295 resultados para cranial calvarial


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Diabetes Mellitus may lead to alterations in the eyes, kidneys, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, ears etc. The cognitive function, also, seems to be compromised in subjects presented with Diabetes Mellitus, since the cortical and subcortical structures responsible for this function are hindered in some insulin-dependent patients. The cognitive potential P300 has been used as an objective procedure to assess cerebral cognitive functions. Objective: Analyze the sensitivity of P300 cognitive potential for the detection of alterations on the auditory cortex secondary to Diabetes Mellitus. Study design: transversal cohort. Material and Method: Sixteen diabetic subjects of both genders aged 7 to 71 years, and seventeen non-diabetic individuals at the same age range participated in this study, the evaluation procedures were pure tone audiometry (PTA) and P300 cognitive potential. Glycemia of the group presented with Diabetes was assessed prior to applying the P300. Results: No statistically significant difference was shown for the PTA results. A statically significant difference was observed between groups when analyzing the latency of the P300 component measured in Fz. there was a correlation between glycemia and the latency and amplitude of P300. Conclusion: The investigation of the cognitive potential of P300 is an important procedure for the prevention and early diagnosis of neurological changes in individuals presented with Diabetes Mellitus.


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Three pig genetics lineages A, B and C marketed in Brazil, were stunning with the manual electric stunning (Karl Schermer 220-230/250 volts, 45-60 Hz and 1.4 - 1.5 A) and the collective gaseous system (COMBI-BUTINA 90% CO 2). The electric stunning provided higher blood splashed levels in the areas of the inside round (0.477 and 0.26, p ≤ 0.01), shoulder/cranial (0.154 and 0.039, p ≤ 0.005), shoulder/central (0.261 e 0.052, p ≤ 0.001), shoulder/caudal (0.180 and 0.030, p ≤ 0.01), loin/central (0.185 and 0.065, p ≤ 0.01), loin/caudal (0.06 and 0.207, p ≤ 0.01) and loin/lateral external (0.061 and 0.013, p ≤ 0.05), as well as more diffuse blood splashed in the areas of the inside round (0.461 and 0.279, p ≤ 0.05), shoulder/cranial (0.154 and 0.039, p ≤ 0.001), shoulder/central (0.231 and 0.039, p ≤ 0.001) and shoulder/caudal (0.185 and 0.026, p ≤ 0.001). The electric stunning also provided higher skin damage levels in the areas of the shoulder (1.098 and 0.795, p ≤ 0.001), body (1.04 and 0.948, p ≤ 0.05) and ham (0.84 and 0.68, p ≤ 0.001), as well as higher eyelid reflex levels (11.57%) comparatively to the gaseous system (2.86%) of a total of 426 pigs. Small indexes of bone fractures and muscle bruises were found in both systems.


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Cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD) is a rare syndrome usually caused by an autosomal dominant gene, although 40% of cases of CCD appear spontaneously with no apparent genetic cause. This condition is characterized by several cranial malformations and underdevelopment, absence of the clavicles, and multiple supernumerary and impacted permanent teeth. The diagnosis of this condition is usually based on the presence of the main features (supernumerary teeth, partial or total absence of one or both the clavicles, and bony malformations) and on clinical and familial evidence. The bony and dental features of CCD may be visualized on radiographic images of the face and skull. Here, we present a familial case of CCD and discuss the importance of dental radiographs in diagnosis of the condition.


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We made some measurements from the region of the symphysis menti in 308 dried mandibles; 247 belong to the collection of the cranial museum of the discipline of Anatomy of the UNIFESP- Escola Paulista de Medicina- EPM and 61 belong to the didactic laboratory of the discipline of Anatomy from the Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara- UNESP, Brasil. On the dentate mandibles, the highest value founded was of 43,46 mm and the lowest of 22,67 mm. On the edentate mandibles, the highest value founded was of 37,24 mm and the lowest of 6,22mm. We hope that with the following discoveries we could contribute to a better knowledge of the symphysis menti region, not only to the professionals in Surgery and Implantology areas, but the industrials of related areas, to the confection of instruments used in these practices. © 2007 Sociedad Chilena de Anatom•br>.


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The aim of this prospective study was to evalute the midpalatal suture in children submitted to rapid palatal expansion, at the end of the retention stage, with CT scans. The sample was comprised of 17 children aged between 5 years 2 months and 10 years 5 months. The tomographic images showed that the midpalatal suture was completely ossified from the anterior nasal spine area to the posterior nasal spine area at the end of the retention phase, that is, 8 to 9 months post-expansion.


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A total of 640 one-day-old male Cobb chicks were used to evaluate the effects of early feed restriction and glutamine on villi density and tip surface of enterocytes in the small intestine of broilers. A two-factor factorial experimental design with glutamine and feed restriction as main factors was used. Treatments consisted of quantitative feed restriction at 30% of ad libitum intake from 7 to 14 days of age, and glutamine addition at 1% in the diet from 1 to 28 days of age. Sections of the small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) were collected at 14 and 21 days of age for analyses by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Villi density decreased with age and increased in cranial-caudal direction. Glutamine increased villi density in the small intestine. Microvilli density and height decreased with age. Glutamine increased microvilli width. The jejunum was the segment with the largest surface area of the tip of the enterocytes, followed by the duodenum and the ileum. Feed restriction decreased the surface area of the tip of the enterocytes in the small intestine at 14 and at 21 days of age. Glutamine supplemented in the feed increased the surface area of the tip of the enterocytes of the jejunum and ileum at 21 days of age. © Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2007.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The laryngeal mask has been frequently used in Anesthesiology. Although the rate of complications with this technique is smaller than that of the endotracheal tube, it is not devoid of risks, especially in cases of difficult airways. The objective of this study was to report a case of unilateral lingual nerve damage after the use of the laryngeal mask airway. CASE REPORT: A female patient underwent a surgical procedure for removal of bilateral breast prosthesis under general, balanced anesthesia, with a size three laryngeal mask. The balloon was inflated with 30 mL of air. After the first postoperative hour, she developed decreased sensation and pain in the oropharynx and posterior two thirds of the tongue, which evolved for loss of taste in the next 24 hours. A tentative diagnosis of lingual nerve neuropraxis secondary to the use of the laryngeal mask was made. After three weeks, her symptoms subsided. CONCLUSION: Although complications after the use of the laryngeal mask airway are rare, they do occur, and neuropraxis of the lingual nerve is one of them. The diagnosis is clinical and it has a good outcome, with resolution of the symptoms within a few weeks or months. © Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia, 2007.


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Poplíteo lympho nodes in the dogs is placed, to the right and the left in popliteo an appointed space fossa, in distal part of the muscles femoral biceps, laterally and semi-tendinous, medially, projecting in the height of the face volume of the joint to femoro tibial e femoro patellar (joint of the knee). In this study twenty and five dogs, males and females adult, originating the Araçatuba municipal kennel had been used whose captures had been effected by the animal sanitary defense of this city. The arterial vessels destined to this structure always derive, of both the sides, the femoral artery distal volume and vary of 10 the 1, more frequently of 2 (7 times, 28%) to the right and of 6 the 2, equally more frequently of 2 (8 times, 32%). So soon as one has still to right 5 and 6 branches (3 times, 12%), 1, 7 and 10 (1 time, 4%). Relatively to the veins derived from this lympho nodes, always converges to the lateral safena vein, these vessels oscillates between 9 and 2, more frequently of 3 (6 times, 24%), to the right and of 12 the 2, more frequently of 3 (10 times, 40%) to the left. Thus, others deriving branches of popliteo lympho nodes right and that if they insert in the above-mentioned vein are in number of 2 and 5 (5 times, 20%), 4 and 6 (2 times, 8%) and 8 and 9 (1 time, 4%). In spite of, to the left side it is examined in number de 2 branches (6 times, 24%), 4 (4 times, 16%), 6 (3 times, 12%) and finishing 9 and 12 branches (1 time, 4%). The size of popliteo lympho node in seropositive dogs for Visceral Leishmaniasis can meets enters 7,8 × 3,8 × 6,1 a 50,0 × 20,7 × 28,5, in mm, being average 26,18 × 10,5 × 15,97 mm for right and 26,98 × 11,14 × 15,25 mm for left (concerning the measures dorsoventral, latero-lateral and cranial-caudal, respectively).


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Toadlets of the genus Brachycephalus are endemic to the Atlantic rainforests of southeastern and southern Brazil. The 14 species currently described have snout-vent lengths less than 18. mm and are thought to have evolved through miniaturization: an evolutionary process leading to an extremely small adult body size. Here, we present the first comprehensive phylogenetic analysis for Brachycephalus, using a multilocus approach based on two nuclear (Rag-1 and Tyr) and three mitochondrial (Cyt b, 12S, and 16S rRNA) gene regions. Phylogenetic relationships were inferred using a partitioned Bayesian analysis of concatenated sequences and the hierarchical Bayesian method (BEST) that estimates species trees based on the multispecies coalescent model. Individual gene trees showed conflict and also varied in resolution. With the exception of the mitochondrial gene tree, no gene tree was completely resolved. The concatenated gene tree was completely resolved and is identical in topology and degree of statistical support to the individual mtDNA gene tree. On the other hand, the BEST species tree showed reduced significant node support relative to the concatenate tree and recovered a basal trichotomy, although some bipartitions were significantly supported at the tips of the species tree. Comparison of the log likelihoods for the concatenated and BEST trees suggests that the method implemented in BEST explains the multilocus data for Brachycephalus better than the Bayesian analysis of concatenated data. Landmark-based geometric morphometrics revealed marked variation in cranial shape between the species of Brachycephalus. In addition, a statistically significant association was demonstrated between variation in cranial shape and genetic distances estimated from the mtDNA and nuclear loci. Notably, B. ephippium and B. garbeana that are predicted to be sister-species in the individual and concatenated gene trees and the BEST species tree share an evolutionary novelty, the hyperossified dorsal plate. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.


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The objective of this experiment was to analyse macroscopically the femur and determine the biochemical values at 8, 22 and 42 days of age, producing basic results that can help to understand the pathogeny of the locomotor problems and the broiler physiologic growth. A total of 60 Cobb male broilers were distributed in three age groups (8, 22 and 42 days of age) of 20 birds. All macroscopic measurements, except the cranial compact layer increased (p<0.05) over the course of the ages. The cranial compact layer presented the biggest measure at 22 days of age. The ash percentage increased (p<0.05) until 22 days of age, but at 42 days of age this values decreased. Calcium and phosphorus percentage in ash increased (p<0.05) until 22 days of age and evidenced constancy from 22 to 42 days of age. The biomechanical adaptation capacity of femur was evidenced by the increase of the macroscopic measures over the course of the ages and the different behavior of cranial compact layer at 22 days of age suggested an adaptation attempt of the immature bone to muscle mass increase. The ash and mineral percentage confirmed that the relative growth occurs with more intensity until 21 days of age. The calcium and phosphorus percentage evidenced the physiologic balance acting on the deposition of these minerals in femur. © Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2011.


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Micrastur semitorquatus, popularly known as Collared Forest-Falcon is an inhabitant of the rainforests of the Neotropical Region. Studies on the cranial osteology are scarce in the literature. To increase the knowledge about the anatomy of this species its cranial osteology was described and compared with other species of birds of prey. Three specimens of M. semitorquatus were examined at the Bird Division of the osteological collection at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (USNM), Washington, DC (USNM: 245788, USNM 013493 and USNM 289773). Although the relationship between the form of a structure and its function is not fully established, many of the adaptations of the skull of M. semitorquatus may be related to this lifestyle and behavior, such as narrowing of the interorbital width, the robustness of pila supranasalis coupled with the prokinesis of the skull, a process developed post-orbital, and palatine expansion. In addition, the cranial osteology of M. semitorquatus can provide useful characters for cladistic analysis, sustaining the hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships with other species of the same genus or the same family.


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Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the bone healing after the usage of a scaffold enriched with bone marrow. Study Design. Ten rabbits were divided into 2 groups of 5 animals. Bilateral 12 mm diameter defects were created in the parietal bones. In control group Bio-Oss were inserted in both defects and, in experimental group, Bio-Oss enriched with autologous bone marrow were inserted in both defects. In these two groups, one of the calvarial defects was covered with Bio-Gide. The rabbits were sacrified 8 weeks after surgery and both CT and histomorphometric analysis were done. Results. The CT showed a lower remaining defect area in the experimental group covered with Bio-Gide when compared with control group, with and without Bio-Gide. The histomorphometrics showed no difference between groups regarding the non-vital mineralized tissue area. For vital mineralized tissue area, the experimental group covered with Bio-Gide obtained a higher percentage area when compared with control group, with and without Bio-Gide. For non-mineralized tissue area, the experimental group covered with Bio-Gide obtained a lower percentage area when compared with control group, with and without Bio-Gide. Conclusion. Both autologous bone marrow and membrane can contribute to the enhancement of bone healing. Copyright © 2012 Marcelo de Oliveira e Silva et al.


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Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the characteristics of the brain and vascular indicesof the middle cerebral artery of canine foetuses. Methods: Twenty-five bitches were selected. Tissue development, echogenicity, echotexture and brain echobiometric data were studied, and the major structures were identified between the 5th and 8th gestational weeks. The area and volume of the brain mass (BMA and BMV), cranial area and volume (AC and VC), brain mass index (BMI) and brain volume index (BVI) were determined. A single ultrasound examination was performed during each studied week (6th, 7th and 8th). Doppler ultrasonography was performed to assess the maximum and minimum velocity, resistance and pulsatility index of middle cerebral artery of the foetuses. Results: Echoencephalography was performed to evaluate the morphological characteristics of the central nervous system. Cerebral echobiometry indicated an increase in area and volume of the hemispheres and cranium (P<0·001) but no changes in BMI or BVI over the gestational period studied. Doppler ultrasonography identified increases in peak systolic velocity (P=0·0188) and end diastolic velocity (P=0·0274) and decreases in resistance index (P=0·0002) and pulsatility index (P<0·001). Clinical Significance: Echoencephalography and spectral Doppler ultrasonography of the middle cerebral artery in canine foetuses might be a useful technique for prenatal care. © 2013 British Small Animal Veterinary Association.


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Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the stifle joints of little spotted cats in captivity using radiographic and CT studies. The hypothesis was that these animals would have meniscal mineralisation that could be detectable by imaging studies. Twelve intact little spotted cats (Leopardus tigrinus), 2 females and 10 males, aged from 1.5 to 11.11 years old and weighing 1.9-3.05 kg were studied. These animals, which were living in the Quinzinho de Barros Municipal Zoo, had no symptoms or known disease processes at the time of the study. The plain radiographs and computed tomography (CT) scans of both stifle joints were performed under general anaesthesia. Sequential transverse images were acquired on a spiral scanner.Results: No signs of articular disease were observed in any of the animals. Radiographically, the meniscal mineralisation was detected as an oval radiopacity in the cranial compartment on the mediolateral projection, located within the area of the medial meniscus. On craniocaudal projection, the mineralisation was more difficult to visualise. In one of the animals, it was not possible to identify the meniscal mineralisation in either of the stifle joints. Using CT, meniscal mineralisation was best identified in the transverse plane images.Conclusions: Meniscal mineralisation appears to be a normal anatomic feature in little spotted cats. © 2013 Rahal et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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The trigeminal nerve, fifth equal of cranial nerves, a mixed nerve is considered by possessing motor and sensitive components. The sensitive portion takes to the Nervous System Central somesthesics information from the skin and mucous membrane of great area of the face, being responsible also for a neural disease, known as the Trigeminal Neuralgia. The aim of this study was to review the literature on the main characteristics of Trigeminal Neuralgia, the relevant aspects for the diagnosis and treatment options for this pathology. This neuralgia is characterized by hard pains and sudden, similar to electric discharges, with duration between a few seconds to two minutes, in the trigeminal nerve sensorial distribution. The pain is unchained by light touches in specific points in the skin of the face or for movements of the facial muscles, it can be caused by traumatic sequels or physiologic processes degenerative associate the vascular compression. Prevails in the senior population, frequently in the woman. In a unilateral way it attacks more the maxillary and mandibular divisions, rarely happens in a simultaneous way in the three branches of trigeminal nerve three branches.