257 resultados para João Machado


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Based on the essay Kafka y sus precursores, by Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986), the present essay looks for coinciding views from Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), Machado de Assis (1839-1908), and Julio Cortázar (1914-1984) on thatliterary genre. A possible connection between the three writers, regarded asmasters of the short story, is suggested having the Borgean essay as a startingpoint, while emphasizing the similarities of their views on what guides theartistic elaboration of the short stories. The confirmed relationship between Poeand Machado de Assis, and between Poe and Cortázar are emphasized, openinga door to the possibility of also thinking of a close relationship between Machadode Assis and Cortázar.Keywords:Short story; Compared Literature, Edgar Allan Poe, Jorge Luis Borges, JulioCortázar.


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This study about Memórias Sentimentais de João Miramar, by Oswald de Andrade, aims to explore the voices that organize the space of language in the narrative. Such space has an operative vision called polyphony, by which the signs organize themselves out of a hierarchical scale, although the chronological axis of the life of João Miramar is the guiding principle of the episodes.


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This article analyses some of Machado de Assis’ newspaper chronicles written in 1878 for O Cruzeiro. We intend to show that behind their extremely free literary composition, those texts show the author’s deepest critical point of views. Respecting the narrator fictional status, we are trying to see, as carefully as this subject demands on us, the man behind the journalist.


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In the mid-nineteenth century, in his fruitful years of the perhaps best-known shortest literary career, Álvares de Azevedo wrote this verse “As ondas são anjos que dormem no mar” (“The waves are angels who sleep in the sea”). In the presentation of João Gilberto Noll’s young adult novel Anjo das ondas (Angel of the waves) in 2010, Ivan Marques states that the character in the novel, Gustavo, “with his adolescent passion, and torn spirit with overflowing lyrics, could even be compared to our tropical Byron”. João Gilberto Noll establishes a connection between him and Álvares de Azevedo that invites the reader to go beyond a first reading level of his work, seeking evidence of dialogue ratification between two apparently distant writers. The subtle intertextuality exceeds the initial clue and can be detected on Noll’s theme development from the history of Gustavo, a troubled teenager in search of his identity. Noll’s affinity to Álvares de Azevedo can still be captured in his narrative texture, in voices coming from his text; however, they also reveal to be unique and original features of his literary production. An apparent exercise in style shows that each author fulfills his mission by expressing, in his own way, the feeling of his time. In addition, it shows that through aesthetic emotion, literature allows us to transcend time and space.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Fruto de um arrojado projeto coletivo, este livro representa o trabalho de um grupo de docentes da Unesp e também de outras universidades, que impuseram-se o desafio de refletir sobre a pesquisa em subáreas das Humanidades. Entre as inúmeras questões que eles debateram ganharam destaque as relativas a demandas vitais para o fortalecimento das Ciências Humanas, como a necessidade de estimular linhas de pesquisa integradoras de projetos; compreender a especificidade da área com suas metodologias de divulgação científica e temporalidades; valorizar e incentivar redes de pesquisa estimulando o compartilhamento de competências; desenvolver espaços de convívio entre os pesquisadores. A pró-reitora de pesquisa da Unesp, Maria José Soares Mendes Giannini, pontua, na apresentação da obra, que a pesquisa em Ciências Humanas, desenvolve-se, em geral, a partir do esforço individual de um professor, que isolado, dedica-se à sua investigação. No entanto, afirma ela, as pesquisas dessa área do saber podem e devem estar abertas para novos modos de organização: “Um projeto de pesquisa, por exemplo, pode envolver vários professores de diferentes universidades e o compartilhamento de informações em um fórum on-line. Um professor pode colaborar com um colega de outra área de estudo para ter uma perspectiva alternativa sobre seu próprio objeto de pesquisa”. Entre os temas abordados no livro estão o caráter interdisciplinar da pesquisa em Ciências Humanas, pesquisa em grupo e “produtivismo”, a experiência de uma rede de pesquisa e reflexões sobre a prática interdisciplinar, entre outros.


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In this work we studied the urban movement of an important avenue of the city of Guaratingueta, in the Vale do Paraíba, State of Sao Paul, which is the Avenida João Pessoa, located in the Pedregulho neighborhood. Through literature review on this topic, we could contribute to the understanding of car culture in Brazilian cities.Through research on the history of this neighborhood, and said avenue, interviews with the passers-by and also via site visits, we analyzed the situation of urban traffic of Avenida João Pessoa. One of the main intentions of the study was to propose guidelines for the improvement of urban traffic of Avenida João Pessoa


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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The quality and the diversity of the material – questionnaires, glossaries, notes, drawings, comments on his work, reflections on language and literature, indications and references – which we find when we read the correspondence of João Guimarães Rosa with the translators of his texts to other languages certify the importance to the study of his work. In this research, we intend to comment on some excerpts of this correspondence, mainly on the unpublished ones, which belong to the Guimarães Rosa Fund (IEB/USP), that we consider relevant to elucidate the process of the origin of this work and to shape Rosa’s poetry or as the author used to call his “platform” of writer.


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João Gilberto Noll, in Afã, a 129-word microfiction, mentions an episode of the short story O buffalo, by Clarice Lispector. We studied, in this article, the structure of that micro narrative and the way how João Gilberto Noll reveals himself as being a Clarice Lispector’s reader.


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The critic João Alexandre Barbosa, points in the work Agrestes (1981-1985), of the Brazilian poet João Cabral de Melo Neto, the presence of individualized death. Thus way, this study proposes to analyse the meanings of lyrism and first-person enunciations, in the work Agrestes, a trace gradually eliminated from Cabral’s discursive field since his first work, Pedra do Sono (1940-1). These elements will clash with João Cabral’s poetics, previously based on the selection of voices and artistic practices consistent with his compositional method, with rigorous sorting values and elimination of any subjectivism. To understand this inconsistency, we propose studying the last part of the work Agrestes, entitled “A indesejada das gentes”, a place where the theme of death is recurrent, as well as the presence of enunciators to set out, even to reveal its feelings about aging and death. The analytical procedure should research the hypothesis of rupture of the inflexible tone of João Cabral’s speech that would follow in respect to the poetic project, a reverse path, starting from objective poetry in the direction of subjective poetry.


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After two decades advertising and defending the synthetic method, João Köpke became active disseminator of analytical method for teaching reading. In five te xts published between 1896 and 1917, produced in different circumstance s for different publics readers, Köpke seeks the support of American and European authors, for their principles as well as for the education experience, to his analytical method. as by theirs principles as by theirs educational experiences. Among those authors: J. Jacotot, A. Bain, A. Meiklejohn, J. Froebel, C. Parker, G. Stanley Hall and J. Chubb. In this article, attention is given to repeated American references with special emphasis on the psychology of Stanley Hall and the method of teaching reading of Meiklejohn, highlighted and placed on convergence by Köpke in his final writings.


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The research notes retrieve and review articles of Professor João Augusto de Toledo published in the Escola Normal Secundária de São Carlos Magazine. Altogether, the articles address issues of didactic teaching, national history, nationalist movement, psychology and experimental pedagogy, teacher training, organization of a primary school and childhood education. These topics are directly addressed to the person concerned.