302 resultados para zinc phosphate
The urinary excretion, renal clearance, and tubular reabsorption of zinc were investigated in 30 adult healthy subjects under basal conditions and during the zinc and glucose tolerance tests. After a 12h overnight fast, each subject was submitted to renal clearance of zinc. The procedures were performed between 8.00 and 12.00 a.m., after emptying the bladder and ingestion of 4 ml deionized water/kg body weight at 8.00 a.m. The first urine sample was collected at 10.00 a.m., and the second at 12.00 a.m. A dose of 110 mg ZnSO47H2O was administered orally to each subject, diluted in 20 ml deionized water, at time 0 min. Blood samples were collected from an antecubital vein at times -30, 0, and 30 min and at 30 min intervals up to 240 min. Glucose was administered intravenously (0.5 ml 50%/kg body weight) during the first 3 min of the test, and blood samples were collected from an unconstricted, contralateral, antecubital vein at times -30, 0, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, and 90 min. The results showed that urinary zinc excretion, and renal zinc clearance were significantly higher during the zinc and glucose tolerance tests than in the control condition. On the other hand, renal zinc clearance was more elevated during tile glucose tolerance test than during the zinc tolerance test. Variations in zinc tubular reabsorption and glomerular filtration rate were not detected. The results suggest that urinary excretion and renal clearance of zinc in healthy subjects increase during acute zinc ingestion and glucose infusion, Although zinc ingestion raised urinary zinc excretion, glucose infusion was more effective in increasing renal zinc clearance. These normal parameters are important in the investigation of diabetic patients with serum and urine zinc changes.
Background: Glucosamine 6-phosphate deaminase from Escherichia coli is an allosteric hexameric enzyme which catalyzes the reversible conversion of D-glucosamine 6-phosphate into D-fructose 6-phosphate and ammonium ion and is activated by N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate. Mechanistically, it belongs to the group of aldose-ketose isomerases, but its reaction also accomplishes a simultaneous amination/deamination. The determination of the structure of this protein provides fundamental knowledge for understanding its mode of action and the nature of allosteric conformational changes that regulate its function. Results: The crystal structure of glucosamine 6-phosphate deaminase with bound phosphate ions is presented at 2.1 Å resolution together with the refined structures of the enzyme in complexes with its allosteric activator and with a competitive inhibitor. The protein fold can be described as a modified NAD-binding domain. Conclusions: From the similarities between the three presented structures, it is concluded that these represent the enzymatically active R state conformer. A mechanism for the deaminase reaction is proposed. It comprises steps to open the pyranose ring of the substrate and a sequence of general base-catalyzed reactions to bring about isomerization and deamination, with Asp72 playing a key role as a proton exchanger.
Forty two soil isolates (31 bacteria and 11 fungi) were studied for their ability to solubilize rock phosphate and calcium phosphate in culture medium. Eight bacteria and 8 fungi possessed solubilizing ability. Pseudomonas cepacia and Penicillium purpurogenum showed the highest activity. There was a correlation between final pH value and titratable acidity (r = - 0.29 to -0.87) and between titratable acidity and soluble phosphate (r = 0.22 to 0.99). Correlation values were functions of insoluble phosphate and of the group of microorganisms considered. A high correlation was observed between final pH and soluble phosphate only for the rock phosphates inoculated with the highest concentration of solubilizing bacteria (r = -0.73 to -0.98).
Transthyretin and retinal-binding protein are sensitive markers of acute protein-calorie malnutrition both for early diagnosis and dietary evaluation. A preliminary study showed that retinal-binding protein is the most sensitive marker of protein-calorie malnutrition in cirrhotic patients, even those with the mild form of the disease (Child A). However, in addition to being affected by protein-calorie malnutrition, the levels of these short half-life-liver-produced proteins are also influenced by other factors of a nutritional (zinc, tryptophan, vitamin A, etc) and non-nutritional (sex, aging, hormones, renal and liver functions and inflammatory activity) nature. These interactions were investigated in 11 adult male patients (49.9 ± 9.2 years of age) with alcoholic cirrhosis (Child-Pugh grade A) and with normal renal function. Both transthyretin and retinol binding protein were reduced below normal levels in 55% of the patients, in close agreement with their plasma levels of retinal. In 67% of the patients (4/6), the reduced levels of transthyretin and retinal-binding protein were caused by altered liver function and in 50% (3/6) they were caused by protein-calorie malnutrition. Thus, the present data, taken as a whole, indicate that reduced transthyretin and retinal-binding protein levels in mild cirrhosis of the liver are mainly due to liver failure and/or vitamin A status rather than representing an isolated protein-calorie malnutrition indicator.
Solid M-Ox compounds, where M represents Mg(II), Zn(II), Pb(II) and NbO(III), and Ox is 8-quinolinol, have been prepared. Thermogravimetry, derivative thermogravimetry (TG, DTG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and infrared absorption spectra (IR) have been used to characterize and to study the thermal stability and thermal decomposition of these compounds. © 1997 Akadémiai Kiadó.
Zinc oxide can be obtained by thermal decomposition of hydrozincite, a topochemical reaction. This work reports the relation between zinc oxide morphology and the precursor zinc hydroxide carbonate precipitation time. The morphological evolution was monitored by SEM, IR and XRD. Zinc oxide obtained from initially precipitated hydrozincite consists of porous spherical aggregates and shows a single Zn-O IR vibrational band. At longer periods of precipitation time the aggregates were transformed into spherulitic-shaped zinc oxide particles showing the Zn-O split vibrational band. X-ray patterns show that the hexagonal zinc oxide phase is substantially increased as a function of hydrozincite precipitation time. © 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.
Cellulose phosphate (CELLPHOS) was studied as a collector for analytical preconcentration of traces of Cd(II), Cr(III), Cu(II) and Ni(II) from aqueous sample solution. It has been proved that using chromatographic columns packed with CELLPHOS for preconcentration and 1.0 mol 1 -1 HCl for elution the adsorbed analytes are quantitatively enriched. An enrichment factor of 20 (100 ml sample, 5 ml concentrate) was achieved by this separation procedure, which was applied to a series of water analyses (river, sea, bog water).
Zinc oxide varistors are very complex systems, and the dominant mechanism of voltage barrier formation in these systems has not been well established. Yet the MNDO quantum mechanical theoretical calculation was used in this work to determine the most probable defect type at the surface of a ZnO cluster. The proposed model represents well the semiconducting nature as well as the defects at the ZnO bulk and surface. The model also shows that the main adsorption species that provide stability at the ZnO surface are O-, O2 -, and O2.
In this work, zinc oxide samples were obtained from hydroxycarbonate by thermal decomposition at 300°C. Zinc hydroxycarbonate samples were produced by homogeneous precipitation over different periods of time. The method used to obtain zinc oxide produces different morphologies as a function of the precursor precipitation time. Among the obtained particle shapes were porous spherical aggregates, spherulitic needle aggregates, and single acicular particles. This work investigated spherulitic needle-aggregate formation and the correlation among morphology, domain size, and microstrain. Transmission electron microscopy data revealed that the acicular particles that form the spherulitic needle aggregates consist of nanometer crystallites. Apparent crystallite size and microstrain in the directions perpendicular to (h00), (h0l), (hk0), and (00l) planes were invariable as a function of precursor precipitation time. From the results, it was possible to conclude that the precursor precipitation period directly influenced the morphology of the zinc oxide but did not influence average crystallite size and microstrain for ZnO samples. Therefore, using this route, it was possible to prepare zinc oxide with different morphologies without microstructural alterations. © 2001 International Centre for Diffraction Data.
Measurements of plasma cholinesterase (pl.ChE), brain cholinesterase (Br.ChE) and brain Neuropathy Target Esterase (Br.NTE) were made in three different lineages of chickens. All birds received toxicants through gavage in a single oral dose between 08:00 and 09:00 h, after overnight fast. Babcock chickens were treated with 800 mg/kg tri-ortho-cresyl phosphate (TOCP) or 80 mg/kg trichlorfon. The TOCP group had 82% Br.NTE inhibition, when compared to the control group, and no birds displayed symptoms of clinical organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy (OPIDN). Hy-line w36 lineage chickens were given 1600 mg/kg TOCP and despite this higher dose, Br.NTE inhibition was similar that presented by Babcock chickens. Isabrown chickens were given 1600 mg/kg TOCP or 80 mg/kg trichlorfon. At 36 h all trichlorfon treated birds had from 80 to 90% inhibition of Pl.ChE and Br.ChE, when compared to controls. However, Br.NTE was inhibited less than 20%, and there were no clinical signs of OPIDN. All TOCP treated isabrown chickens had more than 80% Br.NTE inhibition while one of them exhibited just light signs of OPIDN, two chickens became totally paralyzed. This finding suggested that chicken strain was important in the appearance of OPIDN. In addition, 70-80% of NTE inhibition was necessary but was not sufficient to produce OPIDN in chickens, since babcock and hy-line w36 chickens exhibited NTE inhibition in the range of 70-80% without clinical signs of OPIDN. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Currently, there are 8 million new cases and 2 million deaths annually from tuberculosis, and it is expected that a total of 225 million new cases and 79 million deaths will occur between 1998 and 2030. The reemergence of tuberculosis as a public health threat, the high susceptibility of HIV-infected persons, and the proliferation of multi-drug-resistant strains have created a need to develop new antimycobacterial agents. The existence of homologues to the shikimate pathway enzymes has been predicted by the determination of the genome sequence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We have previously reported the cloning and overexpression of M. tuberculosis aro A-encoded EPSP synthase in both soluble and active forms, without IPTG induction. Here, we describe the purification of M. tuberculosis EPSP synthase (mtEPSPS) expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) host cells. Purification of mtEPSPS was achieved by a one-step purification protocol using an anion exchange column. The activity of the homogeneous enzyme was measured by a coupled assay using purified shikimate kinase and purine nucleoside phosphorylase proteins. A total of 53 mg of homogeneous enzyme could be obtained from 1 L of LB cell culture, with a specific activity value of approximately 18 U mg-1. The results presented here provide protein in quantities necessary for structural and kinetic studies, which are currently underway in our laboratory. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
In this communication, we show that the growth of isolate H6 of the dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum on non-buffered medium and under saturating phosphate conditions is dependent on the initial growth pH, with an apparent optimum at pH 4.0. In addition, irrespective of the initial growth pH, the pH of the medium altered during cultivation reaching values that ranged from 8.3 to 8.9. Furthermore, this isolate synthesized and secreted almost the same levels of an alkaline phosphatase with an apparent optimum pH ranging from 9.0 to 10.0 when grown on both low- and high-phosphate medium. Also, this alkaline phosphatase is activated by Mg2+ and is EDTA-sensitive. On the other hand, the very low levels of the enzyme retained by the mycelium grown on buffered medium at pH 5.0-5.2 suggest that this enzyme is encoded by an alkaline gene, i.e., a gene responsive to ambient pH signaling.
The effects of diets with variable zinc levels on the midgut epithelial cells were studied in Oreochromis niloticus L. One hundred and twenty fry of tilapia were apportioned into 4 experimental groups (I, II, III and IV groups), with 30 fish in each treatment, 5 replicate aquaria per treatment containing 6 fish each. The animals of the 4 groups were fed with isonitrogenous (30% crude protein) and isoenergetic (3000 Kcal/Kg of digestible energy) diets with increasing quantities of zinc (44.59; 149.17; 309.93; 599.67 mg Zn/kg of diet), twice a day, for 93 days. Three fish from each group were sacrificed at 36, 66 and 93 days and samples of midgut were removed for ultrastructural analysis. After 93 days of treatment, 3 animals of each experimental group were used for the analysis of zinc concentration by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The comparative relative index (CRI) revealed that the animals in groups II, III and IV contained, respectively, 1.99%, 34.67% and 22.78% more zinc than the mean concentration in animals from group I. The ultrastructural analysis showed enterocytes with swelling of smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum and dilated mitochondria with variable matrix rarefaction and cristae number reduction in the fish exposed to 599.67 mg Zn/Kg of diet at 66 and 93 days of treatment.
A method is described for the simultaneous determination of Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb in mineral water samples by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with a transversely heated graphite atomizer (THGA) and a longitudinal Zeeman-effect background correction system. The electrothermal behavior of analytes during pyrolysis and atomization steps was studied without modifier, in presence of 5 μg Pd and 3 μg Mg(NO3)2 and in presence of 50 μg NH4H2PO4 and 3 μg Mg(NO3)2. A volume of 20 μL of a 0.028 mol L -1 HNO3 solution containing 50 μg L-1 Ni and Pb, 10 μg L-1 Cr and 5 μg L-1 Cd was dispensed into the graphite tube at 20°C. The mixture palladium/magnesium was selected as the optimum modifier. The pyrolysis and atomization temperatures were fixed at 1000°C and 2300°C, respectively. The characteristic masses were calculated as 2.2 pg Cd, 10 pg Cr, 42 pg Ni and 66 pg Pb and the lifetime of the graphite tube was around 600 firings. Limits of detection based on integrated absorbance were 0.02 μg L-1Cd, 0.94 μg L-1 Cr, 0.45 μg L-1 Ni and 0.75 μg L-1 Pb, which exceeded the requirements of Brazilian Food Regulation that establish the maximum permissible level for Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb at 3 μg L-1, 50 μg L-1, 20 μg L-1 and 10 μg L-1, respectively. The recoveries of Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb added to mineral water samples varied within the 93-108%, 96-104%, 87-101% and 98-108% ranges, respectively. Results of analysis of standard reference materials (National Institute of Standards and Technology: 1640-Trace Elements in Natural Water; 1643d-Trace Elements in Water) were in agreement with certified values at the 95% confidence level.