se formam. Especificamente na rea de Educação, analisar a formao dos professores de suma importncia para refletirmos a respeito das prticas profissionais. H alguns anos a temtica da identidade docente ou identidade profissional vem sendo discutida na rea de educação. De acordo com Andr (apud ALVES et al., 2007), os temas identidade e profissionalizao docente apareceram como temas emergentes de pesquisa no incio da dcada de 1990. J no ano de 2003, do total de teses e dissertaes defendidas sobre formao de professores, verificou-se que 43% dos temas eram sobre a identidade docente (ANDR, 2005 apud ALVES et al., 2007). Alm disso, Pimenta (2002) acrescenta que, na mesma poca, os estudos sobre a formao inicial e contnua, repensadas a partir da anlise das prticas pedaggicas e docentes, se revelaram uma demanda importante. Sendo a identidade docente um tema relevante para a rea da Educação, considervel a reflexo acerca dela bem como o levantamento de questes pertinentes que viabilizem o debate. Nesse trabalho buscamos analisar a constituio da identidade de futuros professores na fase de pr-ensino atravs dos seguintes objetivos: (a) Averiguar no processo de formao do professor de Educação Fsica as dimenses da docncia que so exercitadas por ocasio dos estgios curriculares supervisionados de Prtica de Ensino e; (b) Identificar nos relatrios e trabalhos de campo da disciplina Prtica de Ensino e tambm por meio de questionrio, as principais dificuldades que so assinaladas neste processo de formao, bem como na passagem de estudante-estagirio... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)


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Ps-graduao em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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This paper aims to base the thesis that the varied currents of the post-modern thought, in so far as have recourse to relativism to a greater or lesser degree, contribute to the legitimation of the religious education in public schools and, in a broader aspect, the religion in the public spaces. The methodological resource used to demonstrate the link between post-modern thought and religious education is the analysis at the historical and dialectical materialism perspective of publications produced to increase teachers on this discipline that is, in compliance with the Constitution, optional for students and mandatory for public elementary schools. The subject of this analysis is the learning content and has as prime concern to highlight the discourse of legitimation recurrent in authors when it is explicit in itself and explicit when it does not. The religious education in public schools as object of study allows us to understand the relationship between the post-modern thought, with its hegemony space within the human sciences and contextualized in the neoliberal economic environment, and the learning to learn pedagogies currently hegemonic in the educational landscape. We intend to contribute to the legal debate on laity, the philosophical debate on post-modernism and especially to the debate on the pedagogical theories in the educational fundaments.


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In inclusive school there are many students and some with disabilities. One of the dimensions of human development of all people's is the sexuality, although there are erroneous beliefs about the relationship sexuality and disability. Teachers must be prepared to deal with the sexuality of their students with disabilities in school, and proposals of education in the form of distance education has been an alternative to the training. This article relate an educational proposal for teachers, linked to a part of the activities undertaken in the discipline "Human Development and Family" on a course of specialization in Special Education in Distance Education mode. Describes an educational object named "Game: challenges and actions in school" , that presented four situations on behaviors involving sexuality of students: question about sexuality, masturbation in the classroom, dating from students and discrimination an obese colleague. In each one, there was potential actions to the teachers choose and, consequently, its unfolding. The choice of actions would lead to the end of a "teacher profile", offering reflections. Teachers reported positive unsolicited comments about the content of the game. It is concluded that the proposal is an important educational tool used in the Virtual Learning Environment that can assist in teacher training courses in sexuality education.


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This article presents an academic and scientific study about the use of the device methodological and intervening of selfconfrontation in research in post-graduate studies in Education in Brazil. The self-confrontation is a device created by linguist Daniel Fata and perfected by psychologist Yves Clot. She seeks to capture the multiple discourses and perspectives around a particular craft, integrating researcher and workers to facilitate the installation of a dialectical movement of analysis and production of knowledge about the work, ownership of these knowledge workers and the collective transformation of labor activity. We chose a qualitative approach and the realization of documental analysis of the abstracts of researches that resulted in the production of doctoral theses and dissertations held in Brazil between 1987 and 2011. Were examined studies that had their abstracts gathered and made available by the Coordenadoria de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES) on its website. The results show that self-confrontation is used piecemeal studies produced in the area of Education, used primarily to collect data and to give less emphasis to the transformation of the labor process.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Visando melhoria na qualidade do ensino e da aprendizagem dos alunos, a Secretaria de Educação do Estado de So Paulo elaborou em 2008 um documento para sistematizar um currculo nico para todas as escolas dos nveis de ensino fundamental II e mdio, sob sua jurisdio. Assim, objetiva-se com o presente estudo analisar tanto qualitativa quanto quantitativamente a produo acadmicocientfica no campo da Educação Fsica acerca do Currculo do Estado de So Paulo, a fim de identificar as possveis implicaes para a prtica pedaggica. Para isso, foram analisados artigos publicados em sete peridicos nacionais da rea e um banco de teses e dissertaes, tendo como recorte temporal o perodo de 2008 at 2014. A anlise e discusso dos dados se deu, inicialmente, por apresentar os resultados referentes a cada um dos peridicos investigados para, em um segundo momento, compreender de forma qualitativa o panorama geral concernente produo acadmica na rea da Educação Fsica sobre a temtica do Currculo do Estado de So Paulo. Logo aps, os artigos e as teses e dissertaes foram organizados de acordo com a classificao de temas investigados proposta por Bracht et al. (2011). Assim, foi possvel identificar as possveis implicaes da produo acadmico-cientfica para a prtica pedaggica, sob essa temtica. Os resultados indicaram uma baixa quantidade de publicaes pautadas no Currculo do Estado de So Paulo para a disciplina de Educação Fsica. Do total de 593 artigos ou trabalhos monogrficos que foram encontrados sobre Educação Fsica escolar, foram identificados apenas 16 baseados no Currculo do Estado de So Paulo para a disciplina de Educação Fsica, valor correspondente a 2,69% do total encontrado sobre a temtica de Educação Fsica escolar durante o perodo considerado para a pesquisa. Assim, conclui-se que como no possvel afirmar que tudo aquilo...


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Ps-graduao em Educação - FCT


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The aim of this paper is to present an experience of inclusion of individuals with mental disabilities in a religious community in the city of Londrina, north Paran state. Called here Special Catechesis this was an evangelizing held inside a Catholic Church with the mental disabilities people The project, which five years and five classes per year, allowed the development of a pedagogical action with goals of evangelization and catechesis, where all people were successful. It was also an action to raise the consciousness among parents of these children in order to allow their children could participate in the project. Special Catechesis was evaluated for us as significant experience because it allowed a relative and positive inclusion of the classes in religious and social activities of the local community.


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Over the past four decades it occurred a great expansion of science education research in Brazil (TEIXEIRA, 2008). Considering the scientific production in the area, descriptive studies, called state of the art are necessary, but little found in Brazilian scientific literature, especially in the field of science education. In this context, this paper identifies and describes the main features and trends of Brazilian research in the field of education in science museums, released in the form of dissertations and thesis, in the period 1970 to 2010. It is a qualitative and quantitative research, which performs a document analysis, in a bibliographical review. We mapped 153 academic researches, mainly in the Rio-So Paulo axis, mostly in the last decade, showing that the area can be characterized as an emerging field in science education.


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People with disabilities are sexual and they need clarifying and sexual education. This article describes an intervention program in sexual education for people with disabilities that have objective by: a) transmit a broad notion and emancipatory of sexuality, b) clarify and inform about education and sexual repression, c) reflect about changes in body image of the persons self-esteem with disability and implications in sexuality and d) discuss about the social belief that disability is an impediment to sexuality. The program was done in ten weekly meetings of two hours of duration and it is used of pedagogical resources such as group dynamics, videos and images. The young people participated actively, discussing and reflecting about social issues of sexuality. Concludes that the population stigmatized by disability lacks of clarifying and reflections about social construction of sexuality and of disability and that opportunities of group reflections on sexual education process for this population are fundamental in inclusive society.